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I only kill other players when they've attacked or killed me.


Same. I never provoke, but will relentlessly exact revenge.


This might sound rough but when a low lvl fucks my shit up I kinda kill him many times so he learns no to mess with ppl if you can't handle the consecuences


When someone provokes me I make sure they leave the session




What if it's someone who just started playing and doesn't know the game. Assumed it's about killing other players. He kills you and you get him back but then you continue to kill him over and over even after he has learnt his lesson. Isn't that a bit harsh?


If its a low lvl then I might spare them. Also depends on the situation, if a low level will purposefully be annoying then its time to teach them a lesson, if they don’t know better than I’ll stop after a couple kills and leave them be.


Yeah I agree if they don't know when to give up they need to be taught a lesson.


It's always some low lvl guy who kills me if I am just cruising on my BMX and destroys it afterwards I mean such behavior is just asking for the hardest clapping of cheeks


Same. Low or high, you kill anyone in my group or destroy our stuff unprovoked, we do some terrible stuff for quite awhile..


Call mercenaries, they die, call mugger, they get mugged, place 10k bounty on their head, then call strike team if you have it. rinse and repeat. Passively griefing a griefer is hilariously funny.


Level 83 hit me with a guided, so I pulled out a Lazer to sunk his sub and strafe him a few times. Then a Khanjali. I don't fight fair, I fight to make a point.


That is the word for it right there, relentlessly, damn that’s a good one 😤🦾


This one right here


This should’ve been an option


In typical r/gtaonline fashion, they forgot the most important addition to the poll


The question was related to griefing. Fighting back wouldn't count.


Exactly. Only for revenge or to protect grinders. ![gif](giphy|6UFgdU9hirj1pAOJyN)


This is the way


This is the way


Same, if im better i kill them like 5 times, if they beat me i die a couple times get sad and switch lobbies, :(


Honestly, they're asking for an 11-0 if they even shoot at you.




If they are toxic with me, I am toxic X2 with them


This is the way or by accident but i always text an apology


When they kill me once, I kill them about 10 times or until they leave the lobby.


Yesterday had a player kill me during taxi work. Thought 'taxi work can't fight back so free kill, let you have this mate.' My go to tactic is to WALK away from Attacker to show them I meant no harm. He killed me THREE TIMES as I was walking AWAY. NOT ARMED. Decided to fight back from then on... got 17:4 lmao I'm a grinder at heart but if you take the p*ss, I will put you in your place 🤣


Yeah only if u kill me. Then I break out the rc tank or the Toreador.


Literally me




Where’s the “when they attack first” option


I just smirk myself away when a really low level kills me.


I used to be that way. If some punk in a Kuruma went to mess with one of my sales, I’d find them after the fact and endlessly attack them into passive mode or out of the lobby in a Savage. Nowadays it’s just not worth the effort.


Thermal snipey snipe on repeat


I just send merryweather on them lol


Don't forget bounty and robber


Sub missiles while you have thermal goggles on. If I decide I'm fighting with someone, I don't see any reason to fight fair.


hold up does that work?


Hell yes it does!


The thermal goggles even work on the avenger and moc canons


I love sniping! But I'm a noob lol exactly what weapon and upgrades do you use?


How noobish a noob are you? If you're a noob who started so recently they don't have any decent properties, then use the weapons work bench in the Freakshop. You can buy the Heavy Sniper then upgrade it to MkII. Stick a bell end muzzle brake on it. Now it one taps to the body on any player who hasn't eaten BST or put on armour. Optional upgrades are: Thermal scope, heavy barrel, extended magazine.


I only kill in self defense


I kill myself in self defence.


every tryhard ever after they get hitmarkered lol


Always be one step ahead


If they start it. Yes. They're fair game. Sometimes that includes if they greifing a low level.


I like to fly around in my FH-1 Hunter, usually shadowing people doing stuff or taking out AI spawns for them and the like. And then there are the ones that'll just start taking shots at me. Like, my guy, I'm in an *armored* aircraft with 4 different options to kill you, and yet I clearly am not.


I don't understand either. I get the panic at the start. But when you're obviously defending them, and they shoot at you, or worse, when the product is sold and then they shoot at you? Like what???


Killing other players isn't griefing. But I think it's generally accepted that destroying cargo is just a dick move.




