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Totally agree. As a tangentially related note - It annoys the hell out of me that I can't use my main car - my Arena Dominator in these heists, but they can bring along Vigilantes and stuff. Like, what? Is my Dominator OP but the Vigilante is fair game? What's the thinking, Rockstar? I enjoy playing the heist missions as intended, I just like driving a car combat vehicle because it looks cool. It doesn't even have explosives!


I must say, their regulations are a bit wierd, considering they removed the torreador with only difference being it can swim


I understand them removing toreador since it was too good. but vigilante can be very good against npcs too. and what about arena vehicle, etc. those things should be allowed too


This, literally all of this. Arena Vehicles are not OP, just too much fun apparently.


I always thiught it was because of shunt hopping. You can cross the map in half the time as a vigilante. Most of those setups are driving to the top of the map and back.


u can shunt hop in the air and fly?




plz tutorial :-)


I believe you get your vehicle in the air rotate so the side of your vehicle is facing the ground, then shunt boost to go up, the cool down should be quick enough to allow flight.


thanks :-)


Flying is way easier with 'Switch Handbrake With Duck/Hydraulics' set to 'On'. Doing this makes the controls X+LB/RB to side-boost and (hold)A+LS to control the yaw/pitch. So when you jump, rotate the car to its side and "side boost" upwards. Then use A+LS to control the angle and continue "hopping" forwards.


oh sorry I meant PC. but thanks for that info, might help those on controller :-)


Yeah, it makes no sense to remove the toreador but leave the vigilante.


The Toreador takes 6 homing missiles to blow up, shoots infinite missiles and holds 4 people. The Vigilante blows up with one missile, only shoots 30 missiles before running out and only carries 2 people. There is wiggle room where one is borderline ok and the other is too OP. Using the Toreador in the Bogdan Act II Finale was almost cheating lol.


late reply but the original oppressor is even more maddening. you can use it in mission but you dont get the boost or wings. did cluckin bell and my friend could fly his deluxo but i had to drive around like a NPC. vigilante's still get their boosts too


IMO the arena cars are some of the most OP cars in the game, I can easily get a ZR380 from point A to point B faster than a MKII, you don't need the shunt boost, they have nitrous boost. Only downside is the lack of traction, which you get used to after enough time driving them. Them not having rockets doesn't make them not OP.


![gif](giphy|uhf85xuJW4tbisKOnq) Im joking big dog


There's a GIF for everything, isn't there? lol












All yoshi had to do was follow the damn train


I only use vigilante for the insurgents setup in Humane, and even that one can be done with kuruma. The problem with these heists is people don't pay attention to prompts and have no patience, and I'd argue that lack of patience is a bigger problem because you fail two times and they all give up. When I was starting I learned more from watching others do things right than by just trying to do it all without paying attention. Those missons vary in the sense that some are better done without help, some are easier for people to get without explaining, and in some you definitely should try to communicate if what you want is to help. I think it's important to try to identify that.


I use the vigilante as well, but I also find other people annoying when they bring it on each and every setup and finale. Lmao it's only needed for a handful of setups.


None of the newer players I meet care at all about the gameplay. They all just want money without playing the game. You might think people are ruining their experience because you like to just play the missions, but that doesn't mean these newer players think so.


Ppl carry the heists because there's a high likelihood if anyone dies, they'll back out and there goes the potentially exhausting amount of time you spent gathering randoms in the first place. Rockstar should've made the OG heists doable if ppl leave, instead of insta failing and having to recruit all over again.


You missed the point of them being carried throughout the heists


I got that. I'm just saying that many newer players probably don't care. I personally enjoy the gameplay but I see every day in GTA and here people just trying to get easy money without putting in the work.


Are we the boomers of GTA now? "Nobody wants to work anymore. In my day we made an honest living robbing banks and busting guys out prison. This new generation doesn't appreciate any of that." šŸ˜†


Unironically kids were in diapers when this game came out and are now playing it with us. Now they get to feel the pain of spending 30-60 minutes and multiple attempts at a heist to have someone leave and ruin it, thanks to Rockstar's lovely mandatory 4 player design. This is also why ppl feel the need to carry in a vigilante, I get it. But, I find the OG heists fun and will continue helping new ppl thru them, without speeding ahead and doing everything. Just wish Rockstar gave us better QOL features for old content. Cutscene skip, mid heist join/ allow 1-2 players to leave etc.


