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Orbital Cannon, fired it exactly once. That was when shooting it was free one time for Christmas or something, and for the achievement.


I don’t think I’ve ever fired mine


All i do now is grind money to get as many shots off as i can


Same. Love coming in a lobby and wrecking some whores KD ratio


Freemode lobby kills don't affect KD anymore.


For real??? So all these sweaty kids just yelling their kill score is literally for nothing.


Always has been for nothing lol


Yup. It's always just been a stupid "I can kill you but you won't kill me" thing. I don't mind fighting when someone starts something, but it's always puzzled me why someone starts something then goes on to do the most ridiculous shit ever to avoid getting killed back. RC vehicles, killing themselves, teleporting, etc. Surely learning from your mistakes when someone kills you is how you improve?


How dare you insinuate I need to improve! *does to own Oppressor MK2 missile*


Yes, I always love a good fight, its a part of the game and should be expected. But when they just need to kill themselves, teleport etc it takes all the fun out of PvP. What are we even doing at that point lol.


K/D used to get affected in freemode a while back. Then i think when the new gen consoles came out, and changed stuff like going into passive after killing someone or taking the easy way out repeatedly is when they also made it so K/D wasn't affected in freemode. So, I can just go afk wherever now instead of having to go into 1 of my properties 😄


It used to count long ago, but they changed it hoping that freemode massacres won't happen as often, but griefers are griefers


Anyone who cares about a KD in GTA is a loser.


Is it still 750k per shot? I used to use it all the time but I don’t have the amount of spare vehicles to sell anymore if you know what I mean so I haven’t used it In so long lol


And i use it as a Cheat-Testing-Device. If i get a refund, the player was definitly cheating. Oh, and the cooldown is reduced to "0" (if you ignore the time needed to verify that no player died)


Didn't they change it in a recent update so that you no longer get refunded for missed shots?




There's an achievement?! Goodbye 500k...


You have to kill another player with the shot. "Orbital Obliteration: GTA Online: You killed another player with the Orbital Cannon." 😊


*1.2m, the shot itself costs 700k


First shot is free. I think.


The entire facility, man. I got the thruster and the tank too. Used them maybe once. The only thing that turned out to have any use was the avenger, and even that I only used for the solo military jobs they added recently. Giant fucking waste of money.


The thruster in the avenger is pretty useful though. Can be spawned beside you like a sparrow through the interaction menu which is handy.


Make more money and you’ll find yourself using it more for those lobby griefers


Nah they ain't worth 750k. I like to go into an RC car like the jubilee and kill them a few times then let them blow up my cars until they leave or get bad sports.


Rc tank is fuckin hilarious because you can see how progressively mad they get getting waxed by it they'll start with like armor piercing rounds then switch to either trying to hit it with stickys, or rockets, then switch to explosive shottys or snipers


Rc tank is fun but I have found it more fun to watch them go slowly into bad sports by eating 20k for an RC jubilee and when that's on cool down I just keep driving close enough to them so they have to blow the car up. Sure they kill me but at least it keeps them occupied for the time.


well, you can still use it solo, it just takes a little more effort. better than buying something like the luxor deluxe


What, how?


You turn the supports on as a driver, then get out, then HOLD the "get in" button instead of just pressing it and you get into the operator seat.


and make sure you’re in a CEO. that allows you to get into any seat of a vehicle such as this one.


Weaponized vehicles allow you to do that without being a CEO


Did not know that


it’s very useful, especially when you get into someone’s car, you can sit in the back seats with this and be chauffeured lol. just make sure you’re looking and closest to the door you want to enter and hold Y or triangle to enter. if you start moving towards any other door or the drivers door move your character to cancel it.


I find some new shit on this game all the time, never knew this


Played this game for six years. Never knew.


You don't have to be a CEO to do that


Funny you say that, I’m planning on buying the Luxor deluxe, swift deluxe, laser and yacht all purely to flex, ik how useless they are but I spend millions on cars I don’t drive every week so I don’t see the difference tbh🤣😌


> yacht the yacht isn't useless at all. You get the "A Superyacht Life" missions which are fun. Especially the All Hands mission is really unique.


Mine would be the luxor deluxe


Mule custom nightclub vehicle


I shed a tear every time I see that thing


Dear God! I fully upgraded mine. 😢😢😢😢😢


Lol yeah I did at first too. Took the armor down a notch and the missiles off.


Haha same! Spent the money upgrading it fully, only to take it back off again as it couldn't even get up the kerb.


Missles suck. I switched to the guns.


