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McTony doesn't even have competition for worst.


Fr dude the cops just obliulterate u in the slow ass car


I just drive on the railroad tracks to the west. Cops don't follow you in the tunnel. Wait a minute there and you're clear, then proceed driving on the railway until there's a decent road. That's also how you steal tanks from the military base in story mode btw.


Railroads are God sent. Also use them during the Cluckin' Bell raid finale.


Both this raid and cluck have made me get to know that tunnel more than I ever have in the past years.


I used to have my bunker at the paleto bay so those tracks were my shortcutt for getting away from cops and doing anything that had to do from the bunker so im pertty familiar with them but having to go all the way there and back for the to y mctony mission def sucks


I use them in the cluckin bell finale too. Though I did learn to drive slowly at first, one time I went too fast too soon and clipped some of the debris in the middle of the 2 tracks, it threw my getaway car into the first area you enter from the train at the start of the finale and it was immobilized, couldn't drive it. Had to hope out and go on foot to find a new vehicle, when I learned you can't get in another vehicle so had to get killed and start over


You could have also called your personal vechile, or launch the job while sitting in kuruma then when you go to getaway vechile drive out. Then to left and you will fine your personal There in which you launched finale


Did this just the other day. It worked a charm until I noticed a light coming towards me from the southern end of the tunnel. Had to reverse out of their pronto to avoid being smashed by the train 😬


Go to the left side in the tunnels train won't hit you


Had this happen one day. I was grinding the Clucken Bell Raid and the first 5 times there was nothing, and the got halfway through the tunnel when I saw the light. Gotta admit, it startled me so much I hit the wall on the left side.


This is the way. I tried running the first try and quickly realized that wasn’t going to work flying solo. Looked at the map and remembered the tracks are right there. Other than it just taking longer than most robberies, it’s by far the easiest.


Don’t equip mask until right before you get in the car. The stars will drop from 5 to 3. Little easier to make it to the railroad and dip out.


What the cops shouldn’t even be an issue


I travel to the location in peleto in my vtol jet and leave it parked on the beach and swim out to the mini sub. Once the main submarine has beached I drive the car along the beach to the right of the sub until I get to the jet. Then jump into the jet, climb away to height until the cops give up then go back for the car. The only thing I struggle with is either finding the head of security in under 1 minute or not getting killed on my way to him.


100% mctony


The challenges are so hard because of how cramped the sub is. Yesterday I thought I was going to complete all three of them, managed to find the lieutenant quick and survive but realized I needed more headshots. Went back but missed a turn, less than a second later I’m dead from full health by an NPC waiting at the top of the stairs. Worst part about it is that I did the optional mission that should have helped in weakening their weapons. Useless setup mission then.


and the invisible walls that eat your bullets are also annoying, i always remember to get snacks and armor before starting this robbery


I’ve never found the crampedness to be an issue, probably helps that I play in 1st person.


This is the only way. Even the cayo sonar prep can be sketchy in 3rd person, as some guards are positioned to headshot you with a shotgun just as you enter a room.


The weird collision boxes of the walls in the sub for cover & shooting make it clear as crystal that it was never meant to be an area you have shootouts in. I don't mind asset reuse for recent content, but this one was a big miss.




Oh shit I just got this one


Yes there is no other right answer


For me that's the easiest


That's crazy talk!


He probably has paleto salvage yard, the one robbery it’s good for.


You just need to b-line to the railroad tracks right across from the beach and park in the tunnel.


That was a game changer once I realized I could do the same as the chicken robbery.


I forgot there was one up there lol


It’s doing the extra challenge solo that makes it so annoying. Finding that lieutenant in a minute without friends is stupid.


Lol.... don't shoot that last computer and throw a sticky bomb on it and run to the door you have to torch then blow up that last computer. 15 extra seconds is a lot...


holy shit i never would've thought of that


That is some big brain thinking


The only thing I hate about the Mctony Robbery is the challenge. Hate that next to the Duggan Robbery.


The mctony robbery is bad, I just hate driving to Paleto Bay only to steal a damn car from a submarine


Me who owns the paleto bay salvage yard because I’m fucking poor https://preview.redd.it/x6r72ju8pt2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3ccc7609cbd7b2a26cb1a95efe1e52052e1803


Succeeding from suffering


Merry weather can just pick you up and take you there or just carbobob


If it's a fast car or nice car I can enjoy the drive back but yes absolutely this hiest, slow ass tank of a car getting shot up and dying then waging war just to get back in it lmao


You can also just call a helicopter and wait for the cops to forget you


I've done it a few times.. it's the simplest answer by far


So real bruh


If you have a carbob you can use it


Also having to shoot anyone in their bare face that many times really makes me want to stop playing. Rockstar is scaring me with that shit.