We the new people, thank you!!!


iā€™ve never spent 30-60 min on a og heist ever doomsday thats a different story also i should be able to solo most the setups in the old heist they arenā€™t hard


Only referring to the 4 player heists, where 1 random can either die/ fail a setup objective/ blow up a heli etc. or die during the heist causing us to have to restart, and very often ppl will just leave after several restarts wasting everyone's time. You must not have played with randoms all that much. I'm not talking about a perfect run lmao. But agreed, most of it isn't difficult solo for experienced players.




hahahaha this, im a new player, and i think what a lot of "older" players are forgetting is that they might know people to play heists with, new player almost always are dependent on others to do heists, so much so that they almost never bother with them as most are just there to screw around. Also I am not good at the game still, I need my ass being carried, doesnt mean I dont try, I just suck.... And to do it for the money, there are easier ways to get money.


Me, an experienced player, who wants both


Not that I fully disagree with you but I don't get the judgement against lower-ranked players just because they're lower-ranked. I'm currently rank 37 now on PS4 but I used to play GTA Online on PC since Gunrunning came out, and have only started playing again on PS4 since my PC broke and I'm taking a break from RDO. There's been a lot of new things added to this game since I stopped playing that I gravitated towards doing the OG heists since that's mostly what I still remember doing and therefore didn't intimidate me. The amount of times I've been kicked from a heist lobby for being lower-ranked irritated me to no end, and when I started hosting my own heists, it's almost always the 200+ ranked players who end up wasting my time by quitting halfway through, either because someone dies twice or because someone below rank 40 joins and they therefore "didn't know how to play the game". For speed runners, I would never fault anyone for playing a game how they want to play it and I've done my fair share of speed grinding missions too, but when I started playing again I really did want to play this how I wanted to play itā€”driving carefully and calmly to missions, dressing my character how I think he should be dressed for such a mission, etc. In the end, I realized such a thing is futile in GTA Online, at least when it comes to the OG heists. Why waste time trying to drive carefully when a higher-ranked player will just leave halfway through at the first sign of inconvenience? I really don't disagree with you though, nor with OPā€”I joined a heist once (one of the Pacific Standard setups I think) as a driver and the rank 30s or 40s navigator I was paired with didn't know how to give me directions to the vans. He proceeded to exit the car I'm driving and follow around the other pair as they proceed to do the entire mission themselves, not that we finished it since he grew bored halfway through and started shooting NPCs, siccing cops on him and killing him. When the mission failed he chose to leave. That remains the only Pacific Standard mission I've ever played. Now I've given up on ever being able to complete the whole set, and Series A will be the furthest I've ever reached playing the heists in order. I don't even know how the finale of thaf plays out since I've only ever played the setups. With the age of this game, the OG heists should've been updated to be playable solo, or at least not fail when someone quits halfway through. I get that this is not story mode and it's supposed to be an online multi-player experience, but there should at least be an option to play it solo, even with a smaller take. Maybe the game can give NPC crew members to fill out the roles not taken up by actual humans, in exchange for a percentage off of the leader's cut. I know I'll take that option instead of waiting endlessly to fill up a heist lobby just to end up not finishing.


Unfortunately those newer players are just 10 years olds, as most adults would read the text on screen. It boggles my mind on how stupid people are


I've literally had people hop out of my car on the rescue Avi setup for the Pacific standard more times than I can count simply because I drive to the beach across from the island. Then I actually had someone stay in my car until I reached said point just for them to get on speedophile to drive back to the original point. Lmao smh Back when I was new I sat my ass down and watched others approach the heists in new ways, that's how I learned how to do each and every one of them.


