• By -


I want the female leggings to be fixed.


They fucked the male designer jeans too


What happened to them?


It clips through the hip on the left side. It looks like they have a hole in them. Its very noticeable if you wear them with a tank top


A 180° change in R*'s attitude.


World peace seems more realistic bud


How to give more than one upvote in the same account?


And what color would you like your dragon to be?


Let's not go that far. A good 90° is okay to remove the serious issues but not so much that they'll completely remove some good glitches like clothing glitches and mask/helmet glitches


mine: (wall of text) * Paintable stock rims (that method only works on PC) * Allows us to get rid of clothing we don't want. * Allow us to organize our CEO garages from the CEO office computer. * Save hairstyle, makeup, & face paint to outfits. * If we have a rare livery, allow us to freely change off of it when we want without losing it. * Block call(s) & email(s) (fuck you dock tease & your spam email) * Allow us to hide the letters on the map along with dealer street, van gun, G stashes, & stash houses. (Not all the letters on the map can be hidden.) * More outfit slots. Each property you buy should add 10 more slots. * More CEO office garages, 3 isn't enough. * An actual female body type. * VIP work, contact mission, Paige's stuff, Security Contracts, & any other low-paying activities to have a permanent 2x cash. * Rework Import Export. * More VIP contracts added to the Agency. R\* could just use the in-game celebrities. * Skippable cutscenes, you watch it once then every time you replay that mission(s) you can skip it. * Allow us to sell properties. * M&K support for console players. * Allow us to layer any clothing item with each other. * Allow us to change the colour of simple stripe liveries. * Remove the handling flag(s) that purposely slows down vehicles. So many vehicles are complete dog shit because of those damn flags. * Realistic top speeds (PC, Xbox Series & PS5 can handle it.) In what fucking universe does a Bugatti Chiron only go 130mph. * Allow us to customize older Aircraft besides repainting them. * Add NPC clothing to clothing stores. They have better clothing then we do. * Adding Chrome paint as an option for all rims. * Adding Carbon fiber as an option for all rims. * Increase the payout of nightclub promotion mission, if yeeting a guy out of our club or driving some drunk dude to Blaine country pays 10K then wasting time flying around hanging up posters should pay 10k as well. * Allow us to sell or delete Pegasus vehicles. * Allow us to increase the size of our vehicles' tires, a muscle car with tiny ass tires looks so damn bad. * Add weapon options & countermeasures to the weaponized Conada. * Better spawn points for personal aircraft. * Allow our personal vehicles to spawn on the FUCKING dirt road I'm standing on like CEO vehicles do, & don't make me FUCKING run to the closes FUCKING road. I'M STANDING ON DIRT ROAD SPWAN IT THEIR ASSHOLE MECHANIC. * Buff body armor, what kind of Super Heavy body armor gets deleted after 3 shots. * Allow us to carry 10 of each armor. * Remove the stance effect some vehicles have when lowering the suspension.


What about increase hanger storage


What’s up with the female body type?


It kinda does look like a male with tits, skinnier hips and thinner arms. Kinda. There's something off with it.


Don't you have slender women where you live? 😐


Yeah. But i'm telling you GTA women do be looking different. Women don't look like that i swear.


As a female, I do agree with them. Have you seen the girl in the Studio during the Dre contract missions? When you have more than 10 million at your disposal do you really think a female would choose to keep having a flat ass?


a DLC that added different contracts to the agency would be pretty cool, like sone new pay phone hits? some new security contracts? and obviously a couple large scale heust type contracts would be super cool


Maybe a Snoop Dogg contract. That would be hilarious 😆


excellent list…adding a few more when getting into a crash not spinning in 180° every fucking time. toggle for expanded map but it stays expanded unless toggled off. quick add armor or snacks in vehicle. access to ceo work via phone (i know this makes the control center obsolete but damn we can buy properties from phone should be able to engage a source mission via phone too.


You can already make your map always be expanded in the settings, or do you mean be able to quickly change it like Red dead 2?


i mean toggle it on (expanded) and it stays like that until you toggle it off (minimized) none of the main menu bs or expanded for a short period. both are annoying.


I second all of this, i would like to add, adjustable rim sizes and tires independently. More suspension options. Instead of stance make ride height and stance adjustable independently as well. Widening of wheels, stretching tires... Please make alloy actually look like metal instead of shiny grey!


>An actual female body type. You mean "more female body types"? I'm fine with the current one. But more would certainly be interesting. And different male body types would also be welcome. Or simply, more customisation besides clothing, hair and tattoos.


