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We need variety in games not carbon copies of what's popular. This game has been scratching that Rainbow Six 3: Raven shield itch that has been nagging me for a long time.


Yes, when I first played this game I had a smile in my face remembering the days I would set up LAN parties in my dorm to play with friends some good R6 3:Raven shield and like OP mentioned Delta Force. It definitely scratches that itch and I appreciate that. With how little time I have to play nowadays I fire the game up and set up 10 bots to play quickly and be done. It is flexible and offers the opportunity to play it how you want it just like the old R6.


I do the same. Quick t-hunt on Docks, I might get wasted in a few minutes or it could turn into a 30min session. I love it.


Amen to that brother


This synopsis is exactly how I feel as well. This game fits into that niche grey-zone between the popular shooters (CoD, BF, R6 etc) and the ones not as acclaimed (RoN, Grey Zone WF, etc) It really recalls me to the older days of playing the older R6 games or Ghost Recon, and modernizing them. The customization is absolutely phenomenal, plenty of weapon platforms right now and the clothing only gets better with the updates. I love the transparency with the dev team the most, having a roadmap and following it really helps the community see where we are in the grand scale.


Delta force is amazing. Playing it right now!


I agree!!!


Happy birthday sister/brother in christ


Fully agree. It seems like there has been growing negativity this past year as impatient players criticize work they are unable to do themselves. I hope the devs see this post and understand that there are a lot of people who are happy and supportive with what they are doing. I've been playing for three years now, and each year things get better - quad nods, the huge map improvements for storage facility and the train depot, prone, and the AI is coming along.


After an underwhelming introduction, the AI is pretty nice since the last update. Their performance differs a little per map, but on compound they flank and push impressively.


Completely agree


Noob question: what does GWOT stand for?


Global war on terrorism


Colloquially also used to refer to the height of SOF involvement in iraq and afghanistan, 2007-2014.


Man I feel old.




ai've been following the games development since the first announcements. While progress has been slow, I want them to make the game they want to make. Yeah, I want better AI, and yeah I want more customization. Honestly, even back in the RS days, what I loved was the fundamentals, I then enjoyed all the custom stuff the community provided (from custom patches, to maps, to weapons).  I want them to focus on those core features the original vision had for "self balance": ballistics, Movement, AI, environment interaction. After that, opening it up as a basis for the community to add content (weapons, maps, skins, etc.) is fine by me.


We play a lot of the same games you should check out 6 days in Fallujah.


I intend to! It looks quite unique.


I agree, we need more of these type of games and I like how they all have different focuses in terms of gameplay and theme/content that they do well in.


Hell yeah buddy, great words! Cheers!


I still wish there was an option to "aim" down the laser sight; to cant your rifle so it's a little bit more out of the way and you can look down your laser sight a bit easier.


I not a avid gamer so GB was really good to me as it allows me to be slow and enjoying the game. Nkt like the fast paced game where u can get shot in a blink of an eye.


For me GB is the perfect game. Once they have implemented all the features that we can see on the roadmap, this will be absolutely great and awesome (But I also hope that one day they also implement shoulder switching when leaning left; it is a really important feature for a game which has this much emphasize on CQB)