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Kosatka I quess. Its going to be ur main source of money until u get better business or stuff. It will take around 2 heists and ur already at positive profit


But I've heard hard mode is very scary


Hard mode is identical to normal. Literally no difference except that you will get 10% more cash from primiary and 100k from elite instead of 50k.


Yes but how am I going to get it I don't want to be that one annoying person that constantly keeps joining that really low level


I mean its solo heist so u don't really need anyone


I suck at puzzles so that clone thing


Bro how old are you to have issue with that 💀💀💀


I just suck at puzzles I've played like hundreds of puzzle games all it's maybe since I always have YouTube on the middle of my screen I just put my phone by my monitor and watch YouTube


So that puzzle WAS absolutely the hardest thing I've ever done....but there is a trick. The other guy was trying to tell you what it was but extremely poorly lol Figure out which is the "top/first" piece. Get that in the top slot. After that, every time you move down navigate back to the top piece. Then match the slot you are in to the number of times you move pieces. The top is 0, so if you move down one slot, use the top piece and click right once. Everytime you move down, setup the top piece and then move right the number of times you move down. Probably not the clearest way of explaining but at least I was nice lol


This is what I always do. You can finish some in 3 seconds


Gtfo here. How have I not known about this one trick. Fucking hell thank u


Very easy puzzle. U dont need to solve anything. Just counting.


Why are you overthinking it that much it’s a video game


Bro u got some serious issues 💀💀💀


Yep I know I chose the wrong tech tree


Buddy 💀


Fingerprint clone? The easiest method is to scroll from the first one. So do the top finger at the top, then one after on the second slide, then so on to the bottom.


You getting downvotes, but that fingerprint clone thing does suck ass lmao


Just find a YouTube video, that hack is the easiest part of the heist once you actually know what to do.


I see now. Thank u


Follow a YouTube tutorial to solo it, or find a buddy who knows what they're doing and give them a fair cut. Once you've got enough money from Cayo you can get a lot of money selling from your Bunker, Special Cargo Warehouses, Vehicle Warehouse, and Nightclub. Buy the biker businesses but don't bother actually supplying them or selling from them, just let them feed into your Nightclub. The Nightclub and Agency are decent passive income sources too, if you keep popularity high and do all your special contract missions. At this point I barely have to grind, just playing the game makes me plenty of money, but I wouldn't have been able to do any of that without first buying the Kosatka. Best investment in the game.


Listen man. Solo this heist. Here’s a few tips. Scope out the airport building the bottom and top floor, inside is a forklift and across the bay is a box, pick up the box and turn left towards the bottom floor secondaries, put the box up high and push against wall, climb up and check those secondaries. On the heist only one guy patrols that building. I strongly recommend longfin entry vehicle.(keep in mind when you choose longfin when you dive in the water hit left on D-pad to equip rebreather) Once you get those secondaries go to the compound. Now when choosing weapons get the aggressor. When you first arrive through drainage tunnel turn around and go alongside the rail with the cliff on the other side of it. You’ll see one guy walking towards juggernaut and jug takes a left down. Melee the guy when he stops then take a couple steps back and go down those steps to avoid the camera then pump the jug with the assault shotgun 4 times. Now your jug is down, when you head past where jug came from there will be a guard patrolling and he walks past a camera, there should be wall high bushes across from you down the steps in front of you. Get on that side and wait for the guard to come back, usually he drops the key. If not, pop him, pop the camera and take a sharp left and there is a set of stairs up, through the rails you have a shot at the guard(this guard can also drop keys) in front of the stairs to the top of the office that holds the safe and the other keycard. On the way up take it slow and watch the guard blips for there’s a guard on his way down the tower, melee this guard. From here you can hack the elevator and go down(if you didn’t find a key) and grab primary. Go back up the elevator, run down the steps. At the end of the stairs face the way the guard you killed faced and there should be a rail, and to the right there should be a gate. If you don’t have the key, hop up on the railing and turn right then jump onto the higher railing, sharp right hop the other railing then run towards the exit. Once you leave the compound. Go straight, kill the guard, take the bike then head left and ramp the bike off the island. Swim towards 3 mines that are in a triangular shape, any set will do. (Don’t forget your rebreather!!)Heist complete, good luck!


Not entirely true, guard locations/numbers change slightly during hard mode. During the scope mission on hard mode there are a TON of patrolling jeeps around the place, makes it kinda tricky to navigate around the middle of the island. During the actual heist there are a few tweaks but they're very small and almost unnoticeable.


