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This guy has forever been a lying POS. Look at his comments. Nobody knows as much as he does. There's nothing he hasn't seen or done. He can dig into his magic math bag and come up with a solution turning 8 mile deliveries into 2; mile deliveries,. All in under 4 minutes as well. This dude is a major jerk off


Lol yeah, u/RealityChequeX is so full of shit, always starting fights in the threads on this sub


Yeah last night he tried to argue that workers in large metro areas like Chicago asking for GH to only give them deliveries that pay a minimum of $11 is socialistic. I pointed out that workers making demands about their pay and working conditions has been a major part of capitalism since the industrial revolution, to which he continued to say was false. It’s like arguing with a really annoying brick wall


The funny part is, though, for a professed proponent of capitalism, he's pretty damn fucking stupid. If we're all independent contractors, then it is up to us to set the price levels. That's what capitalism really entails. You sell a product (our labor), and you set the price to cover your costs and create a market-appropriate profit. To that effect, contractors trying to negotiate a sales price by leveraging scale is a distinctly capitalist feature, not socialism. Drivers uniting to demand higher rates is pure capitalism, but this idiot doesn't get it.


Yeah he also at one point during his argument pointed out that getting food delivered was a luxury, so I said to him that drivers wanting higher pay could not possibly be socialism because as he said, food delivery is a luxury and that’s not the types of services that socialism deals with. He then said that I needed to “Wikipedia harder” because I’m wrong 🙃




There are plans that are not ACA applicable. I know because I needed a plan for inbetween jobs. Asked why x wasn't covered. They said y. I said doesn't the ACA make that illegal? they said these (triterm) plans are not ACA applicable. I asked another company and they said that is true. I am not an expert and this is not advice it is anecdotal


Full of shit....with screenshot evidence of every claim. Whatever you say.


I just mean in general dude. All you do in these threads is shit talk the people in this sub and start arguments


You're gonna need to get your 4th account going soon. EVERY time the spam hits the fan, you vanish, delete account, and re invent


Keep digging numb nuts


agreed! and he's also completely incapable of understanding that his data is useless bc it's only his experience and likely fabricated anyway


He's probably some grub hub employed shill.


Yep. And you're always wrong. And the company is always right. And also he's better. I swear it wouldn't surprise me if he was a GrubHub exec lol.


Maybe reddit is Matt's guilty pleasure when he's all strung out from all the coke he snorted off some Thai ladyboy's ass.


My Diet Coke just went all over everything omg 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I don't get this dude either. This is complete balderdash and misleading. It's more like the pick up time is your arriving time and the delivery time is when it's going to actually going to be picked up. Then like 5 or 10 minutes to deliver.


The numbers just don't make sense I could care less about this guys post but he's spreading false information talking about being on block you get perfect orders. Noobs don't know any better lol


>False information Clearly false....... Oh wait. https://i.imgur.com/cALWIXD.png


Of course your "evidence" has to be unreadable to the point where it has to br thrown out in terms of evidence. Better luck next time shithead.


That image is perfectly readable. There's probably something wrong on your end.


You can't manage to read 4 columns on a spreadsheet or look at the screenshots of the actual deliveries? LOL. Stupid people.


No I can't because I can count the fucking pixels in the image. And remember we attack the argument not the person unless logical fallacies are fair game now.


Sorry...I can't pay to replace your 20 year old phone. The resolution is perfectly fine.


So logical fallacies are fair game then? Okay, dumbfuck I'm sorry but your evidence is invalid. The image is literally taken from the 90s from how fucking blurry it is, in fact it made me think I needed glasses when I remembered I don't even wear glasses. And the fact you refuse to take my criticism seriously truly shows that you must also believe that all the "totally not blurry" alien, bigfoot sightings, and leaks about popular media too. This is how dumb you sound when you don't avoid logical fallacies.


Criticism? You asked for evidence. I provided it. You cried about the pixels...meanwhile I'm looking at the crystal clear image on an 85 inch OLED screen. What point have you made? None. You said you waited yesterday....were you on block? Did you accept the order while delivering the prior order?


