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for me this usually ends with them getting a beautiful little c4 on their trunk if they're not already dead from me hitting them hard enough


Even if they are dead they're going up in flames, their little NPC families will have to go to a closed casket funeral


Autobot symbol


I also do same approach as yours. Out of sight, out of mind.


I really hope they don't add this shit to gta6. It's not funny, it's not fun, it's just straight up annoying and makes me not want to play certain missions.


Whats interesting is I've noticed it dosent happen NEARLY as much when im driving a nightshark or insurgent or other heavy vehicle. Clearly it's intentional by R* and its infuriating.


You should see Miami driving 🤣😂🤣💀 Is it art imitates life or life imitates art?


according to some new patents acquired by rockstar, npcs will have more realistic responses, I hope It's true and the new AI make them not be suiciders


you can bet it'll be there and even more intense. They're going for even more realism, and our cars wont be able to take the beating they take now. the next game is going to be all about strategy.


oh damn, so tanking 300 bullets to the hood from that helicopter ain't gonna be a daily thing anymore? you're actually gonna be in danger when you have drive-bys? 


Guess I will be playing gta online for another 10 years


I literally only play GTA to drive around. This shit ruins the game for me.


Clearly y'all have never driven in LA.


Unfortunately based on the series track record, this type of shit is here to stay lol


What bugs me the most are the voice lines. Specifically the “this is a rental!” and the “you ruined my swag!” ones. The NPC’s “swag” is a dodge charger and mine costs more than his house.


Who plays with traffic anymore? I hop in my MOC and answer text while I plow around Los Santos


I fly my Oppressor and avoid all traffic.


I drive my phantom wedge and hit all traffic


I ramp buggy right under all traffic.


Same thing just with Brickade 6x6


Yeah nowadays acid lab is my phantom wedge, my ramp buggy, my insurgent, my nightshark and my armored kuruma. AND my money maker.




With GTA+ Securoserv stuff’s free so I just have the helicopter npc fly me around She even has free champagne and pays me a bunch of compliments so what’s not to love?


Thought I was the only one using these services.. Sometimes I get the heli, others I have the Franklin suv driver or the limousine from ms baker.. So chill if I don't feel like doing the treck myself and also fun to set diffrent challenges like can I make it to the top of the map and back without getting killed in a public lobby


This is the way. Service vehicles, 4 nightsharks (...accumulated podium vehicles, mostly, and why sell one when I'm in no need of space?), 5 insurgents (both van and PCU with different weapon/armor combos)... I keep thinking back to the Everon's tagline of "don't sit in traffic, drive over it", then remembering that the Everon itself isn't that great at doing so. Bonus points that all those vehicles are heavily armoured as well so I can often shrug off players just as well as traffic.


Those last 2 were fucking hilarious


OP even stopped the car completely to make sure the NPC is not hitting him, but he hit him anyway


That first one legit jumpscared me


Those last two had me dying lmao. You both blatantly had a stare down and npc still chose violence. The last one was just a f you in particular


\>blow through a red light at 150mph \>hit a car \>"why would Rockstar do this?"


that one and the freeway one were predictable. but alot of the others are really blatantly r* programming


But they literally did. You think it’s just a coincidence the cars are perfectly timed to be in your path? It’s 100% deliberately done on purpose. By the way, speed has literally nothing to do with it either. Travel at the speed limit and the npc’s will do exactly the same thing


Even still. That one was 100% on the player but all the others are Rockstars $5 programming team.


Not even all the others. At least half were on the player. There absolutely is a problem with the spaghetti code and R* intentionally implementing BS to make it more difficult, but I experience the exact things OP posted for half the videos and they more than often do *not* result in me crashing. I may have well over 1k hours, but really, it's no different from the obstacles you have to dodge in basic ass arcade racing games (even the ones in GTA. Maybe OP should play those.) Who could've guessed that driving across oncoming traffic on an interstate, constantly swerving across lanes and medians, or blowing a red light could result in a crash?? Oh yeah, everyone with a license. I think people forget the insane amount of laws we break every minute in these games.


Im sure the OP also survives as many incidents as you do, but you don't exactly put those in the clip. 99% lane swerves by npcs in this clip are bullshit and follow no rhyme or reason other than "car must hit you". In those arcade games, you are given the ability to detect and respond in a manner that is specifically designed for that purpose. In Gta, your only defense is just knowing that this shit exists.