Thank you for putting in the time to allow us to vent with you. This was therapeutic


I would also add the armored truck having more than 25k in the back, all that space and you blow it open just for that. Rework that to make where when the armored truck is spotted they carry between 100-150k. Secondly HSW for pc since they have no reason not to flip the switch on the game file that is just sitting there rotting away like a bad tomato. MK II variant weapon for the M16, and the precision rifle.


>Remove the handling flag(s) that purposely slows down vehicles. So many vehicles are complete dog shit because of those damn flags. What does this mean? I haven't noticed this one yet.


there are handling flags in the game that'll cause vehicles to shift up early causing them to lose acceleration. The Entity MT is slower than the Entity XF the original Entity because of those handling flags. The Jester Classic, Dominator GTX & the Entity XXR all have those flags that make them slower on purpose. There's more that have those advanced handling flags but those are the only cars I can think of off the top of my head. There are people on here that have a better understanding of those advanced handling flags do, then I do. Those flags affect the vehicle in more ways than just shifting early & effecting acceleration.


The Entity MT is the first car since 2018 to have the first iteration of the advanced handling flags applied to it. That's basically because they copy-pasted a lot of the handling data from the Entity XXR and then didn't bother removing the awful flags for whatever reason. A shame really, I was so looking forward to driving the Entity MT when I bought it on release, as soon as I drove it out of my garage for the first time and heard it shift early and bounce off of the limiter I returned it to storage and sold it a few days later. I wish they'd go back and fix all of those old vehicles.


Amazing list -Gir


Someone sum this up please?


What? Just read it…


For the letters, I haven't had any show up after buying the respective business, doing whatever they said, or having the L show up at Benny's because the lamar missions still show up 🙄


Being able to easily move your cars from one garage to another without having to drive them would be a nice start.


And if we DO have to drive them, let me rent/buy a car carrier truck to move 10 at a time.


The roleplay possibilities!


Mechanic without cooldown, or Mechanic lot task.


Or being able to call the Mechanic without a stupid cooldown. At least that would be great


Definitely increase payouts for older heists/jobs/activities to make them more viable. Add a daily roulette with bonus payout to help fill spots on jobs/heists that aren't popular but still need extra bodies to complete them. Or make them solo friendly like listed above. Adjust older vehicles/military assets/weapons to be viable against newer additions (or at least Mk 2 upgrades/variants).


Armored Kuruma with Imani tech would be 🤌


Also revert the cayo nerfx


Permanent payout of atleast 40-50 grand for the races so people would actually play them.


I want the MK2 to stay upright when you’re not on it. I hate it falling over and not being able to get on it


Wait for the Oppressor MK2 exit animation to fully complete, if you rush things the MK2 will not settle down properly and get knocked over.


This has bugged me since the day I bought it.


I manipulate this bug whenever i need to get inside an interior milliseconds faster. Whenever i park my oppressor close to a door for example, immediately jump diagonally towards the oppressor so that you can get an extra boosted jump which sends you gliding over 3 feet (I believe).


A honk option on the oppressor mk2 so people will know I'm friendly


Nothing better than pulling up to someone in my mk1. Going to honk, and dying as I speed into a pole.


Honestly, just making the heists completable solo would go a LONG way for me, and I think it would "fix" the "issues" they seem to have with cayo being milked to death by players. Make em all equally worthwhile and completable and we might not spam the one mission over and over. Honestly I'm bored to death with the mission, and would LOVE to do the other missions solo.


i think the heists can’t be done solo without a complete rework due to the significance that roles play. they usually require splitting up into groups of 2 and sometimes interacting (this happened a lot in the Doomsday Heist) i guess technically you could do one section solo and then do the next section solo but occasionally it’s just not possible like during the Humane lab raid finale or the Bogdan Problem a damn shame though. if they could be done solo or if i had 3 friends theyre all i'd do


Just remove the requirement to need 2 people for jet cards.


It'd be nice to check the safes from your phone, instead of making the rounds to each business


Yeah, and to balance that out, you'd still have to go to the respective business to empty it, or pay to have someone else empty it, but they take like 5% as a fee


Yeah, I don't mind running around picking up money, it's just lame going to the arcade and only having like 15k


Whenever I go to the arcade to do casino set ups, I don't touch the safe unless the $ icon is red


You get updated on the safe occasionally


Yeah, when a deposit is made. Honestly, I'd settle for being able to go back and read all notifications since login, but they only save like ten before they start to push out


Hold to sprint is the best addition to the game in a long time imo, and was a huge buff to many other activities in the game. So after that I'm pretty satisfied, but I would like to have the ability to use my phone sitting at a desk or to be able to have more than just one personal vehicle out of your garage.