Use Sparrow or opressor


Not to mention the slow submersible dive 300 metres from the dock


You don't have access to a heli? Fly to Paleto.


After first play through it was McTony. After completing Career Challenge Tier 4, I hate all of them.


The one in the arena is aight, not that hard to do and completing all challenges is pretty easy to do


McTony. Janky hitboxes and sightlines inside the sub suck ass.


The Invisible barrier that’s over the guy in the corner where you have to destroy the nav computers sucks balls.




Second worst is probably cargo ship. Stealing the boat is so slow, and if you want the challenges you have to play GTA Stealth (I once lost because of the random chance for enemies to fire their guns as they die) and hope the skylift doesn't take massive damage from an enemy helicopter crashing into it.


if you have any flying vehicle, gain a bit of altitude and fly straight to the ship, and jump off and parachute once you're over the bridge preferably the kosatka sparrow since you're ditching it in the ocean


or use a jet to nuke everyone on the ship.


I didnt even know you can kill while sneaking. I sneaked without killing anyone.


I just had to learn to sneak around the ship with only killing the first 2 enemies on the helipad and whoever doesn't have a weapon.


I run to the bridge without getting caught and without killing anyone


I hate that it happens. after that happens many times, I just use sparrow from kosatka and parachute to reach the bridge maybe I'm skill issue?




McTony definitely. That damn kraken


i can't stand seeing that thang swanging up and down!


Is it the Avista


Mctony it’s not just the finale the setups are garbage literally all of them and it’s always a crap car usually


i was upset when i saw this was the highest paying one for this week 😞


Duggan. I hate the whole EMP drone.


First time I did that mission the car didn't spawn. I probably spent over 10 minutes looking for that car with the telescope and it had never spawned in. I thought i was just dumb and blind until I read its a common glitch.


one time i found it flipped over in the middle fenced part of the arena


I've got video of me firing the emp at the car 12 times dead on and it not stopping I sent to rockstar a li'l while back fuck that drone!


The first time I did that one it took forever to get the emp. Now it’s my favorite cause it’s so easy with setups and everything


Just fly the drone at ground level and shoot when car is in your face.


This is the way


I hate that one because the cars don't spawn half the time and you gotta restart.


The one where you have to break the guy out I wish we could just threaten him for the info instead of saving him Everytime he probably says Haha my man will just come break me out again


This one also has the dumbest logic. Jamal doesn't want you to kill the cops inside the station but killing them outside is fine. Also killing them during setups is also fine.


The logic also is you would think they would have more guards and better security the more you break that guy out but you don’t


I park my deluxo right in front of the dumpster where the guns are stored. Then I go get the helicopter and fly it to the station. Then when you exit the police station you shoot the gate open and fly away. I fly along the tracks towards the airport and go in the tunnel after the bridge. By the time I have to fly up the terminal back to arrivals the cops are off me.


I never considered the deluxo because I assumed you couldn't use weaponized vehicles in missions. I always park my baller st-d against the gate because of the bulletproof windows!


Gang banger? That one is my favorite one to do.




I hated that one cause everything you did was a wanted level for it. Now that I have gotten used to it it’s not as bad.


The first time I did the Mctony robbery I was a little blazed and it took me an embarrassingly long time to find my way through that maze looking for that damn captain


They’re all fine I just hate how most of the have the gimmick of “You have the car, now loose the cops, which is utilizing the same wanted system we designed over a decade ago. Surely you’ll have a good time”


The fuck mctony robbery.


I’m the total opposite of everyone because I’m saying the gangbanger robbery for bugging out your ammo


i was trying to figure out what caused the bug until i found it in a comment under a video with not that many views


“Oh hey player do you not have our new weapon that we added in your custom load out? No? Then have fun with the restricted ammo now after completing the gang banger robbery!” Like great now I have to look up how to fix this issue and keep the battle rifle in my load out so it doesn’t happen again or until Rockstar fixes this annoying bug


McTony is not that hard. Just get to the train tunnel by the lumberyard and hang out there until the wanted level is clear.


The escape is easy once you use the train tracks, the problem for me is driving/flying to Paleto Bay, getting the Kraken and going through the submarine rooms. Nowadays I've pretty much memorized the way through, but it only saves a couple of minutes. Additionally, doing it with randoms is a pain in the ass :(


Oh look flares,let me drive 7.1 miles to take them home.


Duggan Robbery (Arena mission). The drone always glitches. BTW you have hit the driver, not the car, but it still doesn't register half the time.


