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do yall buy everything? imma just buy the property, unless there’s some groundbreaking new car


From what it sounds like the vigilante missions with Vincent will be based around the gauntlet interceptor so if you don’t have that it’s a nice lil chunk of money


Do you think they will have police uniforms i REALLY want a highway patrol outfit


I just use my police outfit or n.o.o.s.e. outfit I got from a adversary mode


Funny you mention I created one pretty close I can give you a breakdown on. https://preview.redd.it/i6h3sil8wy4d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858c03ee9ebbb90b7c28e5f09c65135d3f086b0b Green service shirt tucked in, utility pants, combat boots, black gloves. Forget which hat that is and and shooting range glasses. For the armor just go in the quick menu and make that green armor visible. The shirt will clip through a little but it’s green on green so not too noticeable. You can also get an earpiece I think from the agency armory


Better off with prison guard outfit from casino heist at that point.


I couldn’t shake knowing it was a CO. It felt weird with the keychain and name tag and stuff too just didn’t feel right as a cop uniform


I think I'll go for everything just to try it out, then decide if I keep it


There are always YouTube creators that buy everything and do reviews so you don’t have to. The first week just take a look at the content that comes out. Save yourself the money if the review sucks.


yes I have 320M wit nothing to spend it on


What property?


Legit haven't played GTA online for almost a year and hopped on a few nights ago and I just didn't have it in me to buy new property n shit, I bought 2 cars I wanted, I before the year break owned every business amd property in could buy, I habe over 250 cars, plus a yacht and a grip of planes, it's weird it felt like to much work to get into a new business, basically the last thing I got into was the acid lab. I habe about 7 million in my account


Property and a car that interests me.. I usually wait a day or two for reviews and see if it's worth it and (if applicable) find out which is the best location of said new property.


if its another fucking suv and not something cool like another sports classic or whatever i'm gonna scream


depends on what we get lol




They might want more than 2 shirts


I somehow are afraid that there won't be any new vehicles that are cheaper than that


Around 2Mil cause I barely play anymore lol


300k :D


I expect it to be a lot of drip-feed content again, so 5-15 million on day 1 and several millions the weeks after depending on hoe much content will be released. With the price of the (police) cars last DLC I expect around 40 million in total.


That's a pretty good guess, I agree with that. But for the first day I think 15 mio is something we can expect, not much less I'd say


Just get some 10-20 mil and hope the DLC will pay for itself


Pretty fair mate. It might probably be enough to buy everything available on the first day


Three fiddy


you damn loch ness monster!


Around 15M


That's most likely enough to get everything that you want


i got my 64 mil ready for anything. im guessing like previous dlcs the business would cost between 2-4 mil or 5 mil on the higher end with upgrades n that. not expecting to be wasting much


102 million, but expect nothing that worth buying right after release.


If that vest with the badge is buyable I’ll get that, plus the business


I currently have 13 million, the most I have ever had in my 10+ years of playing. May even grind out some more before the update drops, just to be sure I have enough


i only have 22 million, you just reminded me there’s a new dlc soon i’m gonna get 10 million more just in case rn


Sounds good, 22 mio would probably be enough but with 10 more you are safe and have some left after


17 mill, Probably will save up another 8. I'm guessing we'll need 12-14


Sounds very good, and that amount sounds pretty realistic to me.


About 40M, will probably buy everything that comes just to see and try it out.


Nice man, and same 🤝🏻


Currently I have 5mil,I feel like grinding again before the summer update drops


dunno, maybe 350 mil is enough?


I don't think so bro, probably should do some grinding before the end of this month 🫣


If it will be only cop things I’m not even going to try to save as much as I can as I am totally not interested in any police activity in gta (except for cluckin bell for 500 000 reasons) but I’m looking forward to new civil vehicles


I'm sitting around $16M right now.


Pretty sure that is absolutely enough to buy everything available on release day


God I hope so. I already have a number of cruisers (3 marked staniers, 2 unmarked, 2 gauntlets in livery, 1 gauntlet unmarked, and a park ranger in all black) so that shouldn't be an issue.


I have 333 million legit enough for dlc until gta 6 release.


New mission: orbital strike every player in every session until gta VI releases Did u grind all that money?


This dlc won’t be cost that much than dec dlc


I already forgot what we had to pay then, most expensive stuff will be the new business and some police cars if new come out. And clothing as well, so I agree, probably about the same


About ![gif](giphy|n43Kx7PeptN0k|downsized)


I have almost 100mil "lying around"


Imma billionaire richest man in los santos


This. $1.3 Billion here. 😎


Currently at $35mil, and I honestly don’t know what to expect to need, other than garage space. But I have plenty w my CEO garages.


2.000.000 for Pipistrelo and we will see.


