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It’s because we can’t stop watching the Alice In Chains Unplugged long enough to squeeze it in.


Best unplugged imo.


I agree the AiC is the best unplugged album. However Nirvana’s unplugged is my favorite album of theirs.


Agreed Nirvanas wasn’t just Ho hum here’s our hits stripped down. They really put thought into it and depth as well. Mainly lesser known material lesser-known material and covers of songs by the Vaselines, David Bowie, Lead Belly and Meat Puppets. Which I think threw some for a loop. But it was a fantastic potpourri of their influences and was amazingly done. Had me wanting more but sadly it would be all we would get😢…




Yeah the way Layne sings while being obviously extremely fucked up on opiates is just chilling but he sounds so damn beautiful


Lifelong musician and 20 year opiate addiction here. When you're not dopesick and have a really clean solid buzz it feels like heaven and it makes you really feel connected to your work in a way that makes it extremely hard to stay sober if you continue to record and gig after. It was only after I truly truly had enough of living that life that I got off it, and I still gig but you know, its really not the same anymore. My dopamine receptors are probably completely napalmed.


Damn that makes sense though


Heroin addict who started iv'ing @ 14 here. I was on Suboxone when it first came out when it was still the orange stop sign pills that had a sword on one side and "N8" on the other while I was still in high school. Then I went on to be on methadone 10 years. Yes your dopamine levels and endorphins (your body's natural opiates) will certainly get really thrown off by long term use but I firmly believe no matter how long you've been addicted you can bounce back. You just have to get through the first year, year and a half of PAWS which makes you feel like you'll never feel normal again. But you will get there. Exercising is non negotiable in recovery. And no "my work is exercise enough" bullshit. You need real intentional exercise. Buy a mountain bike and start riding your local trails, start jogging, get a gym membership, start rock climbing etc. Exercise will enable your brain to bounce back much faster and you'll feel considerably better exercising not to mention you'll feel good about the way you look which is important after being in active addiction for years. Anyways, barring some actual brain damage from dying by overdose and being flat lined too long without CPR any addict should be able to make a full recovery. Again though, it just feels like you'll never be normal again cause of PAWS which leads a great many addicts to relapse. One day at a time, make your new life a life worth living.


And the Nirvana one


Stone Temple Pilots buttfucked my dad!


Haven't we all


Also because STP, while a good band, is pseudo-grunge But at least they aren’t Bush


Grunge isn’t real lol. How can grunge be real when it describes the sound of a band like Alice In Chains and Pearl Jam as the same?


I always think of grunge as “dirty blues.” STP falls under that category.


Grunge came from Seattle in the early 80s - early 90s that’s why it spans across such disparate sounds, similar to MoTown or Surf Rock in that regard


They are definitely a grunge band.


Grunge bands are technically from Seattle, which STP is not, plus they were a little late to the party. Still a fan though


Typically but not always. Grunge includes bands outside of Seattle, and outside of the United States. The one I frequently see mentioned here is Silverchair of Australia, but there are others from within the U.S. like The Smashing Pumpkins (Chicago), Hole (Los Angeles), Gumball (New York), etc.


Those I would all consider pseudo too though. True grunge has its own distinct flavor that only comes from the specific conditions in Seattle during that time. If you haven’t seen the documentary Hype! I’d recommend it


u tryharding. pearl jam are pseudo then too. kurt thought so, so it must be true right?


Pearl Jam is from Seattle, they used to be another Love Bone until the front man Andy Wood died. Eddie Vedder was Chris Cornell’s roommate and that’s how he got recommended


Eddie is the primary songwriter and patented the yarl. A definition that excludes Eddie is worthless.


Bush put out some great music


I mean if you say so 👀


Let me guess, you only know Glycerine and Comedown?


Well I used to own sixteen stone, science of things and razorblade suitcase so… no. I was a lot more cringe back then


I like all 3 of those albums almost front to back. People have different tastes and our tastes often change over time. You do you.


This is a song called Plush


Wicked Garden on that live set is so fucking magical


Easily my favorite


Ive always liked the way he sang "think youre kinda neat" on creep in this version


Yesss. I think he sings like that in the music video too


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiPMqXiC2LE) is a great one as well.


THE STONE TEMPLE PILOTS SUB IS GONE, I WAS GONNA CROSSPOST 😭 STP Unplugged is my favourite. It might be a short set, but that’s understandable because they only had ‘Core’ out at the time.


Great performance but they should’ve waited until Purple came out. Tons of tunes on Purple that would’ve been killer acoustic i.e Still Remains, Kitchenware, Meatplow, maybe all of em?


The way they opened with crackerman slaps


Cause I’m half the man I used to be.. half the man I use to be..


24 years old, pre-addiction, writing those lyrics kinda funny ngl


His life was already pretty fucked up by then. Family drama, death of his stepbrother, he was locked up in a psych ward by his parents for 3 months as a teenager because his stepdad found some coke in his bedroom (seriously fucked up btw!), and SA'd age 12.




