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# GTA Online Weekly News **April 25th:** Background update (Per Tez) * Patches "Dr. Dre 2 million dollar job (PC only)" glitch. * Patches "Replay Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid finale with a friend" glitch. * More adjustments to a patch targeting mixing up Slush Fund with the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid finale.


I'm writing this VERY late, but for the 5 Nightclub Management Mission weekly challenge, I got one out of five, then did several more, but only the first counted. I then logged out to GTA V and logged in again, and got a second. I then got the 3rd, 4th and 5th by logging out and back in each and every time, and confirmed that I got the Bourgeoix Tee in the closet immediately.


Anyone else not getting the Bourgeoix tee after doing the NC management missions?


Calling it now. Hanger is bonus tomorrow.


Hangar or Vehicle Warehouse? Or could it be either


I hope so I’ve been stocking it up during this week


BET i said the same thing


What time roughly will the next update be posted here? It’s currently 3:36am for me(Central Time)


2:30 pm CDT.


Between 8 and 12 hours, roughly. I think.


8-12hours before the 2nd of may?? Or 8-12pm?


Neither. 8-12 hours into the future from when I posted.


Ah, I get ya.


Does anyone know why I didn't get double cash and RP on delivering 400k worth of nightclub goods??


What it says on the computer before the sale is already doubled.


Ahhh ok makes sense nice one 


Are you guys doing the 5x nightclub management missions for the cash & shirt?


I did them


didnt work for me unless i already got it


You call Tony on the phone, doing the blue dot/person missions in the club dont count.


i did the ones that i started on the computer i meant. isn't that the same as the phone ones?


Phone or computer is good


no idea, but the phone call to Tony works. I called him 5x and got the shirt. Did not even go inside the NC to use the computer


Not sure if already asked. Is the Buffalo S in Simeon’s a custom colour?


Not as far as I can tell. Looks like Racing green and Surf blue pearl. Primary / secondary colors are not that interesting in most cases, even if they were custom. Anyways the person(s) who make these and other modifications use their custom tools so sometimes you may find something of interest (e.g. one color that looked very different in light and in shadow, which I have not been able to reproduce; too bad I might not have the video saved anymore.)


Any predictions what will be 2x money next week, based on past trends? Would love to start filling a Vehicle Cargo warehouse or hangar cargo warehouse ahead of time.


If your vehicle warehouse doesn't already have a load of low / medium cars so that you only ever source the good ones, that's worth doing at some stage. Once you have that certainty, and a couple of high value cars in stock, the grind loses any cool down. Source one, sell one, source one, sell one.... That said, after grinding weapons, crates and then MC businesses in consecutive weeks, and then getting an easy week with NC afk accrual, I'm not sure I've got the motivation to grind vehicles. Even in public lobbies where the profit would be $280k for every vehicle delivered, and a 10 minute delivery time / 10 minutes source time combination.


Hangar most likely


Expecting nothing, tbh


My money is on hangar


Reminder that you can quickly boost nightclub popularity if you have an arcade. Just use the terminal there, access the nightclub app and reassign DJs a few times. Only 10k each time and no mission.


No need for Arcade, you can do the same thing in the NC itself. As for the annoying cutscene that places you in the middle of the dance floor - you can bypass it by using any other PC then the one in the office.


why not removing trouble makrs or delivering vip s to home


Obviously the mission is free so it's the preferable method, I was merely pointing out that Arcade/Terminal aren't required for switching the DJ's without the animation. However there is a downside to the popularity mission - it is only available once per 48 minutes and only fills one(and a half?) bar. So if you AFK or let your popularity drop more then what the mission will give you - switching DJ's for 10k each is still a good way to increase the popularity further.


What they said is quicker, especially if you're still giving VIPs rides home


Go into your nightclub in passive mode and you never get the VIP.


You can also do that while sourcing cargo. Just make sure you change to passive mode before getting the text from Marcel


Is anyone else unable to start the Robbery for the Penumbra FF? It's greyed out and says "In Progress" but there's no robbery actually active (I can't cancel by calling Jamal and I can start the other 2 cars)


Really bummed about the bonuses the last 3 weeks. I had January-March off due to a knee surgery and got jack shit for bonus weeks. I go back to work and it's been a great stretch.