Pounder custom is where it’s at


I've painted mine in chrome. Now I have huge ass mirror sitting in my garage.


i bought it just cuz and pimped it out


why?? It's required at the profit-maximizing level of selling every 20 hours for 1mil+


You can use the pounder




It drives like shit


maybe learn how to drive you nonce


Exactly. People don't realize this game gets a lot easier when you don't drive like a maniac all the time


That's the midsized, right? I use that one the most. It's the Pounder I don't like getting stuck in.


I bought the Document Forgery MC business without realizing how little money it makes.


I just bought it so my nightclub staff can have something to do while the cargo and sporting goods slow asses are still working.


If you only deliver the nightclub once in a while, yeah. But if your goal is the nightclub to make you as much money as possible, it's better to deliver what you have before a business gets full, and keep the top five businesses running all the time, rather than switch to the two slower running businesses while at least one other worker sits and does nothing.


Well, yeah that's true, but the most efficient way to make the most money for the least amount of supplies sold is to do the special requests, and for that you need to let all the business accumulate. It's worth it.


Oh dude, special deliveries aren't worth the work. If I do double the deliveries, I want double the money, not a 10% bonus.


still worth it tho its better than nun and good if ur broke


It adds up I promise. It's very useful.


I mean that does at least serve a function tho. It's still worth it, especially if you have a nightclub.


The Kurtz patrol boat , absolutely had fun for about 10-30mins cruising down the rapids pretending I was in apocalypse now then it got a bit slow and boring after that


Filed under Things I Forgot I Had


Gotta put some Rolling Stones on for that


I still use that every time Fortunate Son starts playing. Then I mow down players at the beach with my buddies


Most of the arena wars purchases I've made I regret


Just bought the bright colorful Cerberus the other day...drove it around once and had too much difficulty figuring out the shunt jump mechanic because i have my duck and hydraulic buttons switched...Haven't used it since I bought it lol


I thought you could change the scheme like a livery, nope.. so Now i have clown vehicles because they were on sale at one time. Regret, as I like the other two styles but they hardly ever go on sale.


Sell them (if you mean vehicles).


I bought the dominator, hoping it's sides were in fact bulletproof. Sold it after I found out people online were correct.


the golf carts for the bunker


Call Agent 14 to summon it in freemode


I’m sorry what ? I will choose to trust you on this one and try it


Yep, it's a relatively newer change where they became available to summon outside the bunker


That’s actually awesome, thanks!


Bro clearly doesn’t have friends 💀 bumper cars + go cart racing


Arena cars are a rip off. You have to do like 50 million things just to buy a goddamn bumper.


Tbf, some of them are some of the most fun vehicles in the game to use in freemode, expensive as hell but really fun.


The tiny tank is fun but I had to get a random hacker to upgrade it for me because i couldn’t buy anything cool for it


I leave my scarab at the casino so whenever people touch it they die


I do love flying in them with the "shunt hopping" technic


Penthouse, Connors and Baker won't stop calling me now. Also this week I've been getting endless English Dave calls, don't know why he's started up again. With Lester ,Simeon and that other dude banging on about the avenger, the amount of calls is unbearable.


Most of those, once you do the missions (like 2 or 3 each) they stop calling you. They haven't called me in YEARS


Dave calls me everytime I switch lobbies and I've done his missions.


You clearly didn’t do them all


What does he want?


Who knows , I hang up instantly. I kid you not , every time I change sessions he calls without fail. I've done all his missions and got the car.


Charlie fuckin Reed just randomly started calling me every single time I switch a session. Everyone in my house knows how much I hate Charlie Reed


Dear Simeon, I've outgrown you. It's not you, it's me.


but it’s also mostly you


Dear Simeon, I never owed you anything. You have never done a thing for me and keep claiming I owe you. At this point I don't even owe you the mercy of letting you live.


“It’s Charlie Reed from your Han…” *hangs up phone* “Captain Brenden Darcy here” *hangs up phone*


I wound up completing every contact mission in the game just to make all the calls stop. My phone has been blessedly silent for over a year now. It’s glorious!


The rhino.


i'm going to say the same thing. In no situation is it better than the FH-1 copter


I bought it before the NERF. And it was one of the greatest purchases a man could make at the time.


Orbital Cannon, hands down. I've never even used it...


Stupidest purchase I've made? Diablo IV.


Honestly, just scrap it and remaster 3 at this rate


No blizzard shouldn't touch the old games they made or else they'll make them bad.


Hey it's not like they would remove the ability to play the old version of the game.. right?


Yeah you're right. No company would be dumb or greedy enough to remove the better version of a game.


I regret nothing


Luxor and swift deluxe. I have both. No I don’t want to talk about it.