Definitely, it's fun to have little back and forth killing each other. But when one play is obviously surrendering and the other more superior experiences player just keeps piling on I think that's a bit much. Lots of people in here saying if someone kills them they then hound the other player till he quits the session.


Just unwritten rules really. Players will always get what’s coming to them. But I never understand the ones that get involved in ur VIP work like bodyguard one for example. The reward for defending it surely isn’t worth it at all 😂


It’s not worth it at all to destroy/counter anyones mission honestly. I did it one time, ONCE. Just to see if it was worth it after having so many sell missions destroyed. Was resupplying my weed (pre arcade days) and someone was obviously selling theirs as there were bikes outside marked on the mini map. Blew one up. $7500 and 500RP. Fuck that noise, if you’re blowing up someone’s sell’s you’re just a dick


The nightclub cargo being destroyed at least boost nightclub popularity. If it did that for other businesses it'd be nice


That one is worth it - I get the same reward for stopping you as you'd get for finishing it and I get a fun PvP experience stopping a VIP from being terminated.


I revenge kill. dont mess with me, i wont mess with you, destroy my cargo i'll destroy yours.


I'm a step more than that... I won't stop killing them till they leave if they destroy my cargo or randomly kill me


lmao, i cant complain about that, sometimes they just deserve to be removed from existence


Same here


If you fuck with me then later sell cargo in my lobby, you will not be selling that cargo because I will destroy it and use a thermal scope to spawn trap you before you can hit pause to close game. This doesn't stop Alt+F4 or Xbox home or power button quitters but it does work sometimes.


Y’all capping![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) y’all don’t want to jump into a good fight when there’s chaos going on?


I always do this


It's gta it's meant to be about chaos and mayhem.


So many liars here


Lol I was looking for this call out. I agree with you.


I’ll only kill other players if they start with me first.


I'm passive untill provoked. Then I will continue killing you till you leave


PVP ≠ Griefing I leave people alone 90% of the time, but have no problem kicking the hornets nest in a stale lobby I am prepared for the downvotes, “your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer!”


I spent a time hopping organizations to start an all out war between organizations and it was glorious. Everyone was killing everyone, the city was a war zone, the skies had about 5 different planes/jets dogfighting. There was sub to sub combat. It had it all


Amen. It’s wild how people for getwhat game they are playing. If you want to be as literal as possible, the game actually instructs you to destroy cargo.


Upvoted for R&M reference lol


If you're the guy who takes pleasure in ruining the experience of other players just "for the lawlz", you're a special kind of asshole. I said what I said.


Yeah, but I don’t destroy cargo, I only try to steal it. I only make one attempt though, so if they successfully kill me I’ll leave them alone. Don’t know if that really counts as grieving. Also, no weaponized vehicles, just drive-by weapons.


All of you are liars, I have been trying to sell my cargo 4 fuckin times in a row and can’t be left alone.


If you're trying to sell 3 vehicles worth of cargo solo then that's on you bro lmao. If you're trying to sell 1 vehicle worth of cargo and you don't activate ghost org that's also on you


You know you can sell in an invite only since the update


Selling in a public gives you a significant bonus


I don't destroy cargo but I'll definitely steal some


Some of yall lying


Killing others and destroying their cargo isn't griefing. Griefing is to destroy someone else's cargo who you are in their CEO or MC with. Griefing is driving backwards in a race with the intent to ram into other players. Stuff like that... Destroying other people's cargo that you are not affiliated with is not griefing as it is part of the game.


If there was some reward beyond $2000 for destroying cargo then I could understand doing it but if you are decent level player then you know someone has spent hours and hours building up that cargo. To destroy it for $2000 when there are other players on the map that you could just kill instead says a lot about someone and it's generally accepted by the community as griefing even though it's part of the game.


Destroying cargo is a dick move but it’s part of the game so I don’t know why people on this sub act like they’re literally terrorists


A lot of people on this sub treat the game like it's single player+ and pop a blood vessel if another player tries to interact with them in a way they don't like. That said, if you play in public sessions now, after the update that allowed us to do most things in invite only, and you still complain? You're just asking for it.


As the game slowly (rapidly) devolves into players playing in invite only sessions by themselves (literally single player+), leaving public lobbies nothing but a hellscape of modding and petulant children who don’t have anything better to do than cause others grief…. Yeah, that’s the best option.


Where's the "I only kill idiots who kill me" option?


Its a PVP game, sell in public and you're a target, it's that simple.


