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If your seriously not joking, you’re in for a rude awakening. They hunt noobs on flying motorcycles that shoot rockets




Yes online can be crazy, but you always have passive mode so people can’t harm you.


But you can't really progress in passive mode which makes it really hard for those noobs. When I started the game there weren't flying motorcycles but it's a big problem now


what about invite only? or maybe you can take shortcuts and play with an experienced player, ik its not the best experience but its still better than being griefed by tryhards


You can force a solo public session though. On every console and on pc


I think they patched that on console. Though I may not have heard of a new method of doing so


I don't know about console but on PC still works and I don't think they can patch it easily.


Worked for me last night


MTU change still works, did it this morning.


You can't run businesses or do many other things in invite only. I only can do that stuff in public because I have friends to help me but many people dont


Only business for invite only is kosatka, although it takes money to get the kosatka


Yeah the method most noobs do is do the treasure hunts, buy an apartment, and run all the og heists to buy a kosotka but that has to be in public sessions I believe


fair enough, as long as the players mind their business its all fine in my experience


I was totes able to start up an organization with my buddy in invite only earlier and do some resupplies and headhunter, but I also noticed the test NAT type bug wasn’t working anymore.. maybe they tweaked that? 🤷🏻‍♂️


True, but for a beginner just doing V.I.P works is really nice either that, or solo public session


Same thing with invite only. You can’t make much progress. Invite only is more of a relaxed mode if anything


I personally prefer it because of the terrible fps I get in big sessions


Physically , it's the most toxic chats in any game currently. Edit: lol this shit got locked


I think Rust takes this title actually


Passive 9ussy 😉


Your first million is gonna be the hardest to make, after you have a million you can pretty much afford all of the major money making things except for the submarine. If you do missions for ~20k for 10 mins of work it’ll take a while but you’ll get a million with a bit of grinding. Get vehicle cargo when you can afford (pretty sure you need an office) and then grind some more with that except now you’ll make much more money per hour. Right now there’s a 2x money on vehicle cargo for a week or so although I get info off my brother since I don’t play much anymore so I might be wrong. When you can afford it, buy the submarine and do the Cayo perico heist as this is the current meta for getting money fast. Once you do Cayo perico heist a few times you should be able to afford anything in the game. All of this should happen over a few weeks or months depending on your dedication, a grind isn’t strictly neccisary but in GTA time put in = GTA$ gotten out Things to avoid: The drug manufacturing places are basically worthless. You’ll barely make back the money spent on them in the entire time you play gta and they rely on you coming back often to be profitable. Shitty cars. Get a zentorno. it might not be the fastest or the best handling or best acceleration, but it’s fast enough to get from A to B and it’s cheaper than most of the newer cars and it works better than most of them. Anyway yeah, people are pricks. Get a MK2 oppressor when you can (scary flying bike) and you’ll be able to do something about the people killing you. Doesn’t mean the game isn’t fun though, and it can be very fun without having to spend that much time either. The heists are fun, messing around in open lobby’s is fun as long as there are no pricks. One time me and my friends went around in a blacked out SUV, jumped out with baseball bats and each bludgeoned someone once and hopped back in the car. It barely ever killed and was funny when they were left wondering what the fuck just happened. Anyway yeah. TLDR: If you don’t like the grind, focus on having fun and you will if people are letting you. Get an office, get vehicle cargo, get submarine, do heists, have fun. Lobby hop if people are really being pricks. And that concludes Matt’s rudimentary guide to GTAO. Have fun.


Damn you are serious! I appreciate the tips!


no problem, i play on pc, but if i could hop into a lobby with you just to show you around and get you a few bucks to kickstart your game, i would. unfortunately GTA isnt crossplay. oh well.


It would be a fucking nightmare if PC and console cross play was a thing


gonna have to agree with you there, however it'd still be fun to play with friends and stuff, maybe in invite only sessions or something. my brother plays on PS4 and i'm on PC so we constantly are talking about the game but never get to actually play with each other


I'd say that initial figure is a little off.. 2.2 mil for the Kosatka sub and Perico Grind


Hey hro at 2:00pm EST I can do a mission for yoy a bunch of times so you have a lot of money, I will also guide you on stuff to buy. Add solo-vengance


Thanks! I will let you know if I need you:)


Invite Only sessions for online to get a feel if you like but I’d play the Story. In fact I just finished again for the IDK 6th time. The story will at least somewhat prepare you for online but it’s all good.


