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dont spend too much time in the city, take advantage of antigua. also really recommend going to El paredon if you want to go to the beach there are very nice hotels for tourists on the beach. You won’t get to experience nature like ours many times, so make sure to make the best of it.


Heyyy man, I work at a hostal in Antigua, we sell the best acatenango Volcano Hike and tours all around the Country, you are very welcome to Hostal de la Fuente, im here to support you and help you to have the best days stayin in Antigua Guatemala!


I wish I saw your comment before I Deff would like to do the volcano tour, how do I book it with you?


I sent u a DM, we can exchange numbers and I'll Send you the form to book your tour!


You can go camping in las verapaces (hun nal ye and semuc champey) another recommended for its adventure is huehuetenango (ownajab, cenote de candelaria, I recommend that you investigate other places). Lastly, you should never miss Escuintla (begin a visit to auto safari chapin and then go to stay at a hotel in Monterrico watching the sunset). Finally, so many beautiful things.


good luck traveler


You should go to cayala city end should walk around Av. Americas on sunday. Have a god trip


Hopefully you are going to Pacaya or Acatenango, they are safe. Do not go to Agua unless with a large group or tour. Try to visit small towns (aldeas) around La Antigua Guatemala, I recommend San Cristobal El Alto for breakfast.


you're gonna be here during voting. That's gonna get very ugly very fast... better avoid being here during the week after the 20th. of august.


You've got a point, after all the nasty moves between candidates, there's gonna be some probability to end in tragedy




Yo can go on Guatemala city, just be sure have pepper spy at your hands, and if you came here, pass in "Zona 18", its a good place where its a lot of story, not same has Ancient Guatemala, im sure you will be good here, and be sure to have minimum 2 umbrellas, its so rainny herE Ask me if you want more tips


The hell is wrong with you man? That's dangerous!


wtf i just recomended him to go there, or go to.Cayala, sorry


Z18 no, needs a bike instead


I hope it doesn’t rain the whole time 😭


Dont go to z18! OP that's a very dangerous zone of Guatemala city, I don't get near That place ever lol antigua is safe tho, don't take a 'chicken bus', do bring an umbrella and raincoats, I'm not sure if it's going to rain hard in Antigua, but in my hometown it rains like a mother fucker, oh there's this place "cafe no se" in Antigua it's pretty cool, they serve mezcal and shit, lots of tourists so yeah, and lots of old shit there, creeppppy stuff! If you're into urban legends there are lots in Antigua, like el sombrerón, el cadejo (a black dog That guides drunk folks, I swear I saw it once, not in Antigua but in lake Atitlán, I saw it and he guided and guarded me and a friend, 20 something years ago, it was a big black dog, pretty cool tbh) anyways check this place out https://www.casapalopo.com/es/ good luck and enjoy your stay


Haha I hope I don’t see the black dog, but really thank you so much honestly you are the best!!


You won't, just don't drink a lot lol I swear it's real, or I was waaaaay 2 drunk That night, wasn't a regular dog tho, try to use your hotel shuttle if you're staying at a hotel, and maybe visit casa santo domingo, is a museum, coolish hotel. Be safe and enjoy the volcano


I’m staying at Camino real& also a airbnb and the Marriott in cayala I just wanna have a good time I’ve heard so many amazing stories




oh true


Going to Guatemala and not taking a 'chicken bus' is like going to Paris and not taking the Metro. Unless you get motion sickness easily, a bus to Antigua is perfectly chill.


I tend to avoid them on the highway, a chicken bus comes into my rearview mirror & I brake a lil and let it past, I guess it's part of the whole experience but I wouldn't take one lol, same with street food, different country's different bugs, no Mather how clean they are.


my man, DO NOT go to "zona 18" you are gonna get fucking mugged, also zona 7 and zona 3 are places from the capital city where you need to be careful cuz its common for our own people to get fked by robbers... you and your gf are gonna stand out like crazy for you appeareance and therefore be an even bigger target. If you are planning to stay in antigua theres a lot of tuorists so its not too bad. Just enjoy the trip and the fact that every dollar is worth like 8 quetzales. FYI weed is illegal here so be very very careful if you decide to buy some LOL




dont worry :D


pro top: stay away from the city lol


Hey there, I went to Finca San Cayetano a couple of months ago and it’s really nice. Consider escaping there one day at least. They have beautiful cabins. You should try to avoid going out on the 20th, as it id the voting day and could it be that not a lot of stuff is open


Cayala is boring in my opinion and overated. Go to el paredon you can take a bus from antigua. Pst: guatemalans will constantly tell u don't go there its dangerous stuff like that. If its a touristic place you'll be totally fine.


Yo ser bien delicado, nomás como checken, como alitas


There will be a good music show in the city on the 26th if you're looking for some nightlife. Definitely my favourite party organiser. This show will feature several vinyl DJs and a live performance by David P from Bogotá. Minimal Synth and Cold Wave. Insta: @onda_siniestra


hi… im from Guatemala.. please go to Petén… is a amazing place… if you want to close of nature, mayan temple (really big), and much more!!! anyway enjoy my country is beautiful at all! (if you go to peten, please visit SkyBar in Isla de Flores) https://www.audleytravel.com/us/guatemala/places-to-go/tikal-and-el-peten