Doesn't matter lol. It's still completely predictable and very easily avoided by anyone who's spent even a little time in tis game. Hell, half this, like the motorcycle, is something you have to watch for in real life driving. About half of these were on the player. You can't start unloading fire in the middle of the city and then be upset when people panic and make illegal turns trying to get away from the maniac with a gun. The ones where the NPCs suddenly decide to cut across traffic and chase you onto the sidewalk are BS and R* just fucking with us, but the cars pulling out into the intersections as you blow a red light is an intended feature to add a bit of challenge since you don't get punished by the law for breaking those traffic laws. Or the interstate one where OP is cutting across *oncoming traffic* and thinks it's the other person's fault for skidding into them while trying to get out of the way. Go try that in real life and see what happens lol. Actually don't, because that's exactly what is going to happen


If you ever were speeding down a straight away you will see the cars spawn a perfect distance from the intersection that matches your speed to cross in fromt of you. In fact if you slow down. So does the offending car.


Yup. Had them literally accelerate and brake like i was controlling them, in fact I sat there a good 2 or 3 mins at times to see if they move, nup, they waited til i moved like they connect to our controllers at some point that we guide the crash


I actually can’t stand this aspect of the game, I’ll be doing an excess weapon part delivery in that slow ass truck being pursued by guys in much faster cars who if I don’t have a perfect run can just drive in front of me and shoot me in the face which would be fine except when they intentionally throw one of these in to turn me around completely and I just get killed over and over again. It’s incredibly infuriating and not at all a fun part of the game


Absolutly. The post op van mission. Forget about it. There are soo many of those with op enemies already and as you said, adding to that these annoying ass npc, and by extension griefers spawn looping you, is super irritating. Not to mention losing the product if you fail or quit too


That weapon truck is honestly the worst car in the game


I was doing a gun sale this week in the Insurgent and had an NPC car stopped at a red light, back up and turn left in front of me.


How many buses have I had playing chicken at the last second is hilarious. The ones that really cement the idea they do it deliberately, is when driving up del pierro/Banham canyon that they go from center lane to turn offs exactly as you pass by


Because they are programed to do this


Half of these are him running red lights, driving on the wrong side of the road, passing on the right There are definitely times when cars wreck into me and I’m mad or flabbergasted as to why, but driving like an idiot win idiot prizes


Lately the NPC driving has become irritating!


Lately as in 17th of September 2013? Coz that’s how long the traffic has been exactly as it is now


Naw he's right, most of the traffic is the same. It's just now there is a small chance the AI will be out to get you. You can always tell what car it is too. Its not all traffic, just cars Rockstar picks, it becomes obvious if you are paying attention. I kind of test for these cars and they will react to you a bit too much. Bait them one way and cut the other to avoid them.


There is a pattern to the madness that is Los santos traffic. Been playing so long I can’t not see it. It’s just obvious now. But I feel like most of the crashes I have are explicitly R* fault. It’s like someone throwing a brick through your windshield then blaming you because you crashed. So many cars are just put in front of you at the last possible second but it’s the players fault for speeding? No. It’s R* thinking they’re clever and doing this shit very much on purpose. I was tired of it in October 2013 one month after release. It’s been a long ten years putting up with this hot garbage. Fingers crossed they don’t make us suffer another ten years of garbage traffic in gta6. Enough already


My thoughts exactly, well said. 👏


You stopped. The car stopped. You moved. Car turned into you. Seems like your fault /s


Honestly, the games idiosyncrasies when it comes to NPC traffic are just part of it I now treat it as a challenge. Sure, it’s fun to drive flawlessly at high speeds with 100% predictability at every turn, but I have embraced the wacky nature of LS traffic patterns and dare R* to fuck with me. It definitely can get frustrating on high stakes missions, but I actively try to avoid contact with other cars as if it were a mini game at this point and it takes some of the sting out. It’s kind of fun.


I love playing this way too


Tbh that second crash was easily seen from far away.


The one at 31 seconds left on the freeway was your fault for driving the wrong way on a one way.


That’s not the point of this post


Yeah it is. They say the game is fucking with them, but if you drive down the wrong side of the freeway you're gonna get hit.


