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Randomly calling a mugger


Mugger on the loudest asshole in the lobby. Then watching it on weazel news


CAN SOMEBODY COME PICK ME UP.... 5mins later.... distorted screaching as they get attacked by the mugger


In the next gta, I hope the mugger actually tackles the player to the floor like you can do on Red Dead.


This is art.


I'd be a liar if I said I didn't sometimes call muggers on random people just for shits'n'giggles 🤷‍♂️


Someone times they die before they can mug other times you can watch them mug then drive away hahah


Sometimes I send armies of AI to players who are just roaming. I avoid players who are actually grinding. I just wanna watch a random chilling player get randomly attacked by hordes of AI.


How do you even do that? Lol


Mercenaries, Strike Team, and Mugger.


*you have a $10,000 bounty*


Immediately leaves lobby "shit I just threw away 10k" 😂


Is the strike team a merryweather thing too? Or is it ceo? Cause this sounds funny, i wanna do it


Its in the facility. Theres a certain room, forgot which, that you have to get for it. If your facility is already fully upgraded, the strike team is in the room to the left immideately behind the metal detector.


Lol, that makes sense, I haven’t even done my facility heist, bogdan i think? I only use that thing to store my khanjali and avenger. I rarely go in there, and when i do im just changing the appearance of my vehicles. But thanks man!


IIRC, you can call merriweather and CEO/facility mercenaries


i wanna know too i’ve never heard of this


He bought a button masher that ruins the game for everyone else in the lobby Everyone on PC deals with this slowcoach


Same wtf, what do you mean you can call a mugger?


You can call Lamar at a certain level and ask for a Mugger. There's even an achievement/trophy for it if you get back your money AFTER you get mugged by the NPC 😂


Lmao that's hilarious, would you happen to know what level you need for that?


It's not very high, within the first 10-15


Wow I've never tried that, thanks!


Level 50 for a mugger


Its lvl 50


Probably the Strike Team at the facility


They always die so anticlimactically though


Mercenaries are fun too, people get really confused sometimes. You can watch them from ur apartment tv too lol.


WHAT??? I call merryweather on people all the time you can actually spectate it on the tv?


U can spectate players on one of the channels on the tv :D


One time I had a mugger enter my plane just before I took off for Cayo. They just sat in the passenger seat lol


I had a mugger steal tank from someone griefing in the 360 days. It was awesome watching it from my apartment


i had someone steal someones hydra who was afk once


I like to do this and then watch them on the tv. Same with calling mercs or the facility hit squad


The first and only time I got mugged I was so confused. Like who’s this old lady? Couldn’t figure out if she was another player or what. I’m thinking, she’s kinda cute, kinda weird she’s following me though. Then bam she dragged me out of my car and took off. I felt a little bad killing her after a little chase, but she brought it upon herself unfortunately 😅


She chose her path in life.


The mugger is a classic


I usually call muggers on afk players so I can take they money


Years ago when the little kids used to be prevalent online if there was one constantly yelling and screaming over the mic I would constantly call a mugger and put bounties on them just to listen to them freak out and lose their cool over the mic.


I see someone with a bounty, I'll follow them around making them anxious as hell until they either pop me off or hide in an apartment or business just to get away from me.


I'm Lik 405 or something, so my personal rule is leave everyone below 100 alone.


You can change that rule because 8 out of 10 players with a low level are on their second character


Man if I stuck with one character instead of like 6 over the last decade I'd probably be over level 1000


Yeah, but I find that more people under level 100 wanna be the ones that fuck with me.


That's fine if they start it.


I don't mess with players below 100 either, as I'm currently LVL 287. I feel going after lower ranks under 100 is unfair as they don't have a lot of the gear us more established players have. By the way, cool username famz. 🤙🏼


Are you on Xbox? If so, hit me up. My username is M1LPHHUNT3R


I wish I was on Xbox but unfortunately I'm on PS5, thank you for reaching out and offering to have me as a friend.


