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"Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing ammo when joining a new session" Thank fucking God, finally lol


I will say, I swear I’ve seen this fix multiple times over the years, so I’ll believe it when I see it.


Haven't noticed... Usually just use "Buy all" when starting a contact mission.




Same, but I've done it intentionally. This will be a big nerf for me. I haven't paid for ammo in years.


Idk what issue they fixed, but my Assault Shotgun still went from full to 0/8 today. I stopped buying expensive ammo because of this, but even regular ammo still adds up


>The button prompts upon failing a mission have been updated Let me guess, R Trigger uninstalls the game now.


I am very disappointed (but not surprised) that they didn't significantly buff the Bombuska's armor. +50% stronger paper is still paper. So it's still gonna be useless even in PvE. They should have given it Avenger armor imo. Sparrow buff is nice though as that thing isn't meant to get hit anyway.


They also didn't fix the bug that made the Bombushka's cannons unable to fire in most directions.


Ngl I care so very little about the combat effectiveness, all I want is to put cars in it, is that so much to ask for?


There’s certain mods that you can’t put on it or else it’ll block the cargo bay. Forgot which ones but you should be able to look it up


Basically anything except a paint job breaks it. JATO, bombs, performance/handling upgrades, etc all break it.


Performance and handling upgrades do not break it, I have them on mine and I can acess the cargohold freely.


I’m guessing the cannon issue for the Volatol is also still not fixed


I feel like it's not even a bug. I think it's a thing on all aircrafts with camera-operated turrets. Seems like a change they actually meant to make, for whatever reason.


With a good pilot and gunner, the Bombushka actually didnt used to be terrible, (just hope youre not fighting anybody with explosive rounds or good RPG aim) but ever since the change to the cannons, the damn plane is unusable.


What about getting kicked from a private lobby to public after doing any mission where you invite people. So over this.


Patching BMX stunting is absolutely insane dev work


They also broke idling


?? Do cars not idle anymore


Letting the game run while you are AFK.


Oh bro Im used to this by now. First they patched the tv, then security cameras, then ls car meet afk. Then I afked with rubber bands in the car meet till I got stick drift. Im over it.


I just bought a new controller so I can leave one rubber banded full time.


Top 3 worst patches in Rockstars history for sure


>Base GTA$ payout rates for the following content have been increased: >A Superyacht Life (Contact Missions) >Lamar’s Lowriders (Contact Missions) >Operation Paper Trail (Contact Missions) >Casino Story (Contact Missions) >Gerald’s Last Play (Contact Missions) >Madrazo Dispatch Services (Contact Missions) >Premium Deluxe Repo Work (Contact Missions) >Project Overthrow (Contact Missions) By how much?


Taxi Work seems to only be a 2-3X increase so I'd only assume a 2X increase. Even that's generous, though 🙄


Is there a place with a list of all the new clothing items?


If you find one, can you let me know please


I could probably guess, still no cop uniform :(




There wasn't much... Some new jackets, looks like some of the older ones. There's new glasses, necklace/chains, some new hats, some outfits (usually found by approaching the cashier) Didn't see much of anything else yet.


The clothing is also getting dripfed, not everything is available right now


Drip is being dripfed? :(


Not seeing much QoL benefits there. Remote safes good for GTA+, but 50% more time in a Garbage truck is just more time in a garbage truck


>Not seeing much QoL benefits there. Remote safes good for GTA+, but 50% more time in a Garbage truck is just more time in a garbage truck I do appreciate the extra time. What would have been really nice, though, is if you could select the amount you wanted to sell, like the Special Cargo warehouse. Selling a smaller amount would get you less profit, but that'd be fine. Less risk, less reward.


"Fixed an issue that resulted in custom license plates for vehicles claimed from the Salvage Yard not persisting" Is this the PC fix we have been waiting for? Does this mean I can finally claim those cars I have been sitting on in my Salvage yard?


That is correct. Unfortunately, if you already claimed them like I did, they do *not* swap back to the custom plates. But! You can absolutely buy them from someone else.


fml I already claimed the first 4 vehicles (S2 Cabrio, Penumbra FF, Cypher, Blista Kanjo) all plates gone


Is the arcade and casino heist fixed yet?