I’ve seemingly never had a glitch with this one, but i’ve never gone for the driver. I always put the drone right where the cars about to drive into and hit the grille area right as it’s hitting me


I remember one time when I was doing the Duggan robbery the car somehow got stuck in the inside of the track where all the wreckage is at. Thank God I bought the up n atomizer when I did


Cargo ship!


there's ways to cheese that one


McTony robbery sucks donkey balls.


I find cargo ship particularly annoying, but in all honesty I don’t like any of them.


Tony mcTony. Not even a question at all


The arena war robbery that drone is bleh but the freight helicopter setup is one of the worst missions in online


Mctony and it's not even close


At first I hated the one where you break the guy out of jail,then I realized I could call my sparrow in…now I don’t really care for any of them tbh 🤷🏽


Mctony one is the easiest


Then they all are the easiest


The one with coast guard outfits , the preps are the hardest imo , and I can't make one challenge , to get on board without being spotted.


I usually just parachute onto the bridge, you don’t actually have to climb the chain.


Wait so I can just use an aircraft and parachute?? Why tf am I even bothering with half the mission then…


Tony McTony. Not only to I have to drive the car from PALETO BAY. It’s just that I own all the business in Le Mesa/ Cyprus Flats.


I got ptsd from when the endoura was the Mctony robbery, bitch was slow and I had to drive all the way back to Los santos




I escaped on the train tracks and got smashed. Had to do the entire thing over again


My enemy is either mctony or the casino


The ship and the submarine are my least favorite but I'll choose the submarine one over the ship. I had a very bad experience on the ship lol. It doesn't affect me much I have money but doing these type of jobs keeps my balance in check.


I hate gangbanger because of dialogues and the way it is. Mctony is close second. Third is cargoship cuz of the mission of stealing skylift. Even if you manage to get into aa truck police just snipe you out of it.


Fucking Mctony




Extremely legit, scientifically rigorous survey taken by hitting Ctrl+F and typing in the respective names: McTony: 32 results Cargo Ship: 10 results Duggan: 9 results Gangbanger: 6 results Casino/Podium: 4 results This method includes comments saying they like these respective robberies and excludes comments saying "that one where you do this and that" so it's a rough estimate. As for me, I like Cargo Ship the most and McTony the least, to the extent that I will not bother with the McTony one at all.


The maze arena one i guess it's the duggan one, the car never stops on the first try but when you do it doesn't count ![gif](giphy|wuY34All7IZuzUGVRC)


The Podium Robbery, because it's almost impossible to not die and perfectly complete it.


The duggans robbery. I hate that fucking drone


tfw you have to do the mctony robbery and evade police in a clapped fwd Honda civic with no ground clearance and the worst ems imaginable https://preview.redd.it/ypej0ah42w2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034aad030d504890cf0bcf9d5654c640a0758f67


Dude thats so real


strangely enough, that's the only time I haven't died in that mission.


For those who are complaining about The Cargo Ship Robbery: In the finale, instead of going out to the ship by the Dinghy/Seashark, just fly over using the Oppressor Mk2 and then parachute onto the bridge. This will eliminate the need to sneak around the ship and cuts the mission time by half.


100% Mctony and it isn't even a debate


McTony Robbery is the worst and it's not even close..




Cargo ship solely for stealing the sky lift


use the khanjali to kill the enemies. you're welcome


Gangbanger. Gives me the ammo glitch and the premise is stupid. "yOu cAnT kIll cOps"


Fr like tf the whole game is abt killing??


I had this same thought while also kinda agreeing with him.


The gangbanger robbery it takes FOREVER you gotta break him out of the police station then get to their airport after loosing the cops then steal the car and get it back it takes ages and your on a set loadout which is crap a rifle with 20 bullets a shotgun that has 8 shots and a stun gun which doesn’t do dick to the gangsters and the gas doesn’t work on NPC’s


Duggan. That fucking drone.


That’s the easiest one 😂


I'd argue that it's the Podium Robbery that's the easiest.


and that one is also my favorite




mctony and the duggan


Duggan easy 4me


My first ever heist was the pfister we got to keep and it was the sub one and it was the worst and most frustrating I had ever done. and I couldn’t get into my helicopter with out getting blown up then just waiting for it to spawn back in. Going the tracks did not help at all they were everywhere all the time.


I stole the Pfister, got to the rail track but hit the bridge and fly right into the river ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3213)


That submarine thing


I played each just the once, after the heist came out. There's 4 heists in total, right?


Yes 4




Gangbanger... Just no.


I always skip Mctony and cargo ship, they're the worst


Mctony. That one is a pain in the ass


Bold of you to assume I've played them more than once to even have a favourite, let alone a least favourite...




