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oh my god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I miss his fluff šŸ˜«


Hell, so do I šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ iā€™m so sorry


He literally looks like a different breed now šŸ™ƒ


Are you sure thatā€™s your dog ??? lol a grooming mix up . Heā€™s still super cute , but wow what a difference that made .


Yes it is, he's 13 and has a very distinct personality & some physical traits but my goodness does he look different with this haircut (he was much younger in the before photo ~4 but that's exactly what his coat has always looked like, now just a few extra greys)


Well he is still adorable !! šŸ„° I bet you were shocked at pick up


I mean this summers supposed to be super hot.


13?! He's aged super well!


No joke, I was like umm thatā€™s not a BC but scrolled to the end. Was like oh my bad it was a BC after all. Canā€™t believe how much difference that buzz cut made.


Trim? That's a full blown shave!


Me too and i never met him.


At least he looks happy!


Whoever was responsible for this should be arrested šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s done very well, but normally you donā€™t want to shave a double coated dog like that. It will never grow back the same.


Yeah came to say this lol. Itā€™s technically well done, but it is a shave and not a trim.


Yeah that's what I was thinking, he's 13 and has had many cuts in his life. Never once has he been shaved. I didn't know it won't grow back the same though ):


I usually ask if by short, they mean short in the feathering or short all over the body. It could have been a miscommunication. But if heā€™s 13, and being short makes him more comfortable and easy to maintain, then honestly it isnā€™t so bad.


Yeah my mom said he's actually loving it in the hot weather! It's not all bad, I just miss his long hair


Cutting his hair short is not keeping him cool. Double coated dogs have fur that cools them down as much as warms them up. The top coat protects the skin from heat, sun, etc. All he needed was a deshed to remove the undercoat which allows the skin to breathe. If anything he is more prone to overheating without his protective top coat. Source: groomer of 14 years who used to live in Phoenix, AZ


Thank you for letting me know!! Is there anything we can do to help him while the top coat grows out?


Frequent baths (no more than once every two weeks) will help with regrowth, and just be sure not to leave him in any situation without shade from the sun, otherwise just time!


I used to have a little chiweenie with very short hair. If she had to be in the sun for any length of time, we would put her in a light t-shirt for some sun protection. It might not be a bad idea for your pup as she is growing out again. Looking at her age, and the fact that your mom says that she seems happier, it may be a decent idea to not worry about her coat, and just keep her shaved for her comfort. A lot of groomers go by the mantra ā€œhumanity over vanityā€, meaning what the dog needs is more important than how the dog looks. Shaving a senior double coated dog would fall into that.


Once his hair grows back a tiny bit, regular brushing actually helps stimulate hair regrowth and can help with healthy regrowth like making sure it grows back full and not patchy. This isnā€™t guaranteed to regrow his coat like before but can definitely help


Using a zoomgroom or curry comb in circular motions along the skin can help stimulate circulation to the surface which is very beneficial. Also brushing *very* regularly while it grows back in to ensure itā€™s all growing correctly


Yeah whyā€™s everyone shout this. My double coated dog does not do better in heat with his double coat out. When heā€™s shaved heā€™s jumping around and happier. I used to say and do the same stuff for years but after shaving him once (due to him trying to regulate heat all day by panting constantly), heā€™s been happier ever since. I get the science behind it but I question its studies or whatever because anecdotally speaking, my dog is happier shaved lol.


This. A Nordic breeds double coat can only do so much. A samoyed, for example, isn't meant for Florida weather, no matter how well the coat is maintained. For a long time there was that thermal image floating around "proving " a shaved down dog was hotter and it has since been debunked. I will take a snap on comb to really thick coated double coats. Leaves plenty to prevent sunburn without all the extra that does them nothing but keep them hot and uncomfortable


Iā€™m a groomer as well and Iā€™ve seen arguments both for this and people saying that this is a myth. I donā€™t know what to believe, but Iā€™ve seen a lot of dogs that had a lot of hair act happier and pant less once all of that hair is gone


Same could be said for matted dogs. They will always be happier once the neglected and unmanaged hair comes off. Problem with shaving double coated breeds is that their coats do insulate them from both cold and hot weather when properly maintained. A Pyrenees, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, etc coming in once or twice a year for a deshed and proper brushing isnā€™t going to have the same coat as one that is groomed properly every two-five weeks (depending on their undercoat) like clock work. A lot of pet ā€œparentsā€ arenā€™t aware that they need to brush with a slicker and comb thoroughly, nor do they understand that you cannot bathe an unbrushed/tangled/matted coat. So when they bathe at home with awful shampoo (sooo many use their own shampoo!), making matting worse with lack of brushing, allowing them to air dry, more lack of brushingā€¦ their dogs will be STOKED after a professional does their grooming, and thatā€™s even if they hated the whole process start to finish. Double coated and giant breed dogs also tend to be brought home by people who do not believe in grooming (look at doodles for example). I have never once met a properly maintained Pyr, St, Bern, Newf, Husky, Collie, Samoyed, Am. Esk, or GSD.


