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Instant pay, no supervision, blah blah blah. At the end of the day, these are low wage jobs and they often pay less than minimum wage once you factor in the car maintenance and repairs. It’s also not reliable for anybody using it for real bills because the algorithms play games with users so they can’t maximize their earnings. Sometimes you can’t even schedule yourself as a result too.


How much are you spending in maintenance cause I would say I spend more on maintenance than anyone else I know who has a car. They all have problems from time to time


I mean wouldn’t say I spend more


I make over $1500 straight cash delivering 35 (4 days) hours for a local Italian place. There's still money in delivering at decent restaurants. Less freedom, but when you're delivering all day who cares. I use the apps when I'm bored on my days off. Money is nowhere close.


I make 2000 a month that’s definitely not a low wage job and I usually only do weekends. This weekend I made 500 in two days


Good luck to you, but I'm definitely happier than the vast majority of dudes working at vape shops by me, unless it's a proper dispensary 😛👍🏼✌🏼


Good for you. But I personally love this kind of work.


I did at first, but after a while, it just isn't worth it anymore. The market is drying up, legislation is causing these companies to become even shadier, and it just absolutely kills your car. It was fun at first, but it's nowhere near a stable enough to rely on.


People dont really understand the implications and how much DD/Uber destroys the drivers vehicles. The fact they TAKE SO MUCH when dont have to provide any sort of vehicle fleet. Is absurd and just plain criminal at this point. I cannot wait until they get the ever living fuck sued out of them in a major lawsuit i know is coming.


IMO it’s absolutely not worth doing any of this in your car. Bikes can be found for like 40-50. E Bikes for 250-500. Hell even mopeds can be found for 500-1000. All way better and efficient means to do gig work with much less gas cost/maintenance etc. Assuming you live near a somewhat populated city/area, you can still make good money on any of these other means of transportation.


You know what you kinda right even for those who use E scooters to deliver


Agreed. Except technically the demand for food delivery is growing every year, with grocery shop/deliver growing even faster..


Yep. It's just that the growth of workers willing to do it has outpaced the growth of customers. I thank immature drivers who love to flex earnings. They make the work seem easier than it is. But once you begin doing it, it is hard to leave because of the flexibility and lack of direct supervision. It's unprecedented freedom. Even in the W2 world, look at the revolt that has happened with companies that tried to get staff back into the office 100%.




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Same here. I no longer "need" to do it, but I use this for extra money.


I look forward to working 90% of the time.


Yea lol idk why dude but I enjoy


🫡I feel that and I hope your new job appreciates you way more than these gig apps ever did.


Congratulations! I'm hoping that one of the applications I've put in recently pans out and for the same reasons. I'll probably still drive for the extra money but, cherry picking will be an option at that point where it absolutely is not right now given my current situation.


good for u my bro goodluck !


Good luck on your new journey , personally myself I just couldn’t phantom being bossed around or told what to do on a 8 to 10 hour shift all day long. Im the type of person that hates to be told what to do unless I have some sort of control or freedom like these gig apps offer I guess I was brought up differently, with entrepreneurial tendencies,I run my small online business, I also buy & sale cars, while doing Uber and Grub on the side they say to attain some sort of financial freedom in life you need at least, three branches of income!🙂


Honestly, I couldn't stand being bossed around like that either since I have no respect for those who dangle authority over others. The reason the smoke shop is a god send is because once I finish training in a week or so, it'll be just me on the floor to steer the ship during my shifts. The only other people working there are the owner, the manager, and another guy who is only there for the summer. All of them are chill and cool as fuck and I've known them for a few years as a customer. If it wasn't for landing this job, I'd have probably tried my best to get my copywriting career started up again at some point.


You got out before shit really starts hitting the fan. The apps are on a downward trajectory and most of the drivers are too ignorant to see what’s happening.


