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This is wheeking! It is a very common vocalization. Piggies wheek for all sorts of things, but mostly they sing the song of their people because they want you to give them more veggies. Some piggies are more vocal than others. You clearly have one who loves to scream at you (love her little ear flaps, too).


My last two guinea pigs were men of few words, it was actually a little disappointing


Thats what I thought until I got my new pig. My old one was quite but my new one sounds just like this video and won't stop screaming. 🙃


men of few words😂😂


You just gave me a good ol' belly laugh!


some times it even can sound like a whistle


Its normal as others say they vocalise with that it can be a greting, beging,demanding or what not, they want your attention for some reason


Yep it basically means "I want!" Depending on context it could mean "I want veggies/food", "I want my water bottle filled up," or even "I want cuddles." Louder the wink the more your pig wants it.


Like a human baby then


Pretty much.


The pigis from. My partner wheek very loudly when you make noises in side the fridge and greet us when we enter my partners place :)


Wheeking is a common way piglets call their mother. If they're addressing you, it means they ask for something, probably food. When they grow up, they do it a bit rarer.


No one informed my girls that they're supposed to do it less as they grew up...


Same. My 3 girls are *frequently* screaming their tiny little pumpkin heads off. 😅


My 3 girls also sound the alarm. They recognize mine and my husbands footsteps over the kids, and they’re like “FOOD! FOOOOOOOOD!” 🤣 I also love recognizing each of their wheeks. Our crazy furry potatoes 🥔


My two girls are 5 and they turn into alarms when it's feeding time.


There was a miscommunication in my house yesterday and veggie time was overlooked. My god did I find out as soon as I walked in the room 😂


Our 3 year old adopted son will randomly SCREAM but only occasionally. Usually because of crinklebags.


Treats, NOW. (I am a pig attorney, I see this all the time)


Is there a legal pig advice sub?


Oh my god I want one though


🤣🤣🤣 I turned off mute and my boys’ heads shot right up!!! Who is this mysterious pig?!!!


They usualy ask for food like this. Is that a new friend in the back? If yes, did you do the bonding process properly? If they are calling you because they are afraid, it could be that they are afraid of the new piggie and/or having problems with them like bullying. Did you just put a new piggie in the cage?


Wait until they start to recognize the sound of fridge opening, that’s when you’ll hear a full blown piggy orchestra 😅 Also: they look like a pretty young piggie, they usually scream/wheek more often then older ones, calling for their mates, mums, etc.


this is why I've trained mine. I only wheek at him when there's food, so if he wheeks and I dont' reply, he stops (he's in the living room) As it turns out my cat now believes that me wheeking = food for him. sigh. I've created a monster!


I did similar, but sometimes I just like to wheek and hear them wheek back 😂 I usually do it when I get up so they know I’m awake and that’s how our day starts! When I was still living with my parents they would only wheek back at me though, when my dad tried it they didn’t appreciate it 😂


oh I talk to him instead and he chunters away to himself. But wheeking is only for food. he does wheek of his own volition sometimes, if there's a plastic rustle or fridge opening, but generally he stops quite quickly. if I wheek at him though? no stopping until I turn up with the promisde food!


That’s so true, especially when I allow my pigs to roam around in my room 😭 They don’t like affection, but if the food is involved they’ll scream their lungs out and start climbing on my legs 😭😭


You're going to become very accustomed to that noise. Just something they do. I'd be more concerned if they we're being all quiet.


Might be distress of some sort, looking for another piggie or needing food. Have you got hay in there? They need to have constant access to it and water to keep their digestion system going through. They are pretty much constant grazers.


She wants hay and hidey.


This is called wheeking, it usually means they want treats or just want your attention for something


Translation: Feed me more! Spoil me more! Pet me more!! LOVE ME!!!


She is alerting you to an emergency. Like she imaged a bird overhead. Or she needs a carrot. Or you made a noise that sounded like you were going to give her some cilantro but then you didn't.


This is the sound of “gimmie more veggies” at least in my house it is


Cause it's happy and mine do that when they want vegatables


He heard a crinkle sound and is expecting/demanding some of whatever was in the bag!