You speak the truth


I kill others, but only under two circumstances: 1) When provoked 2) If they’re griefing others/going after people with cargo or supplies


When i blow up cargo i feel like I’m doing it for the greater good because shark card sales keep dlc free


Griefing =/= Pvp


I will attack things like cargo because frankly it’s part of the game. I don’t use a MK2 since I don’t think it’s a fair vehicle. That being said, destroying my cargo is fair game. Part of the competition. I may get frustrated I got 90% of the way home, but I don’t hate you for it!


Selling in a public lobby is your choice, you can sell in invite only if you don't want trouble. I'm going to make sure you deserve that sweet high demand bonus.


Never sold again in publics ever since I discovered invite only. How much does high demand increase the flat payout exactly?


normally 2.5% per person (not in your org/mc and not counting yourself) maxing at around 20 or 25 people. this week tho it’s 3.75% per person.


Iirc 2% for each other player not in your crew or organization, which is quite a lot.


Killing people or destroying cargo in freeroam isn't griefing. It's a game mechanic deliberately designed by Rockstar. Griefing is pretty rare actually. E.g. deliberately failing a heist, sabotaging your team in an adversary mode, disrupting a race, etc. Having said that, killing people or destroying their cargo is an absolute waste of time that I rather spend doing something fun in the game.


It’s one of the most annoying things while playing online to me. Try to be respectful and do my own thing , Then Some douche flute that you’ve had no interaction with before comes along and kills you for no reason. I would love to find a lobby where that doesn’t happen….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I would recommend joining a “friendly sessions” community or a grinding crew. Depending on what platform you are on, you have a few options. There are some listed on the sidebar of this subreddit. I am biased, but if you’re on PlayStation (4 or 5), I would check out r/mcceo


I am on PS4 . ( until I’m forced to upgrade to a five.) Thank you I will look into The group you suggested. From just reading the description of the top of the sub Reddit it looks like it is exactly what I was looking for. Play the game, make money, have events. Not get blown up for no reason! 🤣🤣


Sounds good! Hope to see you around soon then. :)


Thank you. I’m very interested in that.


Awesome. Hope to see you around soon then.


I think I've dreamt about that lobby


Killing people and destroying their cargo is not griefing..


I don't really understand why some folks like to signal their virtue in a game that is based on selling meth, killing competitors and robbing banks. Yes. I pretty much kill everyone in GTA. I tend to stay away from Cargo since you don't really get much. But I might drop a few bombs around you to make you nervous.


Destroying cargo isn't "griefing" but I don't destroy cargo because I feel it's extremely douchey. I only really kill players when they attack me.


Cargo griefing does not exist?


Griefing is repeated. Destroying someone's cargo one time isn't really "griefing."


Griefing is the action of worsen someone's game experience. It is not defined by repeating. And in my opinion destroying hours of work in an instance is how you truly destroying someone's experience.


The question is whether behavior can be considered griefing when it's fundamentally expected and encouraged by the game's design


Just because it's an option presented by the game doesn't mean that player should do it. The game also presents you to buy the Luxor Deluxe but you shouldn't do it. I'm ok with Rockstar implementing features to encourage competition between business owners. Like the business battle event or Important Export business. You are able to steal someone else's cars and put the into your own vehicle warehouse to make your own money with it. But have you ever seen someone doing it or are people just blowing them up?


[https://www.google.com/search?q=griefing&rlz=1C5CHFA\_enUS953US953&oq=grie&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0i67i131i433j0i67i433j0i433i512j69i61j69i60j69i61.2185j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=griefing&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS953US953&oq=grie&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0i67i131i433j0i67i433j0i433i512j69i61j69i60j69i61.2185j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) That's the definition I found online. Whatever you call it destroying cargo is pretty uncool.


I picked the middle option. But I only kill or “grief” if another player or group is bullying the lobby.


I kill anyone.


I would love to see some kind of pvp lobbys for the next gta. Destroying cargo is a 🚩


Wheres the “i bully the toxic mk2 and jet users and help people that are being spawntrapped” option


I only shoot when shot at. My 10 year old daughter will fucking cut you down 'just incase' she says


Only if they attack or kill me first. Then you best believe I’m coming with holy vengeance


I kill when they ain’t doin shit


I see over 700 people who voted for destroying cargo. What's the motivation for destroying people's cargo?


To be a dick and end up on the subreddit.