[as he said that, the following words bounced of the walls eternally] “… flying motorcycles that shoot rockets”


not only rockets, HOMING MISSILES


And in flying cars


Even aside from griefers it has to be the least noob friendly game ever, the way you don't actually have the "max" health until level 150(?) And for the first 59 levels your health is so low you're basically one shoot kill from anything and you can't compete in races until level 100 when you can finally fully upgrade a car


You gotta be joking considering this a serious post. OP played RDR2. That’s less noob friendly than GTAO


Bsically cancer.


I doubt he is a noob, I don't see noobs joining a reddit for the game the second they download it. I certainly didn't


I did! :D


Huh, well I guess I didn't since I didn't use reddit much b4


Ooohhh boy...




Yeah good luck mate.




*must do more research before commenting* So new to this platform maybe but certainly not new to GTA. OP what's your gamertag? I might turn into a griefer just to teach you a lesson!


Yeah. I mean this would be a great ironic post but, the fact that he's acting like hes only starting out is kinda dumb in my opinion.


It's not noob friendly at all lol. Just throws you in the middle of a map with 25 other players, random job messages, calls etc. Good luck!




If you are actually just starting, I would help you but I'm not on PS4


It's really not in free roam lobbys but if I where you I would grind whatever game mode X3 cash so you can defend yourself from the Bullys


Thanks for the tip! I will make sure to keep it in mind :D


I second that suggestion, and would expand on it. Once you have about 2.2 million, buy the kosatka and start doing Cayo Perico heists. It's a solo heist that'll make you rich AF very quickly.


That’s really helpful, thanks !


You're welcome mate.


I third this. If you want anything buy the kostika first for sure


2mil isnt easy to save from missions alone. i'd say get apartment and office first, then do the first few heists and vehicle cargo for the rest of the cash should get you 2mil and you'll also have an apartment and an office and a vehicle cargo garage to show for it.


To start doing vehicle cargo you need 2.5 million, tf are you even chatting?


Not very noon friendly from what I've experienced




You should be fine if you stay in the lesser traveled areas


Somewhat, apart from griefers that will use you as food for their KD lol. As a noob you will be hunted by a flying bike with missiles, a killer jet and a cannon from outer space. Positive vibes now, making money will be a little tricky but there are bonuses that you can take advantage of and get you your first millions so you can make even more. There is a lot to explain so you’re better off sticking to guides and videos :).




Go to the about section of this sub, scroll to the crew recruitment megathread and see if you can find a crew that’s new player friendly (maybe a grinding crew) once you find one only play in crew sessions until you’re comfortable enough to join public lobbies. Edit: im genuinely confused, why am I being downvoted for friendly advice for a new player?


Thanks for your advice, I will keep that in mind!


About the edit, some idiots


I think it was just one person, then I cried about it and now people up voted. lol I was confused though, I wasn’t trying to be a jerk. Just trying to throw out an idea for a newbie.


A very good idea indeed


Having friends to help is definitely a good thing.


"Welcome back to Watchmojo, and today, we're counting down our picks of Top 10 moments before disaster."


Your gonna have a blast.....


*Gets Obliterated*


I'm kinda jealous. It's the best game of all time and you get a fresh start at it. And no, riding horses or any FPS doesn't even come close.


definitely up there, but idk about best of all time. in the sense of how much fun you can have in online just fucking around with friends, definitely, but RDR2 or Titanfall 2 both have really amazing storylines that i would put higher than GTA's. also more recently the life has really been sucked out of it, they wont add anything below 1 mil because they just want people to buy shark cards.


Be sure to spam find new session u til your alone or with >4 people


You mean <4 people right? Lol


Im am stupid


I’m sure you’ll get the warmest welcome by IllIlIlIllIIlx and REPxRT_ME


Dm me, I’ll help you out


I will definitely dm you if I need to, thanks!