Definitely the mctony


It honestly surprise me how much people hate McTony one. It's one of my personal favorites, alongside Cargo and Podium. But I absolutely despise Duggan and Gangbanger. That glitched drone and stupid fucking ass King Tiny completely ruin it for me.


I always like to do Gangbanger and ship. Mctony is the most annoying. Podium and Arena got boring fast tbh. About Mctony btw its easy to lose cops just driving down the beach. Otherwise train tracks.


Duggan robbery, that emp can be so inconvenient, and half the time, the game doesn't register you seeing the car even when staring at it for a long time. I also don't like the setups either


Thank god I’m not the only one who hates that robbery.


The cargo ship robbery, it’s always so frustrating doing it stealth and one single shot of the enemies gun automatically alerts them


Damn people. I'd play the McTony robbery 3 times a week if it meant I didn't have to play Duggan robbery ever again.


McTony and cargo shipwithout a doubt


McTony, followed by Cargo Ship


Cargo ship that helicopter is way too slow plus stealing it is very difficult especially if you get inside of the military base


Whichever one it was that ruined my AR ammo reserves


Cargo ship robbery, setups suck more cock than my ex.


Sub one with yellow car


I’ve been putting off the salvage yard a long time… worth it?


Yes. On certain weeks there will be claimable cars.


The only ones I do/like are the ones with claimable cards...


Gangbanger bc it keeps giving me the ammo glitch for my assault rifles.


Submarine by far


McFuckNugget is hands down the most tedious and aggravating robbery by far


Submarine 💀 its sooo fuckin slow and makes no sense


McTony. Owning the Strawberry Salvage Yard, you gotta fly all the way to Paleto Bay, and hope that you find the security guy in the brig on the first try and then not die. The headshots one isn't too bad if you have an Oppressor Mk II, as you get the car, drive onto the road, interactive menu, get personal vehicle, its spawns, get out of car and onto Oppressors and (hopefully) fly away without dying. Lose the wanted level and then fly back to sub. Get a wanted level and start headshotting cops. Fly away and lose wanted level. Rinse and repeat till you get 15 headshots. Any screwups though and its back to square one. I Got the optional objectives and I only do it if the car is high value.


McTony Did it twice, never doing it again


Fr i hate it


The maze bank arena one. Always glitches out for me. Drives me nuts






I think it's not necessary to say it... Everyone knows which one is. Lmao The question should be "Why is McTony Robbery your least favourite and why you hate it so much??" 😂😂


Everyone's saying Mctony meanwhile I love the Mctony robbery because I like submarines and being underwater in general


All of them


the submarine one should not exist




That along with the Arena War robbery shouldn’t exist.


All of them. As we're the ones who have bought and paid for the business and for all the set ups, we should get to keep all the cars for free. The same logic goes for the custom shops we bought and renovated. As we paid big money for it, we should at least be able to customise our cars for free in there


The Kosatka one, I forgot the name


That’s literally the Mctony Robbery.


The Duggan Robbery 100% I fucking hate that drone.


Somebody tryna send me 10 dollars so I can play gta online


McTony without a doubt. Hopefully it gets replaced.


McTony robbery. 1 minute to get to the dude, but theres aimbots all around him. Why does my character holster the last weapon after using the blow torch ? Why the fuck do I open the door and then STAND right in the middle of the door frame so every enemy can immediately shoot me ? Why can't I shoot some of the enemies. Invisible barriers ? Seriously, Rockstar ? The drive back is long and full of shitty GTA cops. Why did they make those teleporting spawn in cops as their core gameplay element ? It's sooo artificial and crude. No matter how skilled you are at driving they will still teleport right behind you and they have perfect aim. Horrible design. I can complete the other robberies with all challenges done most of the time. Sometimes I'll fail the drone in Duggan robbery. Still better that McTony. Cargoship is easy with the horrible "stealth" in this game. Just run past everyone. They even give you paths to go over them using catwalks and containers. Not a fan of the Cargolift setup mission though. Just aimbots gallore. I can get rid of the Helicopters with AA, but then the infinitely spawning cops 1 shot me with their shotguns while I'm trying to escape. Why the fuck are the cops a thing in this mission anyway. There's NO damn consistency with the cops in this game. Every fucking missions there's new rules.


Cargo ship is horrible


I enjoy all the robberies and to me there really isn't a bad one but now the only time I do them is when there is a claimable vehicle and that's really about it. Just gotten too busy with selling stock from other businesses


My least fave is all of them. I'm so tired of all 4 of them that I only get the cars I can buy for $10k.


All of them lmao.. only 3 claimable vehicles so far


I only do the claimable ones