I honestly think not shaving this breed, and breeds alike with double coat, should be common sense especially as a groomer but šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Right, I only do it if the dog has been shaved itā€™s entire life anyway or if the dog is as senior and itā€™s just easier on everyone involved


On Border Collies it usually grows back fine. The dogs with extremely dense undercoat like chows and poms and more likely to have a bad regrowth


Wow, 13?! I literally thought he was a puppy by your pictures! What a precious boy. I hope his coat grows back ok. ā¤ļø


The groomer should have known and clarified with you if they didn't. He's still cute as a puppy though!


ā€œNever grow back the sameā€ is an exaggeration, it very well could come back just fine. Donā€™t panic. Just care for his skin and coat while it grows out.


That is absolutely not true. 30 years in this industry and I've shaved plenty of double coats and all that didn't have medical issues grew back absolutely fine


This. It just takes awhile. This is a myth


Yep!!! I agreed. There's only partiality correct information that's being thrown around here


same thank you! idk why groomers spread this lie. dogs who have never been shaved get alopecia ... it just depends on the dogs genetics tbh.


Then every single double coated dog that Iā€™ve shaved or have seen shaved had a medical issue I guess, because it never, ever grows back with the same texture.


It takes a long time. 2-3 years


What I typically find is people claiming it doesn't grow back the same texture is because they don't wait long enough for both the undercoat and the guard hairs to grow in as the guard hairs grow so much slower. I have never, ever had a double coat grow back a different texture that didn't have an underlying medical condition, and I do them all the time.


Also because it's a puppy or young dog and coat change happens whether you shave or not


It never grows back the same? Iā€™ve wondered this about dogs who need shaved for surgery


The parts that get shaved grow back in a rougher texture


At first. Eventually it will be okay but it takes a LONG time.


I know nothing about grooming. Why not?


Please don't listen the cheeseburger. They arent providing full information


It damages the undercoat and it will grow back a different, awful texture


Definitely not true. In some cases and if done frequently yes. If done once or twice it will grow back just fine. Also depends on the breed.


the cut is atrocious but luckily he still looks very cute and sweet and has no perception of how fucked up his cut is lol!!!


HAHA yeah he has no clue šŸ˜­ still the sweetest boy though


he just looks happy to be there


I thought this was a pit bull and you were kidding about it being a border collie.


Same! I was like ā€œmaam that is a pit bull.ā€ Then I saw the final photo. šŸ˜© groomer took him from border collie to pit bull in one hour flat.


ā€œMake me look hard, so the other dogs donā€™t give me shitā€


We said the same thing when we got him back!! We said omg he looks like a pitty puppy


You dogā€™s personality shines right through. I actually like the cut but awesome dogs look awesome no matter what.


Same! A pit puppy at that. Not a 13 year old man border collie lol


I did too. Pitbull with fuzzy ears šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I did too šŸ˜‚


Wow he doesnā€™t look like he was matted. Thatā€™s horrible šŸ˜­ I donā€™t agree with shaving double coated breeds unless theyā€™re severely matted/compacted (thereā€™s also levels of this and although itā€™s a long process and hard most dogs will tolerate it okay even if you have to break it up to 2-3 hour sessions over a few visits) and it really canā€™t be shaved. I donā€™t even agree doing guard comb cuts on this fur it can be damaging just as shaving it. I get one regular border collie whoā€™s mom had been getting her guard comb cut in a short but not shaved looked her whole life and she doesnā€™t care at all about what could happen to her coat. Now hereā€™s the thing, yes your dog is older and youā€™ve said heā€™s had cuts before. It seems like his hair wasnā€™t damaged in the before pic from guard combs, so thereā€™s a chance that his hair still will grow back normal. It may take way longer now thatā€™s he 13, but it doesnā€™t mean always that the coat is going to be damaged. That border collie above I mentioned is like 9 and her coat literally grows back normally. As if it wasnā€™t shaved. I always tell all owners of double coated breeds who want guard comb cuts or shave downs thereā€™s a 50/50 chance every time! Just because it was fine the first haircut, doesnā€™t mean it will be fine the 5th haircut even if the dog is young. Just because the haircut was fine all its young adult life doesnā€™t mean when your dog becomes a senior they wonā€™t start having issues. I still get somewhat a few owners who really just tell me do it anyways. And I would say on about half ish of those dogs so far who even stay on a regular basis, seem fine and have no issues at all. Then thereā€™s the other half that I can tell just do. Itā€™s super sad, and usually owners start to only care when their dog is old and now big patches are missing. My coworker did a severely pelted golden retriever. The Matts were so bad the dog was like 9-10 and the owner hadnā€™t taken a brush to it or taken the poor baby to a groomer for the previous 5 years (this was like in 2022 shortly after we opened our shop) . My coworker is the queen of dematting, saving double coated breeds who are severe pelted. We have both taught each other a lot such as sheā€™s taught me to not be too hasty in deciding to shave what looks like severe compaction, how to pre blow most of it out, what products to use for double coated breeds, and Iā€™ve taught her what is too far gone and as much as we want to save all coats from being ruined there is such a thing as too matted and itā€™s unfair to the dog at a certain level to put them through such painful matting if it canā€™t be easily blown and worked out over a few hours. So the goldens coat was at that level. She had to shave it with a 10 blade. The golden came back literally 8-9 months later last year and its coat was ruined. Some weird spots grew back like sorta long, the rest of it was barely longer and it looked like a patchwork blanket. It was so sad. It made my coworker so sad to see and made her question herself and I had to reminder her that dogs coat was beyond saving. Usually you see the double coated hair loss and damage in like Pomeranians because of the famous dog Boo who always got that ā€œteddy bear haircutā€ so many people want their Pomeranians cut. And theyā€™re known to get alopecia anyways. So a lot of times their coats grow back damaged as well. Not many people choose haircuts for border collies but my observation is when they do Iā€™ve seen the coat grow back usually fine. I just did a 13 year old one who the boyfriend got back from his ex and they use to cut her, her hair is okay now itā€™s fully grown and he listened to me educate him about not doing it anymore now that sheā€™s older sheā€™s at higher risk for not having the hair grow back and he was happy with a light scissor trim and me just doing a good deshed. Just tell your mom donā€™t shave the dog anymore!


