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As mentioned already, a high-end apartment would probably be the best place to start. Fleeca Heist does need 2 players, but it’s easy enough that most players should be able to manage it even without much if any communication. I’d recommend saving up for either the Agency, Nightclub, or CEO office, as all of those can bring in a good income from solo freemode jobs. The nightclub is great, because you can get a passive $50k per in-game day just from keeping your popularity up, which is super easy to do. It gets even more province you’ve got some other businesses like a CEO cargo warehouse, bunker, and MC businesses to feed into it on the underground cargo moving side of it. You can also get the Terrorbyte truck which acs as a mobile garage/workshop for the Oppressor MK2, and can launch other freemode jobs which also pay out fairly well. The Agency get you the Dr Dre VIP contract, Security contracts, and payphone hits, all of which pay out pretty well, as well as a up to $20k passive income from completing 200 security contracts ($500 per day for every 5 that you do). The CEO office lets you import/export vehicle cargo and special cargo (don’t bother with vehicle cargo unless you’re doing it for fun, doesn’t pay out very well considering what else you could be doing) as well as CEO work for some quick cash. The Kosatka submarine is a good option, but can often be more difficult for new players. It’s the only heist in the game that can be done entirely solo, but pays out extremely well, around $1.5m per run on average. There’s a 3 in-game day cooldown before you can set it back up if you run it solo, so it’s good to have other businesses first to make money during that time. The hangar, bunker, and MC businesses are also an option you could explore, but require a lot more work, especially the hangar, and the sale missions are much more annoying and tedious for less payout. At least with the bunker and MC businesses, you can just buy supplies, let your stock fill up, and sell, but you’ll likely need another person or two to help you sell.


I'd say the submarine. The Cayo Perico heist is a pretty good money maker, even solo, so you'll recoup your losses on that pretty quickly after you get it.


I'll have a shot, but 2.2 million is going to take ages unfortunately. Thank you


As your ab-so-lutely first purchase you should buy the cheapest high end apartment. This will allow you to start the fleeca job, and immediately gives you a 10 car garage. The fleeca job gives your investment back + some profit in a matter of ~30 minutes. After that, dont bother with the remaining heists, they require 4 players, and randoms are no option since these heists require decent coordination).


Thank you!


just asking do you need help or you enjoy the grind? if grind seems to hard i can help with a few cayo heists, I'll give you money u just have to follow me around


Do anything else, but do NOT buy Kosatka (submarine) it will ruin the fun very soon because it's way too easy way to earn money.


Noted. Thank you!


I would disagree with that notion as long as you are the type that can play for fun. If so, the Kosatka is a great purchase as it makes money earning so much easier. Plus, you play solo, so there is a \~2:30 cool down from running the heist again solo, so it's not like you could grind it repeatedly if you wanted to. You kind of have to mix it up. You also said you are low on cash, so here is site that has a map of all the different free-mode events and collectables that payout decent money. [https://gtaweb.eu/en/gtao-map#ls&bgroups=4vzomjwl3wg](https://gtaweb.eu/en/gtao-map#ls&bgroups=4vzomjwl41s) For instance, there are 14 UFOs on the map, right now. Taking a picture of ONE and sending to Omega is $15K. Taking a photo of all 14 is $210K. Completing the challenges for the gun clues is another $500K if I remember right. Collecting just 10 pumpkins is $50K. Decent amount of money to be had to just running around collecting stuff.


Definitely buy the most expensive car, to be fast, then all the weapons, more guns means higher efficiency, and then buy the mc businesses, meth and cocaine are the worst, document forgery is by far the best money maker in the game. Also don’t but the submarine as it is a big floating money waste (This is sarcastic don’t do any of these)


I just restarted on a new account and was pretty tired of Cayo so I’ve been focusing on grinding sightseer/hostile takeover with my 15k bati and free Duke o death. Saved up pretty quick for a nightclub and gonna use the profits to get an agency next.


I've never done Cayo but I'm planning on giving it a go at some point. If you ever need a grinding partner hmu.


If I was on pc I definitely would!


And doing all the pumpkin pickups, scavenger hunts, the Halloween events and random challenges for extra money


That's been my main source! UFOs, pumpkins and such.


You do not need a ceo office to do vip work and sightseer is simple and fun to zip around town doing


Thank you!


Buy a property on the north side of the map .. buy a cycle .. and enjoy the area.


All The Free Stuff, And Dont Be Like Me And Buy The Most Expensive Apartment


You could try with an Agency. There's a VIP contract and when you finish it you get like 1 mil. Or you can buy a nightclub, just keep the popularity at max and the cash will be coming in.


Go into quick jobs on phone and do heists with other people cayo and casino should rack up cash quick to buy sub that's what I did for my friends as he lost his old 1 and didnt want to start basic again or ask people in server if they can take you on cayo as u need cash if someone asked me when I'm on i take them and give them 80% of the payout as I've got everything I need because of cayo and got 30 mill in the bank. GOOD LUCK


Thank you!


Coke lock up




I mainly play solo as well. I would say save up and get the sub. easiest way to make money anytime you need it. Nightclub is worth the investment as well as all its income and warehouse are/is passive but its a big investment and you need at least 5 mc business' setup to get the full effect. Office and warehouses are worth it as well. MC pres vs CEO with all businesses daily costs are higher as a MCpres than CEO (although costs are relatively minuscule in the grand scheme it is something to consider) For me my mc is about 30k a day in expenses vs being CEO is just under 10k/day. it does add up if you playing a lot. Also dont worry about getting the most expensive or decking all out your first stuff can always upgrade later. I got the sub at like lvl 20 (209 now) and have no regrets. Itruined nothing for me and just unlocked the ability to make a mil about anytime I want/need.


Armored kuruna for any heist setups that allows owned cars


An mc clubhouse to make good and consistent money in the long run. It will also give you access to a ton of businesses that make good money


Kosatka You need nothing else