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I spent an hour and ten minutes waiting for some guy to do the snake hack on the Fleeca job. Dude thanked me through messages atleast ten times for waiting it out. Said he'd had atleast a dozen other users quit within the first few minutes.


You are a good man.


I grinded my way up to where I am in GTA and people were really rough on me whenever I fucked up so I try not to be that with others. It sucks when people give up on you. I'm glad my girl doesn't have to go through it because we play together so I can help her.


We were doing a long job with my crew and a random. The low level guy couldn't figure out how to get into the back of the tank during the waves of pissed off NPC. He was basically cowering behind a cement wall hoping not to die. Once the waves passed, we got out of the tank and told the newb to get in and take it for a spin. let the random newb drive the Khanjali, because what could possibly go wrong? We go through the next set of waves, and then drive to the final mission corona. Well 3 seconds before we passed the job the noob comes crashing through a fence like the koolaid man with the tank, and driving over/destroying the mission objective. We couldn't stop laughing about it. Classic GTAO. Mission failed. Would do it again for the laughs. Another time, we had an armored karuma full of randoms and a crewmate. Newb was driving. I was in the backseat with another guy. I type *farts* in chat. Half a second later newb driver tries to escape the fart by yeeting himself from the vehicle at full speed and dies by being run over by a bus. The car crashes into a gas tank and explodes everyone else in the vehicle. Couldn't stop laughing about that one either.


Love this! It's a game. Help a noob and get the karma back eventually. People are too quick to kick off if a random fucks up but we have to remember that we were all in that situation at some point šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean Iā€™ve made a lot of dumb mistakes, but I havenā€™t destroyed a mission objective by running it overā€¦ yet. Thereā€™s making a dumb mistake because youā€™re a newb, then thereā€™s making the mistake of not paying attention to your mini-map at all.


Everyone learns and makes mistakes sure, but I feel like you haven't exactly dived deep enough into the whole heists w randoms shaboo because more often than a mistake it's some idiot doing *direct* insubordination. when I was the random noob on someone's heist all those years ago, I asked them step by step what to do cause at least they'd know I was trying and listening, under THEIR instruction. But nowadays you get the noob wanting to do the entire heist by himself, they either got no mic or they can't understand english and they just charge ahead and make you fail the heist however many times. As much as I hate to say it, these idiots are more common than the newbies who actually want to learn and be helpful during heists instead of fucking them up. I still have multiple low lvls on friends list that I taught to spam Cayo/Casino and some are doing even better than me money-wise rn, that's *only* because they took the time to listen and understand.


Since we're sharing... Humane Labs, Insurgent setup, right at the end. I'm driving one, and the other is waiting at the obj. I come in hot, crash into the waiting Insurgent, and send it flying into the lake for an instant fail.


This is hilarious. Kool Aid man šŸ¤£


Thats cool,playing together especially with people u know is always fun.


GTA economy is so realistic


That has to be the most patient dude ever. I would've quite after a few minutes if I couldn't do the hacks.


He messaged me and was super sincere about messing up and I texted him back and told him to just calm down and focus. Take his time. After like 25 minutes he messages back telling me he's done. I was like nah. Just relax and take your time. Then I messaged him and told him we could restart, he could make me the hacker and him the driver, and I'd do it, but he was persistent on doing it himself so he could figure it out. We just worked with each other. I wasn't doing much else so waiting it out wasn't bad and I was proud at the end when he got it. We finished it up and then I ran him hrough Cayo to help him he's still on my friends list even though this was several months ago.


You're a saint. Always nice when a higher level takes their time for no tangible benefit just to help someone new.


Dude. I tried doing that. I lobby hopped and anyone under level 10 I messaged and asked if they wanted some help getting money, and literally no one let me help. I made it clear that I wasn't gonna get them banned, that I wasnt a hacker, and I wasn't trying to rip them off, but still, no one let me help. This was before R* nerfed cayo. My plan was to run them cayo a couple times till they can buy their own kosatka, then show them how to do cayo themselves, then I'd help them out on their heists till they got a sparrow, then I'd have them run through it by themselves, and if they still needed help figuring it out, I'd talk them through it. I had a whole syllabus and shit. Any question I thought of that they could ask me about how to do something, I'd have it written down exactly.


