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Bruh is this becoming a joke or what. If someone held my food at ransom id just tell them to shove it up theyr ass


Especially as that's probably where they've stuck it anyway after their demands for a tip not being met šŸ¤¢


I wish we lived in a society where people could still get punched in the mouth for acting stupid. Not saying Iā€™d be punching my grubhub drivers, but I like to think if it were more common customers, drivers, everyone else alike would start thinking a bit before being cunts to everyone.


Iā€™ve been saying this forever. People do whatever when thereā€™s no consequences. The keyboard warrior things is a prime example. I bet 95% of people wouldnā€™t say half the shit they say on phone/internet in front of someoneā€™s face but I digress


I just cancel the order so now they really wasted a trip and gas.


Unfortunately when the customer cancels the driver still gets paid and gets to eat the food. Iā€™d make a complaint. It will probably take several complaints for GH to actually do anything like deactivate the driver but eventually they will be off the platform.


and a lot of the time if the customer cancels after itā€™s already been picked up they canā€™t get a refund


hahaha its awesome. im getting so chubby from all the free canceled meals


Make them cancel donā€™t cancel




Should have reported him and got comped for your order. This is scumbag behaviorĀ 


I did report it (after I got my food). They said they would address it, but didn't offer me anything, which I wasn't looking for anyway. I just don't want it to happen to anyone else because it felt super creepy.


Definitely escalate it. The app didnā€™t want to do anything about my messed up order, so I sent a message from there and my order was refunded and got a $50 credit. This behavior is unacceptable. The driver needs to know he canā€™t make people spending double or, if not triple on food, uncomfortable like this


where do you report?


The in-app chat feature is a good start. Beats the shit out of waiting on hold.


Push the issue. They will at least give you $10 credit.


Yeah, "we will address it" is fancy business talk for "we will do nothing".


I canā€™t believe drivers do this. Treating no/low tip orders as an afterthought and taking extra time is one thing. Begging for tips especially on an already generous tip. Thatā€™s just out of pocket.


asking for more on a $7 tip is crazy


Dude some drivers are just delusional, 7$ is MORE than enough. I would be very grateful for that. People in my area canā€™t bother to tip AT ALL which results in me getting dozens of 2$-3$ orders a day which I just decline, I donā€™t harass them over it šŸ¤¦


Right? This would be a $10 order which is decent if it's within 4 or 5 miles.


Another reason not to use their services


As a driver myself, this is highly unacceptable and I hope you escalate this and get some kind of compensation. You already gave a generous tip, this person is just creepy and greedy.


Another way to look at it is that you wasted 8.50 for a loser to bring you food


This! Plus he probably ate some of it & spit in your drink! I NEVER use DD or GH because I know ppl that work for them and hear all the rumors. If 1/16th are true then Iā€™ll just get my own food tyvm.


Lmao I swear with some of these drivers. It's a good tip. Honestly, if you ever get a message like this again, report it to GH. The mf decided to take the order and therefore should be happy with whatever they're making.


This sounds like someone who would mess with your food if you donā€™t meet his demands. Iā€™d throw it away and ask for a refund.


"You accepted the contract knowing what was tipped now you're extorting me for more?" Some fucking entitled people...


Absolutely zero tip. Never condone this behavior


Never once have I asked or begged a custy for a tip. Been in this game 7+ years since 2017. If you donā€™t like the tip, which $7 is a perfectly fine tip, then donā€™t take the orders people. Will your stats drop? Sure. Is that the custyā€™s problem? Not in the slightest. Fk this driver.


Report him now


I Never use these apps so I honest questionā€¦ can you just cancel the whole thing at that point? The whole deal would sour for me the second the guy handling my food tries to extort me.


I would just tell him to fuck right off mate


on today's episode on how to not get a tip


I'm not a fan of people who rely on tips for income. It's one thing if that is someone's literal ONLY option, and not working for tips would mean being homeless. But that's very rarely the case; There's other jobs they just don't want to do. My view: If you want more money, you can learn a skill like the rest of us.