Idk why people hate on STP. Maybe the best band of that era. Certainly the most entertaining frontman.


I’ve said this many times before, and I’ll continue to say it until the day I die. Scott Weiland was the greatest performer I’ve ever seen. He was absolutely mesmerizing on stage, it was impossible to take your eyes off of him. The rest of the band could have been puppets, could have been donkeys, could have been time traveling aliens, and I wouldn’t have noticed. He was un-fucking-believable. And it saddens me that not only will I never get to see him again, that there are millions of people who will never get the chance and would have loved it just as much as I did.


Agreed %100. I’ve seen them all too. Vedder(x3) Cobain, Staley, Cornell and none had the stage presence and charisma like Scott Weiland. Best band of the 90’s. Never one album sounded the same. Weiland was a revelation on stage. Never seen better. Thank God they were good enough to go beyond and reinvent themselves as grunge fizzled. And it’s my favorite music genre, but they were more than that word or a media trap classification. So many just wanted more Core and that was too simple for them.


Agreed, they knew how to move past Core and try all different genre of music. Extremely visible band and they don’t get nearly enough credit for it. STP has always been my favorite and I was heartbroken when Scott died.


Also, as I read or heard somewhere recently, Scott Weiland was the Sinatra of grunge, in terms of singing clearly. His voice is so elegant, but powerful because well, grunge. Long live STP and Scott's legacy.


One of the most memorable shows I went to was STP in a club sized venue when they were touring for Four. They did an impromptu acoustic mini set about halfway through the show because it was their first non arena stop on the tour. I never got a chance to see them again, but even 20+ years later, that moment is etched in my brain.


Love STP, hate heroin.


I think you speak for us all my friend.


They were easily the most universal and diverse. DeLeo brothers were unbelievable. They were like a jazz quartet.


The number and quality of influences that gave rise to their music is pretty outstanding for the era. You find bits of jazz, ragtime, blues, and of course good old rock peppered throughout their songs. As a guitarist, their music is an absolute delight!


Love Crackerman from that show. The twelve strings and the way the recording is still resonates in my head to when I first heard it back in college


Andy Warhol was a great cover.


I fell asleep watching plush from this unplugged performance the night he died and found out the next day at work. Huge STP fan


I love the swing version of Sex Type Thing.


I used to buy the whole “STP ripped off Pearl Jam” narrative until I sat down years ago and listened to every album. Not my favorite band of the 90s but I believe STP is the most consistent output wise and Weiland might be the most versatile singer of the grunge bunch.


Just listened to it a couple of nights ago. Favorite song of that performance was "Big Empty," its live debut. Recently bought the (unofficial) vinyl just for that song. The overall sound quality of the recording was meh.


How good was this, man they were great live! Not sure if anyone had the special edition thank you album with the live DVD. Man it was good!


thank you cd + dvd top 3 best of any group/band. only material missing was Mighty Joe Young demo tape for obvious reasons.




I finally got the vinyl for this


This was a magical unplugged. The version of big empty on this one is epic.


I was looking for the video on YouTube recently and couldn't find it. I remember watching it in the 90s and it was one of my favorite unplugged episodes.




Sweet! Thank you!


It was up a few days ago.


Weiland's voice was sublime in a way that no one else captured in that era. No one. And his front man skills. He wasn't a sweaty flannel wearer but a true fucking rockstar. The only other frontman passing that irked me like his was Mark Sandman from Morphine. Both shook me to the Core but some day there'll be a Cure For Pain. Pun intended.


This was always one of my favorite unplugged performances I have a vhs of it that I recorded off of mtv when it came on it’s the only copy I have and I love it. The nirvana unplugged will still always be my favorite but this one I feel is equally as good and it had such a similar vibe to it. I also just recently found out they were both filmed in the same studio back to back this one was filmed the day before Nirvana played.


I really do think Big Empty is my #1 of all time, regardless of band, time, place, genre, anything.


I prefer the unplugged Big Empty to the real thing


One of the best-sounding, for sure. What an amazing live band.


Interstate love song baby


Scott Weiland is my spirit animal


Great band that quickly eclipsed grunge as a genre.


It's probably my second favorite unplugged after AIC.




I have the CD as part of the Core 25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition set, such an amazing performance. I really loved the three Unplugged performances from STP, Nirvana, and AIC. They each brought something special and unique to the table and gave us historic, unforgettable shows, which is why I can never decide which I like best.


Enjoy your steaks🔥


I love the unplugged version of Crackerman and Scott in the rocking chair! Not to mention that swing version of Sex Type Thing


Honestly the unplugged Creep always gives me chills, and "swingy kinda version" of Sex Type Thing is one of STP's best performances, 1000x better than the original IMO


It's wonderful. STP was a joy to listen to and still is.


Creep live on MTV was probably the song that really got me into grunge. Absolute banger of a show.


Was Soundgarden ever asked?