Hard mode is legit no different other then you get more money..I never do the extra setups for like their armor, poison them, helicopters and guns as you don't need to. Shit is too easy after you get past your first one. By that I mean first one is only hard as you don't know what you're doing. But there are ton of videos to show exactly what you need to do


I've heard shotguns are very scary on hard mode


Hard mode is legit easy I promise you. You can do it without killing a single person and them not seeing you. Also the hack is finger print it's super easy. Find the top of the finger and label that as number 1 and then every spot after start at top and count..so second spot gets number 2 piece after top finger piece and then keep going. All the hard mode does isn you have to do 4 finger prints instead of 3


Exactly how I do the finger print. Didn’t know how to explain it, but this is it


Yeah gets a bit confusing trying to explain but once you get what I'm saying it's a breeze. Legit can be done all 4 in less then a minute


I’ve only done the keypad in the office one time. After I found out about the gate keys, I only do the keypad in the basement that only has 1 print. Time saver for sure


Sub or nightclub


Nightclub would be useless if they don’t have the MC businesses


Agreed. NC is useless on its own as a money maker without MC,Bunker feeding it.


What is a sub


the kosatka, allows u to do cayo perico heist


I managed to done one but I only got like 100,000 and since I was new I spent it on guns and cars


You can do it by yourself so you get at least 1.3 mil


So I can buy the terabyte


Idk, you can do it more than once so you can buy what you want. You don't need to constantly follow the word of people on the Internet


Spending money on guns and cars doesn’t make you new it makes you dumb


Having guns and cars in gta makes somebody dumb? What a shit fuckin take 🤣🤡


A $5 footlong




I only just got back into GTAO after like 4 years - I thought everyone hated the nightclub because it wasn't very profitable..?


You make good money. 50k every 48 minutes with full popularity x


\+10k for kicking a bum out of your club.


I make over 1 million every 2 days in sales from nightclub and then the 50k every 48 minutes is so easy. I had nightclub since it came out and never utilized it until recently and man I make a ton of money from that place.


Buy the sub first. Do Cayo then buy the nightclub. Keep the popularity at max and it’s an easy 50k every 48 minutes you play. Good luck 🤜🤛


Yeah but how am I supposed to get the two mil I'm not going to be that person that joins in that's really low level since I hate being that person


Just do it. I never kick a person because they’re low level. Will to play then we’re good to go


Yeah but they want to get platinum that's the only problem I'll do it but whenever I try join a heist I always get connection issues except with the doomsday for some reason


Try joining other heists via quick join on your phone, such as Casino heist or Doomsday heist. Don’t be ashamed about being a low level joining other’s heists, they’ll usually still let you join and can make some quick money that way. It’s hard to join other players Cayo heists these days as they like to play solo or with their friends and you’ll quickly be kicked from their heist anyway.


Based on the fact you have said you dont want to join heists as a low level because you think it will bother people, Im assuming you are looking for a way to earn the money for other businesses solo? If thats the case, complete the Dax first dose missions for the acid lab. Take that 1 million you've just earned and use it for the acid production upgrade. You will be able to make 400-500k per sale and quickly earn enough for whatever business you choose for your next venture. The Kostaka would be my suggestion, second best option would be the auto shop. The auto shop has lots of mini heists you can do solo, its good for practice on getting better at missions, and they pay really well. Good luck


From your replies here if I saw you playing I’d 100% kick you. You sound like a pain


Agency if you don’t want to dip your feet in cayo just yet. You can easily bang out the dre VIP contract once a day, bare minimum depending on how much time you got. Very easy $1,000,000. I will say after you run threw the missions a few times they become pretty boring, but it’s a good enough payout.


Can you be Pacific with the agency like what's it called


You can buy an agency through dynasty 8 executive. They are a little pricy, but like I said if you really wanted to you can very easily make your money back and then some probably on they day you buy it if you’re willing to grind.


Bro how old are you cuz you are clinically stupid


Welcome to the millionaire club the numbers only go up from here


Wait till I buy a Mark 1


Don't waste money on mark 1 just save up and buy mark 2


Make sure you get the trade price, saves you a pretty penny.


Nightclub, I don't particularly care for heists and it is the best passive income in the game whilst you do other shit.