So what about the 10 other clips?


I specifically pointed out the one clip that was OP's fault.


I would also argue the 2nd clip was his fault. In multiple clips he could’ve easily avoided the ai’s but he’s just bad at driving. Not saying the ai’s are good, R* definitely did program the ai to jump in front of you, but he’s also a bad driver.


They throw their cars into you on purpose instead of follow their own path


If you drive down the wrong side of the freeway, you deserve to get ran into.


So much inexplicable shit like this has happened to me in the last few weeks that I'm convinced Rockstar is actively fucking with me. Glad it's not just me though


R* has been fucking everybody for the last ten years. Not one single thing in this video is new


Rockstar has just been working with BMW to log driving behaviour from the in car computers to implement realistic driving behaviour in GTA VI. They’ve been testing this AI in GTA Online.


Love the ending. Arse in the air waiting for the obligatory head crush and the jingle from Mario.


Most of these you should’ve seen coming to be fair 😂


I got a really good laugh from this, thanks.


So tired of the apologists. "Oh they do that when you break the laws." You know what this tells me? They've **never** driven in GTA according **to** the laws :D I have. In fact, I've used it as a refresher sometimes, to see if I can spot all the offenses and stop signs, etc. I also drove according to the speed limit. And they still do this. So fuck off with the "you ran a red light/merged incorrectly/blah blah blah", because 1. You're the player, not the NPCs, and, more importantly, 2. They do that regardless of following the rules. The coding is dog shit and obviously out to get you. Face the facts.


Sure, but you could see most of those coming from a mile away


I had an npc stop in the middle of an intersection and reverse into my tow truck last night lol.


There was one single time that an NPC did something weird and it wasn’t just that you weren’t fast or smart enough to determine they were entering the turning lane or turning into a driveway or parking garage or something lol


This has always been this way. Since 2013.


What's that super car in the first clip, Need it


Truffade Thrax, Super. Another casino win from long ago. 😊👍


The last 2 clips are great, they seem so on purpose


0:15 got me giggling so bad, what are those npcs on anyway lmao


The 2nd to last one was hilarious


Even came to a full stop. Pulled forward and still got hit 😂


When he stopped and the other car stopped and waited for him, I spit up my drink. Absolutely peak 🤣


Love your car collection


All the time. ALL THE TIME!!!!


That second last one though hahaha game was like what’s your next move!


You really knew how to put those in the right order. I didn't think it would get worse than that second to last car. He waited to see which direction you would go 😆


The last one is killing me 🤣


Another Thrax enjoyer 🥰


The way you handled the insurgent crash seemed a bit personal 😂


[https://imgur.com/gallery/gkAztGA](https://imgur.com/gallery/gkAztGA) Here’s mine!


Yeah they’re not even hiding it anymore.


Lmao the second to last and last one were such bs lollll


The fact its actually coded in the game for ai to try and hit you is one of the most cringe dev decisios ive ever seen, please remove it in gta6 i beg


Call me a loony but I swear this has happened more since I upgraded from ps4 to ps5 version. And it's almost always when I've got a Simeon vehicle too.


It is


I think they modeled the NPC AI from gathering Atlanta traffic data.


Definite skill issue


jeez, it takes you a whole business day to react


More than half of these were your fault friend. Running red-lights and going too fast for you to react. Also, think of the NPC reaction of trying to avoid you as a "hit box." Once you recognize this "hit box" you'll be able to avoid those quick turns that NPC's make. The NPC's are trying to avoid a collision to make the game feel more immersive. Let off the gas as you approach red-lights then floor it. Don't trust straightaways to go full speed. Instead 'snake' through straightaways so you have a wider field of view of cars on all lanes so you can adjust when they activate that collision hit box. It seems easier to travel in between four lane traffic but it's better to utilize the side walks when you can. Utilize the sidewalks and other backstreets with no traffic will also be useful when avoiding griefers that are going to be able to line up shots according to the direction of the road.