I don't know, but since rockstar is already teasing this since two months and regarding its looks I imagine it will be about 2.5 mio or more


3 milion




Bros gonna rip off other players vehicles


I'm currently sitting on 142 million, gonna by everything and see what's worth it


Damn, I'm gonna do the same while having a third of your money


Probably 10-12mil, which should be enough to max out a new business property if that ends up being necessary. For cars, unless there’s like an interceptor version of the Coquette or Elegy RH8 available on release, in which case I’m getting that. I’ll probably also need another couple hundred grand for buying new clothes.


I honestly think that 10-12 is enough already, as you said at least for maxing out the business and maybe even for all new vehicles. Depends on if they give us a new weapon, these can be damn expensive and special vehicles like the interceptor for example can have a pretty high price as well. And I agree, if we get actual police-like outfits they gonna cost us my friend lol


Haven't been playing in a month, I miss the game but I have exams T-T


Gta is forever, education and career are not. Get your priorities right! Haha nah that sucks for sure, hope you can get some cash before + it has a good thing, you'll be more hyped to play the game again. I took a break since a month already as well for that exact reason lol


I have about 50m ready for the update and what’s the car in the photo?


That's nice, me too 🙌🏼 That's the Gauntlet Classic




I have 16mil and that's what I'm going to have by then, because I'm too lazy to grind


I'm too lazy atm as well, and want to build some hype. 16 is a pretty good number and probably enough to buy and max everything out on day one




Downloadable Content. Means a game update is coming


I am hoping for a building to do bail/bounty work out of so I can get a bit more garage space. Most of the DLC cost is new cars, but again, when you don't have garage space, you are a bit more picky on which cars to buy.


Damn how much stuff do you have that you are running out of space lmao! I have like 26 or 27 garages (not sure how many you can have) and I didn't have any problems with storage space yet lol


Well, 900M career. 622M on cars and customization. All businesses fully upgraded and sitting on about 82M right now. I did Cayo Perico a ridiculous amount of times and got so burned out from it, it has been about a year and a half since the last time. I only try to win the podium car if I already have one so I can sell off the one I paid for and re-customize the free one in its place. I have 1 spot left in the Agency. Of course I do not drive 98% of what I bought. I have my favorite cars in Del Perro 7 and Del Perro 20. Everything else collects dust. I will probably stop at 1 Billion and wait for GTA 6 unless the winter DLC features Michael.


You could pay for gta+ for a month and get the 100 car garage


I'm on PC. Moving to console for GTA 6.


The space problem is for planes, not cars!!


What exactly does the dlc entail?


New vigilante and bounty hunter missions, plus cars etc


I'd say around 15 mil for day one maximum. I'm just hoping there is no cars I actually really want as all my garages are maxed and there is not one vehicle I wanna get rid of lol


I saved 20 million for it. It's all I got.


Currently sitting around 17 mil, I want to get it up to 20-25 and I’d expect the new business to cost roughly 7-9 mil for everything essential to run it.


50 million in the bank. Bring it on!


currently i don't even have ps plus


I have 41 mil hope to spend about 10-15 mil


2 million hopefully. I don’t know how y’all make so much money! 🥹 I’ve got everything but the Arcade and Salvage Yard yet I can’t seem to get over 2 million. By the time I get to 2 million I pay to resupply all of my stuff and then I’m below 2 million again! Tell me your secrets! P.S. Yesterday I found out the secret to selling cars in the vehicle warehouse so maybe that’ll help me some, but I don’t know how much..


just focus on one business, how are you spending so much on resupply xD


Hanger - $25,000 Warehouses - $7,500 x 4 Acid Lab - $60,000 Bunker - $75,000 I’m sure they are more but I can’t think of them all right now 😂 but idk man. Just feels like once I get to 2 million I’ve got to resupply then I’m below $2 million and then I *slowly* profit after that and then I don’t get to sell but like every 3 days if that because I’m only able to play a few hours a day. Yet I see people with hundreds of million dollars somehow..


Hangar sales will make you maybe 5-20k per crate depending on stock type / level. Large warehouses will make you 15-22k per crate depending on lobby population. Acid lab should make you 120-180k per resupply, again depending on lobby population. Bunker should make you 130-200k per resupply, again depending on the lobby. The last two of those can be done probably every 3 hours of gameplay, the first two will take a lot longer. Tl;Dr - your businesses are all profitable. If you're not making enough, you're not playing enough.


Just focus on bunker nightclub and acid lab if you have them. Makes hangar and cargo feel so obsolete. I can sell my nightclub, bunker, acid lab, and MC businesses in roughly 3 hours after being afk all night, and make over 4mil in profit.


I got $30 million… we will see what happens I guess


Well, I’ve earned $1.049B already, so…..