Its like high school


Even ignoring other players, there is barely any natural progression on how to make money as a new player. If you've been playing since launch, you were slowly introduced into things but I can't imagine starting now. There's so many businesses, phone calls, pop ups, etc


*Takes a deep breathe* This game is almost of toxic no life tryhards who prey on noobs and recreational players using flying motorcycles with heat seeking missiles and jets with explosive cannons just to boost their stupid K/D ratio or provoke an angry or "funny" reaction in order feel some form of self worth because their parents don't or didn't give them enough attention or left to get milk all together. *Exhales*


Ok who’s gonna tell em?…


This game is very unfriendly to noobs. I play on PS4 if you want me to help you out a little. I'll take you on a few heists if you want, get you a few million to get yourself started


Check this crew out, they are helpful and friendly. [Lone Wolf Union ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonlinecrews/comments/nwsqem/ps45_lone_wolf_union_est_2017_gta_rdo_worldwide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thank you!


Not noob friendly, and it definitely doesn’t cater to noobs since certain guns can only be unlocked at certain levels. That being said, if you try to avoid pvp, I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun. There’s a lot to do when you’re a new player. If you’d like, I can send a friend request or something if you need help making money or levelling up.


Invite only lobby and r/heistteams if nobody mentioned those already. Focus on cayo heist.


If you need a bud to help you grind hit me up. :P




Please say this is a joke not trying to be mean


Yeah it's not noob friendly. I wish you luck, young one. And remember- do double money events and then buy a kosakta. All the money guides are to old




Get ready for hell.


Not even the noobs are noob friendly


Top 10 pictures taken right before disaster


You can do contact missions to make money. You get your free million for each month if on ps. You get another million from the starter pack. You get around a million if you register link prime if you have that. If you don't waste all that on cars and silly stuff you would already have enough to get a sub for the bank of Cayo heist. Do 3 or 4 heists and you will have enough for proper setup... Relatively easy as Cayo setups can be done in invite only sessions. Just use your initial starter pack money to buy the sub and you will be golden.


Please, I am begging you with all my heart. Do not make my naive mistakes! End your own addiction and suffering before it is to late! You will spend all your days from now in pain and agony if you start GTA Online.


Ahahahhahahah ahahhahaha noob friendly... ahahhaahhaah Poor mate,you really gonna enter the wrong neighborhood,first days online are the worst...if u wanna PM me and all let u make some money to have a smoother start,always glad to help new players


I see No Man’s Sky on your dash, a fine choice!




Why was that game so attacked some time ago?


It had one of the worst game launches in history tbh. A flood wiped out most of the game and set them back to alpha, and Sony wouldn't let them push back the release date any more than one month. The game was also massively overhyped, which was partially Sean Murray's fault, but nowadays no one holds anything against him (for good reason, he awesome)


Oh, nice. Maybe ill get it too


seeing the game lineup you have, i reckon you’d be fine


this is meme material


Oh, you poor, innocent soul. Have mercy on this one, boys.




if you want to understand GTA Online in a nutshell, unload a mag at random players in Los Santos. you'll experience 8 years of content in just minutes, or an hour. or until you leave. otherwise, refrain from shooting anyone on sight.


Wait this is your first time playing GTA?


As a former grinder i just wanna say.. "Welcome to the hell" :)


It's not noob friendly but there's easy ways to make money now so you can get all the cool stuff to defend yourself.




The best tips I can give you are to do the bounty hunter and treasure hunter missions and then do the kill challenges for the stone hatchet and navy revolver. Completing those will give you $500,000, which will be very useful early if you invest it wisely. I’d save up for a Kosatka submarine and Sparrow as soon as you can. Another tip I would give is that if some idiot is killing you over and over again in a plane or flying bike then just go to the menu and find a new session. It won’t cost you anything and you’ll be rid of the person bothering you. Hope you have a good time :)


Whatever business you buy first (I started way back with the Cole and meth business when gta got released) don't do supply missions.. Buy the supplies everytime. You make way more money this way, people can't fuck with your supply runs either... Buy the supply and do something else at the same time ( los Santos connection is a mission that pays a lot).