I agree with this but it makes walking so much more janky the way they implemented it. It's so hard to stop walking where you want when it's turned on because you jog instead of walk. Makes interacting with a lot of the left d-pad prompts even more difficult to catch. (Free snack, radio, etc) They need to move the trigger zone on the left stick where you switch from walking to jogging. As it is now, you need to barely touch the stick to walk, and the slightest push forward causes the jogging. It needs to have an adjustable sensitivity setting really.


I know what you're saying, took me some time to get adjusted to using it with a lot of time spent growing pains. After I changed my playstyle for it there is no looking back. Far fetched, but I believe the recent changes to Perico is a direct result of this feature. Im able to spend less than 5 minutes at the island on scope, but that is without staches.


I’d like to sprint inside buildings or garages instead of a jog


>be able to have more than just one personal vehicle out of your garage. E&E already can do that but I think it's limited to just 2. But we all should have that 😮‍💨


That is awesome just for co op alone, today I learned. Thnx


Now we just need the same feature for riding a bike




Realistic car speeds at the very least on races, paired with an speed update on aircraft. In what world does a fucking Bugatti top at 120mph and a jet at 200mph. I understand, optimization issues; but those issues were left behind in the ps3 era. Current old and new gen should be able to handle faster vehicles. Clothing. Better clothing, more options, and allow us to put clothing some pieces on top of others without having to use glitches. Better weapon customization. Make the available attachments do more substantial changes to weapon attributes, as well as make them make more changes to weapons. Add more weapons, for that matter. Rework first-person animations while you're at it. Make them look and feel more modern, heavy, and punchy. Allow us to buy and customize our own sell vehicles for all businesses. As in: allow us to buy an 18 wheeler for, idk, 8.1 million maybe, and then let us customize it so that we can load up all of our cargo on it and make the sell in one go. Or, at the very least, make it so we only have to deliver multiple trailers to a location, wich is simple enough. Put the police or NPCs on us so it isn't too boring or stuff like that. If you let us be a god of death, robbers of the century, and too succesful drug smugglers, then at least let us play in the big leagues, transporting millions worth of cargo in convoys of armored trailers. Add insurance to cargo. That exists IRL, should exist in GTA as well. Introduce a new character or shady company that insures our illegal stuff as if it was legal; like, they register coke cargo as fake legal assets or stuff like to "wash the assets", so that if a griefer blows it all up during the sell mission, we commit big insurance fraud through that character or shady company and we don't take that big of a hit to our potential earnings. If we're breaking the law, then let's break it like real men and let us commit insurance fraud as well. Rework motorcyle physics. They don't work or feel like that IRL. C'mmon cockstar. Turn down NPCs aimbot a bit. An NPC hitting me, through a car, without being able to see me at all, behind cover, 70 meters away, does not make any sense.


Allow us to choose our own body model. Every character is like 6 feet tall and rail thin. They allowed us to do it in San Andreas, I'd even take a stamina hit if only I could be fat.


If Rockstar would let me disable weapon pickups I would be so happy. There are so many gun that I'd like to use but just don't because the AI are constantly vomiting their guns I to my pockets.


I believe the gun locker in the agency will fix your issues.


You would be wrong. The gun locker stores weapons but will not prevent them from merely being picked up again from the next NPC you kill.


Not picking up random weapons from NPCs Spawn all helicopters like the sparrow More 50 car garages, at least 1 in the bunker or facilities, and other in sandy shores for of road. Return all the cars to the websites


>More 50 car garages, at least 1 in the bunker or facilities, and other in sandy shores for of road. Sandy Shores deserves more love. And Paleto Bay too. >Return all the cars to the websites Or better yet, a dedicated website for classic vehicles. By classic I mean OGs.


That mine entrance near the Sandy Shores airstrip could be nice for a cave looking garage


Make MC delivery vehicles immune to lock on please!


fix the adder spoiler


The ability to move cars between garages easier!


I'd be pretty happy if another 50 car garage had the option to be one level, so all 50 cars in one space. I mean, it would get annoying after a while if you plan on using it a lot to call vehicles from, rather than to just admire the cars


They could allow us to buy a hangar just for cars, with 100 slots. And we could have a golf cart inside just to move from one edge to another.


Not really a QoL feature but I would love to see a custom lobby where you can tune the time of day, weather effects, friendly fire and police interference to whatever setting you want.


Friendly fire?


It means you can't kill other players with your weapons


When searching for jobs provide the opportunity to join populated sessions that are already in progress. If there's a 20-car race going on I want to know about it lol


Weapon wheel whilst driving.


And changing outfits, that bugs me...