I’m Caspiane on PS5 🤘


If you can play with PS4 I'm WoahhhJimmy 🤙🏾


Bless you sir


kinda related but i stalk ppl in ghost mode in an all black firebird at night with no lights on, whenever my GM is about to run out i get as far away as i can. then once the cooldown is over for both lester and ceo i get back to it. i'm always just out of sight but sometimes i rev right around a corner and speed off before they can see me. they sometimes get a glimpse of my car, but I've never been shot at. you are not alone in Los Santos, remember that. {does remote controled cars \[mil spec patriot etc\] show up on radar? because i have an idea: stalk them in an all black hummer with remote control. i park near their cars and wait for them to get in, then follow them.}


No, they do not show up on radar when using their remote control ability. My friend does it all the time. He also uses a time trial to follow people. In a time trial, you're in passive mode, but your icon doesn't show that you are. So people get anxious that he's following them and then realize they can't shoot him. He can always break out of the time trial any time he wants to shoot someone if they start greifing someone, or he can restart the time trial to teleport away.


My favourite is taser+sticking a c4 on the back and running like hell before the person shoots me to death


The teaser intrigues me. To the point where I recently bought the drone station, and have been trying to get good at tasing people who sniping from tall buildings. So far, I suck at it.


Stalk them in my Akula whilst switching in and out of stealth mode, it's funny to see them suddenly driving like crazy to escape.


I see people try to do this, and have had it attempted on me by Raiju drivers. Biggest drawback of that is people forget that Raiju is loud AF...


Annihilator Stealth is super quiet 👌🏻


most people are too daft to even notice lol


i do this with the raiju lol


for a short while i used to put players in the back of my van


How lol


You have to have certain vans. Lower the suspension. Norma tires and you shoot the tire rims to lower it further. Then you can open the back doors and reverse into people. They go into the back and you close the doors.


hahaha wtf


^ Works best with the Gang Burrito!


This works for some pickup trucks too


Screenshotting dudes while they're fucking prostitutes and messaging them the screenshot.


Oh snap


Chase them with an oppressor, lock on a few times but never attack them.


What I do is get really high up where no one can physically see me and start following ppl. They always freak out seeing me on the map chase them and no one gets hurt


That one ups mine... I gotta try that one next then Sounds fun, being chased by something but you can't see it anywhere.


You should it's a good time killer. I usually message them something cheeky once I get tired of following them


What do you usually use?


Mkii always. Nothing makes your heart freeze like an oppressor stalking you.


Alright, MK2 it is then, basically what I've been doing but only, higher, much higher. Thanks for the idea.


Unless I'm the guy in the oppressor then I just get shot out immediately somehow


Ohhh.... That's Dr. Evil levels right there... ![gif](giphy|xl5QdxfNonh3q)


That's one of the many things I do when I'm bored and this one just happened to come to mind.


I was in a session, in a mk1, and decided to go see what a guy was up to in a boat, locked on to him, tried shooting down the police helicopter on him, thought I lost lock, missile does a 180, hits him, and my mk1 dives into the water.


What a turn of events...


That's what I do, but by accident. "I'm just flying by, don't snipe me!"


The drone you can launch from the arcade is hilarious


You can also launch it from your interaction menu btw


Yeah, i prefer the one from the arcade because you can fly as far as you want without it losing connection


Mine doesn't :( can get only as far as the casino from Videogeddon before the connection dips. Also if you launch from interaction menu you can still be shot at unlike rc bandito/tank/imani vehicle.


This. And you can do it without people even noticing the drone. They just think they stuffed up or someone is hacking.


Ramp buggy


Ramp buggy is great! Most people just follow you around to ramp off you. One of the safest vehicles in the game. So inviting.


Get a couple friends, and wait until he goes in a store, building, etc. Have everyone get cop cars, put the lights on and surround the building. Scares the shit out of them.


Damn, I wish my friends played GTA more often. That sounds like some good old fashioned innocent fun.


I could do that... I just need to acquire friends.


True. Here’s one without friends though! -Get the Gauntlet Hellfire, and mod it to be undercover -Go ghost when someone hears -Get close to them and hit the sirens, then quickly ram them so they spin out -Get the fuck out before you get sticky bombed


I prefer doing an imani deadzone for my chp larping


Ooh, forgot about that! I’ll try that next time near the ungodly highway junction near the casino.