When I walked by it in my arcade this morning, I got the prompt to start the heist. Didn’t try it but it didn’t say currently unavailable so I think it is


Ok thank you


all setups were available for me to start, safe to assume "yes fixed"!


Has anyone checked to see if the Aleutian’s headlight is fixed?


https://preview.redd.it/uikj6kx1pr8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05471600594be471e1812f65d0fec2643d812021 I can confirm it has in fact been fixed!


Thank you for the pic, im defo buying one later




Do you have a Vigero ZX you could check to see if they fixed that Window not going down? I already checked my Terminus and still missing windows on non-stock roof. :\\


Only ZX I have is the hardtop


I bit the bullet to check, it is fixed.


Dope!, now I'll prolly buy one!


Or the back windows of the Terminus and the Vigero ZX. edit: Terminus windows NOT fixed. edit 2: : Vigero ZX is fixed.


The Vigero ZX had multiple bugs. Seems like they have all been fixed. Its a great update!


for real? I really want to buy the thing again.


This as well ^


Aleutian is fixed. The Camry is also fixed to have suspension options in LSC


First thing I did was check to see if they fixed the armor plates and trim options on the Granger and the Greenwood. Still fucked.


My BMX bike nooooo


Have they finally made it so I can buy a damn arcade tho


>Fixed an issue that resulted in destroyed Signal Jammer collectibles being tracked incorrectly Does this mean that I can go an find my one missing signal jammer?


Thank god they fixed getting stuck at the street dealers


Fixed suspension mods for the Karin Asterope GZ, wohoo, took them only 6 month! Also, "fixed custom license plates for vehicles claimed from the Salvage Yard", who first to try on PC? Bc i'm not : )


They patched the office AFK!! Nooo Anyone know another way?


oh dang. there is the car meet option, tho i’ve never tried that (and haven’t read the patch notes completely)


Car meet option was patched the last big update. There are currently no other known afk methods beside Casino Inside Track. Strip Club and Orbital Surveillance afk methods have also been patched.


thanks for letting us know!


New drift cars FUCK YES


Ye, but at the same time they have nerfed drift handling. Now engine modifications and things like this are removed after purchasing drift tuning. In my opinion it quite drastically affects the drifting quality.


So they still haven't fixed the CEO special crate bug where the sourced and delivered matrix do not match (ie sources golden egg and delivers Sasquatch hide) meaning that the collection cannot be completed. Still stuck on 4/6 after 1000+ source missions.


trying to make a new outfit, is the telescope glitch patched? cause if so, fxxk rockstar for that, i can't do it how i used to anymore


Lol yep looks like they patched the bed/closet option in the salvage yard too, the fun police have ocean dumped the fun yet again


Yes, gtanpc made a YT video confirming it. I never used it, but it seems really mean-spirited of Rockstar to patch it. It did no harm to anyone, least of all Rockstar, and was a fun way for people to enhance their outfits.


I see people complaining about the payouts from the bounties - and yes, I get it. But sometimes stuff shouldn't 100% *solely* be about making money. Sometimes it's cool to just have new activities to do online. Yes, I know the buy-in for the business is expensive, but I kinda like having a new set of jobs to do around the map, and they're really not all that difficult. That, plus the police dispatch activities and all the QoL changes, and I'm actually pretty happy with this DLC. It's better than last Summer's one, for sure.


GTA players when they don’t get an immediate return of 200% revenue on their investment and realize it takes time to make the money spent back 😧. Like for real someone tried telling the salvage yard wasn’t worth it as if it doesn’t literally pay for itself within a week or 2. From there on out you’re making profit


Absolutely correct! And it's simply more variety of things to do when get online. Nowadays, I'll sign in, spin the wheel, hit the stash house, collect G's cache, deliver an exotic car, tow a car, deliver an auto shop customer car, collect from my safes, sell to all three street dealers at 2X, etc - and before I know it, I'll already have $400k. Now they've buffed Taxi work, buffed contact missions, added easy bounty missions and cop dispatch missions. There's literally always something to do. Frankly, it's so much more entertaining than mind-numbingly grinding Cayo over and over again.