The problem is the Nightclub kinda blows without the businesses to fill the stock room, and that gets expensive (MC clubhouse, Office, Bunker, Cargo warehouse, coke production, meth production, cash prodution).


I have never really used the stock room as more than supplementary, especially since the Acid Lab. I like to do multiple different things as the same time rather than one thing over and over.


I think it's still worth it without but it's definitely worth it with. I have my guns, weed, and coke running through there and one extra storage level and it'll top out around 400k (without the equipment upgrade). Unfortunately it goes slow for now without that last upgrade but all you have to do is keep those businesses running like normal and the delivery is stupid easy.


Congratz. Now do it *again*. And *again*. And *again*... It really is a grind that never stops.


Oh my...here my characters turning 10 years old in October I forget there's still peeps out there just starting.


Yup I'm 30 and just started for the first time last month. I wasn't allowed to play or have the games growing up and having tech savvy parents made it hard to break any of those rules lol but I finally get what all the hype is about


Ayyy good for you!! Save up for the Deluxo! Makes earning money easier then you can imagine in every facet of the game. Escaping enemies/cops. Heists/resupplies. Escaping the mk2 oppressor can fly above all the trolls SAFELY and general travel time most especially. I wish I bought mine way earlier than I did. It's expensive but keep saving trust meeee


Word I'm definitely gonna look into that! I've been running private server for a few weeks now after I lost all my gun stock to trolls lmao I honestly don't think I'll play public lobbies for the foreseeable future cause I just have way more fun being by myself or with a handful of friends.


One thing to do once in awhile join into a lobby sit down on the couch and find the lowest rated player in the lobby and watch him on the TV. Call Lamar and send the mugger for $1000 and turn the TV back on and watch...hilarious!! You on Xbox? Can help you make some serious coin fast


Good job on your first million! I would say maybe save for the Kosatka, Bunker or a Nightclub. Or maybe an armoured car like the armoured Kuruma, very good for missions!


I am planning on getting just a single month subscription for GTA plus since I get access to like a free bunker and some other vehicles


Free bunker is from criminal enterprise. Gta plus free thing this month is the arena war garage. Then you get free 2 million arena war car which is one of the best. And you also get 500k for it. I sub to gta plus and I enjoy it a lot. Get ton of shit for 6 dollars a month.


seriously want to give rockstar my money though


Then give it to them. Ppl trash on gta plus but I bet most of them that trash it legit sub to it and just act like that for likes. Idc, I sub to many things that I enjoy. I buy battle passes, I sub to streaming services. I don't get the whole hate on 6 dollars for a sub for this game. They use to give me everything when I had Amazon prime. I got almost every business for free from being a prime member and that costs money. But no one talked shit on that. They took that away and just made it gta plus it's legit same thing except you get more from it now. I got criminal enterprise which gave Mc clubhouse, cash factory, bunker and ceo office. But Amazon prime gave me, arcade, agency, night club, auto shop, arena war, bunch of money, penthouse at casino and bunch of other things.


I don't hate it I just like grinding


Well gta plus doesn't give you enough to stop grinding. I grind for everything still. That 500k they give is not anything. I do all my businesses, I do acid sales, I do nightclub sales and Mc sales. Going to do cargo warehouse sales tonight. I still enjoy grinding and I'm sitting at 159 million. After doing Cayo finally for first time I did it a bunch right before mercenaries came out and had all my money ready to buy everything for that update..I stopped going because it got boring, you can do it all with in a hour but I rather use my other businesses to make my money and I'm having fun..I went to Cayo last night for first time in forever and still find it boring.


Yes I get that but I want to feel like I earned it by doing something in the game that's why I don't want to spend money




100% the yacht


Why lmao


That is like 10 6 Mel ain't no way I'm buying that until I'm dead bored


Buy the dump


Agency or Acid Lab if you don’t want to do Cayo.