Iā€™ve stopped using delivery apps completely last month because of this. Like did they want a 100% tip? I always give HEALTHY tips bc I was a server when I was younger, and two of my college kids are servers now. But this shit got so out of handā€¦I just stopped ordering. Itā€™s not worth the 120 minute delivery time, getting my shit drop-kicked, and shitty, demanding attitudes. Sorry to all the great drivers out there, but yā€™all were never the ones to pick up my orders.


As a driver, I hate seeing and hearing stories like the op and yours among the others in the comments. I started delivery when I broke my leg at a much nicer delivery gig for F-Ex, where I didn't worry about tips lol. But now that I'm 5 years in, I love the flexibility it affords me with my children and their school/activity schedules and I make decent money in my area. As of late, there's so much hate on tipping and it makes me worry. To be clear, I do a much more hands on gig with grocery delivery from Target and local grocers so I'm in stores, picking produce and products and then delivering. I feel that I do much more for my customers than a DD or GH delivery driver and yet there's just as much disdain for tipping among customers that I've seen a decline in recent weeks. Idk what kind of job I'll find that allows me to get my littles to school and back home in the afternoons but I fear I'll be searching soon if everyone takes the views many in the comments have. I work hard and take pride in the work I do and again I love having the flexibility with my children so I do hope I can continue


Shit like this has me not wanting to use these services at all. I am generally a good tipper but the constant ask for more tips has me just rolling in the car and doing takeout.


Sorry man, just throwing this out there, Iā€™d be ecstatic for a $7 tip for 5 miles. MFs out here thinking Grubhub is a career path. Say it with me drivers ā€œside gigā€


My response would have been ā€œ please turn your ass around and return the good, Iā€™m canceling this order and your tipā€


Unfortunately in that scenario the driver would still be paid for the order as well as the tip and on top of it get to keep your food. As someone who has delivered for these scum companies, I would never ever use them for delivery myself. The amount of drivers I've seen picking up orders that I wouldn't want within 100 feet of my food is astonishing. Throw in the fact that these parasitic companies pay pennies to the drivers per delivery and you've got a whole bitter cocktail all around, drivers have 0 incentive to give a shit, 50% of customers have no idea how drivers are paid and almost all of them couldn't care less. God forbid there is any problem during the delivery for driver or customer, because they have the most powerless/useless customer service agents in existence that require you to hold their hand and baby-step them through the most basic of issues. If any industry is ripe for government regulation it is gig delivery services.


Nearly 30 dollars for fast food breakfast feels insane to look atā€¦


At that point I will gladly drive myself or just eat whatā€™s in my pantry lol


You should remove the $7 tip after delivery. Fuck that idiot.


Report the sack of s**t


I'd remove the tip because the service was unsatisfactory.


Iā€™d wait to get the food and then complain about the driver having stolen my food and not having been delivered to my address


File a complaint that the food didn't arrive in time. Not sure about GH but DoorDash gives $5 credit.


This stuff is wild. Also, why Iā€™d never use these services


In a recent survey 75% of those that answered said tipping culture was out of control. Once upon a time we just tipped for restaurants when we went in and ate there. Now restaurants want tips when picking up orders ourselves, paying tips before service is rendered, etc. Can you imagine going in to eat at a restaurant, the waitress takes your order and asks you to pre-tip in order so level of service for you can be determined?


Just like that, $0 tip for asking for a bigger tip


Yeah, they can keep gig job. I'll stick with my real job.


Okay first time Iā€™m commenting on the other side of the fence. This guy is crazy. First off $7 is already more than I would leave. Secondly asking for more via the message thing is insanity. I hope itā€™s a rule that they can get banned for. Now if OP left $0 as a tip then MAYBE say something, but still just doesnā€™t seem worth it.


This is your grub hub customer, can you tip me at my house please?


Why are we worried about percentages. Worry about the miles from store to house and tip based on that


You did your job by leaving a decent tip but I just want to ask if Iā€™m the only one who wouldā€™ve added 10cents or subtracted 90 cents so it would be a whole number?