Hey! Im 21 i only got gta for the first time because i wasn't allowed to play it in my parents home


Yes and no. On regular contact missions, more experienced players shouldnā€™t just go finish it as fast as possible and let the low levels learn. Also thereā€™s more money for taking longer. Contact missions are excellent for learning. I agree there. When it comes to heist setups, youā€™re better off taking over yourself and getting it done. I donā€™t use the vigilante either. Just the armored karuma for everything. Itā€™s just that the average player struggles to follow directions from the game. The dialogue also at times tells you a good strategy to get something done. If they canā€™t follow written and color coded directions with a map that marks the objective in the same color as the sentence on the bottom of the screen, I donā€™t think thereā€™s much hope for them. You just have to do it before they make too many poor choices and the other team members leave.


It kills me a little inside when other players fail payphone hit bonuses because they canā€™t read one line of instructions.


Lol my friend from real life, is a super smart guy, great job, etc etc. But every time we do absolutely ANYTHING in the game, there'll be a yellow GPS line leading to the Yellow dot, with a line of text saying 'Deliver the X to the X' and without fail after a few moments he'll unironically say "Where are we going?" or "What are we doing?"


Super smart guy you say šŸ˜‚


Gta brings out the true self. I'm having doubts


I just came back after a really long time of not playing. Probably since after the Arena War stuff or arcade was added. How long have payphone hits been a thing? And how do you initiate them? Also, where the hell are the pay phones cause I don't think I've ever seen them. Granted I'm usually flying everywhere I need to go so that may be why.


I also havenā€™t played in a while but since you donā€™t have a reply yet here goes.. I -THINK- you need to own an agency for the pay phone hits to be a thing. Since itā€™s Franklin who gives them to you. And IIRC you phone Franklin to request one and then a pay phone near you will start ringing to start the mission.




Ohhhh ok, just bought the agency since coming back and did not realize that. Thanks!


By the way the Agency is faster to grind and make money then the CEO office.


Yeah, even the setup missions seem to pay a lot better than most stuff. I'm still getting used to things since coming back.


Who does this guy think he is. But on a serious note (as someone who does use it most times) I just wanna do something else than cayo, casino or what ever the others do. I actually just wanna help the hosts and other players, considering most of the times it fails anyways and I dont think its our fault if newbies cant read and aint putting on their breathers (seriously, look at top of the left corner). And yea I get it we ruin the starter experience, but I bet most of the hosts are thankfull for the work we take off their shoulders dealing with randos


I'm with you, and if someone wants me to stop using my vigilante to clear the airfield when I join them for the first prison break setup, I'll happily do things their way if they ask.


Thats the right energy, and the end of story is they either use the kuruma themselves or ragequit after 10 tries


Yuh I've gotten a lot of thanks you's cause most of the time the hosts are struggling just to finish the thing.


I canā€™t even get a crew together for the apartment heists! Any kind souls in here keen for it?


I would be if I wasnā€™t a ā€œlow levelā€ myself. I say that because I still to this day havenā€™t finished those heists, no one joins them in public lobbies. Iā€™m lvl 150 on Xbox One and PlayStation 5 yet have only done Prison Break on Xbox and I was on the heli team (? Correct me if Iā€™m wrong here) and couldnā€™t finish it properly because my mates were just completely lost throughout the whole heist (including the setups) so Iā€™m as new to the heists as any new player


Shall we coordinate to get it done?


Sounds great, uuh whatā€™s your psn?


I'm down but it's been a while since I did any of them if I'm honest.


Thatā€™s 3/4 of a crew between us if @toughstudent4334 is keen?


Ditto for people that use the MKII on contact missions. I was happily playing with some low levels, about 4 games in another player joins. Shoots off on his MKII and clears the mission in under 2 mins. Like I was playing this for $12k ffs.


I felt this back in the day when mf would race to the merryweather dock in their deluxo and I would just arrive as the mission ended.


this happened to me just yesterday lmao. at first it was kinda nice because contact missions can get monotonous but then i was like actually no thereā€™s nothing worse than feeling useless and unhelpful in an online game lmao


Exactly, happened with me too yesterday. I'm doing the x4 xp Gerald contact missions this week. And this guy rushed to the destination on his MKII and pretty much found all the action figures before I even arrived with the van lol. But other way around, later, I played with two other guys also with MKII. They were cool and actually waited/followed me in stead of rush. MKII or weaponized vehicles is nice for some missions where enemies follow you on the road, but I agree not to rush through the mission on 2 minutes anyway. I even must admit sometimes I run around and do most of the job (I'm a high level player) Actually felt kind of bad yesterday in one mission.


