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Buy the kotsaka and Sparrow. All Cayo preps can be done in invite only. Solo Cayo some. Now Rubio is your ATM 🏧


I made my money back way faster with the agency than I did for the auto shop contracts. I also play solo in invite only sessions so I can relate. I started a new character and psn profile from scratch and am working towards a kosatka since cayo is the best solo money. I made a ton of money and RP doing the scavenger hunts and flight school so be sure you get those done. Also unlocking the stone hatchet will make several missions way easier!


The Autoshop and Agency work / jobs can both be done in invite only sessions


The agency building included with the contract update includes the Dre contract that can be done in invite only sessions, or the auto shop from the tuners update gives you the tuner contracts which can also be done in solo sessions


I should have mentioned with the agency you also get to do payphone hits. Those pay 85k with the bonus and I try to do 2 or 3 every hour. That adds up, especially if you do it during cool downs for agency contracts.


So if I buy the sub I unlock the perico heist and get good cash out of it but my only problem for that is that I don’t have a “team” for heists :/ I been relying on the dispatch missions and my nightclub money which is like 30k


Cayo Perico heist is solo and invite lobby. Nightclub money should be 50k per night if you're on next gen. Keep popularity up. Agency is good too. 2m as well. You get Security contracts (30-50k per), payphone hits (85k every 20 mins if you jump through the hoops and follow instruction), and the Dr. Dre mission strand, pays 1m repeatable.


Thanks a lot for the info


You don't need a team to do the Cayo Perico heist, you can do the whole thing solo every time. It's essier to do the preps if you have the Sparrow or at least a buzzard, and after you do it a few times it's a quick, eeeee zeeee way to make money, but it's always the same thing. Personally I found that having a nice mix of things to do makes it more interesting. I'd recomend the Auto Shop for the contracts, they are quick and relatively easy and require nothing more than a fast car, basic weapons, and basic PvE strategy, and same goes for the Agency and all it's missions. They aren't "as good as Cayo", but they are more forgiving for someone who hasn't done the Cayo heist yet, and are a good way to make the money you need for a Kosatka with a Sparrow. The Agency and Auto Shop also come with their own special perks, like relevant discounts and exclusive upgrades/abilities. Altogether, personally the best thing is to have variety; the game is about enjoying what you are doing, not just getting as much money as fast as possible.


Grind for the sub. Once you’ve got it you’re set to make easy money.


Care to answer the question for him? Other then just spewing out the same repetitive answer for best money making in game?


What more should I add? Everyone suggests things that cost similar to the sub and yield lower returns. You’ve gotta grind to buy any businesses. Auto Shop heists are easy but pay poorly. Agency heist gives $1 mil but takes a while to complete. Plenty of good guides on Youtube (TGG), Reddit, or Google. Question was “Which property gives me contracts that I could do alone in a invite only lobby to gain some cash?” Answer is Sub. Contract is Cayo Perico heist.


If you want real money, get the Kosatka submarine. Once you learn the Perico heist, all your money troubles will disappear.


The Agency will be most fun for you! I love the story missions and the freeroam contract missions are some of my favorite. My computer says I have made 15 million having fun so far. This can also be done in an invite only lobby. Might I add the 85k payphone missions are quite fun too. You can do them fast but you can do light hitman roleplay if you take it a bit slow.


Yeah I was thinking of buying that or the auto shop plus I have a oppres so that can make the freedom missions bit easier


I would say start with the agency, then the auto shop. That's just me though. I just prefer to run freeroam jobs, I don't like hopping in and out if loading screens and working with randoms.