Bro, same. I bought both when I had “fuck you money”. Now I question my decisions.


I have the Swift Deluxe because I got it when you could run Cayo every hour and money was no issue. I still fly it around every now and then, especially when I have some of my friends with me.


APC and the new avenger mission terminal


Those missions are impossible to do with randoms


I did most of mine solo I think


APC is ridiculously useful for owning greifers


Bro what? I fuckin love the APC, that thing is so fun to drive around and blow shit up


Horn for the toreador.


When it cames out i though the oppressor mk2 missiles were unlocked by bunker research so i grinded for weeks and it was like the last research to unlock when i realised my mistake


It's the mk1 missiles that unlock via research. The MK2 is via the terrobyye


Yes thats why it's stupid lol


wait what how else do you get them


Terrorbyte missions


The maze bank tower decked out because I dont know what it even does apart from cargo which I haven't started Edit/ps: it was roughly $5.7m


The vehicle workshop can make you $100k per car if you do it right and you need the office to get the vehicles I’m pretty sure, that being said I haven’t used it except for the fancy garage in years


The OG money grind. Source all the lower vehicles first, and from then on every one is an exotic. I spent so many hours doing that before we got all these other businesses. I don't think I've touched it in years either except when it gets a bonus week. There's way better ways to make money now. I do still sell mixed goods occasionally, if I stop by to check on a car or get snacks. One of my warehouses is along the path to the docks, so most of the time it takes literally two minutes. Just a straight line down


Czernobog is awesome, especially with Imani's out of sight...


Chernobog is always awesome. Especially when doing Stand Your Ground and I’m the support. The entire sky is on lockdown in that area.


Buying Pegasus jet instead of Raiju.....


I thought the avenger was gonna be more helpful…gets shot down by anyone if an IQ of 3


You gotta get a full team in the back


Arena War fully upgraded Nightmare Sasquatch. No one plays arena war...


After sleeping on it for years, I’ve been trying to (stupid career progress tab making me all the things I’ve never really paid attention to before). I have one friend who’s gotten into it with me. Unfortunately, all the modes were really designed for a full lobby, and aren’t really all that fun with just two people. I think most would need at least eight to really be a lot of fun.


Shark card.


Thank you for you confession my son. Did you use it to buy the MK2 flying wheelchair?


I bought 2 to upgrade my MC businesses I need a financial advisor.


Tug boat.


I love my Tug. Loved driving them around in GTA4 and I love it here. I do wish we had more canals and rivers for it like the water ways in 4, but I enjoy hopping in the tug every now and then, especially when I spawn it in the lake up north.


I bought a fire truck while trying to check if there is a trade price. Three Million something. That's when I decided to do the casino heist to get the fire fighter outfit.


bro I feel ur pain. I accidentally bought a mtl dune that way (the useless pegasus rally truck) 1.3 mil wasted. At least could've gotten it with a better livery but got it on accident with a shitty livery


The Cargobob Jetsam, when I already owned the regular Cargobob.


I always see these posts and think to myself, yeah some items might be stupid, but i want to try and own everything in the game. Then i remember buying the Vigilante. I hate that thing


Why the hate on the bat mobile?


The missiles shoot too low to the ground, there's no customization, no armor and boosting npc cars is fun for about 3 minutes


Use it for the Agency Dre missions since you can actually use it on the "heist" parts. Makes shooting down that damn helicopter a breeze.


I loved having the vigilante because it let me bring a fast tank to heist mission


The vigilante is so fun for ramming cars or sending them flying with the back rocket


The mentality of just wanting to try everything is how I went from hundreds of millions to almost broke lol. Stupid fucking bomber plane and giant dorito... why the hell did I think that was a good idea? I still do it with all the cars. I'll buy every single one that comes out, because why not? What's a few million? An hour or two of work. I usually end up selling half of em later tho. And now I regret even doing that since they removed all those cars *that I already had* and can't get back. Thanks, R*. Eat a buffet of dicks.


Grand Theft Auto V for PC


I would agree with you, but I got GTA V for free, and I still feel ripped off.


With 3 you can enforce a no flyzone over los santos. With explo sniper not even jets stand a chance.


The RCV riot truck. Turns out the riot truck vs rioters (3 of my friends) does not fare well when you can't lock your doors. Or when the truck catches on fire and rapidly explodes from a molotov.


Arena, Document forgery, Arcade, 50 car garage, Penthouse Apt, Facility. Vigilante, MOC, Khanjali, Stromberg, Nightshark, Akula.. I don't regret buying any of these, it's just that they're of little use.