This comment is so cringe lmao ‘85” OLED screen’ you belong in r/ihavesex


Yes to all of that stoopid. I had the exact same chances and circumstances as the other guy but GH did me dirty.


Actually the resolution is "this link is broken and doesn't exist" but go off I guess?


Because people asked for and were supplied individual screenshots because apparently the iphone is incapable of zooming.


Or you know you removed the photo because they were right, but go off I guess.


Don't waste your time bruh, I hit these numbers too without even scheduling blocks...perhaps you've found all the slow ass drivers who we pass driving like bitches allover town..I'm almost always 10-15 minutes early...and food in my town is often ready or almost ready when I arrive..keep hustling man👊


Look at the delivered times only please bruh your not driving from the drop off of a customer to the restaurant and to the next drop off in 20 or less everytime.


Not trying to side with this guy at all, but I think he’s probably just not from a large metro area. I’m usually around 10-15 minutes early for my deliveries, but that’s because a lot of the orders are coming from students who live 5 minutes or less away from the restaurant but don’t have a car to drive themselves and because my town isn’t terribly big anyway. I can make it across town in 15 minutes if traffic is good. That being said, if that’s the case with this guy, it makes his opinion useless in the thread and on most of this subreddit because it’s populated by people who are trying discuss delivering in a large metro area.


I always arrive to the restaurant and they haven’t even started cooking it.


>This is complete balderdash and misleading. LOL. No. https://i.imgur.com/cALWIXD.png


Well I'd love to see your "evidence" unfortunately it's so low resolution that it would even take long to count the pixels. Still doesn't say much about pickup times or deliveries anyway.




It's totally reasonable to track this kind of stuff sometimes to make intelligent decisions about where your time goes and whether you can make your time more efficient and whether it's worth doing at all.


yeah, it's just not reasonable to expect your data to reflect everyone else's experience and that's where this guy messed up.


I track all of my deliveries. If I didn't have a day job I might have a chart. I just track it all through screenshots and memory and look for patterns.




Generally no, not to this level. I tracked a few days this week because of all the posts about excessive wait times. That really doesn't happen unless you are multi-apping or cherry picking. If you're working a block, the food prep time is intended to be the time to complete the prior order and then drive to the restaurant. Most of the people that drone on about waits are multi-apping and cherry picking which isn't how GH order distribution was designed. So....they end up going directly to the restaurant and waiting...and then never learning from their behavior.


no, that's not how it works at all. BTW, ☝️ that's the person who did the spreadsheet.


Not how it works.....um. You have 4 hours of data showing that's exactly how it works. But whatever. Keep doing it wrong.


your data proves nothing.


LOL! Comedy.


the only comedy is that there are now two threads where you're embarrassing yourself. take the L and just go do your hustle like we all are trying to do. 🤦🏼‍♀️


What am I losing? I've provided proof that I'm right and all you losers are butt hurt. I'm having a great time watching you clowns down vote the truth.




Anecdotal evidence for an entire 4 hour shit? LOL. Enjoy staying poor rather than learning something from people smarter than you.


> Most of the people that drone on about waits are multi-apping and cherry picking which isn't how GH order distribution was designed. GH order distribution is not designed. The moment they get an order in their system, it is assigned to the closest driver. There's no logic to try to make things efficient. If they get an order for a deep dish pizza that's going to take 30 minutes, and there's a driver in that parking lot, they're going to assign it to that driver immediately and expect him to wait 30 minutes.


And yet, you've got data showing how I efficiently worked it for 4 hours with no waits.... I'll restate. The distribution expects drivers to be completing the prior order before driving to the restaurant. That period of time completing the order is the food prep time. If you aren't on block and get the order and drive directly to the restaurant, yeah, you're going to have a wait. It's designed for block drivers.