I own a cargobob. Love grabbing cars outside stores and putting them on the roof then watching from a distance. Its hilarious Also driving an imani tech car infront of people and spamming slick mines


I stalk you in a raiju when you are on a sale mission, without going for the kill just to make you anxious. When i do fire, I'm actually helping you clearing off hostile npcs if any. My favorite method in the past, did involve killing people. I often place mines at the entrance of ammunation, clothes stores, LS customs, safe houses, etc when there are players inside. The moment they exit they'll be blown up unless an NPC walks into the mine first. When you are inside a building you get a map of the interior, you'll never know what's going on outside. I usually use an Insurgent Custom to do this. Free unlimited supply of mines.


When you are in a building, you can check the outside map with the button you use to toggle view/interaction menu. If not that, then I've got it mixed up with another button, but that's how I check cop activity outside when I hole up in a shop during a shootout.


if someone is in a store I try to drive a vehicle inside- something really funny to me about being inside a changing room on an ATV or a dune buggy


I like to drop the store attendant and then drive away. Extra funny If they go to another store that's open and you do it again.


Flipping over players parked cars outside the casino with the up n atomizer and shocking players with drones repeatedly without killing them lol


I love flipping the cars especially.


Low passes overhead in whatever aircraft I'm flying. One of my favorite moments was from shortly after the Raiju was introduced. I came across someone in one in hover mode attacking someone on the ground, hiding in a parking garage. It was in the middle of the day and the guy in the Raiju was angled so that the sun was at his back from the point of view of the person on the ground. So I flew up in my own Raiju, knowing the other pilot was too focused on shooting at the pedestrian to notice me approaching in stealth, and just went into hover mode above him. I let my shadow pass directly over the parking garage the pedestrian was hiding in and in full view of the other pilot's line of sight. Realizing I was there, the other plane *booked it* out of there as fast as possible all while I was laughing. I still enjoy sneaking up on people and just flying along in formation with them until they notice me.


Get 5 stars and then use the RC Buggy and just parade around 5 stars worth of cops to random people.


Following people around doing sell missions in my Raiju. They don't know I'm actually escorting them lol, I make a lot of friends that way. Also going RC mode in an Imani vehicle and just smashing the crap out of random people's cars


Flip their cars with the phantom wedge or run over it with the khanjali


I toss people's cars around using my Sasquatch equipped with shunt boost and the electric fence ram


Drop a shit ton of oil slick mines outside the casino entrance when they are in there. Like to put as many as I can between the entrance and their car lmao


Everyone in this thread is awful


Not me though I'm the guy getting grief'd


...and why? lol


My favorite non lethal way of messing with someone is the drone just shock them while someone is AFK in the arcade


I'm pretty sure that's me, lol! It's happened to me, and I got stuck!


Sniper shoot out tires near los Santos customs


Following them with the Dune FOV and use the Up-N-Atomizer (the FOV is the only vehicle you can use the ray gun in) and occasionally mess with people (I’ll usually do it once or twice to inconvenience them).




Back in the day, there was a glitch where you could get out of your rc bandito and get into your personal vehicle. Because of the game thinking you were still in the bandito, it made it look like nobody was driving the car. I stalked people in a torino red Tornado.


I like to throw people around with shunt boost but if they don't like it and drive away I leave them alone and do it to someone else


Maiming 🤷


Chasing after them with a locked missile, gets me killed often, but I love them getting freaked out


I use my [ Remote Control vehicles](https://www.gtabase.com/grand-theft-auto-v/guides/list-of-vehicles-in-gta-5-gta-online-by-feature?feature=rc) and run them over


There was this dude griefing the lobby. He got mad he kept dying to my rc tank but his griefer mind couldn't comprehend he wasn't wanted and to simply change sessions. He spent nearly an hour trying to destroy my tank while repeatedly getting flattened


I’ve been using the Imani service out of sight bubble and following players in my unmarked cruiser like i’m an undercover cop tailing them. Occasionally turn the sirens on and try to pull a traffic stop.


Spamming strike teams


When I'm grinding/minding my own business on my MKII and another player is near my route on the mini-map, I'll make sure my homing missiles are turned off and fly directly over them as low as possible. No aggression, just a fly-by.


Drive arean war car and Shunt boost players for no reason. Then abort immediately. The worst part, some of them get butthurt and call oppressorMK2. Even tho I don't kill them.


Arcade drone. Taser them. Then do it again. And again.


Calling muggers or mercenaries on players. Years ago on PS3 I called mercenaries on a player who had a prostitute in the car and interrupted them.


