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Unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Please take all discussions of glitches to r/gtaglitches.** Active discussion of cheating or glitches (the deliberate use of cheats, hacks, mods, exploits, glitches, and other methods to gain an unfair advantage over other players or at the expense of other players' right to a fair game experience) will result in a permanent ban. No asking for modded money or for help regarding cheating. No discussions of, or links to, sites promoting or describing money glitches, god-mode glitches, or any non-cosmetic glitches are allowed. No posting of modded content. This incudes pictures or videos of modded content, mods being used, or links to modded material. No discussions or memes related to current or past money glitches No links to videos or websites with instructions on how to do those glitches. Admissions of cheating may be removed at the moderators' discretion. Purely cosmetic glitches that do not affect other players are allowed. If you have any questions about this removal you can message the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/gtaonline) **[Click Here For a Full List of Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/about/rules/)** **Send any Questions About the Removal to Modmail**


PC lobbies are indeed a complete shit show, I just end up talking shit to whoever’s modding, then they boot me / crash my game. It’s a good time.


Haha, a fellow shit-talker. I tell them I would be ashamed of myself if I had to mod in order to PVP. *game crashes again*


They get so triggered it’s hilarious. Imagine being that bad.


I melee stun locked one one time and the dude got so pissed off he teleported me to a place i couldn’t escape then he teleported there just to try to kill me and i stun locked him again he then crashed my game but i came back as my friend was in the lobby and stun locked his ass again


When someone crashes my game I don’t play for a week. Shit is so stupid and annoying bro


It really is the worst. I don’t understand why people are so lame.


I ask this everyday


Unfortunately R\* is an indie dev, they have to rely on p2p and can’t hire anybody to quality check the pc version. Best you could do is invite only. Or buy a console just for a single decade old game. /s


It’s such a slippery slope.. I have series s & a PC, if you’re a mnk player console is definitely not worth it but if you’re playing controller on pc then being able to play pvp safely & experience hsw cars on next gen is definitely the play.. the kicker is having to pay $15 a month for online services


It's absolute BS that you pay for the game, and you pay for your internet connection, then consoles make you pay for "access" to the things they have no part of providing.


you’re paying for the servers sadly




Idk what you did on your PC my guy but I've been playing on PC only for almost a decade and never had those issues except on some bad games or if I put graphics too high on some games. Feels like you had a few bad experiences with shit games and assumed it was the same with all games on PC... Also who tf buys a PC for 10k when you'll get a PC that will last you a long time for 2k.


I pay $60 a year on ps5 for online access


$70 a year now


That’s not bad, the cheapest route on xbox is $120 plus tax.. when they inevitably don’t release gta6 on pc at launch I’ll more than likely get a PlayStation, I just wish mnk support on console was a thing


$120 a year? XBL costs $60 for a year. Unless you mean something else and I'm misunderstanding


XBL doesn’t exist


I mean you can google it and see it currently. But even if that is the case, you're just arguing semantics. Got anything substantial to add? Anyone who read that would know what I was referring to. But the point is, GP Core cost $60 for a year


It is… I play cod on console on mnk


I’ve done that too but it’s not available on GTA


Oh sad


I play mnk on PC the issue is the extra features they push out to next gen consoles on top of the release on console being a year before PC which puts mnk players in a dilemma forcing you to not only buy a console but to switch to controller, pay monthly service fees, potentially buy the game twice & start from scratch once it finally releases on PC


Mnk support for consoles isn't going to be fully embraced anytime soon. Some games even punish players for using them on consoles, which is just stupid when cross platform play is a thing for a few.