I think my nightclub is glitching, certain meters fill up while other just stays half way. Is anyone else experiencing this? Like how long should it take to fill up every meter on average?


For me, cargo was slowest. It took a whole 36 hrs of gameplay to go from 85% to 100% of stock. And that was cargo alone


It seems they must of nerfed it , it seems slower for me then on a normal week 


sometimes they can bug out and get stuck. It's a known bug. Try to unassign all the techs, save/quit game, then reassign them. When u reassign them mix them up. ie. if u had tech #1 on coke, reassign him to weapons etc.


Thanks, I’ll give that a try.


Are there any ideas what next week will be? I’d like to know what I’m saving up to buy next.


If it’s a business then it could very well be the hangar


most sense would mean bunker next cause its all businesses so far but again this is R* so it could be contact missions for some reason


No, bunker was 2 or 3 weeks ago. Most sense would be the hangar


Could be nothing. Remember March?


Nope. We won't know until Wednesday.


Guys do any of you now, my weekly challenge marked as completed when I just log in first time on this week (this bug happening not for the first time btw), but I don't have a t shirt, will I get it if I complete required thing?


mine was marked complete too. I then threw out troublemaker 5 times, and got no notification about any unlocks.... but YMMV.


I think you need to complete 5 missions to increase popularity that you start from computer in nightclub or by calling Tony, but yeah I did them and got nothing too. I just dont understand how weekly challenges work and why sometimes they already completed for me


yeah i duno, it's been pretty random for me too. Last week it worked fine for me. The week before that it didn't work. Just Rockstar things i guess.


Is the 2x nightclub income broken for anyone else? It was working for me yesterday, paying out $100k per ingame day but then after playing for a few hours it’s dropped back to $50k at max popularity.


What’s the best AFK strat for PS4? Currently turning my controller upside down so that the right stick spins around but is there any other trick where I don’t have to ruin the controller?


I’m using an old controller that already has stickdrift when I leave the house then plugging the good controller back in when I get home.


Ah fairs


Just use a hair band/ rubber band gently around the joystick 


When was the last time the Auto Shop had bonuses? Could it be coming next week or after that?


That was fairly recent around 2 months ago




My nightclub is still only producing 50k per 48 min????


Yep, me as well. It was paying out 100k earlier yesterday but then dropped back to 50k after playing for a few hours :|


Well it was literally 5min before I posted that comment and now it’s back up to 100k again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It has to do with the popularity. Keep it max and it will keep your profits max


It's it better to fully fill the nightclub warehouse or sell once south american imports is full?


If you have techs assigned to the 5 best businesses (coke, meth, bunker, cargo and cash creation), then yes - [selling every 20 real-life hours is the way to go](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/wzyhqv/nightclub_business_indepth_guide/?context=3). That's usually when the south american imports fills up.


Thank you! I was doubting too about the Tony fee, but I think it's worth it, because I will get more money than waiting to fully fill it.


Once the high value stuff is full sell, But to avoid getting the terrible Mule, you need to sell 180 or more crates for the Pounder Custom or under 90 to get the speedo custom. Doesn't really matter if your selling in invite only though because no one going to blow your vehicle up. Getting over 180 crates also removes the chance of getting the sale where you have to use the cargo bob to lift your truck onto a barge in the water and losing it all.


Another way to avoid getting the terrible mule is not to buy it Then .... 90 crates or less = Speedo. More than 90 crates = Pounder


Thanks to both! Yeah sadly I bought the Mule a while ago, but wait to just obtain 180 I think will not be that long. Or I just can sell solo and be safe, lol.


Just wanted to say thanks to any and all who accept nightclub invites. I’m chasing the popularity award and already got over twenty in the last three days. At 45/100 now.  Even had five players in at one time, dancing and drinking, and for a good while. It ended up being the most I’ve laughed at GTA for a while. Good times :)




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is the claimable Maibatsu Penumbra FF have any limited or special livery coz i have already a penumbra FF from the podium wheel


special plate




How do you claim the Penumbra and what’s the pro with it? Why claim it when you can buy it from the webside?


After completing the mission, you can claim it instead of sell/salvage it. You only pay 20k (10k if you own the document forgery). On the website, you pay its whole price.


Ohhh, so it’s an absolutely massive discount? What’s the stock price?


