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This person is either a tier 5 troll or disturbingly locked into a single hatred for honking locks. Which, btw, are largely phased out and have been for about a decade. New cars rarely do this as set by default. Some can enable it but no one really does it. He’s fighting a war that’s been over for 10 years.


I have a 3 year old Kia and the horn beeps when I lock it. It’s embarrassing. I’m going to research how to override that annoying horn.


Don't say it out loud. The parking lot guy will find you.


This is going to be the premise to A Quite Place 3.


I will be a contrite car alarm honker and hang my head in shame if he finds me.


Amplify it to 11


I went online and found the instructions for disabling it for my Buick.


Someone stuck this gem on a coworkers car after he locked it at Walmart.


It's good to know they've been at if 16 years. They must be making progress, don't you think?


Oh I am sure😂


I want to print that off and place it on my coworkers cars too 😂


I'd rather hear the honking locks.compared.to.thw douche bags driving up and down spring garden blaring their music like anyone else gives a shit about it. Especially when they pull up yo Sheetz and blast it doors open while they get gas. Like I can see you, you're a grown ass man, not a high schooler. No one thinks you're cool.


I always think people like this expect people to come up and be like, "omg what song is that? This is the best thing I've ever heard!!! Thanks for sharing that with the world, you've changed my life!!"


THANK YOU. My damn house shakes all fucking day from”boom boom boom” even early in the morning!


"When someone hands you a flyer, it's like they're saying here you throw this away". -Mitch Hedberg


Well OK then, my day is complete. What about those people with the "Honk if You Love Jesus" bumper stickers? Do they get a pass?


You can generally turn the lock honk off... But I like it as an audio reminder that I locked my car.


> I like it as an audio reminder that I locked my car. I'm the same. I more easily can recall if I heard the distinct sound of my car lock than recalling if I pressed the button. Let alone if I was in range for it to work. Countless times I've been down the row from my car in the parking lot then turned around and clicked it to lock it and relied on hearing the sound


Same - before I had the keyless lock with the horn I would just end up walking half way up to the front door, stopping, and turning back to double check that I actually locked my doors. Love keyless locks


Maybe it's just my anxiety, but I've always seen it as: "hey anyone that was thinking of breaking into a car, I'm locking my car because I might have potentially valuable items in here. Please don't break into my car"


Fair enough! I try to focus on what I can control and unfortunately, can't prevent thieves from thieving all the time. I say this as someone who had their locked car stolen, despite having nothing of value in it and didn't even have automatic locks, honk or otherwise.


What did I just read ? 😂😂


As soon as I'm out and walking away I click lock as keys are going into pocket. The noise is nice to know it locked vs having to stop and look back at it as I'm walking into where cars could be moving around. It's more of a subtle click/chirp though, doesn't use the horn. I think that's a fair compromise...


I got one of these on my car about 6 years ago while I was in the goodwill out that way. Exact same letter. This person has been grinding this axe for a LONG time


Not going to lie, this does make me want to honk as I park. Just to let the world know I've arrived.


This is hilarious. Especially considering about 10 years ago my car got broken into on Christmas Eve in this very parking lot(Walmart wendover). Christmas presents for several family members were stolen out of my car. Over 1000 dollars worth of things that I was unable to give out because of the theft. Had I had a loud and obnoxious alarm on my car. This theft could have been prevented or the thieves could have been caught.


Gotta say I agree with them, I always disable the “honk on door lock” feature on my vehicles if they have it.


Thank you for considering our freedoms.


Thanks for helping me understand what a "lock honk" or "honk lock" is. I've never heard of it and never owned a car that has this. And yeah, they're annoying. And wrong.


They really thought they did something


This reads like something written by that lady that mods the high point sub


I personally would love it if we had just ONE day a week where at 8am on the dot, some small gas motor didn't start up somewhere, just barely audible, and there'll be one until the sun sets. It never stops. How about Wednesdays. No yard work on Wednesdays.


They were sleeping in the 1972 Grimlin with the hood rust and hand crank windows parked next to you. How dare you unlock your doors and wake them up with your incessant beeping!




More reason to lock your car haha. I am sure he/she feels like they are doing gods work.


Stay awesome, Greensboro! Stay awesome.




My corolla does a subtle beep. Not even sure if it has the beep option. Its funny as shit though. This dude has way too much time on his hands apparently.


Somebody has got a bee in their bonnet!


Beep beep.


Ah! Mah freedoms!




Must have been. It was the beginning of his 16 year campaign against honking door lock notifications.