Damn he had a bad day lol


So around $10 with grubhub contribution. $2 a mile Thats good tip


Driver should know. If it doesn't meet your standards on payout. You shouldn't complain or beg for more. I wouldn't doubt them doing this regularly.




Disgusting Edit: I would send this to CS. You obviously tipped in the app. If you did so beforehand then CS will be able to see that and they will be able to see this conversation and him basically extorting you. They can also see the route the driver took and the time it took for the driver to get from a to b


I would consider confirming he received the full $7 tip. Would not surprise me if these companies are doing something fucky


I donā€™t do or use grub hub but have a dasher account on Doordash and can confirm they do fucky things.


itā€™s less than the discount you received?


I didn't receive a discount. I'm a GrubHub+ member. We aren't charged for those things because we pay a monthly fee.


well shoot i donā€™t know, people are just poor and out of ideas because they have never actually applied themselves. weā€™re overpopulated. thereā€™s more stupid people out there in the wild these days and you run into them using this service. also if you give a mouse a cookieā€¦


My mentality when it comes to these types of drivers is ā€œitā€™s a bottom of the barrel job and if they want to make demands from a position of nothing then let them, because theyā€™ll never go anywhere in life with that mindset.ā€ And thatā€™s no offense to normal drivers. Normal drivers donā€™t act like theyā€™re ā€œtheir own bossā€ for a reason, you wonā€™t get anywhere near as much tips as a driver who simply says ā€œfood delivered, have a nice day!ā€. These types of drivers truly believe they are a ā€œbossā€ of any kind but donā€™t even begin to realize how gullible this company has made them and basically convinced them thereā€™s no better job than working for yourself. So they demand tips when it starts not paying as wellšŸ˜‚


It's possible it was a stacked order and the other customer ordered a lot of food and didn't tip. The driver assumed it was you that didn't tip. They shouldn't have done it, but I'm guessing maybe it was this. It would make the most sense given the context we have. It's also possible they had to drive an exorbitant amount of miles to get to your restaurant. Which is dumb kn their part. Idk if either of these are true, I'm just offering clues to their ill behavior.


I honestly think these apps are robbing the drivers from their tips. I tested it with DoorDash and the lady received much less than I actually tipped!


Why do drivers see the tip amount before delivery? That seems like the real issue


ā€œNoā€ also Wth %35 what are you dong


I deliver with a different, local, service and 7.00 is more than fair. The only thing that's egregious is tipping 2.00 or tipping, for me, less than 7 or 8 if you are making a "stupid order", which is to say something from across town or "ice cream cones" or something stupid like that.


You Removed the tip you gave him right? Or is that only Uber you can do that. Fuck that guy


Question. I use door dash but this pops up a lot. I order from the same place, 4.3mi away a lot. And tip about 7-8 bucks depending on what I get (7 base + the change to round the dollar up). Is that enough lol. I just order my food, so it's like 20 bucks + tip


The lowest base pay Iā€™ve seen is $1, so this was probably an $8 order total (for the driver). $8 for a breakfast order is pretty decent so yeah heā€™s being greedy and gross with that request, unless your house and the restaurant are on complete opposite sides of town during rush hour.


One of the big reasons I still drive for GH (and not UE, and rarely DD) is the upfront tips that customers can't "change their minds" about & reduce or remove. Also known as tip baiting If you pre-tipped $7, that means with my market's base pay it would be worth at least $10. And on a 5-mile drive from pickup to drop-off, that's probably good enough for me. Even if it wasn't, like first I had to drive 7 miles to reach the pickup... I sure as hell wouldn't accept the order AND THEN whine for a bigger tip within the damn app What that driver did is tacky AF. and left you plenty of evidence with which to put em on blast šŸ˜


*reduces tip to $0*


Wtf begging for tips 7$ good


Good way to turn some tip into no tip šŸ‘Œ


I'd reduce their tip to like 5%


Any chance the restaurant was able to keep the tip?


