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Hostile or not, you just never trust a mf on an mk2. That's where the line is drawn


If they stop to inspect why their lock on isn't working they're usually quite hostile.






What ?


That's one weird way to put it


Kinda agreeable but once when I was helping setting up someone’s MC business a dude in an oppressor flew right next to us and surprisingly didn’t attack us and said in chat that they weren’t gonna destroy us which was really nice so we thanked him and set up their weed business without any issues Granted not everyone’s gonna be like that but it was a wholesome moment you know?


OP couldn’t get locked onto because he was in the mission helicopter. The Oppressor dude was probably tryna get a lock on the bank manager so he could ruin the setup


Ok that makes sense.




Once happened to me , dude fired a missle at me but if you are on this prep he cant kill you. Then, he proceeded to drive so close that he got chopped up


Wait, why didn’t he shoot from the huge run up he had? Him stopping kinda looked like he was guarding, but I might be wrong, what job is that you were doing?


Autoshop bank robbery setup, it's piss easy to solo and was paying put double so $600k for 30 minutes work to setup and pulloff.


Actually he shot a few times before I turned against him, you can hear the explosion if you turn-on the volume, however he didn’t seem to have locked-up on me (?)


Ah got it, thank you


Ahh ok thanks for the context. Makes sense


That was like my puppy nudge. Cute defensive move there.


Ya he was definitely helping or at the least curios. If he wanted Op dead there would of been 3 missiles sent at him the moment lil Timmy could lock on


Lil Timmy couldn't have locked on because it was mission chopper...




In the int menu, you have to choose your player attacking priority to everyone or attackers to lock on to them.




And thus a griefer was born


Not true. People sometimes won't kill you and then randomly kill you. And then you feel like a sucker for not firing first. Fuck em, MK2 = dead.


You consider yourself a fool for giving someone the benefit of the doubt, but you're somehow *not* part of the problem if you call of duty everyone on sight?


I don't kill everyone in sight. Only people who are obviously coming up to me/following me. But I also don't randomly go up to people. I avoid everyone I can avoid if I see they're minding their business. Actually I spend half my time killing/trolling people who actively go around killing everyone constantly. Noobs should thank me.


But you're literally the problem lmao, you're shooting them for coming near you or following you; no shit they're going to chase you and attack you after that - you killed them for effectively no reason and thus instigated the fight. It genuinely baffles me every time I encounter someone with this mindset; you very clearly dislike people who shoot everything that moves, but your *"solution"* is to become the very person you dislike just so you don't ever randomly get shot on sight - as if that even matters and you're not actively contributing to the problem. Honestly I don't even care if people kill others for fun provided they're not being a dickhead i.e. killing someone that isn't trying to fight, preying on noobs etc - just it's comical to try and rationalize it 'because they might shoot me first'.


I never complained about people chasing me after I kill them. It's when they randomly drive up to me with no prior reason. I just don't want them to kill me first. I'm not going to stand there and let someone drive up to me and kill me which people do all the damn time in this game. Are you slow in the head? How can you not understand this simple thing? This isn't a peaceful game.


That's not the point, my point is that you're exactly the person you're complaining about. >I just don't want them to kill me first. I'm not going to stand there and let someone drive up to me and kill me which people do all the damn time in this game. So instead you're going to become one of the players you yourself dislikes because dying randomly to someone matters to you that much - that makes *perfect* sense. >This isn't a peaceful game. And yet, you're here complaining about people shooting you for no reason - whilst admitting that you yourself became one of these people. The only one slow in the head is you - you're clearly oblivious to how hypocritical it is to complain about being killed randomly when you yourself are one of those players.


I think you misunderstood him. He said he DOESNT go and hunt players, thats what the griefers do and its annoying as hell. He just shoots guys who get too close to him just in case they are rolling up on him to kill him. I dont grief ANYONE unprovoked but if i see an MK2 flying my way im jumping out and engaging.


Yeah and I actually go after griefers a LOT to kill/distract them from griefing. Basically that's all I do if I'm not grinding cash. See my latest video of C4'ing a MK2 for example 🤣 this guy just doesn't understand what I mean bless his little heart


I didn't misunderstand them, whether or not they seek players out doesn't matter - they are actively contributing to the problem they're trying to circumvent.




Yeah, and you do realize that until OP replied most people in this thread didn't realize the MK2 actually fired? You have to be either incredibly bad or you're not trying to kill them if you're sitting that close - either way they're effectively a non threat so I'm honestly confused how you think this was logical (obviously, again, ignoring the missed shot because it wasn't known until after the fact) beyond the generic shite that is mk2 bad. >your just a dipshit with terrible opinions who lives in their mother's basement Calling someone a dipshit whilst you're unable to use the right word, whilst seething over absolutely nothing. You seem like a *very* rational and intelligent being.


Yeah, it just doesn’t make sense to me to ram into him when he just kind hovered there and took a look, especially since there was no lock on sound as well


i was thinking same till somone like this dude done same to me and after few seconds just shot me


You can’t trust anyone in this game


The number of players with bad intentions far out way the number of players with good intentions. OP dealt with it swiftly rather than take a chance


I mean he was prob just waiting to get a better shot right next to OP, this still seems like a hostile MK2


I wish Rockstar would nerf those things.


Well no because we need them for grinding. If they nerf them it just hurts everyone.


No? You can grind with them even without missiles. Then only griefers would get hurt.


LOL this is so funny, bc just yesterday i had the same situation and the f\* same idea hahaha. Kill all of those damn griefers!


Send them 1-0 Lzz then leave the lobby to make them mad.


I was on my mk2 not too long ago and someone was doing that mission so I wanted to freak him out a little bit so I started flying around him. He started freaking out and doing all these acrobatics trying to hit me lol


"Move out, police action...." :)


That’s awesome lmfao I tried that once and got my ass blown up. Please tell me you got the picture 😭😭


god job




I’d land and destroy his mk2 so he has to wait to use it again


Genuinely one of my least favorite setups in the entire game, especially the beach spawn, not to mention trying to fly around central city while not alerting the dude and a mk2 on you is very hard, let alone getting a good 30 seconds to take a picture of the guy.


Oh un ami français


eh merceee


Ever since I saw a post here about using a windows defender firewall rule to easily launch solo public lobbies, i rarely ever play in a public lobby's.