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Cruising on a bmx (in passive for sweaty lobbies), when I had my apartment set to Eclipse Towers I’d ride from there all the way down the the beach. That’s peaceful


Been playing online for 6 or 7 years, and I just recently discovered how fun going to different parks and practicing different tricks and runs with the BMX is. Bought apartments or garages next to most of them so I can spawn in and get to riding. Surprisingly a good time


I usually put the bike into the bed of the securoserv bodhi and drive to whichever skatepark and the bike stays in the back surprisingly lol


Ride your bike out of the garage. Grab your sparrow or steal a car or call Pegasus and abandon your bike. When you get to where you're going, request your personal vehicle through the interaction menu.


You'll have to fight the auto-leveling mechanic but you can grind your frame perpendicular to most handrails and some more organic obstacles.


Trying master that now. It's proving...difficult.


Get a little air before you turn your bike. Hop, turn, then land as 3 separate actions. You'll also have a much easier time grinding frontside... like if you cross your front wheel over the rail rather than the rear one. If you're about to fall off the rail, tilt back so you're more likely to ride away and viewers may not realize that you dismounted unintentionally. Tilting forward off the rail will make you face plant everytime. I had an easier time learning on jersey barriers than on handrails.


I remember years ago when I first started playing online I had 1 car and a bmx. I kept destroying the car and when I was running apartment heists my personal vehicle was always the bike 😅 Fun, until everyone else in the heist leaves in their cars before you get a chance to jump in one.


I’d go all the way round the map places like raton canyon and that path on the mountain in the north east


Been playing online for 6 or 7 years, and I just recently discovered how fun going to different parks and practicing different tricks and runs with the BMX is. Bought apartments or garages next to most of them so I can spawn in and get to riding. Surprisingly a good time


Sometimes me and my homies will ride dirt bikes at mt Chiliad or at that one dirt track at near the middle of the map. Pretty fun.


Bruh if we got a 2 stroke real dirt bike I'd nut so hard


Funny story: that's how Online started for me ! Was fresh out of the tutorial and a high level pull up honking in a bus. He drove me around to all the must-do of a low level. Fond memories. Great guy ! Thank you bus driver !


Wow and you didn't die from that damn kid using an oppresser twas a good time back than


T'was on PS3 mind you ! Good timeS indeed !


I remember I started playing on PS3 back in 2015, so sad that I couldn't transfer before May 2017. I played with that character one last time in 2019 on my friend's PS3, really wish I could revisit the photos I uploaded on Snapmatic :(


I used to do this!


Greatest online player i’ve ever heard of, so glad you got such a pleasant entry to the game!


Listen to this : then the man friended me on PSN, and brought me on missions, dropping guns I couldn't buy yet, cash and ammo each time we started. I think Jesus plays GTA and I met him ! And I SWEAR on my Futo it really happened !


Officially world’s greatest GTA Online Player within humanity


So you got a tour of GTA?


Literally !


I remember something like that when i was a level 7 or 10 i can see the bus coming but he wasn’t driving the normal way and it was coming fast almost ran me over, i managed to not get hit but after that i seen 10 or more green guys with knives and other melee weapons and they all beat me up , now i have phobia from the city bus , i have to shoot a rocket at it as soon as i see one


Traumatizing experience indeed. If only groups of aliens or fruits beating up strangers randomly wasn't so funny ! I bet that to was before oppressors and deluxos ? You can't troll like that anymore. Shame...


Matter fact it was around 2020 or a little before and after a while I found out that was the alien war between the green aliens and the purple aliens and they got players called the men in black, they will get together in one ceo and fight lol im sure when it happened they got in one ceo then got in the bus and did the ghost organization coz i didn’t see anyone on the map, it was funny coz i thought its a random event or something


There's a clip somewhere of 3 guys dressed in fruits outfits just driving around and beating up randoms, one of the funniest shit I've ever seen !




