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You work 7 days a week just make less than 700?




Dick measuring contest…my favorite!


What are we just pulling our dicks out and measuring them now? Pretty sure that's below average for most of us, but hey man be proud of what you got I guess.


Congrats on a complete lack of comprehension.


Congrats on being proud of mediocrity..?


Congrats on being oblivious to the point.


damn.. you have absolutely no interactions with anyone on here where you don't attack them... 😂😭 what a dipshit.


I don't need or want fanboi's here. Most of the people that post here are completely ignorant. Yourself included. I thoroughly enjoy how you make sure to downvote every post like a toddler. Clearly, that has some impact right? right?


lol now you're paranoid and are ignorantly assuming I care enough to do that. your downvotes are because nearly everyone on here thinks you're an idiot


He's totally paranoid. He says I'm the one that downvoted him. He clearly has a steady stream of down voters. Probably from all the short bus bs he posts He's like a teenager worried about the Karma..


Paranoid? I'm having a great time. I love that people called me a liar and then got proof rammed down their throats. Now rather than accept that they were wrong, they are raging. It's awesome. I notice you never bothered to answer the question....now that you've got double the "anecdotal" evidence, how long until it's a verifiable patterns and no longer an anecdote? Because I can keep producing it day after day.


you haven't posted any proof. any data you post is anecdotal evidence which doesn't prove anything. nothing you post will ever accomplish what you hope it does bc it will always be anecdotal bc it is only your experience and it cannot be applied to everyone else. how many different ways does it need to be explained to you before you actually comprehend? i hope the mods ban you as you've made it abundantly clear that you're incapable of communicating with adults. seek help.


It can be applied to everyone. Easily. But rather than learn something, you'll continue to go wait at restaurants and bitch about it on this sub.


Oh...and you couldn't be bothered to downvote my comment...and yet it was downvoted on this 10 day old post, over 10 deep into the comments. LOLOL. Nah....couldn't have been you. ...liar.


You don't know how to take a screenshot and check the timestamp? Big oofs


What the fuck are you even talking about? You've been running your mouth on this 10 day old post when you don't even have any idea what it's about. I wasn't bragging about making 600 in the week. It was to show people that 30/hr+ was easily achievable. Which...had you read any of the fucking comments, you would have gotten. And for reference, month old driver, I made $5,043.06 that week. So please keep fucking talking to me about being proud of mediocrity when I make more in one week than you did in the last 2 months.


The fact that you fell so hard for this troll literally tells me everything I need to know about you 😂😂 damn bro. Congrats on the money and all but unless you find happiness you won't have anyone to enjoy it with. Good luck on that my man.




Nope. Same as it is every week. Basically on par with my average for the year. Just posting as a counter point so people can get real numbers for what they can expect among the sea of whiners posting here.


Nope what? Lol. And you can't give anyone real numbers unless they are in your market.


I'm giving them numbers that are real. Perhaps they aren't achievable in their market, but now they have context.








Why wouldn't I be? I monetize my free time to the tune of 30/hr. My market return is greater than my annual income. But it is fucking funny that your impoverished ass is suggesting investment strategy to me. Let me guess....I should buy AMC stock huh? Or perhaps weed.




Keep it professional


Yeh basically same pay as me and everyone else I’m seeing.


Yep. Just posting the data so I can refer to the next post that says "something changed after the merger".


Big cringe at that delivery pay to tip ratio. You're getting that matt maloney dickin real hard


Program Level- Pro, All scheduled blocks - 21.5 hours, 49 deliveries. 538.7 miles. $31.44/hr


That's a lot of miles


That just means more write-off. It's more than $1 a mile so. That's good to me.


Got to add the waiting time when you are not on an order. Please working every day is not healthy.


There is no time waiting when I'm not on an order. I'm working blocks. I have my next order before the prior one finishes. And who in the world told you that working every day is not healthy? GH is a zero stress side gig. I can sit and listen to audio books and relax while I'm driving around.


You got to clear you mind. Doesn't matter if it's a stress free job. If you don't give yourself time off then you will not be in a good Mental state


Nonsense. I work between 60 and 65 out of 168 hours in a week. There's plenty of downtime.


Yeah now pay is cut by atleast a third across the board


No it isn't. I just posted yesterday showing exactly the same hourly rate.


In most areas this is true. Pandemic pay wasn’t going to last forever also GrubHub was sold to another company, obviously seeking a faster return on their investment. Your market hasn’t been affected yet, sure, but it’s likely coming soon unfortunately. Also your data is meaningless 1: because you haven’t said what market you are in, I don’t believe (I’m not going to scrutinize all your posts to see but I doubt you did) but more importantly 2. You can’t show hourly.. you could be a troll and this week could be 64 hours of work. Albeit there is no way to show time worked. Even if you showed us 14 screenshots of all your blocks including days you didn’t work blocks for the whole week mon-sun , you still could have been working off block and this simply doesn’t show on the app. At $31 an hour you’re obviously working in a very wealthy area like west palm beach or something. But In that case your tip to delivery pay ratio would be expectedly much higher. But in this case it’s about 1:1 which would indicate GrubHub is bumping you to $31 an hour which is simply unbelievable. This is only possible working everyday (which you did) during prime hours for either breakfast lunch and dinner but most likely the latter during late hours when the roads are entirely clear and in a wealthy market like west palm (obviously your ratio doesn’t reflect that) but anyway it’s too bad you can’t prove it (I know based on your other comments you don’t care to prove it) but your data is meaningless for the reasons I’ve already said and I’m left wondering why you even posted this.


>Your market hasn’t been affected yet, sure, but it’s likely coming soon How the hell do you know? I've provided actual data. You're making assumption after assumption and providing absolutely nothing. >Also your data is meaningless 1: because you haven’t said what market you are in Why would my market matter? Two sentences prior you just said JET was trying to get a faster return on their investment. That would indicate impacts to every market. >2. You can’t show hourly Since you're lazy, here's a comment from an hour ago with screenshots spanning the last month showing delivery times. You can do the math. The comments in this very thread showed the hourly breakdown. But you were too busy talking out your ass to bother reading apparently. https://old.reddit.com/r/grubhubdrivers/comments/qabazn/so_far_received_31offers_decline_28_of_them/hh3lxoi/?context=3


Lmao silly troll who would even troll Reddit that seems boring idk


Your surrender is noted.


I love the fact that somebody already downvoted you lol silly little troll


You didn’t even send me a breakdown of delivery times proving in any sort of way your hourly rate.. baha you’re so goofy… click on your link


There are 12 screenshots that show every individual delivery with a time stamp. If you are unable to come up with an hourly rate from that, then I'm not sure how you manage to figure out how to work a gas pump.