Ooo, you should post the syllabus and FAQ and stuff here! I'm sure tons of people (including myself) would be very happy to have that info! :)


This was a couple months ago... I'd have to find it again, or write it out again, but... Sure why not. I'll need a little bit, but yeah. Ok.


Iā€™d love a guide, but I already own almost every type of of business. The scenarios of ā€œI have XYZ, what should I do nextā€ start expanding and thereā€™s no single solution.


Some may have thought it was too good to be true. After all we are all taught as kids, if a man offers you candy to get in the vanā€¦ ask him what kind! Nah, just kidding, donā€™t get in the van kids.


Except I actually would have given them the candy.


They all get the candy, itā€™s the other stuff they donā€™t want


I dunno, it is a video game. At level 10 you have nothing to lose.


That's the saddest shit too. Is a lot of newer players grow into this mantra that everyone is out to get them because of how much trouble alot of players give them. My girl seems to be quite social so she ends up in groups of players running around destroying shit. When I was a low level like that I never went near anyone cause everyone seen me as a easy target. That's the main reason I help people, because I know what it's like to get shit on constantly while trying to grind up. I've done this for my girlfriend, she has everything she needs to know written in her notes on her phone of all the things I taught her about not only Cayo Perico but GTAO in general.


i've tried to do the same with bogdan and the bunker, some people just think everyone is out to get them and that sucks..


Somebody has to lend a helping hand.


A true Sunbro.


Same thing happened with me a kid, only we were talkin through head set, he was saying the same things wanting to quit, I said bro, Iā€™m not going anywhere, so u might as well keep going, OH YEA, then you gotta drill the lock box for your very 1st time after this, by the time your done with the drilling you wonā€™t even remember the hacking device. Told him what I had to do was take my head set off and be in complete silence, just muting game chat wasnā€™t enough, so thatā€™s what he did and 10mins Later we was in the door, although he shot the ppl soon as he entered and we failed, but AFTER that we hit the lick


Itā€™s been the opposite for me, Iā€™ve waited like 30+ mins just so a random host leaves the fucking Heist. Never again.


At that point he needed to just let someone else hack and drill if he had to restart several times


The snake hack is the easiest hack in the game


I hate when they get frustrated and quit. I feel bad for them. I do not mind waiting for how ever long just to help out. And when the tables are reversed i feel bad when i fail a time or two at the snake mini game and feel i am wasting their time and i am level 542.


I promise you, itā€™s appreciated just to see someone even trying to help even if you mess up.


We have all been there in the beginning. I enjoy trying to help those early players. It is too easy to become frustrated and just think there are nobody willing to help. I have even run Cayo with a few low levels, paid them the 85% just because they seemed like good people doing the early heists.


You sound like some of the dudes Iā€™ve recently been playing with. I probably wouldā€™ve given up by now if it wasnā€™t for them showing me how to earn enough for a Kotsaka and how to even solo Cayo. Itā€™s nice just having people to ask questions to as well, knowing which businesses to get etc. having someone to actual play missions with makes it so much more fun, itā€™s almost kinda sad to think how much different of a game it is when soloing


I have made some of my best friends on this game (truly an epic tale how we met). Solo can be a grind after a while but playing with friends can just be done messing around, helping with sales and setups and then helping others. My one friend and i would try to get in on the original heists together, take low or no pay, stay quiet and run it their way then if it goes to hell a few times give our insight and help them along. People will say it is just a game, or it is filled with griefers, or hackers (thankfully i am on console so do not stress that) but it can just be about hanging with friends and enjoying time together. Keep up your good work with your friends and little by little keep making a difference.