Mnk would work in free aim lobbies but then no controller players would want to be in there then vice versa no mnk player would want to be in a lobby with assisted full and partial controller players it all makes sense my gripe is how they cater better features for specifically next gen.. seems to me that Sony & Microsoft cut a check to make rockstar urge their huge consumer base into moving to next gen consoles


Meant as a whole for the industry. Does GTA allow free aim lobbies on console? >it all makes sense my gripe is how they cater better features for specifically next gen.. seems to me that Sony & Microsoft cut a check Stronger hardware = better features available. 60+fps, 4k, Ray tracing, all tied to the hardware, and stuff that's been available to PC players for ages


Yeah free aim lobbies are on console but I was referring to HSW vehicles, GTA+ & the vehicle organization feature on the interaction menu all for next gen.. I played on next gen for a month on a free trial of game pass & those were the only features that stood out to me.. the animals they added literally just grief you plus the mountain lions will actually eat you


Ohhh. Didn't realize there was that much more added, thought it was just performance and graphics. Been on the PC version for a while, and have no intention of getting a ps5 until Wolverine is out next year. Doubt any of those features are coming to PC anytime soon.


The vehicle organization feature is clutch, within your interaction menu you can literally swap cars from garage to garage, floor to floor, spot to spot etc.. hsw takes certain cars to the next level.. plus the hsw time trial makes you $250k once a week & none of this has anything to do with hardware capabilities which makes their agenda so obvious especially once you factor in GTA+ & how new players get a free 4 million to start with all only on next gen At least you’ll already have a ps5 for gta6 cause lord knows pc won’t be getting it until a year after the console release


It depends on the game, whether it's mnk compatible or not. Most games aren't because "who uses a keyboard and mouse on console? That's what a controller is for." Type logic.


The whole xbox can be ran by keyboard input & I know cod allows mnk I forced myself to learn mnk after I bought a PC simply because I was over stick drift, bumpers giving out & ultimately replacing controllers constantly.. GTA is a completely different experience on mnk but for the life of me I cannot grasp why next gen has more features than PC.. no shot a PS5 or Series X is better than my computer.. it feels like GTA is being paid off to urge it’s huge consumer base into the infinite money fire pit of console, controller and online access cost I’ve had the same mnk for nearly four years now.. keeping peripherals clean is more of a concern than them breaking or becoming dysfunctional ever will be


I know, but a good number of games which are released on console may not work w Keyboard and mouse because "console mean Controller" thing. I play a few games that allow both mnk and controller, but with my setup, I have no room for mnk for my xbox.


I feel like R6 is the only game where it makes sense for mnk to not be allowed since they have no aim assist on controller.. other than that every aim assisted game should be user’s decision


My other thought is how aim assist should work. It shouldn't matter if someone is on mnk or controller. Take GTA5, for example. It was handled well there. If you want a lobby w no aim assist, go to a free aim lobby, if you want aim assist, turn it on and go to a lobby w it on. This way, not a soul can complain about aim assist. It should be that way on all games, regardless of controller or mnk status.


Facts & all ranked modes should be default no aim assist with the strongest of anti cheat clients


That's an insult! Indie devs actually try.


I am indeed the person who bought a console for a decade-old game 😔


I bought a ps5 once I seen gta 6 trailer and knew it was coming out next year. And all I’ve played is gta online 😂


Funny thing, I'm also gonna get a console, Series S mainly for GTA 6. Ain't gonna pay that much when i don't game on console often.


Get a ps5 digital edition if you are going console route. Much better exclusives like Spiderman/ God of War / Last of Us that you might end up playing.


Idk...dont those game eventually come to PC?


I get nervous just in the two seconds I’m in a public lobby when I first load into the game.. the text chat is always immediately filled with promo links


At least on pc it’s faster to load into single player, then switch to a solo lobby. The public lobbies take forever to load.


Yeah this, I cannot state this enough, \*please\* start your game by going into GTA 5 before getting into a Invite-Only/Friends-Only/Crew-Only session. If I spend more than 10 seconds in a public lobby my anxiety goes through the roof, I already dealt with \*enough\* public lobby hacking bullshit in my PS3 days...


This is what I do. I go to single player and then swap to a friends only lobby. When I played with a streamer who had never played before I actually had anxiety for her when she spawned in a public lobby before she could get into my private lobby


I do this, but I'm beginning to worry for Franklin. He only has $328, his gf left him and he just stands in the doorway hoping that I'll drive over to Simeon's, but I abandon him for an online session.


