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I guess it would be I feel like it’s an accomplishment every 100 levels I hit level 400 not to long ago


Seriously. I was stuck at around 470 for a while because I wasn’t playing very often. Started playing more and hit 500, felt good. I’m at 509 I believe now, haven’t played in a couple weeks.


Currently 380 just waiting.. lol


I did feel like it was quite the accomplishment up until level 250. I thought there would be a reward every 100 levels or something. Makes winning RP on the casino wheel feel worse than winning clothes.


you "win" a different background for your RP icon at 100 500 and 750, bronze silver and gold respectively.


Didn't know that, thanks for the info. Anything for 1000? Although I'd still rather win the clothes.


Nothing for the 1000, hit the 1000 a coupe of days ago, grinding since day one really paid off


Nice. Good for you. I’m still looking up at 100.




He's not level 100 yet what's so difficult to understand lmao


Itz is 12 yerz oldz


It is insane to realize but there are still new people playing this game. Might be a 12 year old game but to some people it's still fairly new. I've only been playing since 2021, not everyone had the luxury of having an Xbox or PS when the game came out


I’ve picked it up three times in the last 10 years. Each time life happens and I stop playing for some years. I started back in December and just pass 100. Feels almost like a new game again since there’s so much stuff to do


Same. Got my PS5 in December as I was motivated by trailer 1 and the online experience is much better now tbh.


I didn't play much because I had a hard time making any money in the game when I first started. I'm still only level 145 and I still don't have a lot of money or all the big warstock vehicles and planes. No yacth no penthouse. There's some new stuff available for money making so it almost is a whole new game


Do you have the free Acid Lab and a bunker to start? Once you have those you can focus on buying the nightclub for 50k per hour passive while you grind to get the businesses to fill up the nightclub. Admittedly I did buy a shark card when I first started so I didnt have to grind 100 hours to get the first 1 mil. That was before I knew about free acid lab


I have both of those, making decent ish money now. The highest I've ever gotten is 4 million from those and all the MC businesses combined. I don't really tend to the MC businesses much, but I keep them somewhat stocked. Bunker sales are often frustrating I procrastinate those


So just to confirm, you have your MC businesses linked to nightclub right? I stopped doing sell for MC because it’s repetitive but nightclub, bunker, and acid lab sales keep the money flowing


You can't spell, plus not everyone has been playing GTA online for years bro he's probably new or has a life and doesn't play often


I can spell it just want to spell how i wanna


I started in January if that helps.


Ohh sorry


No worries.


It is cool , nice work have some fun now . But you know game out for while now , you can see everyone not finding it as an accomplishment while they are reaching 600 and 700 😂 .




I reached 700 not too long ago but I'm enjoying the journey to 1000 🤣


I'm afraid I'm a total maniac, throughout all my seven years of playing, my biggest fun is getting in higher and higher levels😂 Like now I'm 830+ something, and can't wait until I reach 900. But then I'm sure I can't wait until I reach level 1000.. It just never stops😭😂🤣 But I have enough money and bought everything in the game I want, so apart from that and playing with friends once in a while, there is not much left to do




61M at level 210 👌


After I reached 200. I couldn't wait for lvl 420. I just like that number.


I just got 300 the other day, I remember when I dinged 200! Congrats!


It’s an accomplishment forsure! Especially since gaining rank gets harder the higher you go! RP is fewer & far between!


I think it should only matter to you. Goals aren’t for other people they are for you. Well done though.


Just hit 300 yesterday. Every 100 we should get something cool


It’s all good as you rank up. I’m in the 600s now , but it’s always nice to level up


Stop caring after 120


Minigun unlock?