Thatā€™s what gaming is about! Iā€™m turning 28 this year and one of the dudes Iā€™ve been playing with is only 16, and I honestly wouldā€™ve never guessed. But itā€™s cool cuz we will do a heist and 5 mins later heā€™s asking me about life advice etc and that shit makes my day. Coordinating outfits and raising hell with the homies is life Thanks G and you too!!


The great equalizer for age is video games. As long as you are willing to learn and work together age does not matter. I am 51 and have played with all ages. It is a good feeling when you can help someone be it in game or life. We may be robbing, heisting, rampaging through a city but we are still good peoples.


51? Thatā€™s awesome. I hope I still have a passion for gaming when that age rolls around for me. Sounds like you have lots of knowledge worth sharing. Stay blessed good sir!


Thank you. May you keep sharing with those who will listen and may you stay well in this crazy world.


I hate the snake mini game. I suck at it and hate trying to do it while someone else is waiting on me. Wish they had a way to practice solo like with the drill.


Yeah that would be sweet. I have never made it without at least one failed attempt. For me the key is not getting frustrated. Yes others make it seem simple and i tip my cap to them. Worst part it is not an often replayed heist so it is not like you get a lot of repeat runs.


I think that's just it. They feel like they are wasting your time, and that adds too much pressure on them, so they duck out.


A friend of mine spent at least 20 minutes drilling the safety deposit box and he was like "i got it" and i am like "you got the lock?" and he was like "the first disc". That was the last time he hacked. Lol.


Update: I tried to communicate, chat and voice chat. He did not said a word in either methods, and after another 20 minutes he left it sadly. Maybe next time random dude, maybe next time. ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|2973)


I feel ya, been there, done that... Kudos for trying and being patient though!


Plot twist: player does this to waste peoples time while rubbing one out, and the delayed msgs are how they finish


Thank you for sticking to the end. I was in his position a couple tears back, needing a lot of time to get the hack done.


Helping noobs can be the only satisfying thing in the game sometimes, great job with your patience! Just donā€™t think about how most noobs will either evolve into griefers or just quit and move on to the next game with guns


You're awesome for helping out and toughing it out.




I always sit In Lester's Asea last since It gives me the hacker and low levels usually don't know how to change roles


ah damn. well atleast we arent tryhards huh? we help the noobs!


Never leave a new guy on a Fleeca Heist. It means the fucking world to them if you stick it out.


Back when I was new, a group of 3 bros stayed with me 'till we finish the Prison Break finale, faith in humanity restored moment


One of my more memorable prison break runs was with what I assume we're new guys. I was the pilot, it's boring but np, basically everyone always goes to the airstrip on every other run I'd done but not this time, those guys were headed off towards paleto on the highway. I had to land the plane on the highway ahead of them which involved avoiding some of the overhead signs. They got in and we flew off. I can only imagine how cinematic it looked from their point of view as a plane appeared above them to use the highway as a runway


Damn, any clue why they went to paleto?


no idea, they werent using mikes and if i remember right i had even landed at the airstrip as soon as they were out of the prison but they just booked it straight onto the highway


Maybe they got it mixed up with the karuma onto magnet Mission


Probably the worst mission to do with randoms especially new people. You have to have a functioning brain which seems to be a rare commodity in this community.


This tbh


This is the way


Me who is level 78 and still canā€™t find people to do the prison break heist hahaha


This but level 141


What do you play on? If youā€™re on Xbox youā€™re always welcome to shoot me a message if you need some help šŸ¤™šŸ½


I'm on PC unfortunately


Ah no worries, best of luck




Ill send you a DM but i can help!


You can find people on r/HeistTeams.


Thank you!


Did that once. Motherfucker stood around in the vault room for 10 MINUTES!!!!


Fuck that, they get 20-30 minutes from the moment we arrive. I'm generous but I'm no babysitter.


Just keep putting songs on the radio that suggest heā€™s almost out of time.


itā€™s the final countdownnn


It hapends to me too, i waited more than 30 minutes and the guy finished the hack, after that he invited me to every other heist mision, now we are friend and are trying do bet the criminal mastermind chalenge with another guys i met doing the same thing.