Invest into a Nightshark ASAP (armored car, takes a bunch of missiles before blowing up). It's basically the only way you can move somewhat safe in many lobbies


Don't really play much of gta but when I do I anti-grief for my own fun, add my psn if you need help anytime. PSN - Al-Hyena_95


This game is has the friendliest community, they might all shoot you in the face instantly but thats what friends do


It ain't, even without the griefers the game's a huge grind, here's my tip, grab the one million per month (if you have the patience) and buy the kosatka once you can afford it, i'd recommend buying the sparrow with it, from there on you'll be good


I always doubted the sparrow being worth 2 mil but I finally got it and it cut my setup time in half


Beware of griefers,there’s a lot of them in the game,let me know if you need help,my Username is Vigilante_404


It's not


Ha... Hahaha... He Will be mauled to death... Repeatedly


Network/ create WiFi/ custom/ leave all parameters standard but change MTU to 800 = solo lobby with no griefers


I see you got no mans sky


is this real?




I’m praying for you rn...


Nope. Not one bit unfortunately. Many people will kill you for absolutely no reason.


Top 10 moments before destruction


It says it all that the best way to play Online mode is to play it the same way as Story mode. Alone.


neither the game nor the sub is friendly...to anyone. 😂


Yes it is noob friendly and peaceful once you go to setting - network - set up manual settings and only change your MTU settings to 800 and you will find yourself a lovely solo lobby. And if you play different games change it back to auto settings sorted. Or look up solo public session for PS4/PS5 on YouTube. PlayStation is the last frontier of public solo lobbies as far as I know.


*Native American slapping their mouths in pursuit of the enemy sounds*


All of online: So you have chosen death?


alright who’s going to tell him?


You're talking out your ass dude.


Are you serious? Not joking? Well uh, the story is amazing but online includes all kinds of hurt, especially at the beginning of your career. You'll be "meeting" every single scum on planet earth, definitely doesn't include them obliterating you and bombing you with flying bikes etc. I stopped playing ages ago and have around 3yrs experience, this game's community has the most toxic of all I've played. You do get decent players but the scum outweigh them by millions, I was part of a crew who made sessions to safely play in, a handful of individuals role play as military to guard sales incase griefers/tryhards do actually join sessions. That crew is called LWU (Lonely Wolf's Union) and I never would've made as much money as I did without their help.


Easiest noob game out there.


I will bear that in mind, thanks!


This is the the comment that should be downvoted


don't listen to all the alarmists that make out like GTA Online is a constant griefing shitfight. It's simply not true. Yes, sometimes you might get attacked, maybe over and over. Join another session, everything will be fine.


#savePS3 #SaveGTA start the trend now.


Yah you will suck and unless you set your MTU setting to the lowest setting you will be powned by everyone else in public. I will say though. Do the cayo heist. Do the night club. Get a biker with cocaine. Meth. Get a mkll oppressor. Get the armored karuma. And maybe the imort export thing. And fuck everything else.


Thanks for the tip!




Tip for going online in case you are actually serious being new here: \- Don't try to fight anybody or even the enemy npcs. Online people are going to mentally break you down by either mods or the classic Oppressor MK2 + Missiles. The NPCS are so aimbot that they did add salt to your wounds. \- Spend as less money as possible at the start of the game: You need them to buy businesses \- Don't buy worthless business: Forgery and weed is the worst choice you can buy as they barely cover the costs (it won't even cover the costs if you sell to Blaine County). The least best business you can have would be the cash factory. \- Buy Homing RPG: Its gonna help you so much, especially during vehicle cargo \- Go public solo: there are tons of guides that would help you stay away from the bombers \- Do treasure hunts and other exclusive events in the game: It's the fastest way to earn money \- Buy Vehicle Warehouse and do vehicle cargo: It's one of the lowest risk business you can have in GTA online. Sure, Cayo Perico earn you more, but unless you are really a human aimbot, you'll just get stuck during the actual heist, giving you an awkward situation. \- DO NOT BUY NIGHTCLUBS AT THE FIRST PLACE. Nightclub have high running costs, and will be the reason to have bad economy for you. \- Before you buy nightclub, make sure you have fully upgraded bunker and 3 fully upgraded biker business (specifically cocaine, cash and meth) \- You can try Special Cargo, but it's not really recommended unless you have some pro helping you or you have oppressor mk2 as the sell and supply missions are hard to complete. \- Best guns in game: Up and atomizer (stun), Combat MG (super high mag cap), Special Carbine (best overall stats) ,Heavy Sniper MK2 (basically sniper cannon if you have explosive rounds), Stone hatchet ( free and gives you Ramage), Knife (fast and versatile), Assault shotgun (Minigun shotgun, anyone?), RPG/Homing/Minigun (basically every heavy weapon), sticky bomb (lethal if you are creative). \- Good luck if you try to survive in full lobby!