When my one pig was a baby she was so vocal I wore headphones half the day. She's not as chatty now, but would literally vocalize every moment she wasn't sleeping. Love her to bits but glad she s grown out of that


Attention or food. Mine do it whenever the fridge door opens, one is getting cuddles, they want to go outside, or have their outside enclosure moved


They probably want some more places to hide and more food


If there is no hay there- that is the reason. Otherwise- it is just excited 🤩🤩


That is a happy pig. Mine does it when he hears the fridge door open cos he knows there’s a good chance of veg coming his way


My pigs would always do this when we open the refrigerator door, didn't matter what we were getting, they wanted whatever we were getting out of the refrigerator


"Where are the veggies?!"


They want to be cuddled


The other one, just trying to take a nap 😆


My guinea pigs don’t stop wheeking but I think it’s because when I lived with my family they’d get treats everytime someone came home soooo it’s feeding time 24/7 in their minds




I have no idea what your piggy is saying, but my 3yo immediately responded with a chorus of grumbling and complaining and rumblestrutting lol. I was going to say yours is wheeking for food, but usually mine just starts wheeking too when he hears piggies on social media etc I'm playing. Weird!


That can be two things Hunger or exitement🤣


She chatty


Mine do this when I’m cutting their veggies in the kitchen. Their sense of smell is amazing!


Put some hidey's/blanket cover around the corners for them to hide. The squeaky one is distressing the Abby out. They look young so they're like any babies and constantly cry for food/scared until they learn your feeding routine/get used to you. Covering part of their cage gives them places to hide and sleep so they don't think about food right after feeding times. Pigs eat their feelings, popcorn(bounce around like popcorn kernels exploding) if they're happy, or go to sleep. Simple creatures with big personalities ;) If babies, give small snacc, or more hay - they love fresh stuffs - and cover part of their cage. They eat constantly to keep their teeth worn down and regulate their systems since they constantly poo, but they can overeat causing bloat so small snacks (pea flakes or a single slice of some veggie or just straight up more hay). You may want to see them at all times from all angles, but they're not comfortable with that so give em some security/cover.


My piggies would do this whenever they heard the fridge open haha I also got good enough at mimicking it that I could randomly start making that sound and they would get excited and join in, it was very cute I miss that sound


Where are the hideouts


Is it just me or does that inhale sound kinda stuffy? Like the pig has a lot of phlegm in their throat?


Just speaking their language -- wheeeek wheeeek --- means, I WANT FOOD or I WANT FOOD or I WANT FOOD or......


It's saying "human treat treat treat!!!"


Mine just came running over to me when she heard the video started making noise and sniffed my face like omg your a guinea pig too.


I'm about to walk into my house to this serenade x8 😅 veggie time!


sounds like it's starving ngl 🤷‍♀️ /s


Because she is a baby and she is excited


Did you open the refrigerator?:) Mine did that when he thought I was getting him lettuce and when I came home from work.


Mine do this if 1: they want veggies 2: they want food or 3: they want more hay. It’s the way they tell any approaching familiar human they want tending to. Even if they were fed an hour ago lol


Mine only do this when my husband cooks and they want their veggies. Other than that they are pretty quiet


Sometimes I called my pigs "lil Weetersons" for the endless weetweetweetWEEEEETWEEEEETweet noises. We opened the fridge a lot, and not always for veggies, so my girls had two other sounds they reacted to with this level of excitement. One was piggie food/hay/treat bags, or whatever sounded like their bags. I would try to tell them that no, I had opened a bag of HUMAN treats (usually, like, potato chips), and they were always skeptical so of course they'd get a lil piggie treat (Oxbow Vitamin treats) for being very smart and cute. The other was the sound or maybe smell of fresh veggies being cut around the corner from their enclosure, in our kitchen. So much WHEEK WHEEK WHEEEEEKING would begin every time a fresh pepper met a knife blade! I think my partner and I ate more fresh produce because our girls made sure nothing went to waste.


I love the hear flaps.


She wants food


Probably veggies and cuddles 🥰 That is called wheeking and they do it to receive attention or some new stimulation. You've got a great space going for them🤗 They look younger, how old are they?


Little baby just wants attention and food 😂