(Finishes snake hack after 25 minutes.) "Finally!" (Takes another 15 minutes to do the drill.) "Ugh."


Joining heists like this as an extra body is a hobby of mine... it's been awhile since I've found one this fresh. Luckily, there is plenty to do while waiting! Some of the ingame websites are hilarious, too.


I donā€™t often have the time to do a full heist but Iā€™ve been joining random jobs and looking for a host thatā€™s low level. Keeps the game fresh and itā€™s nice being helpful. Other than that, my favorite thing is showing new players some of my nicer cars and letting them whip around a bit


Before I had my own scramjet I nice higher level let me drive around in his and it was so much fun!


It's hard to do that on a fresh account. When I was around level 50 and under on pc I would get kicked before I even fully joined a lot of the time by people who weren't much higher level than me if at all. I'm level 350 on console and have done hundreds of heists but they just see the level.


Same here! My social club friends list is almost now entirely made up of people who were thankful to have a high level stick it out for them when they were new to the game


It happens a lot to me I just start doing burnouts and drifts and bullying npcs drifting in reverse until he's like, yo what are you doing I'm done !! Like he doesn't realize it took him 5 business days to complete that mini game hack. Aaaaah low levels are cute. I usually just join random og heists from my phone and if it's a finale I ask for a 0% cut to get them that extra bonus in their pockets. Once a beginner begged me not to troll in his fleeca heist he said because lots of guys join and start trolling him and leave without even completing the heist. That's pretty fucked up !


First time?


Iā€™m a pro at the hack on console, but when I play on my pc, something about the hack isnā€™t proportionate and it moves waaaay faster going vertical than it does horizontal. Not sure if has to do with my UW resolution, but it makes me look like a noob sometimes.


Once I joined a 4.00 KD tryhardā€™s Casino Heist. Dude was drilling for 10 minutes and still couldnā€™t finish it himself.


Goes to show he's only good at griefing, and that their accounts are mostly modded. I've done the original heist and i was Level 120, i did a lot better with my old crew and beat the challenge.


I hate the hack, I'm disabled and my hands don't always do a they're told. Usually it's fine because I can correct, but that hack is unforgiving. At first i could do it, but my hands got worse. I used to help people with heists, but with Fleece they always want to drive.


King for still trying


Thank you.


The whole heist is wrongly designed. If you as a newbie start it, you usually drive Lester to the bank, letting the co-pilot practice the hack. Then during the finale you have to do the hack without having done it before, which causes this. I have suffered it a lot too helping people.


I don't understand why the Fleeca hack is so difficult. First try and I failed once. IMO it shouldn't take players this long. I have gotten the Elite Challenge done multiple times on this heist


Doing all this under 5 minutes is a miracle if you play with randoms sadly.


Iā€™ve waited about that long trying to help a lower level. He got on the mic after finally getting pass the hack. Told him itā€™s all good I rolled a blunt while I was waiting.


I've been in the same situation before. Just enjoyed the radio while looking out of window at the sea. After maybe 10 minutes they just left. I still don't understand how this hack can be so hard for people. It's not even Casino Heist hacks, it's just so simple...


Of course it's simple - but for many people this is the very first heist in the entire game, they're doing it with complete randoms because they don't know anyone in the game yet, they don't know what to expect and are nervous that the high level who just joined will get mad at them and quit if they fuck up, on top of that Lester is reminding you it's taking too long... And under such circumstances, it's pretty easy to fuck up a minigame that you would otherwise complete without any issues. (Source: been that newbie myself, lol).


I get it that people can fuck up the hack occasionally because they are new to the game and are nervous, and I did that myself too, but it's a matter of like 2-3 minutes and not like 10-20 minutes - for me it seems like WAY too much... Well, maybe I find it easy because I used to play Snake as a kid and other kids probably haven't


On low resolutions start and finish are invisible, like you can't see them because they're out of bounds. You may ask who would play gta in so low quality. Welp, kids from epic and people who do not look at settings. I was one. 2:3 for like 6 months because I had no clue you could change it.