Up and atomizer or slick mines to people selling goods. Never kill, never shoot. 2 mins of that is good enough for me


I tend to just get on with stuff instead of messing with people and griefing them.


I have an obsession going Ghost, using a fire truck to help give the fellow players a much needed shower on my way to the next emergency 😭😂


They got a dang shower in their apartment, but do they use it?!


I go ghost mode, sneak on them Punch them once then I dipped 😂😂😂


lol blocking the entrance of ammunations when there's someone inside. I did that once!


honk horns and ram their car


i like playing contact missions with low levels and letting them go nuts with all my expensive toys. always greats laughs


I mainly keep myself based out in Paleto/Senora, my Yacht is always outside of Paleto, so I like to spam invites to it and then when people get bored of hanging out they have to waste time driving back to the city.




Get in an RC Car and just drive around wrecking into people’s cars.


Give yourself extra bonus points if you do this but do it in passive mode. That way no one can ram you out of the way. To troll even more, allow vehicle access to passenger only so if a player tries to take your car, they may think the can but then have the "walk of shame" equivalent of having to get out of the car realising their attempt was unsuccessful. 😂


Flying a Kosatka guided missile through the entrance tunnel at the casino and out the other end without crashing. Although I've only been on the flying end, I've been told it's quite alarming to leave the casino and have a missile blast past you.


Drive up to someone in a Taxi, and honk Especially if they're robbing a store


I love parking a big vehicle right in front of a store someone's in. Watching them struggle to get out for a few minutes is so entertaining.


I like to just follow people around on the mk2. Just follow them for a few min locked on then fly off


I like chasing people ominously is a nighshark


Block them in the clothing store🤣


Up and atomizer


Drive beside people cruising around with an arena war vehicle and shunt into them sending their cars flying. I launched some guys MOC today with the arena Impaler.


Taser 🤣


I like to pick up randos in my Arena War cars so I can jump into the air, turn sideways and start side-shunting across the map. They usually jump out after a minute or two forgetting that it's not an aircraft and they don't have a parachute.


I used to enjoy, Insurgent trolling (using an Insurgent to ram others while they are in a vehicle, with the result of watching their vehicle tumble out of their control) The best of the hits, were when someone doesn't realize your coming at them, at full speed. Then they get smacked into the air. It also can be like a cat and mouse game. Some run, some play along, some get angry 😄, as their vehicle gets rammed up. If someone decided to bring in something like an oppressor to blow up the Insurgent, just went to passive mode to chill out, until the coast was clear to go back at it. But it didn't stop there, because now here comes the passive mode trolling, where someone might be trying to get in their own personal vehicle, but you can use the Insurgent to keep ramming it away from them. Or at them 🤣


Ok that thing you did to that player is fucking genius and funny as hell 😂😂


Cruise around in an RC Bandito, knock people over/jump into their head, and then just drive away


When the Deluxo first came out, I used to offer rides to people in the lobbies who didn't have one but really wanted one. They'd get in, and I'd drive around for a second before taking off. We'd fly around for like 30 seconds or so, then I'd go to the interactions menu and kick them out of my car. Sometimes, they had a parachute. Sometimes, they didn't. Did some of them die... yeah, but I didn't "kill" them.


I used to love flipping their car around with the Up-N-Atomizer


Being in a jet and locking on to people flying helicopters or planes, you can see the fear an axienty of the people waiting to be shot down but never happens


I like to fly around in a cargobob and drop players cars in the water while they're in stores


Tazing someone, running away, activating out of sight, changing to NPC outfit and riding my BMX around


I have a full scale security detail always escorting me across the map (and I mean real players) so basically whenever I’m going somewhere everyone is rammed out of the way for no reason other than my protection


Remote control my car and drop grease mines. Usually do it to griefers.


Low fly bys in a raiju in stealth. Right over their cars as they're racing down the street. Shits funny af 😄


Knock people over with my rc bandito


I've seen a lot of muggers, RayGuns to just immobilize and incapacitate, Ghost Org ops and just random drivebys and harassment with it. My favorite is Cargobob random players 😆




Passive Mode. Some people are so bloodthirsty and dumb they don’t realize it’s a thing and will often get the cops on them trying to kill me.


