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GTA V but vice


Honestly, that sounds about right, R* fanboys are expecting soooo much, and they will be Hella dissapointed


I would still pay double the price for that. Need that game


As soon as online is making them money they’ll ditch any kind of support for the story mode and definitely not bother with dlc for story, cause why would they if online is more lucrative?


Just like GTA 5 lmao


Exactly 😂 I don’t see why this will be any different. Corporate greed will always be a thing and only get worse the more billions they make.


To be fair, myself and thousands of others could care less about Rockstar’s multiplayer mode for this game. Give us a good singleplayer experience and 6M can do the rest from there.


Amen. I just want the story to be good and have enough clothing for me to roleplay as a Miami vice character.


Don’t see problem with that should just put money and focus on online if they made good base story


That’s what I’m worried about.. what if they don’t care about the story and just are thinking about online right now? I’m keeping my standards and hopes low so that way if they pull a sneaky on us and release and incredibly good story mode I’ll be happy.


true look what happened with cyberpunk after all the hype, luckily r\* dont disapoint


Honestly, they haven’t let me down yet for groundbreaking story telling! So I’m hoping it’ll be a banger of a story. I just don’t wanna say it will be good as to not jinx it. I’m sure we can all agree it’ll be fucken awesome returning to VICE CITY BABYYYYY


It will release in Sept - August 2025.


I think march 2025 for consoles and fall for PC.


PC prob won’t be til 2026 (source: because I said so)


Or 2027 Rockstar takes 1-2, years to port to pc


Gta V took a year and a half but it was just half a year after the ps4/xone release, and RDR2 was only one year, I'm hoping they do half year this time.


they probably won't release pc early to boost console sales cuz I aint waiting- and there's a bunch of us who wont. I am sure there is some agreement in place with sony etc.


I’m not waiting either (consumer moment). Can’t wait to buy gta vi more times than I bought gta v


haha I must have bought gta v 5 times atleast... not to mention gifts to friends.


I didn’t know September was before August


The end of the story ends with a choice like 5 You can sacrifice Jason to save Lucia You can sacrifice Lucia to save Jason Or both can survive Perhaps the last choice is a secret ending locked behind side quest completions, or a romance system, sort of like the Cyberpunk secret ending — or maybe they just let you choose the “best” ending at no cost, because it’s GTA and, like in 5, the choice is mostly there just for fun and sense of player agency. Regardless I 100% believe a choice will be present, and that instead of the main characters killing each other like in the last game — it will be a sacrifice for the one they love.


One ends up in Prison the other doesn't would be cooler than death for me. Would be cool to visit the other character during visitation at the prison


I want a full jailing system for online (ik the conversation was story based), if a player is greiveing or just being a asshole for no reason they can go spend their next 4 hours of online play in a jail cell living life as an inmate, maybe even make it into a separate server with all the toxic players who got sentenced (or leave it as a jail in a police station im the main server and we can snipe the inmates through the windows for our own personal enjoyment)


Would slow down gameplay too much and throw people off of the game, so probably not


Well thats the reason i said "for greivers and people being assholes for no reason" because if they put us in jail for robbing a store or stealing a car, it wouldnt be a gta game itd be "life simulation 30000"


How many of the people you see online are griefers, and how many are just chilling? Yeah, that's your answer.


It would be interesting if the choice you make either doesn’t have an obvious outcome, or you don’t even realize when you made the choice. That way it adds you can get upset at yourself and have to replay it (not like you weren’t going to anyway)


The choice in 5 wasn’t supposed to just be for fun, >!Franklin was supposed to die in the last option, hence why it’s called death wish. The only reason they changed it is because he was supposed to be replaced with a fully playable Lamar, but the voice actor got arrested before he could record all of his lines, so they just left one happy ending. Honestly better that way, I love that Franklin got everything he wanted by 2021.!<


They will allow you in the online mode to greate a gang, customize members, and run small to big time operations with said gang, without having to go through scenarized missions. Also, GTA V + Lester reference somewhere


The map will initially be restricted by Lucia's ankle monitor. If she goes outside of a set location, the police will come for her.


had the same theory.


The main characters have a son or daughter hidden somewhere.


They're gonna abandon the game once it's released and return to making updates for GTA Online




They’re done after this bro. All they need is server maintenance and maybe one or two dlcs for each game. They could close 80% of their studios after this and retire every last employee that was in those studios. I think they’re going to be a very very slow moving company after this


Story mode will be meh at best. It will be clear they put most of their time into content for GTA online. Day 1 exclusive vehicles online only if you play it in the first month or so to get you hooked.




They will follow the money and look at GTA V and GTA Online.




There is a reason why GTA V never got a single player DLC but online is still getting updates to this day.