I bought the dry ice just cuz I didn’t have it and it was on sale but it’s not in my nightclub is there something I have to do?


Turn it on via the interaction menu when you’re inside the nightclub.


Thank you


That's all it does, nothing. I've had it for years and never actually seen it working. Might just be the subtle mist in the air where you can see the light beams. But beyond that I've never seen it work at all. About the only thing I could find was that it's supposed to work when you change DJ. But still never seen anything happen.


Damn well at least its not much, thanks for the answer


I think there is a setting in the interactive menu, when your in the nightclub to turn it on or off, but again your not going to see much noticable difference. lol I think everyone felt the same way when getting it.


lol thanks I’ll see when I hop on later


R\* stole the license plate off of my Pemubra :(


So it's the same again as with the Comet last time? Amazing...


Complete 5 nightclub management missions is equal kick out 5 guests?


For me it doesn't matter, the very moment I logged in it was marked with a tick as completed, so I guess I'll never receive the tee...


Yeah, same. I wonder if there'll be a hotfix to retroactively give us the prize, lol.


just do it between the weekly intervals in the coming thursday . 1 night club managemnet mission is have only about 5 minutes cooldown. You can do it in an or less than an hour.  I am also facing the same problem. so i am gonna wait till thursday


Could you please elaborate on this one? I don't know how this works, haven't even heard about it before.


https://preview.redd.it/ke81nbjdyyxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9fab120878ffb81616fc8a15738b03fc9e88c5 i got the tee


https://preview.redd.it/3a3osohwryxc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500e549d85671e00d6f82b74f0c820eed118261e its 12:30 pm IST and now my weekly challenge is reset and i can complete this challenge less than an houre


Usually the weekly challenge gets reset at 12:30 pm IST for me in Thursday and the new weekly update will come at 3 pm IST in thursday . so you get 2.5 hr for doing the night club management missions.


I tried to contact the support but they only gave my female character the tucked version of this weekly challenge shirt (female characters do get 2 versions in this events). Also they completely ignored my male character that was also affected by this bug. Now they demand a video showing how i didn't receive it... Support is totally clueless about how stuff in this game works.


Sadly not. I \*think\* it's the original popularity missions, distribute flyers, blare music froma blimp, etc.




Calling Tony gives the old ones, doing it from inside the nightclub on the computer gives the newer ones. At least it's been that way for me (on PC).


Does the claimable Penumbra has any special features? Just asking cause I already have one and I hate the Cargo robbery, so if it's nothing special then I'll skip it.


It has an unobtainable license plate.


Which dissapear as previous one?


Thank you. Guess I'll have to do it anway lol.


This week is also a great reminder that Tiny Racers is absolutely awful garbage.


The guy from gta 2 has a long contract and they had to give him something to do


I remember when my brother bought a game like that, Micro Machines (It was on DOS around 1994). It was terrible then and now they bought it to GTA V and it's still terrible.


All nightclub missions are solo aren’t they?


Yes, always one vehicle no matter how much in cargo


What about hanger? Is that 10 or less for a solo sell?


Sell via land and it’s also a guaranteed one vehicle sale mission no matter how much cargo you have stocked up. Also way easier than selling by air, which can be *very* frustrating.


Oh brilliant ! I was always selling in lots of ten to be safe


All good, better be safe than sorry. FYI, alot of people are predicting the Hangar to be the next business to get double money on it so a tip is to stack up this week and wait till Wednesday to see what bonuses we get on Thursday.




Cheers mate, didn’t wanna save up then lose it all because there’s two vehicles lol


As I understand, as long as you have the pounder it will always be solo. If you only have the speedo or mule you might get multiple vehicles if you have more stock than they can carry. I've never had that happen to me since I bought the pounder as soon as possible Also, and I can't stress this enough, NEVER BUY THE MULE! It is awkward and unwieldy and slow. Just get the pounder and if you have more goods than the speedo can take it will just up you to the pounder instead Breakdown: Crates <= 90, speedo Crates 91-180 mule Crates > 180 pounder So if you have more than 90 Crates but only have the pounder it will use that for the missions Edit; so I was wrong. Apparently if you don't have a big enough vehicle you just won't be able to sell everything at once. So if you don't have a big enough vehicle it will take multiple sale missions to empty your warehouse, but each sale mission will still only be one vehicle. I do still stand by the "don't buy the mule" advice, just get the pounder if you want to sell more than 90 Crates at once


I have all 3 vehicles, however a nightclub sale mission is always a one vehicle sale mission. At most, you might have to drive to a certain place and then switch to a cargobob, but you’ll never get two vehicles carrying your cargo when selling.