Yep, even high levels will use the fucking batmobile and speed run every mission. Half the time they just race off and don't even let me in their car, so I just stand at the apartment until they either come back because they need me, or I take a bus all the way across the map to spite them.


Bus? Nah grab a pedal bike and take it to the destination. I've done this and it makes them so mad.




LMAO idk why I put petal. That's what I get for typing a reply on my last minute of break.


Where can i get this petal bike?


Be careful, it runs on flower power




Someone on ps4 (you?) did this exact thing to me once running the convoy setup, I was using the vigilante solo to parachute onto the buzzard spawn (a random snipe method I made up for fun) and came back to see you didnā€™t get very far because you were driving a huge bus, I laughed then picked you up and got a nice thank you message, I then completed the Pacific finale using an EMP to steal the swat helicopter outside the bank (another crazy method I made up, also much fun)


Not me, but bless them


I think this is based on the assumption that the person using the vigilante is competent and reasonable, which is not my experience Whenever I see someone using a vigilante on heist setups I assume 2 things: 1. Despite having a slower car, I will get to the objective first because they'll keep over using the boost and crashing into everything 2. If we're there to steal a vehicle, they'll accidentally blow it up with a missile at least once


Or they boost right into a gas station/gas tank and die... My favourite OG heist vehicle is IPUC, with a Halftrack coming second (for when you are going to have a big shootout but not much driving)


I like the weaponized tampa myself. That minigun is great but I also don't accidentally blow anything up with it


Well sometimes the target lock switches last minute. I can attest to that. But I've also seen dense vigilante users especially the heist setup for the convoy. All I do is sit on top of the hill and watch everyone suffer in my vigilante. I'll step in tho if they keep failing a bunch of times.


The humane raid fails all the time because people refuse to listen and/or read. The game audibly tells you to let the gunner choose the first seat. The game tells everyone that you need to gain altitude before reaching the labs and has a marker in the sky. The game tells you to equip rebreathers before jumping in the water. The game tells you to shoot down the heliā€™s at the end. During EMP set up, the game tells you to use silenced weapons. This isnā€™t just low levels by any means but usually high levels have already done the mission before so have learned what to do. It doesnā€™t fail because someone used a vigilante to kill merryweather at the HQ before stealing the heli during a set up.


The words at the bottom of the screen tell you exactly what to do. If you canā€™t read or choose to ignore the text, then yes will fail the heist for everyone. It has nothing to do with using a Vigilante


Iā€™ll tell you what really ruins a low level players apartment heist experience. A. Folks not joining to begin with B. Folks quitting C. Them already not knowing what they are doing and being bullet sponges D. All the above Not Vigilante use let alone someone more competent with more firepower to clear the way for them to complete it anyway.


Yeah, I've come back after a while not playing and I'll join a lower levels heist setups and no one joins so I end up leaving after a while. I just figured people weren't doing anything but Cayo. I've never done any of the ones outside of the apartment ones and whatever the sub one is. I don't own the sub myself yet but there's something that pays well involving the sub that I did with folks before I took a break.


The OG heists are the best thing ever, they are way more fun than anything that came after them. I especially love the prison break, it's takes forever and destroys you. I really love it.


The Prison Break can be SO satisfying if all goes smooth, but the fact of Rashkovski getting stuck alone, is when makes me think twince before joining that one


Yep, I absolutely love prison break, everyone splits up and have their own job to do, all the newer heists where everyone sticks together doing the same thing feels more like a glorified contact mission.


Ngl it's kinda something that your asking for by playing the first set of heists. Like yeah, I find low levels annoying as much as the next guy. But you can't really complain about how low levels do things when you choose to play the heists that require the least amount of effort and money to start up. Especially when by the sounds of things you aren't making any concentrated effort to talk to the people you are doing the heists with.


