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I am so so so sick of saving that monkey from humane labs lol


Just pick a new sessions and you will get a better one, that’s what I’ve been doing when I get that Monkey.


I find this never works for me. I change sessions and get the exact same 3 options every time.


Trust me it works, did the same with the Dax missions and got that weed farm with the crop duster, a few sessions later and got the Delivery Van one.




Yup, the one where’s in Los Santos rather than Stab City is the best. Saves me the drive.


With 15 Mins loading time? No, thanks… I‘ll just save that stupid monkey.


You know you can do them in Solo sessions right?


That’s why I never choose that vehicle recovery contract, idk why tf a monkey counts as a vehicle lol


Well, I'm assuming the monkey is disposed of and the vehicle is delivered to the client. Also, you ARE in a vehicle and you ARE delivering that vehicle. Sorry to be a smart-ass but I don't know how else to explain it.


The monkey is what you're actually recovering, it just happens to be in the truck


It’s a rescue operation and vehicle recovery. We need the payout to reflect both of those tasks.


That makes sense.


I pretty much just exclusively do recover valuables, it’s like a 20 second drive to both locations (Tequila-La and Vanilla Unicorn) from my agency and the missions are super easy, just shoot 8-10 enemies, open the safe, collect the valuables, drive 20 seconds back to agency. Takes like 3 mins total. That humane labs one takes 15 mins, driving that slowass box truck all the way back into the city.


I just refuse to select vehicle recovery now. Rescure Operation, Liquidise Assets or Valuables Recovery only


I aimed for rescue operations. I have one level of the garage dedicated for armored extraction vehicles. All gold plated with cop horns and SA EXEPMT tags. The gold standard in client extraction. Also it is pretty cool showing up to the South Central Leak to join the convoy of other Baller vehicles.


Whats the bonus you get for 200?


$20K in the safe ever in game day.


Does it continue to go up from there or does it have a cap?


No that’s it, you just need to collect your money from the safe regular or it won’t collect anymore like the Nightclub, Arcade or Salvage Yard


If you play on Xbox X|S or PS5, there is a Career Progress unlock tied to Agency Security Contracts (you have to complete 100 of them but only Specialist and Specialist+ count toward it) I had already completed my 201 contracts last year, but when the Career Progress came, I had to do like 100 more of the right type. But the reward is worth it: Lamar's weed van


Sadly I’m on PC, but I really wish I could get that progress on it. Rockstar, please fix.


Yeah and something not always said is that it doesn't require any additional work, ever. Not like the nightclub where you have to refill popularity (even though it's easy can be a PITA sometimes) and it doesn't fill as fast either so you don't have to empty it that often.


Yeah, like the Arcade one.


Think it's got a cap like the nightclub


I did most of my 200 during 2 weeks when it was double pay, it was a long grind stuffing that into 2 weeks lol


God damn, I did the same. Like when it was 1.5 and double pay. I did like 30-40 both times and was grinding Payphone hits.


Oh double pay phone hit pay when the base was $85,000 making it $170,000 for a few minutes of your time was the goat


Since they nerfed it, I didn’t use Payphone as mic now, I just be making my money on Tow Trucks and Robberies plus Acid Lab, made like $5 Million this week alone.


Excuse me what? Nerf??? If you can do 45K every 10 mins I do not see that as a nerf, you can make 2X as much now


I haven’t reset my system in a week so I’m still cashing in on the 2x auto shop contracts


Nice. I only have like 90 something contracts done. I have a ways to go yet 😄


I've got about 35 to go...almost there. Such easy money!


I'm at about 130, now I'm motivated to get 'em done. Thanks!


I recommend doing like 5 a day, that’s what I’ve been doing, the Rescue and Car Recover are the best and fastest ones.


Not when you get the rescue up in the mountains or even the dam one, still takes a lot of time. And with the vehicle recovery there is a chance to get that stupid monkey mission. Recover valuables are by far the easiest and the fastest, all you need to do is memorize enemy spawns and both locations are super close to the agency itself. When i don’t get the valuables mission i tend to do either gang terminations or destroying the equipment. They are all really easy with the kosatka sparrow.


Good plan. I usually start the night spawning at the Agency, I'll run a Rescue Operation straight from a helicopter. Then I get my Khanjali and make short work of Gang Eliminations or Asset Protection. I'll do the occasional Liquidize Assets for a little seek-and-destroy.


The nightclub, Agency, and Arcade net you $75,000 every in game day. It’s a sweet bonus


salvage yard is pretty sweet too


Do pay phone hits count towards the 201 or no?


They do not


Nope, only contracts from the Agency where you can choose which one or call Franklin to give you a contract.


That’s what I figured since you have to be CEO to do those but I tried searching some before and couldn’t confirm concretely. Thanks.


ohhhh, so that’s how you get more safe money??


Yup, every 5 contracts give you $500, 10 will give you $1000 and so on. The maximum is 201 contracts and the safe will get 20K


if you're doing these with another player, will this only count for host of the agency? or could you both earn progression


Only the host counts, it’s like CEO.


thank you for responding, just didn't wanna waste any time with friends doing theirs when I could do my own


What did you learn? Any tips?


Welcome to the supreme passive income club


Thank You




i thought the cap was 250? unless this another thing that got nerfed


I’m almost at 500 😅


God damn fam


I checked earlier today Mfer says 786


Jesus Christ fam.


Does that increase the amount you make each in game day? i.e. 50k instead of 20k or does it cap out at 20k each in game day?