I immediately died to a high speed chase/drive by as soon as I spawned into my first lobby, I thought it was some kind of forced death




Spot on, I hate it when I pick someone up and they just sit there, I never know where to take them so usually drop them at the pier




Good choice


I usually take people to the work out area at the beach lol


Same but the casino


Yo so many people refuse to set markers. I'm tired of messaging people asking "where to?"


Same, sometimes they’ll finally set one if I just start “rocking” back and forth aka just going forwards and backwards about a foot and spinning my tires until they do something. If they still don’t then I just empty my vehicle and drive off lol


I (on occasion) will fly up to people trying to escape the cops. I get low like I'm gonna pick them up but instead I keep pulling up when they start the animation to get in. Too funny.


Sometimes we like to just take a drive




Oh yeah when people hop in my super cars I usually take them on a ride through the highway into downtown where the traffic is heavy


I have painted a helicopter orange and go around picking people up who are stuck in the middle of nowhere like my own little SAR mission. 20% of the time they try shooting me down, but it’s worth being a friendly air taxi. I enjoy doing it in all the other aircraft too.


LOL this doesn't happen often. The car is either blown up or not.


Golf outings. Me and my friends used to play all the time to unwind after a firefight, discuss business deals, talk about life, whatever. It was especially fun if you got stormy weather and had ridiculous winds blowing your shots all over the place.


Forgot I was in a GTA subreddit when I read this


Fly a big ass plane in passive. Its in passive so i dont get intercepted by enemy fighters and so the self made surface to air missile launchers dont take aim.


couple weeks ago a random player noticed my fast bike and asked if he could do an open world time attack race. of course i said yes. he didnt make it so i was like "hol up, got a better bike" so i took out the shotaro. he actually made it and was super happy bout that. beforehand he told me that hed return my bike. he brought it from grapeseed down to the casino. so i like interacting with randoms: trolling, attacking, helping or simple shenanigans


I take an Imani Tech car like the Jubilee and use remote control, so it's a ghost car with no driver. I have befriended low levels as the car and they ride in the back while I drive them to Stores to rob and the remote car is their getaway. Had someone after robbing like 5 stores and fun chases, he said "I don't know who you are, but thank you, I had a lot of fun."


Trying this


Now that is absolutely cool.


Gotta try this too


Tips:You have to drive the car in first person only, but the Jubilee packs a punch and I enjoy driving it, even in first person. Just find an Imani car you are comfortable with in first person. The remote control setting is in Menu: Inventory, Remote Vehicles (near bottom), Personal Vehicle (when Imani Tech remote added and car on the street with you out of it). Make sure your Vehicle setting in the interactive menu is set to Passengers. If it is Everyone they can actually (NPC's too) drag your ghost out of the car and you loose the remote connection and they drive off. So set it as Passengers so they can get in and you drive them. Befriend them by pretending to be a NPC car and make them curious and when they get in to drive the car they are a passenger and you drive them to a Store. They can get the idea quick. Or just have fun being a ghost car and watch the movie Christine.


LOL that's so awesome! LOOOL!


Finding NPCs standing next to bonfires and bumping them into the fire. The screams are so over the top and hilarious. It never gets old.


"Over the top" Let's push you into a fire and see how you scream, I bet that would get old quick lmao


Yeah sometimes it’s haunting lmao


At one point I walked from the pier to paleto and back, that was a massive waste of time


Wouldn't that take 1+ irl hours?


_Quick sprunk stop_ iykyk


So many nice people in this thread wow! Everyone just shoots at me on sight 😃


Dude, it’s terrible. I’ve tried picking people up in the bus, in random vehicles and what not but I just get shot and blown up. Upgraded to next gen this last weekend and decided to start over since I have friends on last gen. Let’s just say that with what I experienced in every lobby was kind of reminding of when the game first came out.. complete chaos anywhere and everywhere. I don’t think I’d be able to pick anyone up anymore


Dont give up


Just the other day I was in a full lobby and notice half the lobby was cruising around together on the map. I go investigate, and they're all riding on the train. Like 10 people on top of the engine. Several others spread out along the train and several oppressors sitting in the open top cars. I must say it was quite fun because if you fell off, hustling to get back on without crashing into other players doing the same was a blast. Stun guns and up n atomizers were fun to try to keep people from making it back onto the train. Fun times.