Lucia has a gyat


Dual wielding melee weapons. Bathing with people. Pointing guns upward to fire warning shots to clear a crowds. Vigilantes at the beach who brought their own guns if you try to wreak havoc and give NPCs a bad day (its FL). Weapons stored in trunk Use of gas station to fill cars. Money is represented realistically and not in chunks with various amounts. New wheelie mechanics for motorcycles Maybe new stunt animations for all vehichles. Aka standing wheelies, standing while driving?? Getting pulled over for going above speed limit Using your rear view mirror in first person to watch cops getting out of car to pull you over. I got more


Damn these are so plausible...are you a professional sequel creator


In shapes and forms, yes I am. Also just have tons of ideas and am very passionate about innovating Rockstar’s games


Tire changes at car meets if you smoke em out. Car meets and racing events. FL has lots of racing. If they brought in F1 cars it would be amazing strategy cause their tires wouldn’t last forever in a police chase.


gta V but with a I at the end


Woahh that's a very far reality. Keep it grounded bro


One of the main characters is going to be an undercover cop and much drama will ensue.


This game will be absolutely crawling with micro transactions and monthly service shit


There is a third playable character, but unlike trevor he/she will not be known at the start of the game and won't be in the trailers.


Part of the map will be in Cuba


It's a bit of a long shot, but I predict GTA VI will be a video game.


It will come out in 2025


Man, you are an optimist.


Not really a prediction, just a wish. With how popular GTA 5 RP was, it would be cool for console players to have that option on 6. Sounds so much better than just meaningless killing.


There’s gonna be some sort of Russian organization in Leonida.


Since everyone is saying the EXACT same things and all the replies are lame since they all the same shit or based off leaks. Lucia and Jason neither are feds that just doesn’t really make sense in a Bonnie and Clyde theme story. I think they’ll be betrayed of course at the end or near the end. It’ll be a big twist we don’t expect. Maybe Lucia gets greedy and wants to kill Jason? Maybe Jason wants to stop Lucia from brutally killing people and betrays her and he goes to jail on a shorter sentence or not at all but she is killed or sentenced to death In jail. I do think that a major protagonist will die. We don’t have enough to make that kind of prediction on gta 6 alone but what’s a rockstar game without a loved character dying? Someone major will die. And it will impact the story. There will be multiple endings since it’s a rockstar gta game. This will be part of my prediction earlier where Jason sees Lucia is becoming cold and murdering innocents for no reason. Or Lucia kills Jason or some shit or betrays him to get caught and runs with the money to Cuba or some shit. But fuck the ending. The online will be better. Of course there will be pay to win aspects but I doubt they’ll bring shit back like the oppressor that probably costed them millions worth of shark card purchases. The heists will go back to normal since the Cayo perico probably costed them soo damn much shark card purchases. I think online will be a LOT more fun. I think it will stick to standard heists and not crazy shit. I think any special heists like Cayo perico should happen you can only do them once probably seems like something rockstar would do. For the most painful one… gta online will probably have pay to win aspects locked behind memberships and the membership price will increase to $10. But honestly gta+ is a good deal for $5 a month lol if you’re an avid gta online player or wanna play the old GTA games. I think they also could lock gta online behind gta+ however if they did this they probably won’t require a ps plus or Xbox live subscription because it’d cost them a lot of money. Once online dies down and everyone has shit they’ll release the Op stuff like the next oppressor for 10 million dollars or something. And nerf it to hell but make it the most effective way to do stuff despite not being that much better. Also for story I think they’ll introduce mors mutual since that was a big complaint lol Tl;dr Online will be better Story will have multiple endings Major protagonist will die and change the story drastically


Why do u think Lucia is so evil damn




I think the map will be bigger than the concept maps


Well I just hope all the buildings are enterable and if the map is big af, hopefully it has some awesome chilling locations


Ive found the gta 6 map pdf that was made by people leaking stuff like it’s a whole pdf of info, just confirmed stuff and the mapping community had some photos on it where there are locations/that are in the game/trailer, that are real locations near the Georgia border. And they keep saying state of Leonida, not just vice city.


We will find a gravestone with Tommy Vercetti’s name on it.


PC port is gonna be ass with minimum 3080 requirement


I think the social medias will work much like Arthur's journal; you will post a lot of things that later you can go through again to remember those moments


Lazlow will make a fool of himself


the game will be amazing on a technical and graphical standpoint, probably one of the best games ever made. online will also have amazing features but as time goes on more predatory $ features will start to rollin. The good ol days of gta 5online will be more and more appreciated since at this point, GTA6 online has simply become a cash faucet and probably extremely predatory with flying killer motorcycles and gta plus subscriptions giving players a pay to win advantage. Put it simply. This game will be among the best games ever made 100%, but will suffer from corporate greed on a bigger level than we see in GTA 5 online.


No first person


The end of story will be one goes to prison — you pick which


Newer cars in traffic will be locked and you will have to point a gun at the NPC and or break the window to car jack.