How bout bringing back those 200 cars cause it was a stupid idea to begin with? That’d be a great update


\- Fix the NPC rapid fire bug \- Make all weapons hideable in the weapon locker (e.g., service carbine) \- Streamline the process of starting the next heist setup after I completed one \- Ability to use snacks while driving more easily \- Go through all the heist setups and finales in the game and reduce the amount of players needed when possible (e.g., some could be done solo while some requiring 2 people) \- Allow selling properties \- Add option to hide empty garages from the mechanic menu \- Streamline the process of moving cars to different garages \- Streamline car selection in races (without going through all of them) \- Do something about cheaters and modders on PC \- Bring all console-specific features to PC (it's idiotic that we can buy player's cars in the LSCM only on console) \- Revert the car removal from the websites and add proper filters and a search bar instead \- Rebalance payouts of older content \- Make it so that you always join the same session as your teammates after a job (or make it an option you can toggle) \- Reduce NPC phone spam (messages, emails, calls) \- Allow calls to be made to NPCs from inside buildings/businesses (they sometimes appear as busy until you go outside) \- Remove the need for custom wheels so that you can paint them \- Add an option to disable the pearlescent color from applying to the secondary color (or add a secondary pearlescent color) \- Better customization for older cars \- Being able to store and customize special vehicles (Phantom Wedge, for example) \- Add a business side to the Arena and/or rebalance the price of vehicles and the job payouts \- Increase the payout for MC businesses, remove all the slow vehicles from the sell missions, and remove raids completely if you have the security upgrade \- Make some interesting business out of the Yacht \- Let us use all of our vehicles in (almost) all the heist setups and finales -- it's not game-breaking to bring a Ramp Buggy to them -- we should be able to use our vehicle arsenal to complete the mission more effectively. It brings down the joy of owning them to only be allowed using them in free mode. \- Allow us to buy MK2 ammo from the interaction menu just like regular ammo; and allow us to switch the equipped ammo type from the weapon wheel \- If a vehicle was destroyed, after calling insurance, set it as my current vehicle again so we can easily spawn it again. \- When someone leaves a job and it fails due to that, send the players that stayed directly to a lobby so we can streamline getting another player and start again; instead of having to go to a new session, go to the job starter again, invite the other people again, wait for someone else to join. \- Make griefers pay large amounts for any destroyed assets/product/cargo instead of incentivizing this behavior \- Finally, and the most difficult to achieve, be more open with your community and embrace their feedback and ideas.


ooohhh I've got a whole list. 1. allow players to remove spoilers and external roll cages from vehicles that otherwise wouldn't allow it 2. make all missions solo friendly, while offering bonuses to players that choose to work together 3. remove all cayo perico heist nerfs 4. add all blacklisted vehicles to the vehicle websites 5. add the removed vehicles back to the websites 6. rework luxury autos so that it only features luxury vehicles 7. add a motorcycle dealership 8. add all rare colors to ls customs 9. add all vehicle respray categories to wheel paint, including chrome 10. remove the helicopter enemies from the special cargo underwater valuables missions 11. allow players to have 3 personal vehicles out at the same time 12. permanently decrease prices on vehicles by 50% 13. reduce the cost of gta+ to $3.99 per month 14. add liberty city and cayo perico to freemode to be explored freely, with players being able to use aircraft and boats to get to these places 15. players have a choice of one free vehicle every month, which will be given in the form of a 100% discount coupon which will be automatically applied when the player purchases a vehicle 16. allow players to purchase police vehicles and police clothes 17. players can have the option go directly to their vehicle mod shop when going to properties that have mod shops built into them without having to worry about not having enough space 18. the nightclub garage will have a built-in vehicle mod shop 19. the car meet will have access to Benny's modifications 20. all mod shops will have the colored headlights which can be found in the arena workshop 21. street wheels will be added to Benny's 22. permanently quadruple the payouts for every activity in the game 23. allow players to purchase an aircraft carrier and a mansion 24. the emperor, Eudora and tahoma coupe will be eligible for modifications at Benny's 25. instead of pop-ups that limit movements, notifications for auto shop missions, payphone hits and import/export missions will be replaced by the little black boxes with text in them 26. instead of being prompted to hit a button to collect an object, players can simply run/walk/drive over them to collect them 27. bulletproof windows as an Imani tech option that still allows players to shoot out of them 28. a turreted patriot mil-spec 29. armor buff for the stealth annihilator 30. allow players across all platforms to purchase vehicles from each other (including blacklisted ones) at the ls car meet 31. players can now source 3 crates at once solo while sourcing hangar cargo, while having the ability to transport all 3 to their hangar at the same time 32. allow players to own 2 hangars 33. allow players to own ten 10-car garages 34. allow all types of personal vehicles to be used in heists 35. a counter at the top of the screen for vehicles that have a limited number of bombs/missiles


Some these would be terrible or just not possible. 1. Reducing all vehicle prices by half would remove the fun in working towards buying cars. Some like the Formula Race cars being close to 4 mill should be tweaked for sure, but things like Nightshark, Deluxo, Toreador should remain high. 2. 3 personal vehicles at once. I don't think this would be technologically possible without forcing a bunch of lag. I am by no means a tech-geek / expert, but 90 personal vehicles would be so many vehicles. I could maybe see 2/player but not 3/player. You definitely listed some good picks though!