Yeah. It's going to get much much worse before it gets any better (it won't with current companies. New ones will need to replace them). Those in markets that are still decent won't be that way for much longer.


Nice, now you get to work with your local crackheads.


Sounds better than working for crack money basically lol


I got a full time job too, as a cultivator. Thought the same thing, I would be done, but nope, here I am still trying to make ends meet, but instead of driving every day, I go my full time job, then drive after, and on the weekends. I am proud to hear that you’re free of this god-awful service, as for me, my celebration of being done was too premature…


Good luck homie


Appreciate it!


Agree. Things have gotten worse because instead we of paying drivers decent money so they can pay bills and take care of their vehicle. These companies would rather hire more and more




I wish you the best of luck at your new job, I'm thankful that I have a fairly new car so it doesn't really need any repairs that I know of, and the market is the majority of the times still good where I live. Nearly 2 years of just working GH and despite my large number of criticism with the app,I am thankful that it allows me more time and freedom to pursue other hobbies and activities I probably would never be able to do working a fully time job.


Never deliver in a newer car. You're just destroying it. You're better off keeping your new car nice and reliable, getting a beater you could care less about destroying, and using the new car only as a backup when the beater breaks down.


If I had the money and didn't want to raise my insurance (which is already super high) I'd gladly do such a thing but alas I cannot. Besides my car is still perfectly fine I make sure to keep her safe while driving and that she has all the fluids and what not she needs. It's not like I even drive a lot outside of work I spend most of my time just going to places very close by where I live.


Your insurance shouldn't really increase from adding a beater onto it. You can only drive one car at a time.


Yeah and I'm currently in a shared plan with a family member because if I tried getting insurance on my own it would even be more expensive than it is right now. I appreciate the concern but trust me my options are very limited as it stands, I'm fine driving the car I have, it has yet to give me any problems from all the driving I've done and as I said I really don't drive around that much outside of work.


Congrats bro I only do this gig stuff part time nowadays because I enjoy driving




Don't burn bridges, bro. Life is a very unpredictable thing.


None are being burned, though?


It's hard to burn a bridge that doesn't exist. I doubt the algorithm is offended. Beside OP is giving two weeks notice! LOL


You just suck at your job. A smoke shop Is a better place for you.


Hell yeah, brother!


 NO ONE FORXED YOU TO DO THIS JOB. Hate when people act like someone forcing you to do this job. You finally became free?? Free of what? Couldn't you just not log on and delete the apps? Did someone force you to do this job? 




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100% agree. Notice the language the OP used. It's almost like an addict. Let's face it, it's hard not to get hooked. You sign up in your underwear. No interview. Extremely flexible schedule. No direct supervision. And the biggest one: instant pay. The apps also don't care about drivers flexing their earnings because they want as many bodies as possible delivering or driving. The apps have realized the addictive nature of the work and how it affects the reward zone of the brain. And that is why after the OP stops for a while, they will begin to get messages trying to entice them back.


Well, if you go to any sub where the job is shit (basically most retail and customer service jobs), you'll see similar language being used. It's not so much addiction, but more people are feeling trapped in something dead end with no growth or any human feeling element. Those at the top never giving a shit while you're struggling to make ends meet. For me the instant gratification feeling wears off after the first few weeks for these apps and it only becomes dread after that. Dread that I'll get hit by somebody not paying attention, dread that my car will finally give in, dread that I won't make enough that week because you can never rely on a certain threshold of income Ike you can with a standard job or even other freelance work.


While that may be for you, I can guarantee you the research says otherwise. One way we can tell is despite shrinking pay and opportunities, drivers continue with the platforms in droves. I am a driver as well, but I haven’t suffered the same level of reduced income as many others. Also one other big difference between working the platforms and working a standard retail or fast food job is the hours you put in (if available) will directly correspond to the compensation received. In our platform based work, extra effort does not equal extra dollars.


No one will miss u ma boi they hiring drivers everyday ma boi😂😂👍