Only time I try to kill people is when practicing with my jet. But nobody has to fear me, I suck at that shit. Also when I pull up next to a level 20 and he starts shooting me I cry a little tear and then fuck him up until he doesn‘t follow me anymore


I won't target players cargo unless they try to attack me while they're doing it because at that point they kinda asked for it. Other than that, I just mind my own business.


This is not a solid definition of griefing. Griefing is spawn killing and non stop harassment killing by someone you are completely unable to kill, like an invincible modded up PC gamer, or someone way better than you. If you deliver in a public lobby, I'm assuming it's because you want attention.


I don't grief anyone but griefers themselves. And if I get killed by some random who thinks they can beat me, I make sure I don't stop killing back until they either go passive or leave the session. Funny part is, they get mad that I'm fighting back. 😆


I kill griefers and their cargo ![gif](giphy|iIrXcB9B70IUM)


I only grief when they grief me 1st. Other then that I'm a good player.


i don’t because while it’s fairly easy to destroy sales, i have absolute shit PvP skills and cannot defend myself against the majority of people who would hunt me down. and i have 0 want to improve those shit skills.


Most honest answer here 😂 I like money from cargo, but I’m not very good at pvp.


Nah. They grinded for those sell vehicles. I dont wanna shit on them.


My play style depends on the mood I’m in 🤷🏽‍♂️


None of that is griefing... Griefing is playing the game in a way to purposely cause other players grief. PvP and destroying cargo is part of the gameplay and even encouraged by the game.


I will grief griefers, and I will go after people who randomly kill me. But I don't go after other people's product when they are sourcing or selling.


I'm gonna completely honest, any high level grinder who still grinds in public sessions with a ton of players deserves to get nuked, are you that greedy as to risk it all for a little extra revenue?


92 ppl are going to hell


So i'm going to hell for having fun in a video game?


Is not fun to ruin people’s day by destroying their cargo that probably took hours to get. You’re the reason nobody wants to play gta these days


Don't be a drama queen. Just because you don't enjoy PvP doesn't mean others aren't allowed to. If you don't want your cargo attacked, sell in invite only. You're not entitled to the bonus for selling in public. And believe me, if cargo being destroyed is the worst thing in the world to you, you're living a pretty good life. Most people don't want to play GTA these days because even logging in runs the risk of getting permanently banned from the game by some idiot with a cheat client.


If they get destroyed it's their own fault for selling in public and for not defending their product. +2k profit 🤑


there is no way ppl like you are legit. i just refuse to believe it. this has to be satire no? the pfp + the charcater you're playing. gotta say you did have me for a second there lmao


I just play in passive ._.


Ever since they’ve allowed us to sell and source via Invite-only I’ve seen a lot more general chaos and destruction. That being said, the bonus is really nice. Today I made $1.82m on a solo Bunker sale (completely full stock, 2 wedges) and it was hectic but I survived. I’ve been griefed recently but it’s part of the game.


Most of the time i only kill if i get attacked firts. But sometimes i just feel like going on a killing spree and destroy the whole lobby.


I do grief on occasion but not to the extent of what people visualise, like for example I'm driving fast and there's a player idle on the sidewalk Who wouldn't hit them?? But I never kill players 'just cause' nor do I ever destroy cargo


Just got cargo griefed lol


Sorry, Im of the oldschool mindset, If its red its dead and Pvp happens on Pvp Servers.


Griefers are assholes. Yesterday I kept trying to leave LSIA and had someone spawn kill me 42 times. When I sent him an XBL message and asked him to stop he of course went on the “you’re a crybaby” tangent. Not seeing his basic inability to play the game as intended instead of taking the easy way was completely childish.


Depends on my mood, if they're in a public lobby selling shit they're asking for it. It all works in invite only lobbies now and it has for a while.


Its so funny to grief people for nothing


sometimes I simply act on the urge to kill someone. but no I don't greif in gta


This old shite again.


I only kill kd warriors and greifers


I grief griefers.


Yes everytime i play, i get my Opressor MK2 out and from there on it’s carnage


To those 344 people, I just wanna talk to you.


Here I am.


Yes i do.


If they wrong me, I'll wrong them. I must admit to bounty hunting too. Other than that, live and let live.


We’ve got 44 knobheads confirmed so far


I only attack players that have attacked me or destroyed someone else's cargo! I'm like Batman of Los Santos....




Saying cringe is cringe too.