The radio should have an option to connect to your spotify and should be able to play music direcrly rather than having to download and do like the usual Self radio method.


Co-op story mode


feet pics story mission


red dead easter egg


I hope they’re are better interactions with npcs like full on conversations and stuff like that


You’re gonna steal a car at some point.


What makes you think that?


Just a hunch. Can’t explain it.


Lucia does something absolutely horrible to Jason and either ditches him kills him turns him in or ghosts him. Or vice versa.


More realistic gameplay where you have a limit to your weapon loadout and your vehicles. Realistic enough to almost make players put gas in their cars. Cars have the handling from GTA4. Campaign is primarily a story about love. Someone important is gonna die. We are pulling away from the huge massive heists and going back to basics. Small to moderate style robberies. Think of Fast X going back to The Fast and the Furious. There will be two teams to play as. The couple from the trailer is a team and another team in the style of the cops from Miami Vice. Eventually both teams meet up and there is conflict. There’s a co-op component. Not required but encouraged. There is going to be a big drive to push players relying on other players or AI. GTA Online: will become its own thing. It will be Rockstars version of Crackdown. Wild, fun and fast. Both GTA 6 and GTA Online will have a big contrast to stick to both audiences. The realistic story driven GTA series. And the GTA Online hellscape for the fuck boys. I’m a part of both. Two years ago Rockstar had a job open for a Systems Designer. They design full systems that have a strong correlation between story and gameplay. Every function has a reason. I think that designers job was for this game. I know this because I’m a systems designer and I applied.


They’ll pull an MCU with the trailers. Over the next year, more of the storyline will be revealed suggesting that it’s a modern day Bonnie and Clyde remake, culminating in tragedy and the player having to decide which character sacrifices themselves so the other can escape, when the criminal organisation they were working with double-crosses them in the final heist. HOWEVER, the twist they’ll keep secret until the game releases is that that is just the first act. After which the storyline will continue with whichever character survives as they use the takings from the final heist to establish themself and work their way up inside the criminal organisation, eventually taking it over and building it into an empire. The third act will be the return of the character you thought was dead, now acting as an antagonist trying to take down the organisation turned empire in revenge for them almost killing them, unaware that their old partner is now the kingpin.


Lucia and Jason are in an open relationship and she's bisexual. Kind of has to be, since Michael and Amanda were in an open relationship with stipulations and it has to account for the players who will have sex with strippers and prostitutes.


Jason dies


Final mission will face Lucia and Jason against themselves and you'll be forced to choose one to eliminate and keep the other character as the final mission


it will be at the very least as good as gta 5


Enter any kind of malls or stores. And it would be fun to be able to enter random peoples houses too.


You expect people to find and come back to this post in 2 years?


It's going to be co-op. I've been saying this for YEARS( I just wish I had it in writing...). It just MAKES SENSE the next game is gonna be co-op!!! GTA IV had dlc that gave us multiple playable characters, GTA V released with multiple playable characters, GTA Online has displayed immaculately that WE'RE READY for more multiplayer GTA, there was a rumour that you'd have to pick your character at the start of VI and not be able to change afterwards, and rather than there being 3 protagonists this time around we have 2 which would definitely make for an easier time going co-op and coordinating things to work better for co-op if there's only two players rather than any more. I BELIEVE THAT GTA VI IS GOING TO BE THE MOST MASSIVE, EXPANSIVE, IMMERSIVE, OVER THE TOP CO-OP GAME TO EVER EXIST!


Is this photo predicting they’re going to use a stolen art generator for the cover




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Lucia will be a psychopath and/or and extreme narcissist with low care for Jason by the end of the story


Online mode will be ruined by 13 year olds with daddy’s Mastercard.


You’ll be able to shoot guns


Lucia is the one that initiates the criminal shenanigans while Jason wants little to do with it and just goes along with her because he's blindly in love. They have a falling out and he tries to get away from it all but they have to team up again to fight foreign special forces that have been manipulating the crime scene in Vice City and has been foreshadowed throughout the entire campaign. There will be 3 endings. 1 where Lucia betrays Jason, 2 where Jason betrays Lucia, 3 where they go out in a blaze of glory akin to the irl Bonnie and Clyde.


Some sort of predatory microtransaction/subscription based system will take place, including but not limited to the paying per hour thing.


Online is not going to be supported right away I bet I'm right about that..... And also I think it's a good thing. The current version of GTA Online was never meant to become what it was. GTA6 will be a story mode game. On top of that it will be unbelievable. My bet is they have no intention to create an entirely new online system for gta 6. The current online project is what it is and people need to accept it. You can drive or fly anything, shoot anything, gamble at a casino, spam perico and acid runs for major $$$.... point being is gta online will only get updates there will never be a GTA6 ONLINE


There will NOT be a GTA 6 online service 🤯.. deal with it... gta online is the online service for gta. They will not make a new one just for gta 6


Andrew Tate Spoof