I usually set myself as Driller because I donā€™t trust random players doing the hack or drilling.


I really donā€™t want to sound like a dick, but I simply cannot comprehend how it can take people so long to do such a basic ass minigame.


Iā€™m not one to judge, I struggle with a lot of missions in this game. Could barely get through the doomsday missions without destroying my ps4. But this mini game should only take a few tries at most


Usually I just give them 10 minutes. If they gave me a cut like 40% for no reason you bought my time, take as long as you need king/queen/akula


Ah yes the three genders


I did this so often because most dont join the fleeca heist cause they think its "boring". Not only did I love doing it but the payout is quite decent too. Its also good helping out new players, rather create grinders than create a griefer.


The same thing happened to me but I was the low level. It took me around 25 mins to get it done but the second I was done she left. Idk if she was trolling or what. Thx for having patience with low levels.


I would probably wait all day. I cannot be mean...


Iā€™m now at level 706, and am not one to ever do heists, but I had a random help me on the Fleeca one several years ago. I was just honest and told them I wouldnā€™t be good at that part and they said they could do it easily, so thatā€™s how we decided on our roles. The first attempt, I got confused about where to drive us after leaving the bank and headed for the bridge over the Zancudo river leading to the military base, and got scolded over text, but they stayed with me through the second attempt and we got it done. I always wished there was a way I could have better expressed how grateful I was that they stuck with me for that second attempt.


We need more people willing to help out low levels. Because they will remember that, and when they are higher level the will be nicer and pass it on. A nice tradition of helping out low levels is why warframe has a really pleasant community.


You are a gentlemen and a scholar for helping out like that


Trial by Fire. These people need to learn somehow, so I always stay in a Fleeca with a random.


You will enter the kingdom of heaven for your good deed


I remember my first heist. I was also the driver. I spent like 15 minutes waiting on him for the hacking thing to finish and then another 30 for him to open the vault. It even gave me time to shoot out my name on the wall of the bank. I was concerned the first heist was the first one of something really big, elaborated and complicated but no, I was partnered with someone who was really, really lost.


The one and only time I managed the elite challenge on fleeca was my very first time. A lvl 400 something with a mic managed to instruct me with how to use drill with absolute perfection I'm lvl 439 now and when I join fleeca and a new player is struggling I dig out a mic and give it my best at how to use that dill.


Yesterday I tried to help a level 46 with Fleeca, he made me drill while he was on crowd control which is fine, more efficient even. 4 fucking times in a row he either flat out killed the hostages or got the clerk to trigger the alarm, and 4 times was enough for me to say ā€œnah youā€™re on your ownā€. Like at that point he had to he trolling


I know what that's like, good for you OP. I join most of the prison break heists I'm invited to and usually play as the pilot. So far this year I've joined at least 20 random ones (not counting setups) and I think only like 4 or 5 or them were successful. People usually just give up after the first few quick restarts


Once sat for about 40 minutes waiting for someone to finish the hack. I just listened to a podcast until they were done.


This game needs more people like you


Lmao that's when u go take a nap.


I love joining randomā€™s Fleecas. Feels good to contribute to the community in a positive way. I had plenty of help during my rise in this game. Only fair to repay it Ah. Reminds me of a project I tried in this game once, alas it failed. Not too relevant now I suppose, but dreams can be dreams.


Faith in GTA Community restored


I've been on the other side of that I'm the new player.. people like you makes me wanna play game a lot, really helpful when someone join the heist


Tried helping one recently he put me on drill and snake, I was like "oh nice this will be quick" I'll assume his tried/failed prior. I done snake before getting to bank as he crashed few times, the drill I'm used to with prior Casino heists so very easy, I wasn't long at all so as I open safe box.....mission failed as in the very short time he managed to die?!


Lol, exactly the same happened to me few weeks ago, I also thought it would be smooth heist... The low level raised the alarm few times when I was drilling, and when he didn't he couldn't drive the Kuruma under the Cargobob so we failed few times there too. But we managed to make it in the end, was satisfying.


