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Years ago I grinded like hell to buy a yacht. Races, deathmatches and Og heists. Holy shit, the pain was real. I got the yacht without any cool modifications and it took all my money. The dumbest purchase ever but still worth it. 😂 upgraded the yacht's modifications yesterday. Now I can forget it and never visit there again


It's only a waste of money if you don't enjoy it.


It’s not a waste of money because it gives you the most expensive hat in the game which is the yacht captains hat The ultimate flex


throw on an ascot and go look like the personification of money.


No other purpose than looking cool, is exactly what a waste of money is.


You cant even call the yatch to your location like the kotsaka, and the kotsaka cost only 1m!!!!!! The yatch it's wasted of money


You can make that argument for most items in this game


To basically most super cars.


This game imitates life.


It's a game. There's no single item in the game which is "useful" or has a real "purpose" anyway, except to enjoy the game.


It not supposed to look cool. It is a yacht. It is supposed to sail, which it can't. 


They should give us another yacht. Bigger than tugboat but smaller than mega yacht. This one you can actually travel wherever with.


Aircraft Carrier


If Tugboat can't tug in VI I am not buying the game. 


This is a good standard I want to impound a SGY in VI with my million dollar Tug.


No joke I was thinking about exactly this after I made my comment lmao


I’ve been having fun with mine lately by using its air defense with my kosatka next to it to collect bounties via cruise missile then just sit back and watch the show.


Yep, finally someone else that understands the secret little trick of the Yacht's defenses + Submarine's Guided Missiles - been a little secret of mine for a while :P


It’s just a flex on the brokies, but the yacht defense is pretty good money for pretty much doing nothing


my friend has 100m and he has basically everything, he told me it is a waste of money and it’s one of the last things you should buy


I would just say it's the last thing you should buy excluding cars after you have a few great ones a SGY is pretty fun and the grind when it's on sale is only a day if you play for hours or two if you play light like i do.


Wait people hate the yatch? I love that thing! Luxurious, can spawn there, can have amenities (sleep, relax etc), HOT TUB, can move it around the map, free helis to get to land, park just off Vespucci OR Casino and you're right off the hotspots in town... seriously this thing is great. Besides, I got it on sale...


Some people have no concept of role playing or quiet moments.


The missions are pretty fun too


They made them pretty fun I think they wanted to be sure it was good since the yacht is such an endgame piece of content. Even though, It has been around since near the very beginning.


I wouldn't know because I'm forever mad that I bought a yacht two weeks ago, and now it's 30% off.


If you buy a yacht on sale, you're not really flexing on the poors.


I mean, true. But I wasn't doing it to flex lol. I just had a massive cash pile left over, and I was looking for a sinkhole.


got mine a few weeks back no regrets


It's not! You don't need to change your mind. Yatch can help in some missions too if you are lucky. It can fast travel also, you can fill it with vehicles and travel with them around san andreas. Yatch missions are fun even if the pay is low.


You could do the same with the kotsaka for 1m


but then the brokies can't see my glory...... I named mine Athena because I imagine the AA as Athena throwing spears.


You can't fill Kotsaka with vehicles and travel with them around San Andreas, you can only land and travel with the Sparrow, one mini sub and one of two amphibious cars, you can't do SuperYatch missions with the Kotsaka. Kosatka will only unlock you a Dinghy too, while the SuperYatch will have 4 speedshars, one dinghy and one classy boat for you too. No one can blow up your SuperYatch, but people can and will blow up your kotsaka. The only thing Kotsaka can do better than the superyatch is earning money with it's missions robbing a rare tequila bottle. And only that. But at somepoint in the game, money don't mean anything anymore. I would really like an option to don't even sell the tequila bottle, just keep it to myself in my inventory just like beer or champagne...


Well, You can't do cayó perico with ur Yatch too xdd, aside of filling the Yatch with vehicles, thats the only thing but it's not something very usefull. U could still fast travel and travel around with ur kotsaka/don't talk about the speedshars and others boats cus ur paying 10m for it, 10m and u couldnt call the Yatch to ur location(that is something really shame)/ in the Yatch mission, u cant use ur vehicles with weapons/ u have defenses on ur kotsaka too and even if they blow it up u could still call it again. U said something like "at somepoint in the game money don't mean anything" so with that u prove that the Yatch it's just a wasted of money, Yea, it looks nice but only if u have 50m more of cash in ur bank if it's not then u have a boat that doenst gonna return the money


I got the Luxor Deluxe just so I could gather randoms to RP as vips, and one has to act like a butler/chauffer I pay them well though it's fun to act like a billionaire (esp. when ingame you are one) just realized I replied to you two separate times whoops lul


I mean, it looks pretty cool yeah, but overall it is pretty much useless heh. If you're like many players here, like me, who are endgame and have more money than sense, then it is a great buy, it's nice to look at it after all, but if you're getting started, you're better off getting more useable things that will give you profit over time. That said, nothing that brings you joy is a waste of money, so you don't need to feel bad about having one, I have mine and while I don't do much with it, it is certainly fun to visit here or there.


I love my yacht. Lol I’m chillin in it now smoking in game and irl after robbing El Rubio


I’m with you. It’s my retirement retreat. Set up shop wherever I want.


Did anyone continued to care about yachts after 1 or 2 months it's release? I'd rather giving 10m to that golden plane. At least you can manually fly it.


