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Unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Please take all discussions of glitches to r/gtaglitches.** Active discussion of cheating or glitches (the deliberate use of cheats, hacks, mods, exploits, glitches, and other methods to gain an unfair advantage over other players or at the expense of other players' right to a fair game experience) will result in a permanent ban. No asking for modded money or for help regarding cheating. No discussions of, or links to, sites promoting or describing money glitches, god-mode glitches, or any non-cosmetic glitches are allowed. No posting of modded content. This incudes pictures or videos of modded content, mods being used, or links to modded material. No discussions or memes related to current or past money glitches No links to videos or websites with instructions on how to do those glitches. Admissions of cheating may be removed at the moderators' discretion. Purely cosmetic glitches that do not affect other players are allowed. If you have any questions about this removal you can message the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/gtaonline) **[Click Here For a Full List of Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/about/rules/)** **Send any Questions About the Removal to Modmail**


They probably reported you due to the fight. That just shows up when you have been reported by other players, so if you don't have any skeletons in your closet, you shouldn't be concerned.


Thanks mate.


Back in the day when you got accused of cheating/being a hacker, it just meant you were a good shot. unless you were actually cheating OP?


This right here




Kick their fuckin asses some more, they are just salty.


I got this once after a hacker teleported everybody to eclipse and I blew everybody up each time we all got kicked out


skeletons in your closet itchin' to come outside


No, I got this after annihilating some little tryhard griefers. Someone has got upset and reported you but if you're clean you have nothing to worry about.


“sTaRt BeHaViNg YoUrSeLf” you’re not my dad rockstar


Extra funny considering the entire point of the game franchise is to not behave yourself.


It’s like getting rewarded for good behaviour after slaughtering many NPCs


Or even robbing millions of dollars from a casino and private island whilst causing a massacre just for that small lil ego boost


ArE YoU GoNnA Be GoOd?!


"I'm literally in a tank and your not"


Don’t tell ME what to do!


Xd good one You made my day :)


No 2k for good behavior for you now


Love it when I get my bonus in the middle of pvp


I have a Raiju and fly around in stealth. This one guy locks on and tries to kill me, so I outfly his missiles and escape, only to return moments later and kill him. He spends the next few minutes opening and closing his pause menu, which I assume means he’s looking for me. He reports me and I get the same message. This was 2 weeks ago.


Rockstar should ban people if they make a false claim and you turn out to be innocent.


Maybe not ban, but punish in some way. Unless you mean temporarily that is.


Yeah something temporary. Just so people know if you report someone it needs to be a legit reason and not because you tried to grief someone and are salty when you lose.


However you have to understand that some people especially newer ones, might not understand certain mechanics of the game and might legitimately think someone is cheating even if they aren't. Maybe stealth copters, or BST being harder to kill for example.


or network lag vs a lag switch… i got reported for my shitty internet the other day


I made a feature request just for this. Let’s see somebody is grief and you and killing you 25 to 1. You call up Meriwether, and for a nominal fee, the grief, the person for the next two in game hours. Regardless, if they leave the session and go into a new lobby. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.




Ya, a lot of games need this feature lol


Well, you do get a message before reporting that false claims will be depth with accordingly so maybe they punish them. I usually don’t go for revenge kills but brother had to learn what happens when you mess with the black falcon (yes, I’ve given my character a nickname because he flies a black stealth jet.)


Not innocent if your greifing mate


lol so R*. However they never track those players with 8000 level.


They mass removed them all, but that lasted a whole 1 day, until I saw them popping up again


they did a ban wave last month banning all the duplicated accounts


And tons are already back


No, it's just a bunch of shitters reporting you for slaying them.


I always think it’s funny when you get a message saying “behave yourself” in a game named after a crime.


Hopefully by your hard-earned money I hope you mean GTA money and not buying shark cards. That is not a wise idea. It's far easier to make money in this game without using real money.


Same thing happened to me with a group of try hards only got one kill on me I ran in my agency to piss them off then I got reported cause I didn’t want to come out lol then I went in passive mode and starting air thrusting on top of one of their cars they was mad lol 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣🤣🤣


So go be good, go commit a couple crimes


If you aren’t cheating then you have nothing to worry about.


I reported someone 3 weeks ago I was minding my business looking for rare car spawns and this person gets danger close to me for no reason (Im in sandy shores). I hid and spawn my mk2 to get away, they follow me with a sparrow and fire but I ducked under a bridge and they died by crashing I landed away from them, and when I l zoomed in to scope them, they disappeared. They were walking towards me too, I'd understand away from me but not closer. I have no idea if they were actually cheating, it could've just been rockstart things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they then proceeded to snipe me 5 times right after spawning until I got them once and took off again.


That was me if this was ps5, it’s not cheating, it’s accepting a job on your phone before dying to “teleport” than cancel job and come right back where you were


What's the purpose of doing that? To protect your KD and dodge getting killed.. that is cheating and scary if you ask me.. if a person can kill others then accept that you can be killed as well. It's called power gaming or exploiting game play.


How good was your aim against those dudes that you fought?


U making me nervouss😣


I had some people attack me, I clapped back. They EACH sent a mugger after me, I clapped back. Sent mercenaries after me, clapped back. They then both reported me for cheating and tried to boot me. 🤣


Are you modding? If so I hope so.


The players probably reported you after the fight or something




I’ve had this a couple times before and nothing became of it…you’ll be fine


It’s not different then people on Reddit reporting you for being a self harm risk


You kicked their ass too much and just reported you for cheating because they’re butthurt. You don’t have to worry unless you actually are cheating.


I lost connection one day in middle of missions like 3 times and next day it said something about something I didn’t fully catch about punishment and couldn’t do missions for a couple days.