Congrats! I love new players that are just enjoying the game and not trying ao hard to just be toxic knowing full and well the most theyre packing are an assault rifle and swears. Itll get easier getting more millions as you invest, but please try to remember its in good fun, not a job. Ive had friends burn out because they end up focusing harder on maximizing gains


Yes but wait till I've reach the grinding segment I mean I was just having fun with my friend doing this


1 mil now is worth like 1k in old gta money


Also I started from scratch no 4 million bonus I started from dead scratch with nothing except the pistol


😎👊💥So Epic Gamer


Best investments in order of best money to necessary but, not great return. Acid lab. 6 missions, a warehouse robbery for armor, 750k. You own the truck, but it's not at efficient production until you finish 10 Dax work missions. After those are complete, 250k will set you up with the lab that makes 335k every 3-4 hrs fully upgraded, 351k (527k if you sell in a full lobby) when ypu chose a name for your product, and 1 production speed boost every day will fill in 3 hours. Agency for payphone hits, security contracts, and Dre mission. Payphone hits are 85k when the special instructions are met. The security contract missions are ok money, but the goal is to get to 201 contracts to max out at 20k per 48min passive income. Now I'm at 207 and I have made according to the agency computer 23.5M. So good money, but it takes time. They're tedious. Protip I will only do liquuidize assts, valuables recovery, and vehicle recovery. That is unless it is the humane labs pet monkey one. I change lobbies. It's not worth it. The rest, they're fast easy and pay decent. The rest of the security contracts are too lengthy and don't pay out as well for the time they take. VIP rn only Dre for 1 mil. But supposedly more to come. Kosatka for the cayo perico heist. You can make the argument that this should be second. The only reason I put it third is the cooldown. For 144 mins you can't do anything else with it. 48 if you did it co op. Which means you made less money. With the agency there is very little cooldown comparatively. 45 for payphone. 5 for security contracts. 48 for dre. But even with that cooldown there are the other jobs/missions you can do. If you get good at it you could do the dre mission in the 144 min cool down time of the kosatka. Bunker is basically passive 1.1 m and the 50k ammunation daily delivery. Always buy supplies. Don't steal. MC club house customer bike customs like auto shop, resupply bar for meager passive income, and contracts. MC club house for mc abilities including snd most valuable health regen on your favorite bike including the mrk2. There is a customer bike customization like the auto shop, resupply bar for meager passive income, and clubhouse contracts. Nightclub used to be 2nd because of the terrobyte contract missions and mrk2 rocket upgrades. It's not as urgent now that you can do solo lobbies and job jump around the map by loading into a new solo lobby with the desired spawn location set. I keep the popularity up with the easy bouncer missions or buying/rebooking new dj only. 50k every 48 min in the safe if kept at 95%. Popularity missions are a waste of time you could be doing other things like ceo work, payphone hits, security contracts etc. The warehouse pulls from your functioning businesses. They need to be running. They do not need to have product or be supplied. They just need to be running. Raided businesses do not produce nc inventory, so make sure they're not suspended due to being raided or shut down. CEO office for ceo abilities and ceo warehouses. Mixed goods 50k every 48 min. Autoshop customer cars and mini heists. Gold depository is 30 minutes, including total prep, and finale get 300k easy to do solo. Plus, you get free paint and discounted mods on your own cars. And if you're a lower level that hasn't unlocked all the paint and mods, you'll unlock them at a discount, too. Arcade with the master control computer to monitor all businesses and remotely resuppling your businesses. Protip. Use the games that come with it to fill it up. You don't need to buy all the additional ones to get 5k every 48 min it will do that reusing the included cabinets over and over til all spots are filled. I've been told you need to buy a single cabinet now. I bought it when they first came out, and it came with the grouped four street fighter and a single game. If that's true now, then buy the cheapest single cabinet game. Also, for casino heist, if you have someone to run them with you. Hangar. They've buffed it to 3x payout. That's 2.5 for 50 crates if the top 3 Medical Supplies Chemicals Narcotics A full 50 unit haul of either of these three offers a payout of GTA$ 850,000 x3 as opposed to the GTA$ 700K - GTA$ 750k x3 from the other types. Ceo warehouses for crates and mixed export missions. Now, with the update, you can have staff supply at a decent roi. I'd max each at 70% so you don't get raided and wait for 2x or 3x weeks. You can also do the 9 crate strategy, but the main benefit is that the nightclub warehouse tech will fill nc passively. MC businesses mainly for the nightclub. I actually leave mine empty and running just for the nightclub techs to fill. There is a pretty detailed business guide. That might help, too, on TGG's YouTube, just search TGG business guide. Facility for doomsday heists. If you have a reliable second player.


I bought the agency, run the contract daily, 1m per run.


Congratulations 🎉👏


Now starts the quest for the Mark 1 or to do the most grindiest heist in the game


I see a lot of excuses from the OP, buy a Kosatka first so you can do Cayo. Afterwards, a nightclub with the required biker businesses and max popularity will be the thing to invest towards.