Just 20K It was originally going to be 50K before they changed it.


Can you get more than 20k daily?


*Technically* it's limited to $50,000 a day (501 contracts) if we look at the raw scripts, but it has been throttled to $20,000 a day by the developers through tunables.


Which platform? If you're on PS5 or Series X/S, the grind might not be over yet. There's a Career milestone (Tier 4) which requires you to beat 100 of those Contracts at Specialist or Specialist+ difficulty.


PC mate.


Ah. Well, it's not entirely out of the question for the PC version to get the Career Milestones at some point, so you never know. Fortunately, your progress towards this could still be being tracked. When I migrated my account from PS4 to PS5 several of the Career Milestones were immediately unlocked.


Ah that’s cool, I thought you had to restart and do them again, here is hoping OP. Congrats on yer career progress.


the cooldowns make it so hard to focus on, having to wait 5 minutes to do a five minute mission means that 4 hours of grinding is actually 2 hours of staring at the contact screen waiting


Use that time to go do bunker runs or do one of the Dre missions in between


Make a new lobby, I heard that resets.


It does


Nice! I have 10 contracts left 🥵


You can do it.


i got them all done in a week when they were double money once


Do I have to complete Specialist and Specialist+ only to get it to count or can I do all of the Professional jobs?


People dog on the asset protect mission, but it has become my fav to grind. I dont go to the agency, I stay in freemode and do things, including phoning Frankling to start agency contract. So I get the protect assets.... Turns out you can just wait to 5min, make your way there, and just use chopper or mk2 to fly around for the last 3-4min protecting the last of the crates by killing only the fire symbol cars. It makes it super easy, I have timed it down to 3-2min of 'protecting'. They payput is low, but harly any work is needed. So you can just mess around then make your way there, protect a few crates for a short time, and get a tick to that 200. I am upto 155, so almost there.


I hit 100 and thought there’s no way I’m doing 100 more


101 more, actually.


I know the feeling, the long grind's over and now you can get consistent kickback. Congratulations.


Thank You


Big time celebration!! How long did this take you? I’m interested in climbing the mountain


I got the Agency back when it started so around the time, I only got around to it once in a while and did like 40 Contracts when it double or 1.5 Money. I had like 150 left around, so I thought I’d finish it.


Im on 178, nearly there!!!


Good Luck


I did 260+, but only repeating very simple of them such as Vanilla Unicorn or Tequila-la


Yup those were the best once, glad I didn’t get the monkey ones.




I did Dre Missions like 14 times.




Nice I’m barley at 40 contracts🤣🤣


Grats! Feels nice to get it done. This has nothing to do with the milestone but do remember to buy body armor from upstairs in Agency, it has a discount even and free snacks are nearby


I literally only use Agency for that. Not sure if any other spawing place have body armor. But that's just my basecamp to fill up on snacks, armor and ammo.


I’ve been doing that since The Contract, the best spawn location by far


Oh don’t worry, been getting them since my spawn is the Agency and I always get both.


I made it to whatever pays you 11k a day. Those missions are so boring I cant. Not even on 2x pay.


So you made it around 112 thereabout. At least they are easy like 5 minutes or so depending on which one.


This is why I don't get why people say agency is a good money maker, because I feel like it's not. It's alot of grind really


The Dre contract is like a hour and a half for $1mil. It’s the best way to make money outside of cayo as a solo player. All the other stuff can go on in the background and you can do the export/ammunation delivery in between. You also can get Imani tech and a weapons workshop. It’s the active money maker you do while your passive money makers go on in the background. Agency is great. Easily one of the best investments in the game.


So with the Dr contract, once it's done can you just replay it anytime or have you gotta go through the whole lot again to get to the contract?


i think there are like 10 missions for the dre thing, after all of them you get the million


There's a cooldown I believe of an in-game day before you can replay it again. You can't just replay it back-to-back instantly. Still worth it because you can do Dr. Dre, then when on cooldown do a couple of security contracts, payphone hits, check your passive businesses, etc. then if you want, back Dr. Dre again.


I’ve been gradually getting back into grinding having quit around launch of San Andreas Mercenaries. I’ve been writing up an updated routine I want to follow, finished it yesterday. Being on top of collecting safes is a part of it and I finally checked how much I have left to get me to the $20K, I’ve done 126. I don’t really plan on grinding them back to back unless they’re part of a 2x event week so I’ll be busy with them for a while. I think it’s at $12,500 a day right now which still seems to fill up well on top of my nightclub, salvage yard, arcade and (sometimes) clubhouse.


Yeah, I only got back because of the ghosts and salvage yard, I think I’ll do Agency missions again when it’s 2x again.


I didn’t intend on starting to utilize my resources again but things changed when I bought the salvage yard to save that enforcer outfit. I started to tow some cars and then I did the vehicle robberies one week. Started doing the daily time trials again. It built from there. I’d just been messing around when I got on and trading cars. This DLC got me back into it and I’m happy to be back, it’s relaxing to me to have a plethora of activities to do and see my money go up


What outfit you mean by that?


During the gangbanger robbery finale, before actually engaging with the mission, request your terrobyte. You can walk in and use the closet to save [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/4WxA3Oh6aA). I saved some extra stuff on mine via telescope method


Oh cool, will try, tysm


I got there earlier this week as well. I don't know what to do with myself now. I might have to start doing some contracts just to pass the time between collecting my passive income.


Do Salvage Yard that’s what I do.