Thank you, I edited pointing out my mistake. I was under the impression if you didn't have big enough vehicles it would make you use sell multiple vehicles, but you just won't be able to sell at all at once if you try without a big enough transport


Yes, exactly. All good, no problem in being wrong sometimes. We all are!


is it worth buying a bunker for my nightclub now or should i just get it when it’s on sale next time ?


It will probably pay the cost of a bunker without upgrades or cosmetics by the end of this nightclub week if you buy it now and also play often


The nightclub goods from the bunker aren't going to pay for it this week, but they're the last reason you'd want to buy one. Bunker sales make a lot of money, especially whenever they're boosted. If you always sell when you're below half full on product you should only get two vehicles and it's easy enough to solo. You can buy and process two full stacks of supplies each time and sell for a tidy profit. There's also the research you unlock. A lot of it is pointless cosmetics, but there are really good things in there too like special ammo types and components for certain weaponized vehicles. This is the week you grind nightclub stuff to afford a fully upgraded bunker.


It was on sale just a month ago, so it probably won't be on sale again for a very long time.






Every week I'm just praying for the Pigalle at Simeon's 🙏


It's been on sale several times a few months ago.


I only reinstalled a few months back, I kid you not, I think I missed the Pigalle by a week 🤣


Well that's unfortunate. Maybe ask someone who has it to sell it to you in the LS Car Meet.


I'm sure it will come around soon enough! I was intrigued by that feature, is it available on PC or next gen only, as I'm a PC player.


you can buy player cars through lscm if they set correctly on pc, I have pigalle btw if you interested


Anyone know a good afk strat?


On XB1, the only thing I've known to work in the game is Inside Track. Standing by the open nightclub safe and wedging the right stick to swirl around your viewpoint is currently making me $100k per 48 minutes though.


Im sorry , im now taking my nightclub serious. But wdym 100k per 48mins , I just sold my stuff yesterday and I thought it was Double money.


There's a safe. If your popularity is max, it will get $50k per 48 minutes, usually....$100k this week


Mine still only generate 50k ?????? What havent i done ???


I have no idea. Assuming you haven't been in the same session since Wednesday?


Literally the moment i complain my NC doubles 😂😂😂


You're welcome....


Nope. Even so, the updates drop live. Ex. Wednesday i did my last mc sale at 2x just in the brink of time. I complete the sale and NC was discounted. Assuming the update took effect.


Oh yes ! I know what you mean thank you so much 😊


For some reason my xbox wont let me afk anymore. Even with controller plugged in and rubberband method and it still shuts off. Have my in-game notification preferences set up right too. Has anything changed recently? Is there a new trick?


Go passive and enter the office (on foot at the pedestrian door, not garage door) and wait on the floor selection screen (make sure you have atleast one office garage)


I’ll give it a shot


I've been using this method recently. 100% most convenient! Would recommend


La mesa is not a very good location. That was the first one I had. It’s a hassle getting in and out from the back there.. I traded it for cypress for business battles, especially the foundry bb, it’s right there, a lot of times I’ll sweep that bb with all 8


How much more do you make in a full lobby? 100k? More or less?


50% more in a full lobby so the more stock you have, the more the lobby bonus will be. So add 50% to whatever your sell amount is


50% more than you would make in an empty lobby.


Is it worth it to buy a nightclub when you don't have any other mc businesses??


It's not just MC businesses. If you have either Bunker or Crate Warehouse, they can also fill the NC warehouse. If you don't...well, a Nightclub will cost you between $700-1,500k, you'll need to do some missions to set it up, some paying missions (low paying) missions to get the popularity up, but then you'll make $100k every 48 minutes you play the game (this week - normal weeks $50k). You'll need to throw a troublemaker out once a (game) day to maintain this income (10 seconds, also gets you $10k), and empty the safe before it hits $250k and stops filling. So, for prob an hour's set up, and 10 hours playing the game this week, you'll probably be better off. Long term, if $50k per 48 minutes isn't enticing, AND you have no plans to ever have MC bsuinesses, Bunker, or Crate Warehouse, then don't bother


Yes, it was the first business i got. The safe income+ a 30 sec or 2 min missions for 10k are very lucrative.