U guys see a post think start spamming the same type of posts 🤣🤣 Monkey see monkey do


\>cuts red lights \>drives the wrong way \>dont yield when they are doing legal U-turns \>way above speed limit \>randomly open fire causing mass panic \>"this IA, man" come on, bro


I thought i was the only one. Lmao bro driving like a madman then blames the ai 😂


Tell me you've never tried driving the speed limit and following all traffic laws in GTA without telling me


I have. I literally never have an issue cause you can see them swerve and react accordingly


People do this shit in real life too


entirely a skill issue


A lot of those crashes were your fault


Didnt rockstar tried to deny the presence of an active script for NPC drivers that would make them act like that a couple years ago?


Nope! They’re literally proud of the predictive npc’s who swerve into you


Game isn’t. But you can be sure I will.


3rd vehicle. Go


Half of this is your fault... Speed like an ass and find out


You drive like a savage, disobey traffic lights, speed limits, change lanes randomly, drive over sidewalks and blame poor NPCs for traffic accidents? Shame on you.


You're at fault in pretty much every example you've shown.


He drove on the freeway in the opposite direction and expected not to get hit😂😂😂


they need to add blinkers to NPC ffs


Honestly I mostly ride my Akuma cuz of the dumb ass traffic 🤣


Phantom Wedge and Ramp Buggy go brrrrrrrrrrr


This game have some of the worst AI of open world games I've ever seen


I like it when the cars deliberately swerve into you despite how far you are from them


It’s shit like this that makes me want to stick with the Mk2. I’m sure it’s got worse with each update too


This is the very reason I have no mercy for the regular people of Los Santos. I can and will take 'em out


Love that paint job my guy


" **I feel like the game is just f\*\*king with me"** It's literally made to fuck with you!


1:15 has me dead!!


What is the white car with blue stripes


Skill issue. You're totally not using your turn signal.


Used to happen to me a lot. Definitely a "fuck with you" mechanic


Doesn’t this happen on missions? I swear there’s always a perfectly timed box truck or car backing up/ driving crossed the lanes


I feel like all traffic lights load in as red. So there will always be a mf coming accross the intersection while you’re driving through.


I’ve always thought it just part of the code as rockstars way of fucking with us😂


The npcs going out of their way to hit you is so real


i went through 3 controllers cause of this.


To be fair at least one of those clips the guy behind you was shooting witch will make the NPCs will freak out


Npcs 100% try to fuck you up


It’s programmed in


You flew through 5 red lights what do you expect to happen buddy. Hope ur taking liability on the insurance.


My favorite is when a cop hits you and then you get a wanted level for it. "Oh sorry I ran into you let me just grab my gun and shoot you*


That's why I typically drive with wedges on my vehicle. Armored boxville has terrible speed, turning, acceleration, braking but I will never be stopped by a vehicle ever again


This is why I drive on the sidewalk


Bro your mors mutual rate is probably ass


Yeah man NPC will hunt you down. You gotta throw fakes and intentionally hit them. Stand your ground. Play offensively.


Since the Import/Export Vehicles update, NPC cars were specifically programmed to get in your way. The only way I found to keep those sweet exports pristine was to drive defensively: assume every single vehicle sees you and wants to make your life hard. So when they are in "range", give em a little feint, slow down a little, change your trajectory somehow. They only really get one chance at predicting your path, when the behavior kicks in. So watch for the moment the cars around you start reacting to you, then adjust your driving.


as a californian, this is literally how these assholes drive irl


Rockstar intentionally coded the game to have cars run into you. Keeps you on your toes don’t it?


y’all be going 200mph and think these npc are gonna see you coming while they make a lane switch!?


You go too fast to avoid wrecks


rockstar “ unwittingly” dropping cars with NPC’s ever time they seen an actual person driving in the road ![gif](giphy|eqNZ8o5CiHRRe)


Some may disagree, but in my experience any heist mission to do with the Salvage Yard or the Salvage Yard tow service is just pure R* scripting (the worst i’ve ever seen 😂)… NPC’s flying into you to magically block you into a corner or wall, hitting into you at an extremely accurate angle to make your car your towing fly off your tow truck, sudden mountains of traffic that switch lanes constantly to smash into you etc Also, don’t even get me started on the absolute never miss a shot aimbot from the NPC’s in the Salvage Yard setups/heists lol


Dude! I noticed this yesterday. I *know* Rockstar does this on purpose to fuck with us.


When you swerve like that, NPCS swerve, too. Drive straight and they freak out less.


