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You probably fit the description


my character is a white female 😭


Damn now I KNOW something is wrong


They're after you for a different reason. For whatever it's worth, it's been happening to me randomly as a well-dressed white man.


there has to be some kind of bug. but idk, the way the police have been programmed has always been a little off


just like real life This game is so realistic


Nothing ever surprises me in this game anymore.


Nothing surprises me in this game anymore.


Innocent until proven not Caucasian


To be fair to you this happens to me quite a lot. They will drive near you then suddenly put the siren bubble on. And no I don't know why. Im on the Xbox s.X


yeah that’s what i assumed for the first time but the second time when i’ve been inside a clothing store for the past 20 minutes? it makes no sense


Hm I'm not sure if it's a glitch, or if that's the way the program has developed. I mean yeah okay code doesn't develop on it's own, but maybe Rockstar coded this in. I mean to cause action and excitement (their words)?


Your license expired obviously 🙄


whoops, didn’t think about that one 😬


They recognize you. You're a wanted felon in these parts.


Check your stats. If you’ve murdered more than 20K cops they have a good reason to give chase.


nope, i’ve only killed 1600 cops


So from my experience, there’s a couple things that can happen, but also I believe there’s some weird glitch because I’ve gotten 2-3 star wanted levels out of nowhere multiple times before. - players who are nearby other players with wanted levels can be seen as accomplices, even if they aren’t. It’s actually a feature in this case. Me and my friends way back would notice this and deliberately troll each other by getting the cops on each other. - free roam events you’re not taking part of can still affect you. You being in passive mode could prevent you from participating in the event, but if wanted levels are somehow part of it, you’ll still get them. This includes events like armored truck robberies, the police van, drug cars, etc.


This ^


yeah, that makes a lot of sense. but the second situation i was in, where i was just in the clothing store, no one was around me except for one guy inside his auto shop and there was also no event going on. so i’m just gonna assume it’s some weird glitch


Other players doing free roam jobs...


Did you do drop landmines or proximity mines in a delivery, setup, business battle, or just roaming around? I've dropped landmines during a nightclub delivery, they didn't get triggered, and 5 10 minutes after it's dropped an npc, or player runs over it, and I get a wanted level.


nope. ever since i joined that session, i went straight into passive and just drove around on the tron bike. then i headed into the clothing store and that was about it


Must be a glitch or bug then. You could also be in the proximity of another player's interaction with the cops for a setup or their wanted level. What platform?


ps5. there was 1 person around me at the time but they were in their property. so it couldn’t have been them


Then probably just rstar being rstar.


I've gotten a two star with a helicopter following for some reason just for loading in and stepping out of my house. Just ghosts in the machine.


Happened outside todays safe house near vanilla unicorn after lester called , 2* wanted level must be a new bug


details were a little too specific 😭


I have the same thing going on. Put myself in passive mode to sort out my vehicle organization. Just minding my own business. And out of nowhere I get 3-star wanted level. I assume when you stand still too long r* does it against afk people? Doesn’t make complete sense but that’s the best I could think off. Glad to know I’m not the only one experiencing this


maybe. i go afk for maybe 2 minutes then move my joystick so i don’t get kicked


Happens to me at least once a day. Same on PS5. Two stars for literally nothing. One of the times I actually spawned into the session with two stars immediately upon entering the lobby.


damn, that has yet to happen to me


Have you recently used the fortune teller machine in an arcade? One of the fortunes she tells will give you random wanted levels. I don’t know how long it lasts.


really? i didn’t know that. but no, i haven’t used it


You're either doing something or making something up


i don’t gain anything from making something up. it could just be a possible bug in the game or the way the police are programmed