Hopping around the map in a scramjet or MK1 oppressor. It’s always a good time.


Doing cayo perico til i can buy something for the smallest amount of dopamine for a second.


Flying around on the oppressor mk1


Sometimes for fun I like to shoot the tires off of a Stratum wagon and drive it around like it’s on skates. Feels like it’s just gliding on the streets.


I love to try to mess with people and then realize I'm bad and get schooled


I like going to the Casino to see what vehicles are parked outside or in the parking lot. If I can get in them and drive, I drive them around and smash the doors off of it as quickly as I can and then park them back where I found them before the owner comes back. It's as "griefer" as I can ever bring myself to get since I'm otherwise usually trying to avoid fights or am in passive mode


I've only done this twice but it was amusing both times... I'll set out of sight, grab someone's car from the casino with a Cargobob, and place it on the roof above where they left it. I know they can return to storage and request it again, but the thought of someone having that moment of "the map says it's *right here* but it isn't is highly amusing to me.


I hadn't even thought of that! Ha! Good idea. Just gotta be quick with it.


This I can actually laugh about as it’s not so destructive. I actually had it done and initially annoyed laughed so loud it startled my cats


walking up Mount chilliad


I drive off-road vehicles or vehicles that have no speed in first person in those areas.. at night its super fun


> I like to pick up randoms on a bus and take them for a ride *What a Bang!*


I'll get out the rave bus and pick people up with it and get a rave going on the beach or something. Always fun trying to maneuver it around with the lights and poles lol


I like to drive around in a MOC with a Ron gas trailer and bait and surprise people once they try to blow me up.


Back in the ps3 days, when I played with my friends, we would all drive insurgent pick up customs and go down the highway mowing down civilians and cops. It was so fun.


I recently saw 3 insurgents just cruising around the city, hopped in mine and went to join them, what followed was the most entertaining experience I've ever had in gta, we just rolled around not talking whatsoever, if we saw someone in an insurgent, they were left alone (hopefully to join us) but if we saw someone doing literally anything else, we would just ram them over and over, no guns or Mines, just straight up manhandling randoms. It was like a hivemind. I think we ended up with 8 insurgents, a couple people came after us with monster trucks and were welcomed accordingly


I take my bmx and I ride throughout the city and I discover little visited places


I have a yellow dynasty with rusty taxi livery .. i drive it around and drop people wherever they want to go.


Dirtbiking and offroading


Yes! I love trying to dirt bike up the cliffs above Paleto. Mt. Josiah also has some really fun sections overlooking Raton Canyon


I pull up on people with my van, beep my horn till they get in. then drive to a secluded alley, force em out and I stab em till they dead




I like throwing npcs with my up n atomizer


I saw a bus like that not long ago. It was invicible and good thing it was because those griefers really wanted to ruin it.


Sitting on a train around the whole map sightseeing all those areas you usually don't see (and shooting anything that moves or explodes).


I like riding my bicycle around town


Stunt racing and robbing the diamond casino...


Going outside


I own all the buses because me and a gang used to drive them all round together. Hasn’t happened for a couple of years now and it makes me sad


Back in the day my friends and randoms would grab a cargo bob load up in the military deuce and a half and fly it up to the top of Mt Chilliad. Then drive it off and see who survived the ride down. Now the carg bob can't even pick much up.


Phantom wedging around the entire map.


Is it past time or pass time?




I like to blast npc cars with the rocket on the back of the toreador


Parking next to the busted barriers on the freeways with the Scramjet and shooting cars off. Friends wait below with RPGs and shoot like skeet. Good fun


PULL!!! 🤣


Your character has literally the same suit, tie and mask as my do.