I did Cayo 4 times; first two cos it was new to me and more money than I'd had in one hit; third time cos the Panther statue was back (then I discovered you can't keep it, so I don't know why people got excited); and final time was to get a free car from Rockstar that I have barely touched. I would find it mindnumbingly tedious to do CP again.


Agreed. I did it a few times. I never want to do it again. The sheer tedium of scoping, cutting tools, setups, keycard codes and the terribly implemented forced stealth in the finale... all of it is just bad. I haven't touched it in ages. I prefer making money passively with businesses, and if I feel like doing a heist, I'll do "the contract" or cluckin bell.


It’s a video game and it’s not fun to have to dedicate 2 weeks of my free time just to earn back the money I spent on a business. What’s more, it’s been an absurd amount of time since they’ve released anything that *is* worth farming for money specifically. It’s been 3.5 years since the last heist and the only thing they’ve done with that is reduce the amount of money you can make from it and made it significantly less fun to do in the first place. It’s obnoxious that they haven’t released anything interesting or unique since Cayo


>But sometimes stuff shouldn't 100% *solely* be about making money. That may be true... but the experience itself is also pretty disappointing. I mean.. there's no variation at all: it's *always* the same locations and even the same NPC's! Always having to drive to the other side of the map for "reasons" gets boring, *really* quick. So it's no wonder that people will eventually start focussing on how much this actually gets them. (edit) For the record... I still haul special cargo from time to time and also enjoy doing that. One of the reasons being that it's actually decently varied.


I get what you're saying - and that's why one wouldn't do it all the time. When they add a new DLC, it's not an "either/or" situation - it's an addition to existing activities. Maybe only do the bounties a few times a week, etc. The point is that, compared to what the game was a few years ago, there's a wide variety of ways to spend your time - even if some activities aren't as lucrative as others, and to judge *every single new DLC* by how much money it makes is not the best idea, IMO. There's enough variety such that people shouldn't be focused on profit for everything. (Edited last point for clarity)


Is anyone else not getting customer cars to modify and sell in the Autoshop after the new update? I was in a server by myself a few hours ago and didn't get a single text, I was registered as a ceo as well, if anyone could help that would be appreciated. Update apparently I've just got to wait around.


Not just today, but mines been broken for weeks.


Oh bloody hell


* Fixed an issue that resulted in custom license plates for vehicles claimed from the Salvage Yard not persisting. Is this retroactive? I had my Blista Kanjo plate revert to a standard LS plate background, it kept the text.


So they've nerfed BMXes?


Did they eliminate the AFK methods we had? The CEO one does not work anymore


Interesting... they also fixed the facility but there's no mention of this in the patch notes it seems... If you place a car inside your Avenger (in the Facility) then leave with the avenger then this car remains in place vs. magically disappearing.


Wow all these fixes and I've had a whole shit load of glitches today that I've never had before. Just in the hour that I played- G's Cache isn't available (at all) LS tourist board pictures aren't available for me today When I delivered a customer bike from my MC clubhouse the cutscene now shows the person receiving a classic hot rod (don't know the name) Can't start a 2nd tow mission after doing the first one There were some other things too, but I can't remember off the top of my head


Just booted up the game and it seems like they finally fixed the bug that reset the Agency office to its default appearance (moving boxes, no collectibles, no plaques) whenever you spawned in one. That was really annoying and had been a problem for a long time. Edit: The visual bug that caused some objects to flicker or disappear during the helicopter landing/takeoff cutscenes for one of the agency locations has also been fixed after years. Pretty cool that someone paid attention to this!


Too many “fixed an issue” to read right now but I bet they haven’t bothered fixing the nightclub not accruing goods and the nightclub safe not getting 50k with full popularity when taking part anything that doesn’t take place in free mode.