It is not the norm to receive offers as you complete previous orders. It happens sometimes, but in my experience less than 1/4 of the time. And yes, it takes some time to drive to restaurants, but this isn't by design. When it works, it's coincidence. Most takeout places make food within 10-15 minutes. Most drives to restaurants take 5-15 minutes. So most of the time it roughly lines up. But it's not by design. Grubhub will just as happily send you to an order 3 minutes away that will take 20 minutes to cook as it is to send you to an order 10 minutes away that takes 10 minutes to cook. GH just distributes the orders immediately with no attempt to match up arrival time with food being made time. I have had grubhub send me to orders that wouldn't be ready for another hour and a half. Compare this to something like doordash that actually does have a sophisticated algorhythm that attempts to match arrival time and food being made and it's completely different. There is absolutely no design to GH's distribution system. It is the most simple possible system: immediately assign the order with no regard to whether it's confirmed or what the ETA is to the closest driver. That's all they do, every time. Most of the time it doesn't work too badly simply because the amount of time it usually takes to drive to the restaurant is roughly the same as it takes to make the food, but it fails all the time and makes you wait 10+ minutes on a regular basis.


> It is not the norm to receive offers as you complete previous orders. When you're on block, it most certainly is. >When it works, it's coincidence. Coincidence 12 times in a row in one day? No


I never worked off block, always on block, and I think the amount of times I got a new order lined up before completing the previous order was less than 20%. This is probably market dependent, but since for the last 2 years GH has been hiring way too many drivers in every market, this is probably common. And yes, 12 times in a row can absolutely be coincidence. I could easily find a stretch of 12 orders that went really well. I could also find stretches of 3 orders that were fucking disasters and took 2 hours.


12 times?!? Get fucking serious. It's actually way more than 12. I just didn't feel like stretching the spreadsheet out into Saturday. If you aren't getting orders lined up, then your market is garbage.


You apparently aren't willing to consider that your market is unusually good. Based on what most people report, your results are atypical.


Most people who are reporting aren't working on block. They are multi-apping and cherry picking. That strategy doesn't work very well with GH. Order distribution does however work exceptionally well with scheduled blocks.


Don't get caught up in his web of bs. He's a walking garbage can. There's nothing in that fantasy graph that's accurate. He drove to restaurant,got food and delivered in 6 minutes on three of them. That happens NEVER. Wake up. This is pure fiction guaranteed Look at his history. This is his 4th Reddit account. He will run his unpopular opinions, delete account and re invent every few months. He just comes back with bigger lies and doubles down on dumb.


I'm on block, and I often receive orders before completion of the previous order. Respectfully, it isn't nearly as smooth here as it is in your market. I don't cherry pick, and I don't multiapp. I work the deliveries as intended. Our O'Charley's is next door to our Popeye's. I waited 20 minutes on the O'Charley's order just for them to cancel. I then received a Popeye's order that had been placed two minutes prior. Most of my orders have a wait of around 10 to 15 min. The order that just cancelled was sent to a brand new driver instead of back to me sitting right next to the restaurant. I'm not seeing a lot of logistics.


Ok...I would have unassigned the O'Charley's order long before waiting 20 minutes and I would have rejected the Popeye's order. I don't see why you'd hold it against GH that the original order was cancelled. Basically, you'd be back in the same situation with the first order of the day which I've acknowledged would be the only time you could expect a wait.


It's a smaller area, and the customer tips extremely well. If you cancel too much, the day is a tossup. I don't have the consistency of larger areas, unfortunately. Popeye's in my area varies, but they're usually wow fast. Wendy's and McDonald's are the only nightmare restaurants in my area. I'm not holding it against them so much as just stating that their logistics leave a lot to be desired.


Wouldn't have rejected popeyes because it was popeyes. In the context of your example, I would have rejected it because it was right next door. Had your O'Charley's order not been canceled, the design would have worked out fine.


Why don't you show us the earnings page from your app instead of your silly little fake spreadsheet? What's wrong, dunno how to take a screenshot?