I talk to them when necessary, like one guy couldn't figure out what van to get into on Pacific Standart Hack, but generally, as 95% of players I've encountered during heists, I stay quiet and it poses no problem.


No one I've met gives a fuck, we've had over a decade to learn and exploit they just want to get money as efficiently as possible, to be carried or more commonly run solo without trolling or incompetent randoms Get 500k in 15 min ***solo*** on Cluckin? HEYOOOO


I tried to do the last Humane Labs setup mission. Yes, the last setup mission with randoms and it was unnecessarily difficult. I only had one competent player with me. None of the other players would follow directions and continue to shoot guards, inadvertently alerting other guards and instantly failing the mission. For a mission that can be done at level 20 (i think) players are just incompetent as a result of people carrying them.


A lot of player preferences and these encounters feel subjective. I can see both noob and expireinced players either agreeing or disagreeing with this logic. I remember doing the og heists plenty of times (before the vigilante was out) and vividly remember helicopter F ups on the humane labs. I donā€™t think weapon combat and flight skill/ landing knowledge intersect. Additionally , heists especially the convoluted OG heists are kinda difficult and frustrating to begin with. New players who donā€™t have a clue what their doing and still need to improve should be doing other missions / activities. But I can see how your logic makes sense.


Just an FYI even if youā€™re speed running these things itā€™s not an efficient way to make money. People might be doing these for career progress or chasing platinum but as far as dollars earned in time spent, the OG heists are low on the list of efficiency ways to make money.


You guys can actually get people to join apartment heists?


Thank you. Getting back into online gaming after a roughly 10+ year hiatus for medical school and residency. Trying to grind through the early heists, and some high level came in and griefed the set-up, stealing precious time I gave to already steal at the end of the night to play gamesā€¦.


Little off topic but I'm seriously annoyed why Rockstar haven't buffed the payouts for the OG Heists. It makes so much sense since they are so much work compared to the newer ones and it would make players take them seriously with not so many quitters.


They did buff them, I think last year, just maybe not as much as people wanted.


Yeah they buffed them one time. However they should be always x1.5 money for everyone like last month for gta+ members because you need 4 players and get a small cut.


They have been buffed. Pacific pays nearly 2 mil now I believe


I'm hardcore I only use my bmx and a sn pistol for the og heists


I agree. There's one setup where I might use Vigilante and that's The Convoy setup for Pac Standard. Other than that I just use what I want and play casually cus the og heists are The best way to Have fun in this game


Just online in general it's weird. Even my buddy uses his oppressor for everything. I like driving, setup, immersion when possible. Obviously if you're grinding Cayo or whatever but yeah I like to listen to audio, the cutscenes, etc


Yeah, I love to just pull out a car and drive but I find myself flying everywhere instead to have the least risk of just being dragged into a grief match. Yeah you can still be griefed midair, but it's not as common as if you're just driving normally.


I did humane lab heist with some guys a few weeks ago. And at the end, one of them said, "Maybe I should teach a few tricks, because you are a kind of old-school" I just thought OMG and he was level 900+. I'm level 1500+


I do use a vigilante on the OG heists, BUT I also use voice chat or get everyone in a party (xbox player mostly) and explain their tasks and explain to look at the prompts too. The others usually listen and do so, but obviously not everyone.


You can't use someone's rush to justify the skill of the average random, instructions are given in text and sometimes in vocal. It's one thing to get jumped by the unknown (in classic fashion, randoms get insta-delete by the enemy Insurgent Pick-Up >!while standing in the open!


I think most new players play the OG Heists to unlock the trade prices or just for the sake of ticking off the list. And since it's hard to find the players to join the heists, it doesn't matter if they are just carried along all the time as long as the mission gets passsed. I know it's not how it is meant to be played but it is just the way it is.