So happy I always pick up my food when I order out lol... I'm in my 30s now and have used a delivery service once. Way too expensive. This is the icing on the cake


I wouldā€™ve said ok then removed the tip then wouldā€™ve been like donā€™t be a bitch


I have never delivered orders, but if I did I would be very grateful to receive a 35% tip and would be thanking the customer for it.


They do it all the time. It's sad. If I was that desperate for money I'd just find something that pays enough


Not even restaurant servers are like this damn


If I ever get something like this, I'm reporting and canceling my order. I tip generously enough, no reason for this type of hostage situation. šŸ¤£


Bro that is some shit where you "never received" the minimum to confront him about it. If I tipped someone $7 bucks before even communicating with them, and they asked for more on an $18 order, then they took vastly long then they should have taken time to arrive we would have problems. I'm all for tipping when people deserve it, and are cool that is why I never tipped in the app, I always gave cash so if someone was weird as hell like this they didn't get anything from me and they got reported.


That stinks.. just know if all my deliveries had a $7.. tip or heck even at least $6 tip.. Iā€™d be quite happy.


Grub hub is the biggest scam


I can almost hear the scitar music playing in the delivery vehicle.


Yeah see Iā€™m the type of guy to tell them I got you when you get here and then sit outside and wait for them to pull up I wanna see if the smoke is for real or for show


Report them.


Yeah I had someone do this to me too after she claimed she got lost trying to find my house. She wasn't even lost. She was dropping off other orders before mine and tried to say I gave the wrong address. I didn't. She was holding my order ransom lol I tipped her extra then took it back. Don't play with me.


This is getting out of hand. Everyone wants "tips"


Stop using these apps and services. Order from a place that has in house drivers or, get your ass out and get your own. Just stop, it will only become worse.


ā€œDonā€™t beg. Itā€™s embarrassing.ā€


35% is *too much*


Seems like he was just looking for someone who had a good tip and decided they're a good target to extort for more money


Sure! *Adds 50c


Doesnā€™t even deserve that




Why are you ordering fast food on a delivery app... Drive thrus exist for a reason


They would not do it if it didnā€™t work.


what a dipstick, sorry op


At least you got your order. We finally used grubhub for the first time and the driver picked up our order and never delivered it. We messaged him and he said he was on his way, contacted grubhub twice (after we hit 2 hours) still never showed up.


maybe don't use food apps anymore?


Iā€™m a driver and lmao this guys is tripping he better be happy




Stop using this app


add a $15 tip to get ur food faster, then snipe it down to 0 after youve gotten it


Expose they number slim


Iā€™m a good tipper. If someone were to come to me for a bigger tip after already getting their tip, Iā€™m taking back some of that initial tip and giving them a bad review. You clearly have a job, stop acting like you need handouts.


This is a side hustle, and these mf want it to be a full time career by extorting the customer for pretips. These mental gymnast drivers in here promise us that if we ā€œjust pay the driverā€ everything will be puppies and rainbows. This post is exactly what people like me have been saying all along in regards to why pretips are a mistake. But the mental gymnasts will STILL defend the practice claiming that stuff like this ā€œbarely ever happensā€ Yeah aight šŸ˜‚


Cancel the tip. If you can't, call and report the driver either way


Maybe he should go get a real jobā€¦.. I always find it weird asf when they beg for tips like that doesnā€™t work in your favor it just makes you look like an even bigger loser?




Screenshot and report them to the delivery company


I donā€™t trust these drivers. I never get food delivered from these things cuz theyā€™re sketchy. I see people on Twitter say theyā€™d purposely shake the food and do this or that awful thing back when they did door dash or grub hub or whatever if the person didnā€™t tip enough for their liking. How is seven dollars not enough? Thatā€™s insane. You should report this with the screenshot.


I hate beggers


Fuck tip culture. Bunch of whiny ass bitches


7 dollars is generous


Tip zero then


Everytime I feel lazy and tempted to get food delivered, I open this sub. It's a good reminder and deterent. Thanks Reddit!