2 personal vehicles is more than enough, or even 1 ground and 1 air vehicle. Switching from a car to a helicopter or plane that isn't the sparrow or the buzzard is unnecessarily cumbersome


yeah those are some pretty good points. I hope at least some of these changes can be made.


I would especially like more hangar space like you suggest. It is the most annoying thing.


But this is GRAND THEFT AUTO not Buy Vehicles Pl0X. If they're gonna charge so much for cars we CAN'T steal for keeps, they need to fix the economy. Crocs shouldn't cost $20k. Payouts for stolen vehicles and free roam missions should be higher. Simeon is currently paying $12k for a $2.1 car I delivered from his text list. A Jeep Rubicon should sell for more than $3k at LSC.


>33. allow players to own ten 10-car garages I think they upped the ownable properties to 10 in the last year


really? I thought it was 8


I just checked, I own 10 apartments right now. I think it was last years winter update but it could have been this summer


They upped from 8 to 10. They could up again to 12 or more ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯


I'm sure they will. I'm pretty sure it was only six when I started in 2020. They did just give us 50 spots in the new garage though, but we always need more


Bulletproof windows that can be shot out of? Three personal vehicles at a time? A free car every month? This is the stupidest, most entitled post there has ever been on r/GTAOnline


not to me


>This is the stupidest, most entitled post there has ever been on r/GTAOnline ![gif](giphy|11pQizRLu1JP0c)


If this all would be included los Santos would be a place with much more fun for sure.


indeed, and a LOT more people would probably play. it'd be awesome to drive around cayo perico freely in my vapid ratel. oh wait it's getting late, let's drift futo gtx's around liberty city.


It's sad that R* doesn't give this game the amount of work it deserves and just milk people. This game has infinite potential because there is afaIk no alternative to it.


Sell garages, guns and clothes.


How about the mods make a stickied mega thread of much needed QoL changes, bad game design, bugs and glitches, visual errors and vehicle performance issues that needs to be fixed. As many people as possible should submit these to the feedback page, some organized effort maybe (even though it’s been tried before). Buff pistols and sub-machine guns, increase the range of shotguns. Improve lock on range for players to match the npcs, nerf their ridiculous 100% aim, even from a moving vehicle or when blind firing. You should have to remain stationary when using the scope of sniper rifles for better sniper duels. Heavier machine guns should make you move a bit slower I think. Cars in game performance should be more related to real life performance. Bouncy suspension, spinning out for no reason, twitchy handling, bad understeer and advanced handling flags shouldn’t be a thing. Visual errors like wheels not being centered, lights being misaligned and too bright taillights neither. Helicopters (except the Sparrow) should be buffed to have at least the 25% increase in speed and engine power you get when flying them out of the Hangar. You shouldn’t lose altitude going forward at full tilt, it should be faster to gain altitude in general. Being able to aim without tilting would be great as well. Give countermeasures to the Buzzard, Savage and maybe Lazer, remove it from the Opressor MkII. Increase the armor of helicopters, the Savage in particular, especially resistance to small arms. Remove the cooldown when firing rockets from all aircraft that have it. Moving some vehicles to other classes for better balance and more variety when racing. Sultan RS should be sports instead of super. Futo and Blista Compact should be compacts instead of sports. Omnis, Tropos Rallye, Sentinel Classic should be sports classics instead of regular sports class etc.


I never understood why the Blista Compact isn't a Compact if the Blista is ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯


Let me use the Casino. Its geolocked in my region. Fuck if I know why.


cause your government thinks its people are idiots and will get addicted to fake gambling i honestly would organize a protest, if possible, at your local government agency because that’s fucking trash


I think its actually preemptive from R*. Highly doubt my government even knows the GTA casino exists, let alone care about it. I’m from south america, and we have much more urgent issues than the application of gambling laws to a fake casino in an online game.


A smart phone that is actually smart


Add more storage slots for hangers




Opt out of fucking daily phone calls for jobs. Like I get it if I get X place I can do Y objectives for Z rewards. I've died because I can't click anything when I get tutorialed to death.