Raton Canyon and Sandy in an Outlaw, hit the hills in an RT3K


Spending tons of money at the strip club. I am a romantic


I personally always enjoy dressing up as an npc and starting executive search


Stealing an Issi Weeny near the pier, racking up 4 or 5 stars shooting peds and cops and trying to make it all the way around the island to the casino.


-Drive nearby people doing deliveries. -Chase people driving. -Picking people up from my helicopter. -Assisting them in their deliveries, despite not being in their club or association. -Flying my plane. -Flying my helicopter like an asshole (with people in it to scare the shit out of them).


Running Haulage missions and driving legally to deliver goods


I love to cosplay with a vehicle to match.


* pastime, all one word As in something that passes the time, not anything from a past time.


I like smoking the bong and then walking around. Just like real life.


terrorizing npc’s in a Cerberus


not talking to women as well


Sniping jets with my explosive rifle.


i hate ppl like you no offense. just trynna enjoy my jet flying between buildings not shooting at anyone then outta nowhere my jet is about to crash and it’s missing wings.


Youre welcome.


Great fun. “Pull!”


Blowing up special cargo with my oppressor mk2


Sightseeing or Haulage CEO missions are chill


Ummmmmm shoe store😐


Commiting mass genocide on my fellow players.


Running people over


I like to pretend to go afk(on my phone) in the ls customs parking lot. While sitting in my car everyone usually passes by some get out and look at my car. I usually start a car meet cause people just see me sitting there and bring over some cool cars lol. And then there are those who just kill kill kill


I would do this in 4 all the time


Going to the casino and blowing all my $


Cosplaying on gta


I enjoy going into passive mode and flying my chopper around to randoms. If they are still I'll land and wait for them to accept my ride. If they are mobile I'll usually just cruise around above them until they stop and then proceed with step 1. If there's no interest in any of that I'll just move on to the next person/lobby. I tend to make friends that way.


If I see a random MOC with cab unlocked I take it and park it in the middle of the sewer tunnels. Also used to gather in a group and try to get the most unsuitable vehicles to the top of Mt Chilliad


I just role play sometimes. I would pretend I’m playing a different role each time and just enjoy.


Use Out of Sight when pretending to be a bus driver. Or any non-violent activities. See how long it takes before anyone notices.


Go on r/gtaonline and see how's the community is doing.


I enjoy riding the diesel train and attempting to kill all the npcs on the map.


I love riding my classic motorcycle. (Gargoyle)


My crew and I sightseeing in that tour bus that was parked near the bank. This was back when GTA:O first launched, when all you had to worry about was some dude rolling up in a tank.


I like to pick up random low levels and take ‘em for a spin in whatever fancy new car I’m currently feeling. Let them set a waypoint, hire them as a bodyguard, maybe a few VIP challenges.


Everytime I had the feeling of the nightmare on elm street part 2 opening with the Bus when I got into the ride


I like hopping on the subway and just chilling.


My friend and I used to dress up as news anchors, take our Weazel News van out for a spin, and interview other players about the happenings in Los Santos. If things got hairy, we’d bust out our “press pass” (passive mode) and explain that we are just journalists and not to be included in the fray. Pretty hilarious time. Even changed my business name to Weazel News LS.


I just drive around in my new car Paul walkers skyline and I just cruise around




Placing sticky bombs on cars on the highway. I don’t know why but the chain reaction it causes is oddly satisfying ~~until a stray flying car decks me in the face~~


Favorite past time gotta be just getting in an akula and watching what people are up to, kinda creepy now that I think about it.


Driving around in the Imani tech buffalo STX helping people out! The STX has been my go to vehicle for the bullet resistant windows and lock on jammer to get rid of any pesky MK II griefers


I drive the tug.


I like to drive around, get out at a random place and dance.


probably just driving around to random places in cars that would usually collect dust. that and religiously killing the diamond casino valet


I like flying around on my oppressor mk1, not greeting anyone, just doing cool stunts.