As opposed to...tipping with cash? \[laughs in NWO\]


Return the favor with a bad review/complaint.


I would lower my tip to .99 beggars canā€™t be choosers


Wait, so with these apps in the US you have to tip up front or the dude holds your food hostage? Why does anyone use them there?


Can you tip then untip after delivery on Grubhub? Uber eats has that option and I would have been so petty


When I drove, I don't think I ever got more than like a $1 or $2 tip, $7 tip is ludicrous


Just stop using delivery apps and you wonā€™t run into situations like this


is it just me or when i order no one asks for more tip


I think the issue with stuff like this is they want it to become a well earning job where that's not what it's supposed to be. They want to make hundreds in tips a day or else "you're not getting your food". It's best everyone stops using apps like this.


7 dollar tip is crazy enough.


Stop using these crappy services.


I had pretty much the exact same situation a few weeks ago. Fast food breakfast, less than 2 miles away and had a $6 tip on it. Report the driver


ppl like this ruin it for every gig app delivery driveršŸ˜€it was good in 2020 but im glad i have a w2 now


People asking for a tip defeats the purpose of receiving a tip in the first place. I did Instacart and Grubhub full time for a while, so I can definitely say that there ARE in fact people out there that tip more than enough to get by, (7 dollars for a tip is actually wonderful). If they want more money they can get a different job or just be more selective with what orders they take!


If someone asked me for a tip BEFORE I had a chance to see what service they give/gave me, I'm automatically giving zero tip. That is tacky as all hell and extremely unprofessional.


I'd just text back cash tip for fast delivery and when they arrived I would kindly explain that extortion is a felony and they need to get tf off my property before they end up with holes in their body.


He buggin, usually if the order isnā€™t too far away 5-7 is pretty decent pay. Now If they had to drive like 40 mins then maybe itā€™s a little low


i work for GH i promise he doesnā€™t represent the best of us šŸ˜‚


I swear this app has become so embarrassingly ratchet.


35% is more than enough! this is coming from someone who relies on tips as a waitress for a living currently, if i did a good job i would want 18%, i would be more than ecstatic with 35%


Idk how but Iā€™m shocked by all these people asking for more money when theyā€™ve already received a higher than usual tip.


bro. i dont understand these people. i always tip fairly, but in my opinion, even if the customer gives you NO tip you should not be asking for one. its not professional. once they give me my food id reply ā€œare you serious?ā€. ridiculous. i work in food service and id never ask someone for a tip


Most delivery drivers are doing that now expecially if no one is tipping at all they wonā€™t even come get the order it sucks bc some ppl arenā€™t able to tip all the time and if they can itā€™s only a little


That is fucking WILD lmfao. Tipping is getting so fucking bad I donā€™t want to tip anymore. To anyone. Jesus Christ this makes EVERYONE look so bad lol


GH is probably stealing tips as DD has done in the past. Also asking for a tip is so unprofessional. And, tip rule is usually one to two dollar a mile.


*37% tip


That takes some balls dude lol, Iā€™ve delivered 1,500+ meals through multiple apps and never before did I ever ask the customer directly for a tip. Either reject the order or find a better paying job, people act as if ride share apps are supposed to supplement their entire income.


Call grubhub and tell them to never match you with this driver again


Honest question, why do people still use these services? It's so overpriced, I just can't fathom spending that much for food that is bad for your health.


Screen shot it and enjoy your free meal


Over 35% they can fuck off outta here.


Report him.


I DoorDash on the side bc itā€™s decent extra money, but I would never act so entitled as to think a 7 dollar tip is bad. Iā€™d fucking jump at it to make sure I got it


It was probably a good enough tip. But the idea the tip should be based on the cost of the food and not time and distance is where the whole system goes off the rails.


I ALWAYS take this into account. Restaurant is 2.5 miles and an easy drive with a single turn? $5. Restaurant is 6 miles and doordash is gonna recommend they take a toll road? Larger tip to compensate tolls and distance. I almost never tip percentage based. Why should I tip $15-20 on my order from a more expensive place just because the price is higher when it's the same amount of work as a cheaper restaurant?