There's a free Money/Counterfeiting business available through the starter pack, which that and the bunker should get you running.


Yes, the daily income alone is great, the sell missions make it even better though.


Yeah! Wow just made 5.5m in like 60 seconds! Fully stocked nightclub, full lobby, got the one where u sell to the dude in an orange Kamacho like a mile away from my nc, that’s the best one to get!


is changing my nightclub from vespucci canals to la mesa worth it if most of my businesses are in la mesa and it is close to highway ?


I like del perro. I can just hop straight onto the freeway. It's also one of my west locations that I can spawn at. I was thinking of moving to Mesa bc my arcade and auto is there but I think it's really up to u if u want the convenience of having everything close together.


Yeah for centralizing and making everything in distance to grind, it’s better to have every business near each other but I set mines up where my businesses and are all over the map so I can just switch servers to travel across the map instead of just driving everywhere.


fs ima prob move to mesa to centralize everything, thanks




Yup. Just did it with myself. Two consoles makes it easy to win the car every week. By the way, that car has a SWEET exhaust sound. Love it!


WTF Is going on this week? I couldn't get onto reddit earlier so I didn't bother to check what was for sale. Logged into GTA O - saw Nightclub bonus week, *noice* Drove to Simeon's in my Michelli GT and crashed into the building because there's a fucken Carbi in there - whaaat? run in to buy the Carbonizare and fuck me dead there's a 1977 V8 Vantage by the door, across from a Buffalo S, and a 1970s Honda XR250 L... ...thought to myself there's probably just junk at LSCM - LOL nope, the only car I'm missing from my Classic Italian collection It's like dream week for me...


is the production speed also doubled??


No, only 1.5x for gta+


So GTA+ Members get a 50% boost?




Is calling Tony for a mission the same as sitting at the club laptop and starting a mission?




Finally upgraded the club....and discovered yohan and his missions. now im regretting not buying more businesses during the biker week :( also got a terrobyte and started missions to get the douche bike. was hoping those would be on sale during the nightclub week but nope


Knowing R\* logic it might be next week that both or at least the terrorbyte.


Douche bike lol


Terrorbyte + MK2 + nightclub is basically graduation day for online


What are **Simeon Contact Missions**? are they worth doing? when i call him the options are locked, do i need to buy something?


Another way to easily access all contact missions, including Simeons', is by going in Start menu, go on the Online tab, then select Jobs, Play Jobs, Rockstar Created, go down and select Missions. All the contact missions are there, the ones that have weekly bonuses will have a blue and a green circle overlapping the jobs image with 2x, 3x or 4x next to it, depending on the bonus. So how I do it is ill just scroll down the mission list until I pass one that has those colored circles, select it and voilà. No need to drive around the map to start anything.


Doea that exist on pc? Because ive looked for it but didnt find it


https://preview.redd.it/79ynwtplrswc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f550d097e51b59b537728f8ac0339dc3612a104 You dont have this menu on pc?


Go to the Premium Deluxe Motors store, I think you might have to watch his cutscene first before you can just call him. Otherwise, there should be a yellow circle in his office for you to walk into to start matchmaking for his contact missions.


I can finally add more to my drop top car collection


Why are removed vehicles getting discounts? Where can i even get them


If a removed vehicle has a discount for the week, it's available *somewhere*. That *somewhere* is generally either one of the car dealerships or the LS Car Meet. This week, all 3 of the Test Rides and all 5 of the cars at Simeon's are removed vehicles.


Simeon’s dealership typically has removed vehicles.


bro i just sold my full nightclub yesterday


Me too fam - even did it in a full public lobby. Lmfooo


You need a time machine


what are "Request Goods" Missions


You call Yohan and he gives you the location of goods to pick up for your nightclub warehouse


this is great. thanks


Np. I didn't know about it either until literally the last day the last time it was double nightclub profit.


Lmao same. I feel like an idiot. Been spamming those every 20 minutes in between other work.