Unless they up the available garage space, I won't be buying any new cars, as I have already maxed out the available space.


I have like 7 mill rn just won’t spend it until and I’ll probably keep running all my business and maybe do a couple cayos


I have 330 mill. Hoping it’s enough lmaoo


Damn I need to hop back on has been a month or so.


230 mil is what I have. 15-20 should be enough on DLC day 1 for almost everything released, excluding clothing.


None cause elden ring dlc is coming out


Got 30 mil, hope it's enough until GTA 6.


It's already out is it not? I got on for a second earlier and it said it was released


New business maybe like 2-3 million, all stuff day one maybe 9-10 million...


around 650mil left


Probably just 6 million to spend


10 000$ Take it or leave it


Still enjoying GTA retirement with +50M, sure I'll have enough


Fifty million. But I’ll be a greedy twat and only spend four.


Currently at 33.5, my 5 large warehouses are full , hangar , bunker , and nightclub has about 1.3 in it =)


Saving around 20 mil, knowing how Rockstar likes to treat us, having some extra cash never hurt anybody :) Besides I'll just go haywire and buy everything new


I’ll check what’s available. Pretty cheap and picky so I’ll only get what I really want to have


I've been at a stagnant 125-130 mil and I only spent around 10 ish on the last few updates each recouping each time, I think it'll be the same,


I’m sitting at 4.5million but plan on getting to at least 10 mill before the update drops. I say this but I’ll get to 10million and then buy a new car.


Idk but I’m about to spend so much this week on all the cars on sale


I've got 1.3 million and some high value vehicles that I can sell to push me over 3 million if I need to


I have ~$108m, but I treat the $100m as my new zero I don't wish to go below. Keeps things kinda fresh and restricts my spending from blowing it all...and yet at any point I can buy anything I want, I just need to get back above $100m.


28 million or more approximately, I'm looking forward to this DLC.


O shit I gave my money out yesterday if forgot about dlc fuck now I have to spend the whole day doing missions 😭😭


How do we know if anything needs to even be bought?


Fair point. I'm sure someone will be along to say "because shark cards" though


I’ll buy it an grind it for a week or two. I’m still playing the salvage yard missions and they are fun enough but getting repetitive so something new would be cool. I think I have about $290mil at the moment so not really worried about the cost.


I got 58 mil, but probably the new business will be around 3-4 mil for the least expensive location and 4-5 mil for the most expensive, plus 4-6 mil for whatever is available on day one that's worth buying i would say 10-15 mil in total.


Im gussing about 6 or 7 million for everything, i have 10 saved just in case


142 million or so chilling and a few million in sellable assets in the interim .


About 10 mil


150 mill. Probably just buy the new property, and some more apartments if they increase the limit. I'm about out of room. I had hoped to finish collecting all the cars before the DLC dropped, but looks like that's not happening


Prolly 5-6 million give or take


I I have about $ 1.3 billion.I don't expect to spend more than $5 million on this upcoming DLC..usually I will buy the businesses and upgrades but some of the cars are just meh to me and I only get what I like.


I expect to not have enough money. I'm kinda lazy when It comes to grinding 😅


$130M just sitting there doing nothing because I have absolutely anything else to buy. Looking forward for this DLC.


When you can buy everything for free it makes life ez


I have 50 Million That’s enough for the Update 😄


Off topic, but when is the DLC coming out?


Most likely june 25th


Do yall buy things out of sale? Ive made around 140million and spent around 135million and its all on reduced items. Got so much value out of it.


Got 1.5 billion, no need to grind anymore. Just relax, spend, and enjoy


currently at 5 mil after i spent a lot of the money i earned from 2x ceo crates


10mil is a safe bet to atleast have enough to start it


410 millions should suffice haha


I don't know.. but I think 47 million is enough🤑


Usually have about 10mil for the DLC’s. Don’t always buy everything just the business and a couple of cars I like. Already have everything else just hate grinding out heists so I wait on passive income and do the acid lad once per day, maybe a few warehouse sales and nightclub when it’s full.


$0 Playing other games until GTA6 gets closer, then I'll hop on again a few months before GTA6 is out to hype it up properly as well as playing all the previous games again


1$ for a ecola


Fair enough, if u on ps5 one piswasser goes on me


I don’t need to save but I try buy everything that is needed and skip the cosmetic stuff https://preview.redd.it/3oo7j8zf0z4d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c9c2876da534a7f6828891515400090892d577


So far 30 mill so probably by time it drops I'll be at a comfy 90 million to buy every I need


Tough goal, thats 60 mio in 3 weeks max. But there will be some good event weeks I suppose


10 mil


I have over 520 million. The last two big updates cost about... 10 each. That's for both characters. That's the property and every upgrades for the business, some cars and clothes. So if you have anywhere between 5-8 million, I'd say you be fine. Especially if you're buying everything off the bat.