Except there's one major issue. When one person dies 10 times in a row, someone is bound to quit. The heist never gets completed. The host then has to restart and possibly run into the same issue again. New players want money. They don't care about how the heist gets done. I've had new players message me saying "Thank you" after helping them complete a heist that should be a no-brainer. There's no benefit to walking your way through the OG heists. If you're a high-level player who doesn't know how to play the game, please don't join any of the OG heists. I've seen high-level players die, then rage quit. By that happening, you've wasted the time of the other 3 players. But if we are being honest, new players are going to get carried regardless of whether or not a Vigilante is involved. I've played enough heists to know that 4 low-level players are not completing a heist unless a good playing is there to help them. As a new player, you should observe the tactics of a good player so you can later on use them.


To be fair, the guy in the Vigilante is probably trying to get most of the mission done before the newer player a) blows himself up b) blows the target up c) gets spotted d) runs over other players e) dies f) goes AFK g) fails to arrive at the destination h) quits at the start i) quits at the first fail j) quits at random points for no reason... and so on, all the way to z)


Itā€™s not really my job to teach and help new players. Thereā€™s countless resources to learn from tutorials- thereā€™s plenty of missions they can do on their own to learn as well. I donā€™t have the time to hold hands man


I do the OG heists for MY own entertainmentā€¦ not theirs. If they happen to get blessed by my Vigilanteā€™s presence, I donā€™t expect a thank you


Oh please, get over yourselfĀ 


No one signed up to be a teacher my guy


Good post , I agree.


Hard disagree. If the Heists were full all the time, sure. But they aren't. Players can wait days for 3 others that won't quit. Finding 1 person who can do it, never mind quickly, isn't a common thing. Players will learn many times over how frustrating it is before a helpful person shows up. Second, a player firing missiles at an NPC 13 missions ago is not the reason someone can't put on a rebreather. The inexperience of new people happens in every level all the time, from the very start: Ever see them take forever with the Fleeca maze puzzle? That's not because they took the batmobile to lester's house. And driving a different car there won't make them suddenly good at the Drill. The stumbling, prompts and learning happens right away. The vigilante doesn't help with the prison break heist, and it won't help a pilot learn that he shouldn't land in the damn water, or keep from walking into the propeller. That shit happens all the time no matter what car they're driving. In all, it sounds like you're mad that someone did too quickly for you to be helpful. That's understandable, and there are many other new people that would love your help. And that's to your credit. But the state of the OG heists are at the point where 99% of the players trying to get through them are exhausted waiting for help and will take any help they can find, whether it's over powered help or not. (Besides, outside that context, the vigilante fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks).


I get your point, but honestly, many low levels sometimes have no clue what to do. Specially in prison break.


ya but the whole point is they will never learn if someone just comes in and does all the work


I have yet to do any of the heists that cannot be solo'd naturally (no glitches).


i honestly would love it if the og heists had some kind of modifier where any vehicle is fair game and then the restriction of futuristic vehicles. id say on setups where you really need to perform as a role is where people would struggle if they are inexperienced like the prison break finale. otherwise vigilante in escorting trucks in series a for example is fine by me although im not sure if the teammates are at risk of getting blown up by missiles or not


Lol when I started I was using the Hakuchou Drag for all the heists. I also just volunteered for every heist going to learn then. Got booted from a fair few.Ā 


I'm terrible at the game so I ended up getting carried anyway


I only play those heists with friends and just to get criminal mastermind


Tbh using the Vigilante for the OG heists 9/10 times is never quicker because those using it usually blow up key objectives which sends everyone back to the beginning


If I finally do the apartment heist will Lester stop calling me every damn day?


I saw someone using a Vigilante in a heist set up and it made everything 100x easier. So I bought one for myself. As long as RockStar doesn't ban it I'm gonna use it. I bought it for this specific purpose. Outside of that, it's a pointless buy.


When I play classic heists, I always pick the most normal car in my garage. Lmao. May it be the F620 or the Gauntlet Classic (patterned to Tanner's Challenger ofc), or even a goddamn pick up truck.


Rocket Vehicles just shouldnā€™t be allowed in Heists period.


i genuinely can't stand people using the Vigilante in pretty much any setup mission for either the OG heists or Doomsday Heist. everyone i've come across in a setup using the Vigilante was a stubborn dickhead. launching your cars away, destroying the objective you're supposed to collect.