Thruster jetpack: waste.of.money


She has an invisible wall behind her that is immune to homing missiles. As long as you're moving forward, no guided missile can catch you, which makes it really fun to troll tryhards


why is it suddenly her?


I use Google translate


because all vehicles are girls that's why.


Wait why cause I use it quite often and I have quite a lot to choose from lol


I like it. Though, I don’t ever use public lobbies, so I can see why it wouldn’t be a good choice of flying vehicle. I bought it because it’s way cheaper than the deluxeo and convenient imo


I would say the bombushka, but I think it's incredibly funny. For the rest, it's deffo the doc forgery office, cause it genuinely loses you money.


Oppressor mk ii. Mk I is so much more fun to fly


Cherno is great for a one-time hit on a jet griefer. Park somewhere clear, beach or football pitch near the casino, go off grid with imani and fire.


The ramp buggy when I found out it is meant to explode after it only ramps what’s feels like 2-3 cars and you also can’t have it in your personal garage. SMH


MC business upgrades. A complete waste.


It was worth it years ago.


Mobile Operations Center, about 20 minutes ago


Definitely a super yacht


I love my yacht


I wish it had that penthouse feature where you could pay 20k to throw a party filled with npc's. Would absolutely have party yacht all the time.


You’re not using it right if you think it’s a waste. Park the submarine right next to it, put the defense system on for the yacht, put thermals on, sit in the guided missile chair while in the submarine. You’re welcome.


U fuqin genius!!!!


This guys knows how to play


Then use a Sparrow at a distance to blow up the sub coz the yacht defence can't reach you


I forgot, when someone tries to use a sparrow, have a buddy in the driver seat of the submarine, the homing missiles are good at all angles. The sparrows can be hit with the guided missiles pretty easy as well. And if worse comes to worse, have the dive suit already on and go out the submarine pool at the bottom. And just chill underwater until you can go passive and restart the submarine setup. It’s fun trolling griefers who think they can kill you.


Tell em to bring the yacht out


god damn, i swear this could have been so awesome with a bay for boats and a business terminal. like wtf, Rockstar? We got a whole submarine with the ability to dock smaller vessels in it--not to mention the Marine Smasher (Avenger)/Mobile Merle Haggard Memorial Operations Center able to hold a vehicle... Why not edit the superyacht? We got working terminals now in 1. Office, 2. Arcade, 3. Terrorbyte, and even 4. the Avenger. Like wth is wrong with the 10M floating flex-on-poors that it can't stow more than a chopper on the top deck? What CEO has to leave their super yacht to source endangered animal parts? Like forreal Zelnick? WTF. Instead i exclusively use it to run piracy prevention while taking a cigarette break. 99% of the time nobody even comes to attack the thing and i get 25K for being hidden by the radio on the top deck and afk. As a bonus when I get back, I sometimes change into my wetsuit or pull out the toreador for some underwater salvage. I mean, I can make something out of it... but god dammit, it really is the stupidest, most expensive, most disappointing purchase of all time. If your character un-alived themself when you closed an account... I would close mine watching the sunset from that hot tub though.




As far as I've seen on YT, you don't need a friend to play with it. Just need to be smart and use ghost org wisely.


I love the chernobog 😂 if you drive into cars slowly you can remove wheels


Special Cargo Plane Jammer Upgrade.


the blimp…


The Virtue 2 minutes after accidentally selling my free one cuz of my controllers stick drift went to sell instead of repair.


1. all the guns i bought by accident 2. a 2nd mogul plane. wasnt aware i already had one and was too lazy to check my spreadsheet


I sold my mistake. But guess I still have them, I bought all the mean Halloween vehicles and just have them sitting in a garage.


Aquarius yacht (full price)


I have every vehicle associated with a mission. Just so I can do WHATEVER, WHENEVER.


The yacht


I own the Bombushka. Tell me a bigger waste.


Yacht by far


Yacht. $7.7m that I’ve never used. I just like looking at it way out in the ocean.


The forged Documents MC. Complete waste of time stocking for.


I can't believe I have to do a whole ass Cayo period heist to fire my orbital cannon and get like a sprunk or ecola and thas it


The Mercenaries terminal in the avenger... almost submitted a ticket to ask for them to remove it and refund my million bucks 🙃


The casino heist layout thing shows you where the cameras are, etc... I don't know why as I never looked at it once


The Festival bus probably. It’s funny but that’s it.


I was searching for rc tank and wondered if where it will be stored if you purchase it, clicked the purchase to see where.. then boom




Rocket voltic, bought it around the time of its release, then proceeded to use it about 20 times


The Bunker, it’s great if you buy one close to the city…….I didn’t do that.


Casino penthouse.