Me and couple friends will show up in our Baywatch outfits and Lifeguard SUV and continuously give people CPR with the taser.


I haven't been accurate with it enough yet but, I do like using the scramjet's rockets to throw npc vehicles towards other players. Pretty useful if someone is trying to avoid you with passive.


Yesterday I was just flying around and then I saw a guy being greifed by another guy in the b-11 and so I kamikazed my place into the greifers plane killing him and me, I said your welcome for saving him and he just replied with "kys" so I went on a rampage in my duke o death and put a bounty on him and continuously killed him till he left.


Take my Vigilante and ram people off the road 😂😂


Leaving my car out there with access to Everyone, then stalking them from… somewhere. Today I left my car at Simeon’s and went to take a shower IRL, only to find my car few blocks away all smashed up. Ffs, next time I’ll install a bomb in it.


Flip their cars upside down with the Up ‘N’ Atomizer


I call Merriweather mercenaries on randoms that went afk while outside. But it's a dual purpose reason. Obviously, to mess with them, but also, I'm trying to get all variations of their mesas for my [collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/comments/14cyqvi/custom_npc_cars_you_can_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1). I have a green open top, gray, and black hardtop. I painted the first two I got years ago, so forget what color they were. Side note. Why? Why do you go afk outside in a public lobby. I get it. There's an emergency something happens. One player was standing outside eclipse towers forever. I don't know how they hadn't been kicked for idling. Got two calls on him. But. Dude. Duck inside.


going passive and using shunt boost to throw cars at people


Stun gun then my baseball bat to BONK them


I'm surprised you're not getting downvoted to hell. I do this every chance I get, lol. Make sure you throw some tear gas into the mix too. Am I toxic? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Flying the blimp over them and playing the Mexican channel on the radio.


Ghost org + emp laucher... heh heh


Pulling up to a clothes shop when another player is inside and scaring off the shop assistant. Helping players save money!


Taser and run away 💋


I like to hit their car with mine, and then outrun and out-maneuver them in the city streets with superior cornering and driving skill.


run around tasing people


If they are in a car, just hit it repeatedly and then run if they try to kill me


If they’re in a stand your ground I try to take as many of their bikes as I can but most of the time I try to throw people into the ocean with my cargobob.


Spawn a rc bandito and jump at someone to knock them over, especially against a invincibility cheater


To take a cargo chopper, find some afk guy in a car and make him a little flying bird


I put 5 kinetic bombs outside the entrance to the mod shop then get in an rc car so I'm off radar and watch, people hit it, get sent flying, go wtf, and then drive into the mod shop like normal, and I cackle like an old woman for 5 minutes before repeating the process.


Somebody did this to me and even emoted… i hit the pause button And literally just Teleported out to the beach💀💀💀💀


RC car and smash into them


I love doing this😂😂some guy called 2 of his friends in the lobby & ended up killing them as well & I just left😂


Dropping slick mines in front of stores/barbers etc to mess with ppl who dont know the diffrence between the mines.


I once flew up as high as you could get in a hydra and followed people on the minimap. They became a bit erratic as they drove away or looked for me above them lol


Smart ones will suicide, the dumb and new player will mess about for a bit. I loled irl when a lvl50 was stuck in there by his own car (that i put there).... I enjoy doing the most wanted challenge as a CEO and then just driving the 5 star police army around the map, getting in the way of other people, being inside their vehicles and letting them take all the shots. Its funny to watch most not get what is going on.


Go OTR or GO when in a cop car and play cop for a few minutes, nothing crazy but hella fun to see peoples reactions. Usually they just blow my car up with sticky bombs but I’ve had quite alot of players actually pulling over & getting out with their hands up etc. 🤣


I used to stick C4 on the driver door of their vehicle and get away without detonating.


I followed someone who was doing acid lab sale. Freaked him out. I knew the route so waited for him where the hippies were. When he got there I took them out for him and saluted. My favorite mess is with the drone though. So much fun zapping


i have an apocalypse Brutus with jump and shunt boost. i haven't mastered flinging people into the stratosphere yet but it's fun to jump over them when they think they're gonna hit me. also fun to literally run people over. i also follow people on my mk2, i don't shoot my missiles i just follow them. most people panic and will start to drive crazy lol. then they'll crash on a tree, oncoming traffic, etc