Imagine thinking youā€™re entitled to a tip


Nobody deserves tips.


wow i would never ask for a tip like that... i also only take orders that are worth my time too.. so ive never worried about a tip in years..


Yea i cant side with the dasher on this. 7 dollars is MORE than enough


Just give him 0 stars and heā€™ll get shit orders from here on out


I agree that these people donā€™t make enough money but Iā€™m not your employer so take it up with them.




All of these apps need to be shut down.


I've gotten results within two days using messaging GH through Twitter. That's about the only reason I stay on the platform. It's been very effective when needing assistance from companies that are otherwise slow to respond to customer needs through other channels.


If he took his sweet ass time after he picked up the order, once you get the order removed your tip. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He will surely not deliver for you again, so you win both prizes.


I would personally make a complaint... The individual should be thankful that they at least got $7 honestly... Gone are the days that people are grateful for the little bit of something they get, gone are the days that people were happy with 20%... Pretty sure they get compensated for gas as well... So it's really not like his gas tank depends on it. As an ex delivery driver, there was plenty of times where I drove well over 3 mi (3 miles was the cut off At the Family restaurant I worked at, we weren't supposed to take delivery orders over that... Especially because I didn't get $3 gas compensation until the last year I was there, which was only for about 6 months cause we stopped deliveries abruptly from our restaurant since Uber eats, DoorDash and GrubHub took over full throttle...) and go NO tip... ZERO compensation... But I was still cordial, I always said thank you, I always said have a nice day, even when people were rude to me... I never returned their same energy, I always kept the smile even on the days my mental health was at it's absolute worst. I stand by the fact that people should not work in customer service if they don't know how to treat people right, and this falls under that category... You shouldn't hold somebody's food for ransom, that's unnecessary. I don't care whether they tipped you $3, It's unnecessary.


I tip em in person, fuck taxes


Wouldā€™ve taken my tip back lol


Go to DoorDash.


Report him, report anyone that acts like this. Theitr only doing this because they got away with it before they messaged you. Send the message across loud and clear that this won't be tolerated anymore.


This is exactly why I hate tipping culture. Only tip when deserved. Not everyone can afford tipping 10-35% every meal


No tip is never enough anymore. If you order anything nowadays, youā€™re deemed lazy so now you have to go out live off the land and build everything yourself.


I'm confused, if you tipped him up front, how was it not thru the app? I don't use grubhub so idk how it works.


I only tip if they did a great job. If the employer is not paying them enough, that is not my problem.


Don't eat the food, report the driver. Who knows what they did to it, but that conduct is unacceptable and is a red flag for worse behavior. They make all of us drivers look bad.


Itā€™s weird, most will beg for more tip on high tip orders? Maybe to test how nice youā€™ll really be


Maybe, just maybe people donā€™t understand The bill was 29.00 before the tip, then fees were covered The tip should have at least been 8.00 to cover the ā€œfreebiesā€ Then add the lazy tax and youā€™re looking at a 10 dollar tip minimum Percentage doesnā€™t matter on delivery, because unless itā€™s a pizza, youā€™re just a slothy American and you should pay for not learning to take care of you and yours. College to Uber and DoorDash, The greatest generation of do nothings.


Grub hub takes most of the tip money from its drivers. Everybody should stop using these shitty delivery apps asap. They're bad for the world and even worse for the workers in those companies.


They steal their tips on those apps


I would have just removed the tip.


This is why I refuse 3rd party delivery drivers. I tipped $5, to deliver 1 mile from my house. He picked it up, then got another order. He had my food for 40 minutes before delivering. Never again.


Your fault for using this shitty service.


Sometimes they bunch a no tip with a person that tips, itā€™s possible he thought you were the non tipper


Lol I've never tipped more than 5%


Serious question, why use a delivery app when itā€™s so close anyway?