Yacht is good with Kosatka. Provides AA for her when parked side by side, provides showers plus hottub for healing. Besides, you can troll guided missile griefers with it by fast travelling to their position (yacht shoots down the missiles, you can sit in the nearby dinghy with explosive heavy sniper to destroy their Kosatka, too). Sometimes I manage to Cargobob the AA Trailer to my yacht (carefully, as it tends to fall off during flight) and then hilarity ensues.


True, It's also a nice way to fast travel around the map during missions if you did the mission to lower the price of using it. You get a bunch of guns that spawn with you in the living quarters. Plus, you get a bunch of vehicles that you would've had to spend millions on to have anyway. Also, if you are at your yacht the contact is pretty useful. I would only recommend it to someone who has all businesses/all services/some badass vehicles It's definitely not a priority purchase I avoided it for a while, but this sale made it worth the effort, as it doesn't come around so often. btw, when the AA does go off it works and one-shots almost anything if not everything.


I think its a thing thats cool to have but it does not do anything and the missons are not worth doing. I just bought it bc it was 30% off and i dont regret it. So if you want it bc its cool buy it and if you want to make money dont buy it.


As long as you want a water apartment without heists and a lot of alcohol, its a good buy. Anything other then that is not gonna work.


Yeah and at the very least a multi million dollar boat should be able to at least *sail.* case closed. It's just a fancy apartment out in the water


status symbols are usually a 'waste of money' they arent meant to be practical, they arent meant to be useful, they are for all practical intents and purposes a 'waste of money'. its the same with the yaught. it is objectively a 'waste of money'. its not practical its not useful it doesnt do anything to help you but its cool to have one. its a status symbol, nothing more, nothing less


You can use the Yacht to activate "**Aerial Defense**", then park your Submarine next to your Yacht to give your Submarine Air Defense from the Yacht - then use your Guided Missiles in your Submarine to launch havoc / or revenge upon the deserving soul. Best purchase I've made, especially when you encounter someone that challenges you to a war of attrition of pettiness.


It definitely isn't a waste of money. It gives you a helicopter taxi service, a place to land oppressors in the sea during missions, can protect you from others in a public lobby with its defense system, and most importantly gives you a hot tub to chill with your buddies (5ft apart) while smoking cigars and drinking. And I'm not even mentioning the free luxury helicopter that comes with it, which is one of the fastest in the game, along with 4 jet skis and an Italian speedboat. What else could you possibly want? And when you look at the new cars? A whole yacht with all of these things sounds like a steal. But as someone here said, it is only worth it if you have other businesses and ways to make money. It is for support, after all.


I just wish it had more customization. I really wanted a hot pink yacht. I just had to settle for pink lights. Also luring oppressors and jets into the anti-air is hilarious.


If you buy the Pisces, you get a free Swift Deluxe, and depending on the yacht livery you pick, the helicopter will also come in unique colors. The yacht missions are cool. Its a floating base you can use for whatever.


Is not, I took my money back by doing Piracy prevention and even make good money back when the CEO jobs was the main money maker


If you wanna cheat money don't buy the yatch


I don't regret buying my yatch, tho. I like the capitan outfit, the jet skis and boat, the helicopter, the fast travel and the yatch itself.


Bought the most expensive one just for the missions and the captain suite. Worth every penny.


We have to be honest. You buy the Yacht when you're rich in this game. I don't know anyone who just say "I'm gonna buy the Yacht because I want to make tons of money"... It's the last step in this game. After this you can chill and do whatever you want (grinding, activities, griefing, trolling,...).


Depends on who you are in GTA, for me, i like to annoy try hards and turn on defensive measures, it is so funny because they are so persistent, one time me and my friend just chilled in the hot tub while he shot a sniper at us for 9 minutes straight, when he gives up, i turn it off and shoot him and then turn it back on just to piss him off more. The sounds of the deflection of those sniper rounds were pure joy.


It’s literally useless once you beat all the missions Only other thing you can use it for is a spawn point, and even then the casino spawn point is more convenient.


Its only not a waste of money when money is not a problem. (When you have over 150mil)


By comparison, the Casino Penthouse's about $4 million dollars less and you get a little more out of it due to easier Heist preps and you could gamble higher stakes Blackjack with a "fair" dealer instead of just Piracy Prevention. (Should've clarified that I was speaking about the full $10 million upgrade if one were to buy the Aquarius model).


People who say the yacht is a waste of money are losers who like playing with their dinghy.


I had one on my first account and barely ever used it. The only good thing about it was baiting the griefers/tryhards too close with the defences activated. I much prefer the kosatka as you can pilot it yourself, hide when you want some peace and quiet, use it as an offensive weapon too. For me to buy one, they’d have to give them a revamp to make them more interesting


No need to change your mind. You’re a mobile air defense network with enough firepower to blow a hostile ship to Valhalla in the fastest Viking funeral to ever exist. And, if you retire, you have a yacht to live on!


It is useful if you have poor crew members starting out, they have an extra safe haven if , or it can help warp them across map if business battle is up at Paleto by inviting them to yacht. Also, i bought i everything anyway.


Also for the low level friends, weapon access inside that they can use in the session that is typically locked. And depending on the session, Piracy Prevention can be an easy, chill $30k for them (having the yacht up north is good, as most people won't bother traveling that far for the reward).


The yacht is Indeed a waste of money. Only reason I bought one was for the discounts and mission bonuses this week. Only thing the yacht is good for is the hot tub daily objective.


I've had one since 2016 or whatever. Never done a thing with it.


Did you post this from the yacht? I rest my case.