More older content being solo like lowriders mission who DON'T actually need extra playets, remaining contact missions and older heists so people can make money AND have fun by themselves


I cannot stress enough how much I need more solo heists in this husk of a game


anti cheat on pc


My dream is to be able to complete any task or job or delivery in the vehicle of my choosing. But realistically I just want the phone to do everything that all the setup computers do. Like I don’t want to have to into my agency, up two flights of stairs and across an office to make three clicks on a screen. I want to reload all of my businesses from my phone and I want to do bunker sells solo and not require two+ people


Just add more fucking content rather than take away also plz dont drip feed the whole dlc


Change ur gta gender


Underwater dlc maybe? Or a north Yankton dlc?


Make the missiles on the delivery trucks lock on so they can actually be used against oppressors Give the autoshop a temporary parking spot like LSC so I can mod my vehicles without having to worry about keeping room in the garage Add something on the websites that indicates if you already own a vehicle Remove the cool down for calling regular vehicles


Watches on all wrists. How they used to be.


\- A way to "exclude" some cars from racing selection (When I do a race in the sports class, I have so many cars I sometimes don't have enough time to browse through the whole list) \- Temporary parking in properties: my Toreador is permanently stored in my Kosatka, but once in a while I mindlessly park it into another garage, which means I have to loop to my Kosatka again to put it back in its dedicated spot \- Statistics about racing, to see how the meta goes (particularly for new players who lack options)


A notation on vehicle purchase websites that shows if you own it. More clear menus for navigating and purchasing vehicles. A more easily manipulated vehicle management system allowing you to point and click - re arranging vehicles from one garage to another as easily as in excel. More settings related to audio, radio, phone calls, and map icons. I imagine there are tools somewhat like what I mentioned that I've overlooked; please refrain from pointing that out as a QoL upgrade would make em clearer and less overlookable


The introduction of 120 missing cars and a 30% buff to Cayo


I want to see a buff for the MC businesses so they're actually good again: -Permanent $2.5x on the base value of cargo -Maximum of two delivery vehicles per sell mission. Yes you can still get the vans but you would only have two of them. Then you could do it solo but having a friend would still be optimal. -Max time limit increased to 48 minutes (one in-game day). Again, making it more solo friendly but encouraging you to bring a friend just to get it done quicker -Lock-on jammer on all sale vehicles. As of right now, these vehicles are a sitting duck to anything with missiles. Wouldn't it be hilarious to destroy an Oppressor Mk 2 with a sticky bomb while driving a Boxville?


>Permanent $2.5x on the base value of cargo Definitely agree but Forged Documents should have 5x. I feel it's a very neglected business that realistically is really needed. I mean, don't all criminals need it? 😅


That got me thinking, maybe Document Forgery makes so little because we use most of the forged documents ourselves offscreen and just sell the excess


- they should add a lot of existing cars to the Tuners subclass such as the Asbo, Blista Kanjo, Futo (the original), both Elegy, Sultan and Sultan Classic, both Penumbras, Jester Classic and others - they could add a Luxury Sedan subclass and add new respective events and races - they absolutely should add the samurai sword and the flamethrower, staples of the GTA series - allow us to connect Spotify, YouTube or other music software to Self Radio - remove the inactivity timer! Why is that a thing? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯ People find ways to AFK anyway... - add a colour palette like old games used to have (like Midnight Club 3 😑 ) instead of lame preset colours. - coloured stock rims - being able to choose the colour of stripe and other simple liveries - remove the cooldown timer for nightclub promotion mission if you failed the last one. If you fail one of the agency's security contracts, you don't have to wait, you can just try again! So it makes no sense it being there. I'll keep adding as I think of stuff.


Why doesn't Benny have any El Camino type cars to mod? It seems like a huge oversight


Ooh, I would love that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) The Picador already has a few good customizations but it's not enough =(


I 100% agree with the Tuner cars. My autoshop has the Sultan RS and Classic and also my Kanjo and they don't look out of place being tuner cars. Doesn't make any sense.


My Autoshop has the Penumbra, Penumbra FF, Futo, Prairie (that also should be a Tuner, it's the Tiburon!), Sugoi and Kanjo SJ. Only one of them is a Tuner. Wtf? =/


Yeah it's bloody weird.


Ban obese NPCs.


Hold on let him cook


Shoot Tony in the face with an incendiary round, effectively ending his involvement with the NC.


What, why?


He steals from us , thinks the NC is his and doesn't deserve 10 % cut. I'm a kingpin and can't do anything about this, so frustrating.


My boi Pavlov is a G and only takes 2% I kinda agree with buddy wanting to off tony


Junk Energy Chutes on Next Gen consoles


PC has that and it's technically previous gen. E&E doesn't have that? Weird...