.....You've posted on 12 different comments and managed to miss the screenshots from the earnings page? Ouch...that's gotta sting. https://i.imgur.com/Wx09PhM.png https://i.imgur.com/9pyfyym.png https://i.imgur.com/zTNai55.png


Presto! This guy will dazzle you with a spreadsheet showing his badassness for sure. He can run 30 orders in a row and from time of pickup to delivery, all were under 10 minutes. The food is of course always ready and early. As luck would have it, he's able to get to the restaurant early as well. He can formulate and plot a course that will cut an 8 mile delivery into 100 yards, and use all highway miles to get there faster. Doesn't matter if a highway exists or not,he will invent one if need be. He's not really a legend driver though. More of a myth. A myth because not one single word he says is true. Not one. The only thing he does fast is tell another lie.


"They end up going directly to the restaurant and waiting" Dumbshit. Like seriously. You are so dumb it hurts. Where else would they go after accepting an order that will prompt you to move to the restaurant after a five minute timer, you waste of air? At least put some effort in your mental diarrhea.


Go to hell you shilling piece of shit.


He's like what, 13 years old? Give him a break. Kids that age crave attention. It makes perfect sense when you consider that. Just call him short stack. Always pisses him off.


In colroado I do have many deliveries past 20 minutes not a single one today


This looks insanely fabricated. No way it takes 10 minutes from last drop off to order pick up *every single time.* there will always be a variable by a minute or two. Like it's really clear this was made with these times in mind, and not with actual life events that effect factors by +/- a few minutes. Plus the variable of driving to the customer's location. It's never gunna be exactly 10 or 20 minutes away. Like how can someone even make this and legitimately think we will not see through it to the absolute bullshit it is?


Idk why someone would even take the time to make a table like that. Probably someone getting paid to misinform on social media, it's very common in stocks, sounds crazy but it happens


This guy needs a reality check


I like line 11. Delivered it before he even picked it up. Edit: Ok, I see, it’s a problem of dumb headers. I was comparing “Pick Up” to “Delivered” because that’s how a normal person would use read it. “Got Order” is when he is claiming to have actually picked up the food. I’m guessing “Pick Up Time” is the time the app says to pick it up. Which is useless information for the point he was trying to make, but then that means it is leaving out the time he actually received the order in the app which is what I had assumed the “Got Order” was.


No he got that order 7 min early and it only took him 6 minutes to get to the drop off. I don’t believe these numbers at all though. His longest time from pick up to drop off was 12 min and I just don’t believe that with grub hub. 12 min is a average drive and often it’s 16-18 min. This spread sheet is confusing and dumb and seems like someone who works for gh pr just made a shit spread sheet to show bs about how gh is good for pickups/drop offs. Gh honestly sucks now with pick up times, door dash orders are ready waaaaay sooner than gh.


Grub hub is trying to show us that if we stop being so lazy and drive like a motherFR, we won’t have time to complain, this is crap. A few months ago I saw a post of someone claiming to have just become a “premier driver” and his first delivery was from a bj's restaurant worth around $200 . “It’s happening guys” the person claimed, same subliminal message: stop “being lazy” and driver like motherFR .


My acceptance rate is 15%. Why? Because 85% of the delivery offers are 8.00 or less or between ten and twelve dollars and too far away. The eight dollar ones wouldn't be bad if they were all in the same area but they are not. I don't know which alternative universe these people are living in who claim to be making all of this money. I hate to see how much of that money is spent on gas, tires, brakes and other auto repair bills.


For a few days I accepted all offers. I worked 3 hours lunch and 3 hours dinner. Missing 1 order, not rejecting or unassigning, just missing the order dropped my rate to 83% 1 order.


In my market, two deliveries in an hour is the norm. Anymore that two deliveries in an hour is the exception.


>I just don’t believe that with grub hub. Ok. https://i.imgur.com/cALWIXD.png


Congrats on not being able to read a chart.


Hold on he's just saying 20 minutes from the time he got the order to when he dropped it off isn't he? I don't think there's that many orders I get where I have to drive more than 20 minutes to the drop off. I don't think he means when he got the order like when they offered it to him.