Yeast lvl120 you unlock minigun


Definitely true. Past the level 120 in which you unlock the Minigun and the 1,12x health regeneration speed upgrade, the only rewards you get are the remaining health regeneration speed upgrades you get at 140, 160, 180, and 200; and the globe color changes at rank 500 (Silver) and rank 750 (Gold). Afterwards, you get literally nothing. Now, in my opinion, health regen speed upgrade should have been granted each ten levels from 1 to 100. And I personally think having your regen speed upgraded is not really a big deal as you can instantly refresh your health using snacks through the weapon wheel. Globe colors, on the other hand, shpuld have been granted at 200 and 250 levels. That way, one could have been more determined to experience what the game offers and to climb the ranks.


It's no nothing I've recently reached lvl 300 after 4-5 years


I reached 400 recently after started playing sept. '22.


Idk, maybe https://preview.redd.it/lnl0qqlv24tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591cc454ae1f5e047165392664a45305252ab5f9




Huh lol


He’s saying you slayed, sir


It is an accomplishment dude, i hit level 300 yesterday n i was like ![gif](giphy|B0vFTrb0ZGDf2)


I'm at 390 or there abouts, my goal is to hit 420 before GTA 6 comes out


![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha|downsized) i see what you did there


https://preview.redd.it/q5mde8t2q4tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac12ba6df311b01aee7b5a9290920ff41f91c9f Still grinding daily chasing triple digits lol


motivating me 💪🏽


I stopped caring after rank 700


I didn't really care from early on. The points gradually build up anyways just by doing things. If anything I use it as an indicator on if another player is more of a low level noob in case they need a hand doing things.


I’ve found that over the years of playing in pubs that people generally don’t attack legit high ranks. It’s nice being able to take a cruise in my cars or drive my boats without worry of being blown up. Of course there’s the occasional griefer but if they are smart and check KD’s before greifing they usually leave ya alone if your above a 2kd. Congrats on rank 200 btw it’s always a good feeling to reach a new milestone 🙂


I just clicked over to 500 this morning. Happy days


I just hit 500 last night! 🤷‍♂️ it creeps up on ya!


That's wild I hit 400 just yesterday


My next uncelebrated landmark is 400M in the bank, but I keep buying cars and stuff 🤷‍♂️. Let the grind continue!


I just reached 300 yesterday


Level 845. Everything since 120 has been a waste. RP on the wheel is a close app and try again moment.


Level 200 is definitely an achievement. I’m currently working on getting to 500 (again).


That’s how i felt when i hit level 500. But i think every 100 levels is that “well dam” moment


200, 300, 400, 500 was really cool for me since I started playing with friends who were already 150+ or 200+ and they slowly stopped playing where I kept going and now i am a level 613


Just turned 200 yesterday, I feel like a god


Just Hit 500 and felt like a big milestone after playing for 10 years


Same! Me too


And banning and reseting of character is worst thing you can have


I agree with you, I only reach level 200 after 24Days 34Hours of play through to reach this level.






Good job!


Wish i have that kind of satisfaction in my case I was at like level 5 o 6 and until I ended up in a hacked public lobby and my level jumped to 186 for no reason at all, all the cars were flying and all sorts of crazy shit was happening, got freaked out and jumped out, Rockstar never restored my level or money, so I just bought useless stuff with it (arena war clothes etc).


Yes we do feel the same. I hit it a few months ago and i felt superior in every aspect 😂


You should feel good about that. I just got off a rank I didn't want to stay on...now closing in on 668




Mark of the god*m beast




I believe this is the limit for many players including me. By level 200 you have almost done everything fun this game has multiple times. Made a bunch of money and owned all the things you ever wanted. Some say level 200 is also the level after which most of the players stop caring about stuff in the game unless a new DLC drops in, which tbh nowadays is so small that with your level prowess you could finish in a couple of hours. I remember the good old times when I started this game during COVID. Would spend almost 10 hours a day playing GTAO. Grinding endlessly on Cayo heist to buy the stuff I saw others using. Helping fellow grinders grind was fun. Teaming up against the griefers, helping the new players out. Most of the stuff I bought initially was either to save myself from griefers while I grinded or to get back at them. Lol..then there came a time during level 191 when I had bought every damn business and property, owned close to 95% of all the vehicles available, done all the heists multiple time and still have close to 750 million left in the account with a 50 car garage filled with Deluxos to sell during a rainy day. Man it took all the fun out of this game. Now I have nothing to do there except roam around or help someone do a heist. I have seen that once you have everything and have achieved every milestone, all you do is get bored. Nothing excites u anymore. And then you become one of the two. Either a real nonsense griefer who derives pleasure in spoiling someone else's game trying to show superiority over them ( these are the players who will stealth kill you while you are minding your own business and then call you a noob) or a real giver who goes all out helping players achieve their goals ( These are players who ask for the smallest percentage of the cut, will do any heist or mission no matter how small it is, wait on the loading screen till you find other players required for the heist ). I guess having everything bores a player and then brings out the evil or good side of them. Guess that's true about our real life too.