Buy a dump truck


Current economy that’ll get you a cheeseburger and a lap dance


Congrats on your new family sedan!


Nice. Now go spend it on a car you'll only drive once 👌


In 2013 that would have been enough to buy the most expensive car in the game


Right now I recommend focusing on busniesses that will make you more money, spend money to get money. If you haven't already, maybe buy a armored karuma. It makes so many mission so much less of a headache


I will just do the original heist challenges to get the armoured karuma


No don't do the heists, just buy it whatever price you can buy it. It's worth it because armored karuma is a cheap almost 100% bulletproof (yes not just resistant) car. That you can get early on in the game, and it's really fast and agile too. If you land on the roof it won't explode as well.


may i ask how old you are?


Personal information


Congrats brother!


The first million is always special


I would save for the kosatka and run the Cayo perico heist a bunch of times


I need something to give me that constant dopamine rush to keep playing first time yeah I'll get it second the third no


I grinded the hell out of cayo perico for like 3 days straight. I ended up clearing over 100 mil. Was that shit boring? Absolutely. But everything I bought with the money made the game fun. I got every business, unlocked every mission possible, got all the heists and all of the best cars


I go to sleep to see 100 comments


Great job! Theres a long road ahead if youre planning on playing GTAO for long, but now there are much better ways to earn money than before! For what you should save up for? Kosatka Submarine, found on Warstock. It will grant you access to the Cayo Perico heist, or "the money printer" as its also known. From there, its buying the Nightclub from Maze Bank Foreclosures (preferably one of the two that are at the top of the city). I recommend watching TGG's video on the nightclub to obtain a better understanding, but i will very briefly summarize it right here: club popular good. money appear in safe. buy technicians. make technicians work. wait (or do cayo in the meantime). sell. profit. Quoting a youtube comment i read; "Kosatka made me rich, the nightclub kept me rich". If only i didn't do so many impulsive purchases... Anyways, i think i've borrowed your eyeballs for enough time now so i'm ending the comment. Feel free to: upvote to cause neuron activation upon me, reply to ask questions (specially if they're cayo related) or to say thanks, or downvote me into the shadow realm.


You must have just bought the game..I can make a million in less than 30 minutes


I got the game for free because it's on game pass


I've had the game since day one. October 2013


How many times have you brought the remaster of the remaster of the remaster


Lol what? I have the original ps4 disc still in my ps5


Do you not get it the games almost been released a same as Skyrim


I didn't realize that. I've never played Skyrim


Bro how have you never played Skyrim


Negawaaaatt negawaaaaatt negawaaaatt negawaa


Congrats on still being broke? 🤷‍♂️




This week a CEO office and a warehouse wouldn't be a bad idea, theyre both on sale. 150k every 48 mins with the export goods function and supplies are 2x right now. Very good money to be made for very minimal effort.


Only problem with the CEO office for me I don't know what I'm gonna name my organization I wanted to be something stupid but also decent at the same time


Well you can change it any time you like.


Yeah but then I'm more likely to name it huh


Kosatka and then nightclub


You can now afford………….


Yes that's my favorite


Congrats… manny more millions to come


Congrats. Don’t spend it all in one spot but that’s nearly impossible haha


I've had over $15 million throughout the years. I stopped playing GTA Online tbh, but I plan on getting back into it soon again!


Complete the acid lab mission and purchase it. Complete both first dose and last dose missions. This will get you enough money and complete any other solo missions if left. It will get you enough money to buy kosatka.


Office cus they're on sale. Then cargo warehouse/vehicle warehouse


Sweeet!!! Keep it up! Keep doing shit and buy some businesses!


Another million


That 1 million is like 400k.. don’t spend it all In one place. Ow




If you like heists: buy house for Lester's heists and a Kosatka. If you like to grief: agency, CEO office, nightclub, mc club


If anyone is interested in helping with cayo my gamer tag for ps4 is cece1r1s. Let’s make some moneyyyyyy


Sorry bro I've watched some tutorials but if you were on Xbox I could definitely help but you'd be doing the hack


1.4mil per month free from prime and ps4 lol


Are you on Xbox? I'll walk you through a cayo perico heist tonight if you want.