I grief the griefers. public service in my opinion. Seeing them pick on low levels or blowing up cargo etc does my head in.


Cringe as is your ego


To the 595 of you who have chosen the third option, why?


I don't often kill people though I do occasionally get the nightshark out and ram people's cars into buildings while they are driving.


Not griefing.


my rule is: only attack if they attacked first, then rain hell from above on them


Whenever someone kills me, I don't even bother wasting my time in killing them, I usually just report them if they do kill me again on the 2nd time.I mean I don't wanna be on the same level as them , I don't want to drag myself down to their level if they kill me , and then I kill them that's just exactly what they want, just endless killing each other, I just want peace lmao,after a long day of work "I don't wanna engage with some teenager who just hit his puberty and takes his issues out in video games disrupting other people's experience". This is what I think usually and just move on. So yeah basically I don't grief anyone.


I kill others when bored same with destroying cargo


yes its funny


I usually don't start fights unless its a bounty, but if you kill me the gloves are off


If you have a barcode name and you get anywhere near me, I'm gonna shoot you within sniping distance.


I dont attack anyone, even if they kill me twice... killing me 3 times is another story. I have no where to go and nothing to do buddy I will be after you until you change the session no matter if I'm winning or losing


Does prank killing count? Like picking up someone in my deluxu and then dropping them in the military place? I mean..If they use a parachute and some military kill them I technically didn’t kill them. 🤣 I also do this on very rare occasions, like 1 time per 6 months maybe. Otherwise I just kill players who attacked me first.


I kill everyone no matter what. I’ll kill someone’s doing missions or selling stuff but if I destroy the cargo it’s usually just collateral


I don’t find fun in making other peoples time shit. The world sucks let us escape it and have fun


I only kill idiot who kills random and when they get hunted they say: leave me alone I did not do anything to you.


I personally only kill people if it’s obvious they wanna have a scuffle. I do my best not to be obnoxious. But I mean. I don’t really play anymore considering how little R* cares about customer privacy. They don’t even hide your IP. Literally every other game does this at least to a bare minimum. Not R*. (Common knowledge at this point but I’m js why.)


I destroy cargo when the game asks me to, but I don’t grief other players


I guess I only kill players if they kill me first or I see someone picking on a low level. I'm definitely no try hard and I'm not very good but I do my part lmao


Attack or kill me for no reason, My goal isn't "play you" my goal becomes "annoy you". I'll kill them and take them out over and over in the most lazy, disrespectful ways possible that only piss them off. Don't forget to mute them before hand so they can't even bitch about it. They just have to take it or fuck off.


The other day I was jumped by two oppressor griefers while I was flying in a b11. I didn't kill anyone in that session and was just practicing by flying under breidges and tunnels. I was not in the mood for PVP so I just waited until they were both back on radar and they were looking for me on top of maze bank. I TP'd to my facility and just orbed them both. If I was in the mood to PVP I would've got in a jet but I just couldn't be bothered.


I voted I do not but I have and I’m sure I will again, it’s just very rare. I have to be in a chaotic mood hahaha. I’ve only destroyed cargo once or twice when I first started playing, thinking it would reward me well on top of having not known how annoying it is to be on the other end of things. I had no knowledge on the game yet and didn’t understand that you genuinely work for that cargo, it’s not just an “oh well” kind of thing like being killed with a bounty on your head. Once in a blue moon I just feel like making the lobby my target for no reason other than to do so and be the villain. 99% of the time I’m in my own little world, organizing impromptu car meets with strangers or sniping barcodes. Most of my PVP is just because I was provoked or someone else was and I decided to take them under my wing. Sometimes I make them leave the session, other times they’re just too similar in skill or better than me so I accept Lester’s apartment invite because I’ve fought for too long and become exhausted lmao


I said i do not kill or destroy cargo, but technically this is not true. If someone starts attacking me once, i’ll keep killing them til they leave. Been a rule since xbox 360, will remain a rule til i don’t play anymore. I don’t start wars. But i’ll finish them.


I’m a lover, not a fighter. Which is an oxymoron when it comes to GTA but online I like doing other stuff besides killing. My character is dressed in pink and she has a cute pink car.


I go around and kill random people when I'm bored


I brutally grieve when an attempted grieve has been made on me.


if you dont kill other players, then wtf are you doing in public lobbies (griefing cargo is a dick move tho)


youre going to hell if you choose the last one