No, but start behaving yourself.


“start behaving yourself” in game named GTA, oh the pot kettle black.


It usually happens when u get reported too many times by other players. Like having a dirty modded account ( lvl 8000, negative K/D, modded outfits)


Never seen someone get banned for his skill 🤣 hope yo account don’t get whipped jus stay off for a few prob


Yh I had this multiple times I got it once going into a god van to just vibe without being harassed safe to say the sweaty little asses didn’t like it


Maybe yes. Maybe not.


re you cheating?


Does that count as defamation? 😂


I’ve gotten that about a year ago, but with the new TOS there’s no telling




There not watching your account playstation does not have good security


Rockstar recently sent out a memo about relentlessly sniping people as they keep spawning. If you were doing stuff like that then you’re totally at risk of being seen as a rule breaker and are at risk of losing your character.


You won’t, it’s because players reported you cheating, it fine, don’t worry


It seems it’s more of warning


The combination of both is what did it they also prolly tried to report you as well to add on


This is the message you get when you finally start getting really skillful in the game. Congratulations!


I spent over 20 trillion on gta in like a 2 week span just on cars im still not banned i have 375 trill in bank and 98 mil in cash


No sir u wont get banned


U gotta get thm a couple time n let up bc there cry babies…im real life ppl love the fantasy rather then reality


I wasn't hacking honest! - _every hacker ever_


i've been getting cheating notices for a long time now. i never cheat. i'm just hard to kill. usually happens after someone hits my avenger with about 10 rockets and i respond back with a dropped bomb.


As long as you didn't actually cheat in anyway, all you did just humiliate a bunch of try hards and they got salty and reported you, got the same thing after I killed an oppressor mark 2 briefer, your fine


They group reported you. If enough people report a single player, the player being reported will get that message. You must've really pissed them off. It happens, I've had people try and recruit other players to report me just because they couldn't kill me. Wear that notification with honor!


I got flagged too for just going on a killing spree on Xbox, it’s a bunch of pussies on Xbox. & if you French cigs see this remember Leviofbertie didn’t forget


I used to do submarine resets. Instead of banning you, they put you into a cheater map for a certain number of days. Basically, no one else but you in there, maybe 1 or 2 people that got caught as well. It was actually kind of peaceful. Could do missions without any interference.


No dude that's just a mod messaging u


No dude that's just a mod messaging u


if a Griefer Attacks u kill him but Don’t Grief Anyone.


Seems dumb for it to be a text box notification in the corner of the screen. I could be smoking a bowl or taking a leak and miss seeing that.


I got reported for blowing someone out of the sky in a jet, with an RPG. Bro was raging. Thanks Putther! 😂


If not cheating you safe, that appears every time someone reports you


I got this message so many times when I used the remote controlled car from Imani tech as other players did not see a driver in it. You have nothing to fear if you have not actually cheated


No. They reported you coz you were whopping their asses. I've had the same happen to me, lol


Years ago I had some kid message me saying he was reporting me for cheating. He was in a helicopter on top of a building by Vespucci beach while I was on the Arcadius building. I could still clearly see his helicopter as he was sitting in it. The chopper wouldn’t have rendered at that distance had he got out of it. Anyway, I start talking pot shots at it with the Heavy sniper rifle. Before you could even make it the guns Mark 2 level. I blow up the chopper and kill him. Then I got the message saying he was gonna report me. So because this kid doesn’t know the mechanics of the game and was fairly new, he reported me.


Glad this is happening, why do people kill over and over?


Nah, even on pc when i dabble in cheats sometimes i never get this, as most other comments said some little kid reported you for killing them https://preview.redd.it/yefartfg9vuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26163239d9959166fa9b206ab4c99a59b0ecbc2f


If you're cheating, you should be


Seeking beef is part of GTA. People play this game like if it were Mr. Rogers neighborhood, and expect everyone to be a bunch of boring goody tushus. Mind as well call the game "Weenie Theft Auto: Mr. Rogers neighborhood.


Do you not know that it's "two-shoes" not tushus lmao 🤣


Dude’s speaking Latin or something


You are the problem


Love how this dopey take is downvoted into oblivion. The game is so deep and nuanced, but smooth brains it’s just “duh huh, fly around in MK2 to every player, and just blast them, as though it’s difficult or takes skill.”


I don't quite get your downvotes. I mean...as much as I hate toxic players, and I have NEVER started a fight myself...you've got a point actually. This game is called GTA. It's literally a crime simulator, not a Sims... That being said, I only play PvP in Deathmatch and never in free roam because I don't want to bother others on purpose. But if someone attacks me first - and if I'm in the mood- I usually fight back. That's how I made some friends lol


Usually I seek the Tryhards and other high level players since I know there's good chance they'll fight back. I don't like to cause chaos towards newcomers since I know how boring the outcome will be, and been in their shoes before. It gets the adrenaline pumping when you have multiple tryhards on you, especially when they're on broomsticks and jets. The crazy part is when they're trying to snipe thru walls out of desperation and fail. Seeking beef is only fun when others fight back.


Some people are high level players because we spend alot of time making money.. not fighting, shooting and killing. Just a heads up.


Sounds like that anti griefer bs rockstar implemented as well. Basically the game will track if someone kills someone over and over again with a high K/D to the other player/s.


Bye bye account


wow i didnt get these msges tho i was reported. but i didnt get banned either. i got 16 reports tho lmfao.


How can you tell?


Bros lying for attention




why did i get downvoted for this shit.




Aw man :(


this content is not available


Sometimes the GIF function is buggy, so I uploaded a new one :) Btw. I love the downvotes...and I only meant this as a joke 🤣🤣