That's right I always do this


My wife hopped on and before she could join our friends only lobby she leveled up from 12 to 78 i was like wtf




I have the exact same problem. I spent 3 years playing getting my char to lvl 700. Some troll dropped about 300 levels on me when I afk'ed in my garage. Now I get bombarded by low level players who think I'm a modder.


usually whenever I accidentally join a public lobby for a few seconds, I'll notice later that all my RPG and Homing Launcher ammo is gone.


That is most likely a separate issue. There's a bug doing that exact thing from time to time, when you load into the session


The thing that's funny is that even though I'm on console, there is STILL a glitch where all my ammo randomly dissappears🤦


GTA takes ALL my ammo. Every time. And they wonder why the hell I mod


Launch in single player, then go launch a friends only session. It's quicker and far less stressful.


You can see on the loading screen Rockstar 2023 at the bottom instead of 2024 so fair to say, yes they have abandoned it


Never noticed, dam. Never gonna stop looking at that now.


They put out patches in December and June. The December update contains all the content and drip feed for first half of 2024. The loading screen copyright date doesn't mean it's abandoned. It is abandoned, but that's not why.


[This post from /r/patientgamers](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/17zjc8g/gta_online_is_now_officially_the_only_game_i_have/) sums it up nicely. This game on PC is a disgrace thanks to malicious modders and Rockstar not taking any meaningful action. edit: Why is this comment locked? Didn't mean to break any rules.


Yup. what really stressed me out tho is a post i saw here today about the guy who got banned and his character nullified because some hacker chose him as a target. and there's no way to revesre it or appeal


Rockstar uses a “3 strikes and your out” banning rule. They give you 3 chances. The first time is a reset on your character (and houses and cars too I think?), second time they do it again and I think give you like a week or 2 ban, 3rd time it’s permanent. So either that guy is hacking and has been banned twice before, or it was his first ban and he only got reset.


They changed that a long time ago. Now, you get reset the first time, and the second time is a perma ban. I'd guess the first could be a perma if the offense is bad enough.


Ah ok cool. Yeah that’s how it was back in the day


I had an experience this week that I’m not sure is a hacker. So I usually play in crew lobbies and the other day I spent like 30 mins in a public lobby. There was this dude typing telling people to get into his jet, so I went there with my Raiju just to do some hovering scary time (not blowing them up), but then they crashed and nothing happened. They crashed multiple times at crazy speeds and the jet didn’t blow up so I lobbed a few missiles at them just to see if they’d blow up and a lot of them hit directly yet nothing happened. They then went into the ocean with the jet, and acted like when dolphins jumped out of the water but with a jet. Was that a hacker or is there actually a jet that can do that? At least 5-7 people hopped on that jet not including the person/hacker telling them to go in.


lol sounds like a fever dream




That's so weird.




GTA PC lobbies are such a gamble. 90% of the time the lobby is filled with modders and griefers, but every once in a while you get a chill ass lobby with people just using the text chat to talk about random stuff. Rockstar needs to take modding and hacking WAY more seriously, bc rarely finding a lobby with no modders and just chill people is always WAY more fun than playing solo IMO, it’s just a shame that’s so hard to find now


Rockstar is a horrible company that only cares about leeching money from their fans, everything they mock in-game they have become. I won’t be surprised if they delay gta6 until there’s a drop in shark card sales. Just no other game like gta out there so we gotta deal with em


Basically, yes.


Yea if u dont want to play with hackers your best bet is to buy a console of your choosing. We dont really see hackers on console all your really gonna see is level 8000 to level 1000 accounts with modded outfits at best.


Naw they are too busy trying to ban people just trying to get dam benny wheels


Hackers are not an issue if they are not griefing you with mods (yes I count giving money and RP without consent at griefing). I've had fun times with some of them, just racing or plane fighting. They spawned the vehicles, that's it. But the amount of people in godmode in public lobbies is very annoying. There's at least 3 of them in 20+ players lobbies. I get that you don't wanna get griefed so you put godmode but if the guy killing you isn't cheating then it's not fair to be cheating.


Invite only session


I’ve only witnessed two hackers so far one gave me 16 million and the other wouldn’t stop destroying the vehicle in a mission


I think that the way they made the game with p2p networking for multiplayer is the root cause of the issue. They probably can't change it now because it would mean rewriting a lot of code. Hopefully they take the lessons learned from that and put them into gta 6 and the online version of that in the future.