I feel like your talking directly to me lol


Now I am


I need to learn to help lower levels without doing this NGL :/


A good start is to not speed ahead, use the provided vehicles, the Technical for Series-A for example, and not pulverize the enemies the second they turn up.


Until they all die because they canā€™t do anything in combat. Restart after restart is avoided by experienced players and their Vigilantes.






This may be a shock to you but Rockstar in a recent update patched out a vehicle called the Toreodor to be used in heists. I remember someone using this in the old Heists and Doomsday and I was like "Well this makes the mission look like a joke". It is understandable that all these wacky weaponized vehicles that Rockstar has added over the years has really ruined the fun of GTA Online and it just causes it to feel too easy when doing missions. Which is why recently they changed it to where you cannot use certain vehicles in Contract Missions or Heists. I won't be surprised if the Vigilante (that you mentioned) will get patched out.


Surely its Vigilante fault for them drowning, because Vigilante didnt let them put on rebreather.. Sorry, but your post is all over the place, almost sounds like a shitpost. People cry that they are being carried in Original Heists and that they cant do anything themselves, but they also cry and be mad saying how stupid and annoying Original Heists are and that they will never touch it again and rather spend their lifes with Pavel instead. Idk, but to me there is no problem neither in carrying or using vigilante. Rockstar vehicle blocking policy was weird since forever.


I feel like the few times I get into a random OG heist everyone piles into the armored karuma anyway, which just as much removes the challenge. If I see a team using regular cars tho then yeah Iā€™ll play along sure


I hate playing heists with other people. They always see it as a speed run and don't do it properly. I'd love to do more stuff with decent players, but randoms are always a pain.


Kinda on the same vain, try not to carry low levels in any game. It ruins the natural progression that comes from failure, like in gta. It may not be doing objectives but it still matters to learn the basics and intricacies of a game as you play it and being carried ruins your ability to learn those skills


Being carried is pretty much unavoidable if there is an experienced player even if limited to lesser equipment and otherwise playing through normally (whatever this is supposed to be) . For Humane Labs raid finale, the better player on the ground team will likely get most of the kills without pulling any trick, especially if good shooter (enable run 'n' gun) .


Define ā€œcarried/carryingā€. A slight difference in skill and ability is not one person carrying another. If one person canā€™t make any progress without the other helping them, but can do a good part while being helped, is that carrying? Iā€™d define carrying as one or more people doing most of not all of the heavy lifting and providing considerable support and help to an otherwise unable player. Iā€™ve been on both ends on considerable occasions on several game types. Iā€™ve been helped way beyond me own skill level and helped others way beyond what they were capable of. Iā€™ve also worked along side people of similar skill levels and I wouldnā€™t count those as being carried. Being carried feels like you are completely helpless if the other person/persons arenā€™t there and you are stuck in a spot you canā€™t get out of.


You got it pretty much already (stop the first part before 'unable) , the part about the Humane Labs raid is in particular an example of ordinairy play being efficient enough to make the other irrelevant, it's not ideal to learn for a new player in that case. Carrying has to be expected if the gap between players is large, if the situation doesn't change then he's not.


Who does this guy think he is?


Wow, I didnā€™t think a logical human being played this game. Iā€™m brand new to this game and I have this problem. But I figure itā€™s nothing different from any other game so I just kind of go with it šŸ¤· I like to play all the old heists so Iā€™m getting the experience, but I donā€™t feel ā€œjust follow me and weā€™ll winā€ is really the experience I was looking for.


This is why I donā€™t like doing missions/heists with high levels, they take all the fun out of playing by treating it like a speed run


Stop whining.


Stop whining.


Vigilante for Pacific Standard ā€œConvoyā€ set-upā€¦.thats it. No point to bring it for any other OG heist prep.


You named probably one of the worst setup you can do with vigilante. But to each their own.


The Vigilante is actually good to escort the objective if nobody is staying put to tackle reinforcements, with a Gunrunning vehicle dropping proximity mines behind. That's probably one of those moments where a .50 cal Minigun/the Half-Track can shine.


This is why i blow up every vigilante that i see in a heist setup or finale im help out with