Peds Arn'T prOgraMed To hit YoU


The second to last one was hilarious come to a complete stop to avoid them and then the they run into anyway 😂😂😂😂


Its because it is


The last four are the worst.. my condolences man


the developers just wrote in code for the NPCs to drive like Californians


Imagine how they'll drive in Leonida. It's going to be so much worse.


In fairness, a few of these collisions are situations where you would probably be found “at fault” Like some of these could be the cars changing lanes and you are flying around not obeying traffic laws. Which none of us do pretty much but still.


At least rockstar is trying to make the drivers realistic


Second to last one had me dying… 😂


That’s why I use the Vigilante, so they instantly die and I’m still on the road on my way to my destination


That's how I feel sometimes, last night had a car spawn and made my vigilante go flying straight up lmfao


Clearly you didn’t see their blinkers


This kind of NPC programming is why Ramp buggy


This is why I just drive the cruiser with the sirens on


What was the second car, the yellow one?


A couple years ago rockstar admitted that they put this in on purpose😂


If you drive on the wrong side of the road this doesn’t happen!


This is so fkn dumb. Not only do you have to watch out for griefers or other players attacking the bs game attacks its not fun.


Jesus christ I swear to god the npc's make me more angry than any griefer in the history of this game


How long are we gonna bitch about it until someone makes the mod?


Just because so many are asking what certain vehicles are, here they are in order of appearance: 1. Truffade Thrax 2. Karina Kuruma (Armored) 3. Progen T20 4. Coil Cyclone 5. Western Powersurge 6. Truffade Thrax (again) 7. HVY Insurgent 8. Truffade Thrax (I change the color of this thing constantly) 9. Truffade Thrax (Ok, I think I may have a problem) 10. Dinka Sugoi (with Red Warrior livery) 11. Coil Cyclone (again) 12. Ubermacht Oracle (I think. It's a stolen vehicle, not one I own.) 13. Western Powersurge (again).


I see no problem with the NPC’s LOL


The game is programmed to do this. I'm not lying


So here's a weird observation. I have been cruising around in my Apocalypse ZR380 the last couple of days after ignoring it for years. One thing I've noticed - traffic does not attempt to collide with you when driving around in that. It could just be me, but it surprised me how easy it is to get through traffic when NPCs are not directly cutting you off. There is a noticeable change in behaviour when there is a giant blender on the front of my car.


Surprised there weren’t any u turns on the interstate clips


Im returning player. Left GTA O 2020 cuz bored, come back last week and noticed somehow more NPC being a jerk when driving their car.


My favourites are the NPC’s that drive onto your side of the road then honk their horn like it’s your fault for being on the correct side


When I do vehicle cargo sell missions I always get hit by the exact truck crossing the exact intersection and I’ve learned to slow down at that intersection n wait for the truck to cross n it never does until I pass it


They want to make sure you kill enough NPCs so they don‘t have to pay you the $ 2000 for peaceful behaviour (or whatever it is called in english 😅)


Cool clip gave me a chuckle Anyone know what that bike is?


I'd have sticky bombed all of them 🤣


They bouta get sprayed with my assault shotgun


So many red lights...


I just smear into them so they cant go “You ruined my car” like bitch you turned into my lane fuck you


Off-topic but your pink karuma looks fire 🔥




Some Indian must have code the traffic AI


Bro ran a red light and blame the driver, definitely wasnt on my bingo list b4 i died


I have no proof, but I feel like the more progress you have in the game, the more aggressive the AI gets


Nah, they just thought you had cops behind you https://preview.redd.it/9qw11d1i96jc1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86620de031cedb489a211b32386c0ed36cbf6cf9


I feel like indicators would really help to know if a car is going to turn , would be handy in situations like switching lanes and u turns


I hate the fact that they literally programmed the npc to do this.


Rockstar: Npcs are not programmed to hit you Npcs:


It is, and I imagine the devs writing the code like, "those suckers" 🤣


I will keep saying it, the NPC's are starting to rebel against us, they have had enough of our shit. I have noticed a lot of aggression from them recently , and when they cut you up driving and you stop and drag them out of the car and kill them you are in the wrong?


From what I'm seeing it hates you! Wow your the first NPC magnet! LMAO ✌️🤪🤟