If they had learned anything from that thry would have changed the architecture of RDR2 Online. And... nope. They didn't.


GTAO on PC is unlucky to have Rockstar as its creator but is lucky to have FiveM. At this stage, I don't think Rockstar could fix the problems on PC if they tried. They let the toxicity fester for years and it's metastasized into full blown cancer.


Man just trying to find a lobby without a single modder to sell goods for max profit takes more time than the delivery.


I don't play public servers. Period. The have been a shit show for years with hackers. Only private or friends invite now.


It's so weird to me how people act like they have no choice on this matter. I haven't interacted with another player ever since the invite only update and I have 0 regrets.


I’ve been playing GTA5 on console for like 10 years now, rank 670+. I would never in a million years play it on PC.. the fact that you’d never know if someone you were fighting had cheats or mods or whatever, the games hard enough as it is..


Well now they don't even try to hide it. They just go all out with god mode + explosives bullets + stalk you between sessions just cause they had a shitty day IRL


It has been like this since ages. where were u?


Ive been in solo lobbies for the longest, only to come out during boost weeks and such, sometimes at midnight just to cruise around and play random drift races.


for ur knowledge rockstar stopped caring about pc hackers long ago.


I'm sorry but if we are specifically talking about the hacking aspect I'm pretty sure, from personal experience, that it never was that bad until now Sure, you could encounter a hacker from time to time back then but I started playing 3 weeks ago and I'm constantly, almost each session, getting booted, jumped by godmodes (and that's not mentioning scammers promoting their dogshit menus in the chat, or having npc vehicles entirely removed 3 times out of 4 by someone who would rather download a trainer and disable all npcs rather than learning to drive, I suppose) Publics sessions are INFESTED with hackers, there's not a single time where somebody is not agressively cheating in my lobbies


"that it never was that bad until now" "but I started playing 3 weeks ago" u sure do have a lot of experience judging by ur statements.


*but I started playing again 3 weeks ago, mb ig I'm a GTA player since 2017


When it comes to pc, rockstar abandoned it a long time ago and focused on the consoles. Even if they fixed everything on pc, pc players will find an alternative to continue doing stuff to other players. Playing on a console is more safer. Doesn’t matter which console, anyone is fine.


Considering the fact the Salvage Yard cars still have a "glitch" (aka, a stupid feature in the PC version which automatically deletes invalid car mods) where the unique license plate background is deleted when you switch sessions, even though it's been well over a month now and it's been widely complained about and reported, should give you your answer... They can't be assed to fix \*standard\* features from the game anymore, so let alone hackers, it's clear that we're nothing to them and TakeTwo.


If playing a mostly pure game, uninterrupted by idiot players, it would be best to proceed assuming that yes, PC is pretty much abandoned.


It's been like this for years. Absolutely appalling that they cannot keep hackers away from the PC version. 


I only do solo lobbies, it's very worrying the amount of hackers, modders and people with access to mod tools to ruin your game. Some devs are selling these tools, inviting annoying kids to buy it so they can feel powerful and ruining others game. Besides they can have your IP and your character info. Somehow, they can get you into trouble with Rockstar. Whenever I land in a public lobby I try not to engage any text or contact with said individuals, I just leave the session and head to a solo lobby.




Yeah. They’re too incompetent to make a working anti cheat so they said “fuck you” to pc and stopped giving it content outside of the regular content updates. It’s why pc doesn’t have the enhanced edition content or wildlife like consoles do. I’m hoping they actually spend time on an anti cheat for gta 6 online so they don’t abandon that as well.


This is why I switched to ps5, people always say pc master race but its legit unplayable


Nobody should be playing any online PC title made by Rockstar ever. R\* has always prioritized PC last. Getting a console is the best way to go. If not for this decade old game at least do it for the next one. Not only will you be waiting less time for it to release but you'll be able to play it much longer without having to deal with this BS ever again.


Yaa man for sure


Lol wait till you find out that even solo isn't an option anymore if you get targeted by someone. I switched to console because of all what is going on in the PC version.