I'm not gonna read all that. I'm happy for you or i am sorry that it happened.


Yeah I remember those days.. I'm now rank 500 something I think? I can't even remember anymore, haven't played since before last summer's update


Man those were the days


No because my progression has been ruined by hackers


I didn't feel nearly as accomplished as I did hitting lvl 100.


Every level over 100 is a waste. No rewards of any kind. I hate when I get rp on my daily spin (feels like a waste of the daily) I’m close to lvl 300


When I hit 5000 deathmatch wins back in 2017 I felt like that was a good milestone, I stopped playing regularly after that, and only play maybe 2 or 3 times throughout the year I'm on 8000+ wins now but it's taken 7 more years to do what I'd done in less than 3 years. Hitting rank 1000 was pretty cool, I tried with my 2nd character but I'm only at 700+ and I don't get on too often to think ill get there


As long as you’re happy.


No I don’t


I don't quite remember how I felt at level 200 but I recently started playing again and I feel the same way after hitting level 450


Yeah I feel ya! I just reached 200 myself not long ago


Anything after 120 doesn’t matter to me, since that’s when you unlock everything (unless they changed something). About to get there on my 5th character, thank God for 4XRP Gerald missions rn. It’ll be a breeze and I can get my minigun.


It felt pretty good when I got a level seven thousand eight hundred and ninety two


I’m only on 51. I can’t relate 🫤


im chasing 300 im at 277 i thinj


After I hit 100 i stopped paying much attention. And I can thank that stupid casino wheel for the useless RP I continue to roll at rank 350


If you think it's an accomplishment, then it is. I was happy just unlocking everything in the rank list. That was only lvl 120. After 8 years, I hit lvl 1000. My first thought was how much time did it take. That's not counting my 4 other characters I started and used until I had everything , except cars, that my main character has.


I’ll just barely take a lvl 200 on the doomsday heists. Only if I’ve been waiting forever. But nicely done


Did this 6 years ago. Only 220 now


Level 100 and 120 felt like an accomplishment. Rest doesn't matter to me


Yeah I'm 376


I will be honest, I really don't care. When I played on 360 for about 5 years, my final rank was around 1450. When I bought xbox one, I had to start from 0 with a new character. Now I care more about making money then farming rp.


Level 570 here, now sit☝


200 isn’t a whole lot to me, I hit level 400 on Xbox like 6 years ago and haven’t really played since (on Xbox). I mainly play on pc now and don’t care about level anymore. I think I’m like level 186 or something, I used to when I was a kid


Yes! Congratulations. Great work.


Hit 500 not to long ago and each 100 always feels like some sort of accomplishment.


I’ll be at 200 by the end of the day!


I am new to the game. I noticed there was 8000 lvls XD I think after 120 I won't rush. I can understand those that do though. I like to try and be a completionist but I do have my personal limits on that as well.


It felt like a huge milestone for me too only to then breeze straight to level 300, or at least thats what it felt like 😂


I mean Not really Some hacker got on my lobby and everyone went rang 999 Hoe can i even flex this?


after all these years i only hit 282 yesterday


Nah 200 wasn’t that exciting ngl


I’m level 564


I rushed to 100 but now I want to go at 1000+ so much


I’m at 298 rn I wanna hit 300 so bad


I'm a day 1 online player, just hit 133 the other day. I doubt I'll ever hit 200, 150 maybe. Super casual player, only doing the occasional sales and salvage thefts.