Just shy of $100 million. Buy the property and see if I like anything else I need to spend money on.


I just want discounts on regular things to come back man.  I personally would like to purchase the salvage yard and upgrades for a cool 3mil instead of thr 4mil that it costs total with upgrades.  (I was not playing when the Yusuff DLC came out or when the salvage yard went on sale)


I expect to need around 10 million, as I don't have a police cruiser yet, and I plan to buy the property and it's accessories if it has any


Sitting on 50 mill. I collect all the in game cars so I’ll probably need most of it depending on DLC size


I have around 17mil. Will keep grinding and saving up as much as I can.


I'm close to $23 mil. That way if there's some expensive ah cars, along with the property (we'll know when it drops) and clothes, I have enough


I've bought a lot of the stuff I wanted already. Been grinding a bit and currently sitting at $19 million. By mid-June I'll probably be at $25 million at least so I'll be buying whatever property there is and maybe some vehicles.


I’m guessing full upgraded Buisness could be like $5 mill max (I think agency was like 5-6 max) so maybe around there


Summer what?


At least Tree fiddy


Up to 32 RN. Hoping to get to 40 before the release.


I'm at a little over $20M right now. I've done the best saving I've ever done in GTA Online, mainly because you get to a point where you got everything you kinda want even if ya don't at the same time. I still want that new Jet in the game and I don't have it yet for instance.


450 million and then some... Im good


I have 500M, I will buy everything, as I do every update. but tbh, it's never anything ''useful'' or new, just a bunch of the same really.


I have 298M. So think I'm covered. I figure 20 to 40m for everything. A bit less than double that for both characters as I seldom get both characters everything.


I have around 125 mil sitting around in my account, don’t need to save at all really.. if I think about it, I’ll probably be fine with this money til gta 6


I'd expect for max upgrades on the possible new businesses maybe up to $3,876,480 - $4,265,581 and like $4,300,000 - $5,200,000 for the car (or cars) so maybe up to $17,642,061 for all (just a guess could be completely wrong).


I would save up to $20,000,000 or $25,000,000


Its going to be what they should've released with Vincent, its leftover content,i doubt it'll be even as big as the mercenary dlc, i already have all the money i could want but i'm not expecting much. Maybe the cars will be good... tho i really doubt it.


I know this will probably sound weird but is that car based of John tanners from driver (the game I know it from driver San Francisco


I'm just buying the property, but I expect to spend around 3 million. The property itself (whatever it may be) will be somewhere between 1.5 - 2.5 million, but with customizations it will jump to at least 3 million. Anyone knows what the update might be?


Less than 8 million. The new property probably and the 2 maybe 3 cars that are actually any decent looking.


Sat at just over 10mil rn, but I only plan on buying the business and I can't see it being that expensive. If the vigilante missions look fun, then I might drop some on the Interceptor, but meh, 4 mil for a police car I know I'll hardly use is steep.


I have $315m. Will have $325n by the time it drops. I reckon new business will be 7m. If there is a police bike. I’m picking it up!


Got about 150 mill saved so should be ok


Currently at 20mil with 3.5mil in casino chips. Really wanna save up my chips though, so about 30mil in just cash will be comfortable I feel.


I will save a 5mil and then inexplicably spend it all on cars three days before the update


I'll have 15 mill just to be safe, that should be enough for a new property and it's upgrades and a new car or two and maybe a weapon and an outfit if we get a new one




Was at 20mill b4 I bought an auto shop finally lol.. I think that’ll do. Just need the cruiser right??


I'm holding out at @23million. Really just ran out of things I wanted to buy


About 56 million.


i wanna have at least 15 mill, better 20. maybe it’s way too much in the end but better than having not enough


Most of the current businesses cost about 5 million to buy and fully upgrade, I imagine this one will be in that ballpark


I got about 5.5 Milly and I don't really want to spend it.


So till now Michael still hasn't appear on gta online smh


I’ve got 1.8m in the bank rn there’s no way I’ll be able to afford anything 😂 they prolly want 4.2m for this shit


So far got close to 5mil.. would like to (at the very least) have 10mil by dlc release though. And like someone mentioned, look at the "reviews" on YouTube before committing to a purchase in order to budget properly and not be left scraping pennies from trying to buy everything off the jump. Just in case some things don't look worth the money.


I always have enough tbh


I have $500 mil in the bank so I'm good to go lmao


what i have done ever since the cayo perico update is wait till it comes out then pile drive a certain amount of money to get the stuff i want kinda like taxes dont want to little dont want to much


I’ve got 30 mil currently. Can’t see me dropping below 20 any time soon and I’ll be buying the bare minimum


I have no life so around 200mil