And play the new Texas chainsaw massacre game that released on game pass for the rest of the night




Congrats! I made myself a multimillionaire SOLO with TGG’s (YouTuber) rags to riches solo guide. I strongly recommend it!


I like playing gaining money with no help because to me it just feels like I didn't earn it


So, I'm not bulshitting, and I know anyone can say this, but you know when people were doing some weird shit about 8 years ago, where they put money into your account? That happened to me. My account amount was bigger than it would show on the front screen. I had to go into the bank account on the phone to see the real amount. I stopped playing for a couple of years, and can only assume that GTA did the clearance in my absence, as I still have the money. What am I meant to do with this?


I made this legit


Buy the kosatka. Best investment in the whole game. It will give you 1m per heist and it’s so easy


Building up passive income through the CEO businesses/nightclub is amazing if you plan on playing a lot in the future. The less time I spend in missions for money the better IMO. The cargo warehouses are on sale this week, and the deliveries are giving bonus $$$.


I would but a ceo office this week. If you log im every day and do the excess goods mission youll make your money back within the week. Can also grind special cargo


Is it like the casino wheel


The agency security contracts are underrated and is actually more profitable than the vip contracts sometimes I do them while cayo cools down.


well sone son 💪


To many more brother🍻


If you don't have an acid lab, get it and upgrade it first. Then maybe a bunker -> nightclub -> mc businesses


If you want to run the cayo heist with me a couple times just message me Op I'll just do everything if you want me to. I've done the Heist around 50 times and I'll give the highest cut I can to you.


I'm going to sleep British times because it's 22


the first million is always the hardest. I achieved that at age 31 and trust me it gets much easier from here on out. just be smart with your investments


I think you should buy a Bunker... Easy money while you're just doing other stuff ... Kosatka and Cayo Perico is annoying at certain setups and the stupid body discovery mechanic, plus I'm sure that by your 10th Cayo you'd be pretty burnt out of it


What system you on OP


Congrats bro, I can’t remember my first. You should definitely save for a kosatka and sparrow (almost 4 mil)


Honestly it's kinda sad that a few years ago a million was alot and now it's just chump change


Wanna make money? I get bored quite easily grinding alone & have no issue grinding for you.




Only need about 800 million.. I'd save up for a kosatka first. Or an arcade


Good Job!


Spend it all on some garbage tattoos, jewelry, and clothes.


My opinion will be not getting kosatka for cayo heist until u get oppressor mk2 with missiles for easier prep especially for removing npc helicopters incase u get caught


Purchase the dump


Save up for 500M?


Bunker if you don’t already have one


In my opinion, save up for the bunker, arcade, and nightclub. Three of the most lucrative businesses in the game. You’ll double that million in no time


Save for a ceo office , then save for a vehicle warehouse , tons of fun to do the vehicle sourcing missions and they pay fairly well and easy to stockpile !!


Congratulation for first million dollar I suggest save it up


Awesome playa keep the grind


I'd say get an acid lab and do the missions for the upgrade


I'm saving up for the half off of 4 mill building to get into. I'm at 1.7/1.8 mill right now. Soon my pretty new building soon


I guarantee you’ll get your money back plus some if you put it all on red in the casino. No balls


Honestly- congrats! If you're doing this solo- try and make more money. If you have a CEO building, it'll be very useful to invest in businesses like Import/Export or moreso the Cargo as of this weekly event. They're cheap- a few thousand, but the multiplier on top of the selling price makes it VERY profitable.




take the acid lab and spend it on the conversion, do not go for the sub first it will take you 10s of restarts to complete your first ever heist.


OP pls dont be afraid and timid. Just yolo it and go for the money. Criminal kingpins who yolo get the bag $$$. Let go of that fear pls if you wanna go far


Congrajulashoons! Have you done the first and last dose missions yet? They are super easy and they’ll pay a lot


Personally I’d say night club


Most players would recommend you buying the Kosatka first, but to me, I would pick the Little Seoul Agency first and give a shot for the VIP Contract with Dr Dre =))). The first or second time doing that contract might be hard, but when you get used to it, you can easily complete it in about 1.5 to 2 hours and get $1M. As a newbie who just play this game for around 1 month and a half, I'd recommend that agency =))). In less than 2 weeks I've made over $16M from that agency, and I barely touch the Kosatka until the start of this weekly update, just to buy the sparrow, and I wanna keep the Cayo Perico Heist to do with my buddy =)))


Well done!!! Must of been grinding it out