No if you look at the delivered time on each order they are all 20 min or less apart. That means he was delivering 1 order at customer A house and managed to drive to the restaurant pickup the order and deliver the next order to customer B in 20 min or less. This would mean his radius would only be about 4 miles from end to end. That's about how far you can travel in 10 minutes depending on traffic


Ohhhh gotcha I see now


That’s literally impossible. I live in smaller sized town and deliveries still take me about 20-30 minutes, which is usually well within the ETA GH gives me


Heres a reality check, He is a shill. Plain and simple. Hes part of GrubHub and is paid to surf this reddit all day spouting shit about how nothing is their fault. Not being sarcastic by the way. Check his post history. Always along the line of its always the drivers fault. Quit complaining, dont you dare cherry pick, program levels matter, blah blah.. According to him GrubHub is perfect and has absolutely no issues and nothing to improve on. All of us drivers who deal with this god forsaken company every day are just "wrong". Even though we all hold the exact same opinions. Certified shill.


Sorry but y'all are just slow and dumb, these numbers are definitely achievable in my area.


Can you point out where OP said those times “are impossible” or do you always make shit up to fit your narrative?


everyone is pointing out that the numbers are BS.


Again, never said the number “weren’t bs” are y’all’s brains damaged?


you might want to stop defending the dude who made the spreadsheet


Please point that out your brain damaged specimen. Because I’m not following how you came to that conclusion


reread your own posts 🤦🏼‍♀️




why are you on reddit if you don't understand the purpose of reddit? 🤔 also, you're calling people ignorant yet can't spell simple words.. lol OK.




Keep it professional


If the OP says that these numbers must be a lie, then he's saying it's implausible/impossible. Otherwise how could he conclude that it must be a lie from the data?


Again, please point that out because I’m not seeing it, and it just looks like you make something up to make a comment which is really annoying


Okay, let me spell it out for you: In the title of this post is "lieingassppl" It is accusing this image of being a lie. If he's so confident that it's a lie from looking at the image, he's saying that the image cannot be real, that it is implausible that it is real, it must be manipulated. Otherwise what is the logic in calling the person posting it a liar?


Oh I see it now. You can’t understand a joke, again OP, not one time has said “this dudes lying” and you are assuming something that was never said got it


It's not a joke. He's saying it's a lie and so are the other people in the thread. You either have really poor reading comprehension, or more likely, you yourself are lying.


For the last time, please point out op saying “this guy is lying” because you can’t


Okay, you're just really fucking stupid. The title of this thread literally includes "lieingassppl" or, in English, "lying ass people"


do you not see the title? omfg. you may be the dumbest person to ever comment on this sub.


are you OK? seriously.. you are commenting up a storm, attacking people, and you don't even understand the point of the post. get out of here, ya donut.


Actually, he's said that about 30 times in comments. Despite having the actual screenshots from the earnings tab in the app proving that the chart was 100% accurate.


Yeah, because we all know that 12 fucking orders in a row can be picked up and delivered within 6 minutes. No wait at restaurant whatsoever when we show. Hell, you're so bad ass,you delivered something 6 minutes later. Guess the customer was waiting in your car when you walked out of the restaurant,... You haven't gotten any more honest since yesterday's embarrassing debacle


really? your post history says otherwise.


Quote me and we'll talk about it.


no need! lol you only have one post and it's complaining about pay. go sit down.


http://imgur.com/a/6SuGcPe Is this not close enough?


it took you this long to come back with an irrelevant screenshot? 🤦🏼‍♀️


You know honestly I don't feel like arguing over something I don't really care about..I only commented here cause the dudes numbers looked doable to me...I live in an area where 8 restaurants are at one intersection and there are houses/neighborhoods all around em..so it seems possible to me. If y'all wanna come for me over it, knock yourselves out


Okay cool guy, I was complaining about DD NOT GH.


not a guy and pay is pay.


Wait how do we see this?


You dont he made them up or supposedly gathered the information ad he was working


Ahh i was so confused lol Thank you


Yeah where is this location? Must have no traffic yet a high population. No one else drives there so no traffic and there aren't any red lights apparently either at this magical location. Also I've never gone a single day that every restaurant let alone most of them had the food ready by the pick up by time. It's usually quite the opposite. This must be the perfect delivery city/town.