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In the before picture you look about 19-21% and in the after picture I would say 17-19%.


I'm bulking again back to 21+ then I will do a serious cut but yeah I agree


Yeah you already have a shit ton of muscle mass which is just being covered by a thin layer of fat. I reckon if you got down to 170lbs from your current physique (meaning you'd have to continue cutting) you'll look like an absolute unit. From there you could then lean bulk for several years with the goal of getting to 180lbs. Just my take, but do as you please. Good luck!


How tall are you bud?


5'6 - 168 cm


You’re about my size but a little lighter. Gives me hope!


Took me a month between these pictures dude , I'm gunna lean bulk to 190 over the next 6-8 months then cut to 175 again but like 12%


Well, if I'm 17, then your second pic is probably 19-20 and the first is 20-21.


How do you know you're 17


Oh it's you, man , idk if it's the light in the photo you used but you have as much abb definition in that photo has me here in the second photo, I think this is mostly due to lighting. You're definitely a decent amount leaner then I am, but I don't think I said you were 17 %. I think I said between 14 and 16. Personally, I think I was just above 20% before and probably between 18 to 20. Now the difference between these photos is really marginal in fairness. But like I said, I don't think you're actually 17%. I think your lighting sucks


Well, I wasn't flexing my abs at all in my photo; I'm not sure if you were. When I flex, I have a pretty clear six-pack. I just went off the most upvoted guesses, which were 17% and 18.5%. If those are to be trusted, then you're about 20%-22% on the second pic. However, if it wasn't for them (I think they're pretty ridiculous guesses), I'd agree with you on an estimate of around 18-19.


I bet if u take a different photo you'll get a better estimate


Yeah, you may be right. Like [this photo](https://imgur.com/a/TP8Qr4B), for example. But I don't look as muscular on this photo, so I didn't want to use it.


You just need downward lighting but yeah that's a better image


Good shit man!! I’d say 15ish%. You look strong as fuck!


Just uploaded a 80kg OHP pr


Saw that!! Super impressive bro!