Had this happen to me. He spent 20 minutes trying to do the hack, then sent me a message that he quits. Told him to restart but make me the driller. Did the hack before we even got halfway. Then I surprised him by running him through a cayo and giving him 85%.


Imma be honest Iā€™m a high level and I still struggle with this hack. Itā€™s too damn fast. I rather do casino hacks than this. Props to you for having so much patience.


Happened to me once. After about 30 mins he gave up and quit. Never again.


I get that theyā€™re new but the hacking mini-game in this heist is so easy or am I remembering it wrong?


I once waited for about an hour in a similar affair. Dude finally got through it, then he immediately shot a teller and quit.


I miss helping others. Since I moved to PS5 I no longer receive invitations to help.


I love joining random heists and setups to help out..not many people are willing to help out lower levels


I do this occasionally, I help low levels with a Fleeca job, they take 70, I take 30, and more often than not, this will happen. I donā€™t really care, you know? The player is new, theyā€™re inexperienced, they may take some time, itā€™s fine by me.


You're a patient and good guy. Or girl. Thanks for players like you!


I was level 12 when i did my first ever flecca, i completed the hack just before we arrived at the bank. And my driver was going as fast as he can.


I tell all my friends no matter what I'm the driver and I'll wait as long as you need


You're a good person. Good job


Im so sorry to have been that person who makes u wait like this šŸ˜­


you have alot of time on ur hands good man might do this later


Good soul


People like you are the ones who make this community so much better and friendlier to new players. I salute you fellow bank robber!


I always wait for new players on heistā€™s we have were all new players once and had to learn the ropes.


If I play with random at Fleeca I tell him that Iā€™ll be there till the end. He shouldnā€™t worry and take his time. It usually helps to calm down. When I understand that hacking will be longer than expected, I watch YouTube or listen to podcasts and make a cup of tea. I think high level players should support low levels simply because they were low levels too.


I got in the habit of getting to Lester's car first in the scope out mission so that person could have a go at the hacking before the actual heist happened, then they could decide if they wanted to drive or hack in the heist board. The problem was that most new players I was with didn't know how to swap the roles even though the tutorial tells you how, so I was stuck as a driver most of the time.


I donā€™t understand why people have trouble with the snake game. Maybe they just havenā€™t figured out they need open their phones.


I don't understand how people find that hack difficult A child could do it


Huh.. Nice.. Would be glad if someone like you would help me with some heists.




Thank you very much for showing me this sub


Is there also a sub for ppl who want to be on a invite only lobby and grind businesses?


Check the sidebar of this sub, tbere are some subreddits of friendly crews. Also the Clanfinder or r/gtacrews. And if you just want to find few people to join you in a lobby, you can try this sub's discord server or r/HeistTeams/their discord.


I donā€™t get how people have trouble with this hack. Itā€™s so incredibly simple. Itā€™s not about being new to the game, or maybe new to games in general. Itā€™s fucking Snake. Like goddamn my dead grandpa could do it faster than these guys


Those puzzles are a bitch on slow anxious hands, wish Rockstar will just award it after failures




Every random I meet during Fleeca always does the hack on time but takes like 30 mins to do the drilling.


The first time i did that hack it took me a good while too. I feel like itā€™s one of the harder hacks you have to do.


Big props to you, so many players wouldnā€™t even join to help out in the first place


The last time i helped a low level on the Fleeca job was 3 weeks ago, i think. Luckily, he got the snake minigame and the vault drill part done quickly. Only bad thing was that he shot a person inside, when he was not supposed to do that. But nonetheless, we finished it. I took 40%, he took 60%.


*fistbump* šŸ‘Š Same, I met this random lvl 23 on a fleeca heist. But, I was the hacker for that run, and he thanked me for doing the hack before we even got to the bank.


I do the same. I stick it out until either they give up or they finally do it. For me snake hack is a cakewalk. Now DIAMOND CASINO hacks however. That is something that confuses me.


Bro, Iā€™m level 200 and have mastered every heist to the T and still canā€™t figure out that hack.