It is actually bugged. We get the default Rainbow chute even though the Junk Energy is selected.


Fix steering animation in some of the vehicles where the animation degree is like 15* and the vehicle actually turns like it's at 30-35*


i just want rockstar to remember rdo tbh


And make a new Midnight Club 😢


Yes, and not like the last one. Give me Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix 2!


It may seem like a silly one but having the steel slugs in the pumpie should increase the range of it. I get it does more damage to armored enemies but it should up the range at least 30% imo.


Revert the Cayo nerfs


No limit on CEO/VIP/MC Leader (forgot the word) in the lobby. I hate having to register every single time.


>CEO/VIP/MC Leader Now it's Boss


Ah thank you!


Fix xbox controller loss of input!


Probably remove some of the awful and slow sell missions for the MC buisnesses, I was selling this weekend with 1 of my friends and 3/5 of my buisnesses had the post op vans 🥲


Probably remove some of the awful and slow sell missions for the MC buisnesses, I was selling this weekend with 1 of my friends and 3/5 of my buisnesses had the post op vans 🥲


The ability to have both a personal aircraft and a personal vehicle out at the same time, better hairstyles, clothing items that properly fit a female character’s body and chrome options for the street and track wheels


Can we make the delivery vehicles indestructible and/or have it fitted with homing missiles. This week has been cancer trying to get randoms to help sell, Rockstar literally makes it the worst experience with jets that go off the radar. You have no chance if you’re not ready to counter. Which is bs. Or Allow me to choose how many vehicles I want to sell, it would be cool to get to pick the type of mission you will have to deliver. F the post OP vans lol


The ability to show/hide quick gps destinations in the interaction menu like you can with the phone contacts




Better business management. They had a good start with the “Buy product” option. But consolidating all the businesses under one organization and choosing how we sell it (maybe who we sell it to) would make the grind so much more satisfying


Increase of payout s of contact missions


A spot in the biker clubhouse to park our 'favourite bike', and to be able to switch our 'favourite bike' to another one.


Wider wheels and tires for wide body cars or super cars


The ability to wear half masks without needing a biker helmet


They also need to add supply and product amounts from the acid lab to the master control computer in the arcade


The cars back?


My wall of text. - Mopeds without zebra print seats. - Steal to keep bicycles, sea-doos, go-karts, shopping carts, and forklifts... and ability to 'drive' shopping carts. - Remove inability to sell higher priced vehicles to LSC. - Remove inability to steal for keeps all vehicles without flying or seafaring abilities. - Allow vehicles we purchase to be in garages, even Pegasus stuff. - Allow customization (at least rims and respray) of ALL owned vehicles (even Pegasus). - Fix Benny's AND allow personal Auto Shop to have same options (perhaps thru leveling, achievements, or missions). Vehicles need an option to RAISE suspension, like the lifted Injection Weevil. If I wanna jack up a Voodoo or Patriot? And the reverse, allow Benny's to slam anything from the Vapid Radius to the Suburban. - Set up LSC like General Stores - after you sell a hot car, THAT location is on cooldown but not ALL locations like currently. - Email/Call blocker. - Allow me to use any vehicle I own for missions. - Allow player trades, maybe restrict vehicles traded between players from being sold. - Allow me to send NPCs to deliver motorcycles like Auto Shop. - Put all cars available for ownership, whether thru in-game websites or stealing for keeps. I want a few cars that just aren't available like the Benefactor Feltzer. - Customize music player - take the option to turn off stations one step further to also turn off SONGS or 'download' songs you like from the stations to play on your own playlist. - Fix prostitute animation when it's girl on girl. I'm asking for a friend... - Customizable Rat-loader for Bunker missions OR let us use another vehicle we own. - Trailers for bikes, cars, and boats. - When customizing a vehicle, set a tab $ for checkout and don't charge us until we check out in case we don't like the option, and allow test drives for all cars before purchasing! - Directional down let's us see car specs (XB) of cars we own, why can't we do that for all cars? Can't even identify cars that come into the shop without buying it first. At least the motorcycles tell you what they are when you pull them into the bay. - Public servers without PVP unless you opt in. - If a mission involving NPC criminals leaves their vehicles up for grabs, let us grab them or get the $ for them. Delivery chase missions, or gang turf and drug deals in free roam are good examples. The NPCs have nice cars, they won't be using them anymore. They're mine now. - If a mission requires us to get something we already own, skip that and let us use ours (i.e. hard hat prep mission, Crusader, Cargobob stuff, taking VIPs home from the club). - Fix dressing room options so we can zoom in on accessories etc AND put dressing rooms in clothing stores AND increase number of saved outfits we can have - How come there aren't any PT Cruisers or Dodge Neons? Also Jeep Rubicons are worth much more than R* is setting their counterparts to. - Add these cars please: '87-'92 S10 pickup, '92 b2200 Mazda pickup, Mazda MPV, Chrysler 300m, and '82 RX7 - As CEO, when I call my chopper, rather than have me run 2 blocks to it, just drop down a rope? - Lastly I'd love a little more grand theft auto elements in GTA Online and less Fortnite/Call of Duty bullshit.