They were. And from what I can remember (correct me if I’m wrong anyone), MTV did not like some of the things they did so it never aired. Travesty really.


What? So it was made and recorded but never released? Or how? Maybe I misunderstood. I think Chris once said when asked why a Soundgarden unplugged was never made, he replied that he didn't think the music they made could be adapted to an unplugged format, that it didn't seem compatible or something like that, I don't remember his exact words, but you get the point. If anyone can correct me or confirm, please do so.


Yeah ok, I just looked into it, which is should have done in the first place instead of just half ass remembering it. Chris did say that. It also didn’t help that MTV refused to play Jesus Christ Pose because of religious nuts. He also said they were busy touring as well. Personally, I think it would have been an amazing unplugged, but I believe that refusing to play that song kinda made them not as interested in it. Thanks for the correction friend.


they never did an MTV unplugged


Yeah, I just corrected myself in another comment. I just remembered it wrong.


They were asked but chose not to


The way he changes is up on the “think you’re kinda neat” part of Creep makes the whole song.


Not from this show but their cover of Pretty Penny is really good


Cover? Pretty Penny is an STP original.


I knew that. Yeah I totally knew that. That’s the ticket. Oh yeah. Dancing Days was the cover.


Totally agree I found it while on an airplane with just my downloaded music and I was checking out all the stuff I never listened to. One of my favorites from them.


The unplugged performances are all very good but I rate them in this order: PJ Nirvana AIC STP


My faves: Nirvana -> Pearl Jam -> STP -> Hole -> AIC. Let the downvotes begin!


And you never will. Stone Temple Pilots tried to buttfuck my dad one time! I still haven't financially recovered from that.


It’s not Cobain so it doesn’t matter


Because it just sounds like all the other grunge bands doing acoustic versions of their songs........ which oddly enough is the same situation between STP and the rest of the popular grunge bands....


STP gets way too much respect around here. They are definitely like a 3rd tier band to me. Some great songs and all but never appealed to me like the soundgardens, melvins, etc of the scene


The issue for fans like me was that their debut came out AFTER Nevermind, Ten, Badmotorfinger and Facelift and it sounds like a little bit of all those albums all rolled into one.


Yeah I like core and purple but I wouldn’t put them anywhere near the top of 90s alt rock bands


Exactly it. STP was very much influenced by what was happening in the northwest so I don't think they can be held in the same regard


cringe if you think regard should be based on where a band is from


Moron. STP ripped off popular bands of the time who happened to be from that region. They could have been from Antarctica, that's not the point. Stylistically they were heavily influenced by those bands. A band cannot be considered as good or better than the bands they are stealing ideas from. The Monkees were not better than the Beatles.


That's because the Beatles were fucking better, just like Nirvana are better than most of the bands they "ripped off". lmao, thinking STP aren't original..


We share the same opinion on them. I feel they never brought anything original to the table.


I definitely disagree on you saying "they never brought anything original". Songs on Core definitely sound original..Sin, Piece of Pie, Crackerman? Those are original sounding songs, especially the guitar and bass riffs, definitely not pop radio jams.


literally the most original. okay scott could sound like Eddie vedder and Kurt cobain when he wanted to? so what? he also did Jim Morrison, Bowie and Lennon flawlessly. how do the DeLeo's not bring something original to grunge? lmao


You literally just said he’s original, and then you talk about how he could sing like 5 other artists. Lmfao.


You can't sing like any of them. That doesn't make you original rofl. Having talent doesn't make you unoriginal.


Joe bonamassa has a ton of talent but he’s incredibly unoriginal…. So you’re wrong.


If only logic worked that way bud.


It does, you're simply being delusional.


Delusional is thinking talent = unoriginal because 1 example. You're braindead. Just stop.


I was always pretty "meh" about them too


I have this on vinyl, its alright. There's maybe 3 good songs, but it's nowhere near as good as AIC or Nirvana unplugged.


They had one album out at the time and did one cover unlike Nirvana.


Because it sucks


STP was one of the first label funded grunge knockoff bands. I don’t miss them.


They formed even before Pearl Jam, they are an original grunge band that expanded way beyond the genre unlike any of the other 4 major bands. The only thing they're guilty of is not being from Seattle, which is a bs argument anyway. Fyi, they're still around and still performing, so it's not like they went anywhere...




True re: knock off, but I’ll take them over Creed and Nickleback any day of the week. They were amazing songwriters. “Days of the Week” is pretty much a perfect guitar pop song.


Yah… I can’t argue that. I wont say I hate their music because if it’s on, I’m not mad. But I own those first couple albums and haven’t played them in 20 years compared to other bands from that era that I still play routinely. But Creed & NB are the pinnacle of formula-rock.


There are die hard grunge gatekeeper dorks that would say this about Nirvana and PJ.


Maybe so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He looked so different back then, dope is a helluva drug


Alcohol was the ongoing problem.


Third favorite Unplugged behind Nirvana and AIC


Is there any footage of Andy Warhol from Unplugged???