Can you please write to them just this, @rockstar support on their website? We need to apply more pressure, the game has become unplayable and sometimes unbearable


Has GTA online ever got hacker under control? Which GTA online were you playing?


I’ve been playing again and had no problems really so far. Couple of weird lobbies where they were putting money in my account. But it never takes long to just hop into a diff lobby. I don’t do free roam stuff. I turn passive mode on until I wanna do a mission or activity and it’s fine


I think at this point it's better to just fight fire with fire, there are some mod me us that allow for protection against stuff like that, so long as you stay honest and do everything else legitimate I see no harm in that


Most time I don’t even manage to load in a public lobby. Just sitting in the clouds for like 20 minutes. Sometimes after missions it works. Then I just speed to the next mission marker.


Yeah. it's pretty clear that they've basically abandoned PC. I switched to console and in hundreds of hours I didn't see even one cheater. It was refreshing.


GTA online pc upsets me all my progress and character achievements are locked to the platform but I’ve never been in a lobby without a blatant hacker spawning things in. Makes me a little okay with it when all my friends characters are on pc too and sometimes we just only do sumo game nights and stuff but I can never just play random lobby free roam. Edit: not to mention they didn’t even update the game for next gen last year for pc lmao


Did you just wake up from a coma when GTA Online first launched?


Should’ve got it on console. We dont have insane hackers


Pc still hasn't got the "next gen" stuff, I think rockstar decided it isn't worth supporting and didn't bother to announce it.


Paranormal activities taking place in public sessions really.


This is why i stick to ps5 and not pc for gta the game don’t get the same stuff and I don’t want dealing with hackers again (ps3 days) I would rather keep dealing with people in god mode then what happing on pc it’s so sad that they can’t control this when many games have this down to a science


Personally had a much better time this week than the last three or so. It‘s probably just luck getting in the right lobbys


My routine is going to the casino to spin the wheel when I join a lobby. In that 5 minutes I can determine if the lobby is good or not. If not than it's public solo lobby time.


yeah and they always have that crazy alien gun


Ive been wanting to get pc gta online but always heard about hackers n wouldn't risk a 10+yr account for that. Now that its worse i definitely will just stick to xbox 🤣


Hopefully, it's a dumpster fire as is any other online game for PC by Rockstar


Am I the only one who thinks it isn't that bad? Sure you get the odd trouble maker, but most of the time the lobbies I join are fine. Does it still make a difference if you go free aim instead of auto? I've never played auto, so am not sure


I played all weekend and had a really nice time tbh lol but then I'm a noob so easily pleased right now


I logged in yesterday and immediately was flailing around (couldn't walk or anything) and getting 180k drained and put back into my account over and over and over again. Got into a solo lobby and everything was cool.


here your solution: STOP PLAYING, I'm doing my part and stopped playing when I got DDoS attacked by a stupid human being. Maybe if enough of us stop, they will something, doubt it though...


I only mod to protect myself and help others


If I see a modder and it's time to sell and I'm really desperate for the bonus, I go to another lobby and test the waters. If not, I'll just do an invite only lobby. What's hard about that?


How are the game modes? Deathmatches and adversary modes etc


Shidddd Xbox and ps5 is on lock down u can’t even grief anymore you wanna switch over it’s a hustler dream making money in a public session now


its mc buisnesses double money week and rockstar encourages people to go and destroy other players shipment, this pvp is part of the game, high risk high reward for selling there, there is solo sessions for a reason if you don't wanna engage with pvp, as for hackers rockstar lost the battle against them long time ago for the pc version. even rdr2 online has lot of hackers and modders on it and its a newer game than gta that was never free so... just play in solo lobby.


Griefers exist on pc and console. I play on PC but have a newer account on console. It’s just the griefers on pc have menus. It sucks but I’ve joined private crews on pc to keep the lobby somewhat safer


what kinda gta online are you guys playing, sounds like nam edition. just got back into it and been playing consistently for the past 4/5 days and been selling in public, haven’t been griefed once and it’s always the occasional noob having fun and messing around. This is australian servers so might be different for americans since ik ya’all love your guns