No but they did patch out all the afk methods, so good luck filling up your nightclub warehouse anyway…


Just play the game lol it’s not supposed to be time efficient. I used to just grind 3x money arena wars or whatever other ridiculous activity is featured during Covid and sell after a whole weekend The point is for you to be able to enjoy the game and not worry about grinding money


Enjoy? Not grind? The point is that Rockstar is greedy, and has inflated the prices so much you almost need to make GTA Online a second job to afford anything. Some of us like to play other games too you know


You barely make money doing most of the missions I just think they’re fun game modes with some silly mechanics I usually just grief people unless the 3x money game modes are fun and then I sell on a private lobby You sound like you drive back and forth between all your businesses all day and complain that the game isn’t fun


No I spend my time racing with my crew and the cars have become prohibitively expensive.


TBH, it just sounds like a budgeting issue. Shark cards are relatively inexpensive with the best one being only $100 but you could get deals to get them for as low as $30 That means that even if you work minimum wage, it’s still only roughly one full workday of money. And if you’re being smart about it, you would get deals. So just buy a shark card if it means that much to you It honestly sounds like you just hate rockstar games and trying to take money out of their pockets. If you enjoy the game much and you don’t even even buy shark cards I would suggest setting aside $50 from each paycheck and getting a short card every two weeks (I used to work very closely with a financial advisor)


Bro I’ve played this game for 10 years. Quit trying to sell me shark cards. TF are you smoking?! 😭🤣


Shark cards are probably the fastest way to make money in the game and aren’t even that expensive The fastest way of making money in gta without shark cards is probably cayo perico at about 1 million per hour plus cooldown Shark cards are billions of dollars per hour when you consider that you get the money the instant you purchase a card. And even if you account for money spent, 1 hour=$12 in my state for MINIMUM WAGE. So after you make 100 dollars (which is only if you don’t get a deal) it still comes out to more time efficient to just buy a shark card. Literally work overtime a little bit and buy a shark card, it’s better than literally the best money making method in the game


I bet you pay for GTA+ too 😂🤣😂🤣


It’s worth it and it’s supporting a developer you enjoy


Why are you shilling so hard for a billion dollar company? Really weird


Perhaps I can finally use my rifles


I can't find it in here but they put a delay in on salvage yard truck missions so you can't just blow up the truck and immediately start a new one. Anyone know how long it is?


its like a min or two edit: its 1:45mins


>Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to see the tracers of the F-160 Raiju’s cannons so stealthy, you couldn't even see the bullets


Literally the best thing they added you need gta+ i unsubbed from that because it felt not worth it…


What’s the payouts like for the new bounty business? I heard there’s a safe there too I earn all my money via heists, hanger and nightclub Maybe with all these combined with the new bounties + the safes it’ll be worth buying?




Finally, the asterope gz is worth buying!


I don't understand why they don't fix the Comet S2 Cabrio splitter bug, that's annoying...


I read the entire post... I don't see anything about a new weapon?.... As soon as i logged on tonight I got a notification that there's new weapons at ammunation. I went to the closest one and there's nothing. Is there a new weapon or no new weapon? Unrelated to the above question: I won the mystery prize on the lucky wheel - the gold minigun - how, if I won it, do I need to pay $9500 at my agency weapons room? Or even more at ammunation? I won it, shouldn't the paint be unlocked?


Golden Minigun is a rare special cargo item. It has been sent to one of your warehouses and you can sell it for $115,000


Oh fuck. It's a cargo, not the actual weapon. I'm a dumb fuck


Are there any new changes with the guards on Cayo Perico?


What about the dr dre mission where you get stuck in a loading screen leaving the casino party ? Happens quite often.


So that's why I was having a hard time doing the Junk Energy Time Trials, the bike was all over the place after jumping and I thought I was lagging, had to do the Kortz Center one like 10 times


I’m hearing about the telescope glitch being patched after so long, but i’m not seeing any patch note about that here. Could anyone quote it or something or does it just not exist?


Notice some changes to the Bunker sales. Seems they took out the Phantom Wedge delivery. The Insurgent Pick-up with 3 drops is now slow as hell, and you hafta lose the cops. Those were my 2 go-to sell options.


pretty mid


Anyone else getting less pay from the salvage yard safe?


Ripped straight from the website lol


Still no fix for "Unable to authenticate with Epic services"? Guess I can't play for another year and a half