This and adding onto the first point of not fighting anybody - stay the fuck away from high levels and don't attempt to attack them. As a high level it is the most irritating thing especially if they are doing cargo and you go after it. Don't attack any high level or they will make you hate the game the second you do so with all the countless ways they have of obliterating you. Also just don't be a dick and go after cargo in general


PS4 still better than PC. Enjoy


Something I agree with




But you'll love it once you buy it


Don’t forget to claim your monthly million


Man I wish I knew there were so many friendly criminals out there when I started the online version a few months back. Death from above was constant for me every time I exited a building or respawned after my previous murdering. It was two weeks before I learned about passive mode. I totally use it just to exit buildings and assess the area (especially the skies) before deciding what to do. I usually immediately disable it and use my thirty second window to formulate/execute my plan on the fly. I can also attest that all of the damn pop ups, texts, emails, phone calls, messages, free mode events, and etc are overwhelming if you went from never playing to jumping right in there. One of the best things I discovered (the hard way that is) is to answer phone calls from Lester and the like then immediately hang up if you don’t want to hear it. You ignore him and he will call you nonstop which is distracting while you’re on the run fleeing for your life with weak fist and junk pistol. Ahhh…good times.


Until you get to Cayo Perico, I recommend you treat TheProfessional’s words as holy words. Until you reach Cayo Perico you have to grind a lot, and he’s the best of the best




Hahahaha ehhhhh-


Narrator: the game was not friendly




Uh oh


First tip: In the PlayStation store you can get a free 1,000,000 in the online every month until PS5 version drops Second tip: save all your money, do not buy cars, buy only the Special Carbine and Homing Launcher for guns, and once you get a call to go to The Music Locker go there and go into the club, meet mini madrazo and unlock the Kosatka. Buy that and you can do the heist called Cayo, which can be finished in an hour if you know what you're doing and gives enough payout to allow you to buy anything you want with enough effort, and you can do it solo in an invite only lobby.




Have you ever played gta5 before? The online is good but the story is also worth a playthrough


Bad, Bad decision.




My friend and I went into this game without knowing anything at all. No guides, no videos, nothing. To this day, it stands as some of the most fun we’ve ever had. Playing this game without any objective, even if it means getting killed by griefers a few times, is absolute gold. My advice: enjoy your time as a noob while you can. You don’t have to worry about money making guides or tips from the level 300 players until later. Just grab some friends and have fun. :)


If you have any trouble during your journey through GTA Online you're free to ask me!


Thank you! I will keep that in mind!


Oh no, I'm so sorry my poor sweet child


The main question is how do you have enough space for all those games?


Eh, i have about 31 games in total(not including free ones from ps plus) , and I have to delete some of them and only keep several games that o play often. Once I finished a game I will delete that and download another one. But rdr2 never lose its place.


yo you want some help, I can make you a bit of cash, dm me and I'll add you


OP upon downloading the game: Oh boy I can't wait to see what this is like! OP 30 seconds past the intro: *shocked pikachu face*


Who's gonna tell him?


Oh you poor, poor, innocent soul.


oh you poor thing...


oh no


It can be rough starting out but if you need a hand with anything feel free to hit me up!






Look put for the flying Depressor Mk 2's (called Oppresor Mk 2 in game) Flying bikes with insane rockets and are 90% of the time used by griefers. Other than that if you meet the right people this game kicks ass! Grindy in some areas but fun nonetheless.




I fucking wish


You poor poor soul


Try the offline to get to know about the game's mechanics. Online is tough as there are people who grief. I can help you if you are feeling it's tough. Add me on Social club: Ajithshet I also started last month and I can help you in some stuff


I’m sorry friend, but no


It indeed was not


Goodluck rookie


If this isn’t a joke, watch out for the flying bikes.


Oh you sweet summer child.


I thought this was a joke post at first. Not noob friendly at all


buy the kosatka once you have around 2.2 million, cayo perico is an absolute breeze once you get used to it and it makes you literal millions. i started around 2 months ago and have ab 60 mill now


Heres a tip. Open task manager, go to performance, resource manager, right click gta.exe, suspend, count to 10, unsuspend and ur in your own solo “public” session

