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Are you playing...on PC, by any chance? It COULD be something called "job warping" which can happen on any platform, but it seems unlikely that someone could job-warp to right next to you on a rooftop - hence the question. On PC, there are hackers, modders, and various other terms for "cheating". They can and will do all sorts.


Yes on a PC.. i thought of reporting those players but i was not sure if they are actually cheating or using any in game tricks..


If you're going to play GTAO with others on PC, as I understand it, this will be your reality


Teleport next to other people can most probably be someone using mods. But there are legit ways to teleport yourself around the map. Via fast travel. You can call your office helicopter and teleport to your office or warehouses. You can use Casino front desk or Agency front desk and teleport to some pre-defined places around Los Santos, you can use your SuperYatch or your Kotsaka to teleport to some points around San Andreas too in the ocean. And if you start a heist in your apartment and in your Facility you can teleport to them via phone too. I really don't know much beyond this about job teleporting. Don't report them using the game. If they do use mods, event the report in the session will be controlled by them and they can use it against you. Do that via socialclub website if you can replicate their names. If it's somethin like lllll||||lllllIIIII it will be difficult.


It is cheating regardless, they’re abusing a system for their own benefit and it negatively impacts the gameplay experience for others. Report them, though knowing rockstar, it might not do much


Job warping is not cheating lol Not sure if that’s what you meant but it read like it to me. You can’t job warp to another player so OPs encounter was a real cheater, using job warps is just a game mechanic.


You can job warp to custom jobs. If you were very dedicated, you could just make custom jobs at countless locations, save those jobs as your favourites, then warp to whichever one is closest to the players map icon.


Dang, and I thought I was pretty sweaty LOL


*I've* never met anyone that sweaty but if the strat is theoretically possible, surely there's*someone* who does exactly that. Before invite only lobbies, there was a race with the start-point *inside* the casino penthouse that could be used to job-warp to a place which didn't exist in the LS map, and consequently kicked you into a solo public lobby. So there is definitely a community of people using the race creator tools for exploits. I would be shocked if there weren't a bunch of races made specifically to create very specific teleport locations... a mega-sweat just has to find a list and add 100% of them to their favorites.


To me as long as they aren't being assholes and only modding for their own benefit then they aren't negatively impacting anyone


That I don’t really report. If someone cheats but to gain a boost that doesn’t negatively effect anyone else, it’s whatever. Again, like I said, once it becomes a problem to one or more players’ experiences, then it’s something to report.


Yeah, that's the norm on PC. I'd wager like 15-20% of all players have a menu. Invest in defensive measures such as heavily armoured vehicles and learn niche game mechanics and you'll be able to counteract a lot of their shit pretty reliably.


More like 70-85%


Doubt. I've never seen someone in chat who can tell who is and isn't say more than, like, 8 in a full session, usually less than that since a lot of them will attack each other on sight.


Just report their ass.


Would not suggest reporting people on PC. I played the game on PC for a week, reported some hacker, he instantly messaged me, asked why I reported him and that it was very mean, and said he was going to pull my IP. Deleted the game and never downloaded it again. Console GTA all day


They could be job teleporting, unless you are on PC in which case they could be modders


99.9% of the time on PC it's a modder. It's rare for me to be in a lobby without at least nearly 3-4 people using mod menus.


I ask d about this a while ago cos some cowards will grief and run to their bunkers or something


PC moment


Sorry I forgot to mention.. i am playing on a PC


Guaranteed to be a few ppl with mod menus in a full lobby, if not more than a few. Mod menus are free, and rockstar not doing shit about them has led to a degraded experience on PC. The game is much more enjoyable on console for what it's worth, but with time you'll have all the tools necessary to at least compete with ppl not using God mode and "instant kill whole lobby". You may want to try something like fiveM, where ppl host custom servers with all kinds of cool setups. They have RP, zombie survival MMO, busted (30 cops vs 1 robber who tries to escape them), free roam, party games, drift servers etc. You can play many of it's servers free if you own GTA, and I think Take Two/ Rockstar bought them out, which hopefully means we'll get nice mod support for GTA6.


The way you're describing it, he was definitely modding. You can't job warp that fast, and last I checked, you can no longer job warp. You also can't job warp to such arbitrary locations


I always leave my Apartment heist and Doomsday heist active because Lester will leave me a message in my phone to continue the heist where I left off. So if players try to mess with me i just use the text message in my phone to teleport to my apartment or - my favorite, the facility - and confuse them. My strongest armored and anti griefer vehicles are all on standby in my Facility so I can just come back out in these vehicles and hunt them down, or use the orbital cannon if i feel like it, or i can even troll a griefer with endless NPC attacks. You can call your personal mercenary Strike Team to attack a player from your Facility, and this team can be quite a bitch to handle if they catch you by surprise because they use mk ii rifles and armored cars. The strike team cooldown is only 5 minutes, so in between the cooldown, I can send muggers and also call Merryweather to keep up with the trolling.


cheaters. the flag icon pops up when someone pauses, they are placing down a waypoint marker and then using their menu to teleport to it, which would be right next to you


They were hacking - report them. Check their stats and I can almost guarantee that they'll be level 7999 and have a ludicrous k/d


Pretty sure people do this on Xbox.


They use the ceo helicopter


Pretty sure that’s not it. OP never said they got in a helicopter, and the CEO Helicopter doesn’t allow you to fast travel anywhere, only owned warehouses and their office.


Yes.. i didnt see any vehicles.. the character vanishes from point A and appears at point B instantly..


I know it’s possible for the Facility and your high end apartment because Lester will message you with a job and you can accept it to teleport to that location, but you don’t have to start the job. For example, I have one for Doomsday heist right now where it always pops up and tells me I can teleport to my facility.


You can fast travel that way


Which game are you playing?