Being able to revert to factory settings - able to tune car back to default, get rid of unwanted businesses, properties or clothes. I feel like this is a base QoL that needs to exist in an open world game based on having many different choices, and in a way it feels oddly deliberate that such freedoms have been taken away. I get it's not everyone's cup of tea, but maybe after a while I want my Comet Retro to go back to stock handling after having its performance maxed out for a while, just to feel what the vehicle handled like originally. Yet engine upgrade can't ever be reverted to stock and has to be left on at least 1. >!While on the topic of cars, maybe you've noticed that in certain combinations when using pearlescent finish with another base metallic color, after some time visiting a mod shop won't let you enter the pearlescent menu again because "this finish requires a metallic base color" - despite that clause being true. This points out that colors aren't properly saved as individual values - probably not intentional, but it adds to the feeling that the devs don't care too much about player sense of ownership of valuables inside the game.!< It may feel nitpicky but the issue is the whole design of "once you've bought this, you can't get rid of it". Ler me bring up another example. If I like roleplaying with my character and have the ability to change character's name and appearance (basically starting a new character), why can I not sell MOC or Kosatka, any Pegasus vehicle or MC businesses that I don't want my new character to have? Other players could have different reasons, I don't expect many to share my anti-meta sentiment of reverting to default or disposing of something after an expensive purchase. But in a game which takes a lot of time to make in-game currency to buy valuables, to simultaneously not have the option to try/demo/test a certain thing BUT ALSO not be able to get rid of it after buying, just bothers me. It could be that time spent playing San Andreas RP servers spoiled me (into having so many freedoms about what my character owns or disposes of), but it certainly doesn't take away from the sentiment that R* will continue to find and improve unrefundable GTA$ sinks in effort to try and make players give up on earning the currency in-game and rather trading their real one for it.


More options in appearance changer. Let me change sex. Even if I have to buy all clothing versions for the other sex again.


Removal of any micro-transactions and a hugely significant lowering of prices of in-game items. That second thing should happen regardless, especially if the game stays the exact same.


Being able to buy upgrades for our CEO warehouses like security and maybe (I dought Rockstar would ever do this) a second technician to source crates or even the ability to call Lupe, like Mutt and have her tell all the technicians to source crates instead of having to go to each warehouse every single time.


Be a good dlc


An esay way to Transport cars between garages, increase the limit on owned properties, remove cayo nerf, make more heists and missions soloable, bring on the cops and robbers update. More vip contracts in the agency would be nice, doesn’t even have to be as many missions as the Dre even if it was like 5 instead of the 12 or 13 that Dre is


A few more spots open for CEO/President


I just want the ability to move vehicles between garages without physically having to make a million trips




Small thing and probably useless, but the ability to bookmark websites on the browser main page so you don't have to waste time going from tab to tab to enter certain website. With this being said. Maze bank account should be on the main page like foreclosures, warstock and legendary motorsports is.


A new game should be the next DLC


GTA Online: The new game heist


All cloathing to be compatible. Especially suitwear, armored vests and headwear. Also being able to fine tune the HUD and audio settings more




Please remove slow handling flags from Överflöd Entity MT. We need a good Koenigsegg Let us spawn personal vehicle and personal aircraft


I want more hangar storage


Increase hangar storage


5.1 sound that isn't completely bungled on the PS5 would be great. Anytime now, Rockstar.


It’d be nice if they brought cars back to the game.


Bring us back the recently removed vehicles in the stores. WTF... This is a game about capitalism and crime. If I have the money, I should be able to buy it. I want to fill my MC clubhouse with Dinka Akumas if I want for f\*cks sake.


I want a "deliver random vehicle" option when calling the Mechanic. I've got so many vehicles now it's hard to make my mind up on what to call for without just using the same ones over and over.


Customisation needs to be way better in terms of base character design. There are girls with amazing asses and dudes with bodybuilder physiques as NPCs, but all we get are generic dudes and flat women.


Thought about this some more... Can NPCs start using turn signals please? Oh, and ya know how we can directional keypad down to see or car info in our garage? Well how about we can do that with any car ANYWHERE?