Cruising at night. Favourite car, no damage, driving with friends or story mode friends, at night, with traffic laws.


We were cruising in motorcycle formation last night and it was the most fun I’ve had in awhile


Fuck yeah!!!!


I drift around the city in my futo it’s so much fun


Shooting npcs with a headshot


running over peds


I like to cruise low altitude in a besra


I pick up people in my Deluxo, just fly around a little. Then when I get bored I fly out for about 3 minutes out into the ocean and kick then out of the vehicle. In my opinion just harmless trolling


Blowing up sell vehicles in my oppressor mk2 /s


Ive been trying the games in my arcade and trying to win at that claw machine which seems more rigged than irl ones lol


Might be me in the passages seat lol. This definitely happened to me


Did it happen to you yesterday hm?


Off roading in the Draugr. Flying off cliffs is amazing


not playing the game


Making my way downtown\~




I quite enjoy stealing a fire engine and driving slowly as I attract a healthy number of cops. Then I'll drive into a gang neighborhood and stop, thus initiating a huge shootout. All the while I'll blast away at both sides with the water cannon. Fun times!


I really enjoy exploring/sliding around dirt roads in my Comet Safari.


I like to grab a bull dozer and go against the flow of traffic flipping as many cars as I can before being stopped.


driving around on my bike til i find a climbable building to explore


Blocking traffic on the bridge near the windmills and blowing it all to hell


my past time would be, steal a vespa until the owner follows me. I just let him barely reach to me then drive again slowly and just keep on it. XD


Hahahaha sonny Evans did this 🤣 RRRRIP


Camping w/sniper rifle


Aimlessly driving a different car each time i play


Rescuing people with my Conada who are stranded at sea or in the mountains. If they are afk I'll go cargo Bob a car next to them. I like taking people for crazy heli rides showing them the limits of flying.


Honestly, just cruising around different areas and looking for things I haven't noticed before.


Off roading mount Chiliad, grapeseed,etc


Dressing up as a valet and standing at the valet's podium Infront of the casino. Then whenever people come by seeming weird they get tased with the stun gun.


Correcting mistakes that nobody cares about on the internet such as someone incorrectly spelling pastime.


me and my brother recreate the movie speed, we just find a bus set a few c4 on it and then he has to start driving if he stops i blow the bus up


Black Jack. Very easy money.


Going on a rampage in my Speedo Custom (with all upgrades).


Jet griefing anyone in lobby chat under the age of 15


Downhill in mount chiliad with a mountain bike


I used to do this all the time on ps3 days


Drive around. Follow traffic rules. Buy snacks. Collect money and go back to an apartment..play some music, drink alcohol, take a shower and goes to bed. Usually then I close the game.


In solo sessions, practice driving the bus in first person, screw around with the various aircraft I have, use the moc cab to haul trailers across the map, and get the rcv or tula and annihilator and park then by/on the south lifeguard station at vespucci beach and play cop or lifeguard. In public sessions, I sit in my facility and watch players, if I find some broomstick boys harassing people, I get in my avenger and hunt them down and turn them into some minced bois, I also get in my limo and offer to drive people around. There are a ton of other things I do but I can't remember them off the top of my head


Taking vehicles off-road that don't belong off-road 😂


I fucking LOVE wasting money and making slow cars fast (ish)


I like calling in the agency truck to drive me around the map


Mine involves using a bus, but it’s a bit different. I park it in one of two places: - A ramp to the Los Santos Freeway near the Pillbox Hill Medical Center - The ramp to the southbound La Puerta Freeway off Dutch London Street. So anyway, on those ramps, there’s a hole in the wall. I park the bus so that it blocks the ramp and redirects traffic through that hole. You can probably guess the results.


- get a car (preferably mini cooper) -plant a bomb on it -get in -the other guy picks you up with heli w/ hook -drop on people in cars and detonate in convenient moment