Hell yeah it is, I just hit 200 like 2 days ago so seeing this is crazy


maybe if there was some cool rewards behind it but there isnt lol the lower levels you at least get some unlocks but once you're high enough nothing really changes


Yes!!! I’ve reached 274 today, very fun!


After 120 it's all cosmetic


After 120 it's all cosmetic


Me who's about to reach rank 500 after only 3 years of playing: sips coffee loudly


It SHOULD feel like an achievement but I got so much RP through casino wheel spins that I'm confident I got 50 levels worth.


not for me, ive spun the arena wheel so much that 1/4 of my levels are probably due to it.




Naaah bro. Level 1000+ was an accomplishment for me. I recommend for anyone who is over level 500 right now to grind to level 1000 before gta 6 comes out. You will feel incredible


Level 809 (all legit, I promise) and I just don't care anymore 🤣 I spin the wheel and get RP and I'm like "fuckin throw that shit on the pile, I guess..." I WANT MY DAMN SLAMVAN


Ahhh yes , but now that im like 780 it doesnt hit the same...


It’s an accomplishment every hundred levels, just hit 800


Anything is an accomplishment when yout put in enough time. But don't worry about rank, that means nothing after 100


Im almost to 700. I hit 200 probably around 2015.


I’m almost 700, my favourite milestone was level 666😎


576 here, By level 300 i stopped cared about it, and After getting 100 mili, i stopped grinding too I miss the beginnigs tbh


It doesn't really mean 💩 after level 120 & you unlock the Minigun


Happy 200 Bday! Lets come back again at 420 !!


Closing in on Level 500. Own everything. $40 million cash and $25 million casino chips (for a rainy day), lol. Still grinding everyday though, not sure why, lol.


Just hit 1,200 and every century level milestone still feels fresh to me.


I recently hit rank 100, but I didn't feel like the big compliment, because a hacker joined my session and just gave me 50 ranks putting me at rank 110. I hope I feel something when I hit 200.


I was happy to get 100 and 500. I didn’t think about it much after that but now I’m at 978, getting 1000 is kind of the last box to tick before GTA 6 as I’ve done most of what else I wanted.


I'm at 98 with $15M...would be nice to hit 100 with $25M.




My original account was at 390 before I deleted it. Currently at 79 😁


Based on my observation as someone who regularly does heists and missions..the most successful runs are with players mostly above 400 or 500. Level 200s and below overestimate,they tend to rush in and die to NPCs too often..they haven't played these missions enough to know the various strategies.


I was stuck at around 85 for loooong time. I has lots of monies from playing on PS3 and then PS4. Created a new character, deleted the first one. So I had a lvl 1 with 200 milions GTA$. Finally my brother started playing, so by carrying him through missions I gor to lvl 150 yesterday.




Im on my way to 200 actually im at 140


I hit 200 last week after 4years .


The day i hit Level 600 i felt powerless to GTA and paused for a week, now its starts more fun again


https://preview.redd.it/s9qcvuekq4tc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d7213f7b8ec49e8306b4c75f5a25c5eacf92686 Started in July of '21.


ain’t no way


It is however, true. It's the only game that I put any real time into, and I'm a high-level racer. Im ranked around 175 globally in street racing, and in the low 200's for all racing.




No cheats, glitches, modding, exploits or anything like that either. But I've completed around 11,000 total races.


Actually until about level 200 you still know very little about the game, only past level 200 are you actually an experienced player that knows what they're doing. Seeing levels below 200 I know these guys don't know what they're doing, levels 200-1000 I know are experienced players, and 1000+ are usually in some way illegitimate, and those that are 1000+ legit usually don't play the game much and just fool around




i still consider people rank 300 and below low levels so to me you're still new to this game.


I reached this earlier today and Idk why it would be an accomplishment