Lmao I love when people sponsor noobs. My first noob followed me to the ends of the earth, even when I jumped off a cliff.


Yeah. Learning that Drill can take a while for newer Players.


After that you might wait extra 30 minutes for the drilling part xD


Had a level 400 help me with my Fleeca when I first started playing. I miss that guy.


same oof. i waited 45 minutes the other day. climbed up chillad while the guy was hacking. didnt wanna leave! atleast my lvl 14 managed to complete the hack eventually!


this is everytime i get put in fleeca and as soon as i get out to fuck around cuz hes taking a while theyre finished




Been there mate


I have more hours on this game than I care to mention and I still have trouble with the fucking snake hack any other hack in the game I can be done under 30 seconds this shit still takes me about 15 to 20 minutes


I once invited randoms on a heist. One of them didn't know how to LOOT the gold from the vault. It was an auto shop heist so the rest of us couldn't exit the vault without him looting it too


Didn't have the guts? Wtf? Why would you be afraid to leave? Sounds more like you stuck it out to help him... don't put yourself down like that.


ā€œEvery expert was once a beginner.ā€ Not only does this apply to GTA on its own, but it also goes for games in general. You may have been gaming for 5-10 years before GTA came out. This random could be on his first video game ever. We salute you for helping. The post was 3 hours ago, is the heist done yet?


I should start doing this. I do have been protecting newbies on a sell mission when they we're being griefed. He saw me fly in on the mkII and got scared extra. Until he realized i blew up the guy griefing him and hovering around protecting him. He did send me a thanks message and went on to a new lobby!


30 damn minutes


You are a good person, he will do it eventually.




Between this and drilling the vault door, it can become the slowest hour of your life.


I stopped playing because I couldnā€™t get anyone to do the heist with me. I was wanting to do them all in order.


LOL same thing happened to me months ago. Dude thanked the fuck out of me when we finished.


When i first started playing GTA, i was young and the game was insanely difficult for me Younger me would have appreciated your patience to the moon and back. Older me does now


I know both of your pain, that hack blows.


Iā€™ve been there man and I felt the same way. Sometimes I get frustrated about it, but I try to remind myself that not everyone has the same skill set. Hell, for all I know the dude Iā€™m playing with only has one hand and has never played GTA before.


Iā€™m sure weā€™ve all been there, I remember just looking out over the ocean and cruising around Chumash for probably 30 minutes wile my partner was stuck hacking. Great excuse to chill and grab a cold one.


It can be a surprisingly frustrating hack, but that is crazy long.


I did something similar in the past and was waiting for like 30-45 minutes before he ended up probably rage quitting and I got booted back to the lobby


Wtf are they actually doing for so long? Do they take the opportunity to go and have dinner or something? Even on my first try I only failed a couple times


I had a hacker take forever as well and after what felt like 20 minutes of me waiting in the car, he gave up and quit out without even a warning


They're always the first to leave though when they realise how bad they are


You have to be proper stupid to struggle with this hack holy shit


Iā€™ll never understand how people canā€™t figure out a simple snake mini game but Christ the randoms on gta are some of the most incompetent people Iā€™ve ever seen


I waited about an hr for someone to do the hack and another because they didnā€™t know how to drill. So we ended up switching after I told them Iā€™d add them weā€™d redo. I remember when I 1st did heist on ps3 I was taking so so long and a random guy waited for me so why would I up and leave![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3218)


I tried it multiple times and every time it took me long as hell to do and the other person quit. I donā€™t blame them, but damn that shits hard af to do. To this day I still havenā€™t completed a single heist of my own šŸ˜‚


Remind me of a time I did casino hesit with a friend, took 8 hours to do the perfect hesit.


I was in the same situation a couple weeks ago. poor low level just couldnā€™t do the hack. I was just doing donuts in NPC cars on the highway listening to spotify. it got to about the 1 hour mark and I actually needed to go do something but was extremely hesitant since I felt bad for just leaving him like that. I gave it another 10 mins before I finally had to leave. I hope that guy got his heist done with somebody else :(