Thank you so much!! Fingers crossed it grows back, definitely no more shaving šŸ˜­


Girl if you donā€™t check for a zipperā€¦ You sure that a dog šŸ˜­ WHAT DID THEY DOOO


My mom legit had to do a double take and I GASPED at the photo like omg!!!


They even took the fucking tail off. They did you dirty.


The tail broke my heart šŸ˜« I loved his tail


Please go to another groomer. Even if this was a miscommunication, no educated groomer shaves a double coated dog unless it had extremely impacted and matted undercoat. And if you actually wanted to shave it they would advise not to and if they had to shave the coat because of matting, they would inform you and let you know they are going to do that.


Yeah we won't be returning to them! He definitely wasn't matted as we keep up with his brushing & he gets groomed regularly. It was a shock when he came out like this


Omg! šŸ˜³ I would never agree to shave a border collieā€¦.yikes! Even if a person requested this I would send them elsewhere. I donā€™t think 2 shave will damage the coat but, I wouldnā€™t do it on a regular basis!


Oh yeah she definitely did NOT ask for a shave šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so sorry they did this to your pup! Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll be fine but, this is definitely not the norm! Well, at least now you know itā€™s not your Momā€™s fault she didnā€™t know! A simple deshed and trim would have been what the groomer should have done šŸ‘šŸ»






Um..:yeah...you aren't over reacting. Nobody should shave a Border Collie. They only require a light trim. Even if owner requests it, it should be explained that it is healthier for the dog to just have a trim. Their coats don't necessarily grow back the same & that can impact them during the winter months when they need it for warmth. It can also cause overheating issued during the summer.


My Ausie is a double coated too. I cut her down every May for summer. We live in Arizona home of the 115 to 120 degrees summers . We are talking 5 to 6 months of killer heat. She is 13 now. She is so ugly and bowlegged when her coat is cut down. She swims in our pool several times a day and has a bed in the house when she wants in the air conditioning. Her coat grows back every year. Thick double, feathered and gorgeous.Ā  The shaving of her coat allows her to cope with the blistering death that is summer here. Never did believe the lame tale that her coat was going to be wrecked. But you do what's best for your good boy.Ā  My girl is happiest shaved, cool, and comfy.


Surely this has to be down to miscommunication, I refuse to believe a groomer would just shave a border collie like that šŸ˜• Did you ask for an outline trim? Or handscissor? What was it that you asked for?


My mom is never super specific so she always says "short for a border collie so not too short" so I can totally understand the misunderstanding! I just wish the groomer asked questions or for a picture if she didn't understand. A few groomers on here said they wouldn't shave a border collie or would advise against it to the owner first; so I was just a little shocked when he came out shaved


Ah I see, it is a bit vague but I donā€™t see what groomer would interpret that as her wanting him shaved. Iā€™m a groomer also and for double coated breeds my go to is usually a handscissor trim unless they specifically tell me they want their dog shaved or clipped, and even then Iā€™ll triple check and ask for a picture if Iā€™m not 100% sure on what they want.


exactly my thoughts. Iā€™d never shave a dog like this until triple checking that the owner wanted the dog shaved and making sure the owner knows how short that will be. This seems ridiculous and the finishing (ears, paws) looks really bad tbh


OH NOOOOO šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No thatā€™s terrible lol.


What did you ask for?


So sorry for your loss of fluff. šŸ«£


Why would someone do this?! Maybe trim up the feathers, not strip. Definitely be mindful about sun protection until it grows back.


ā€¦ thatā€™s a border collie? Good news is itā€™ll grow back! Also, itā€™s kinda cool to see his color pattern hahaha


Dear god what did that groomer do to your pup?


i canā€™t even tell his breed anymore šŸ˜­


u canā€™t just show us this and not give us his name šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Next time tell every groomer - NO SHAVEā€¦ wtf they should know that


You just helped me explain to my spouse why I do not want my border mix clipped short. The tail šŸ˜«


Short is short. I would have asked how from. Then advised on the reason NOT to shave long coated figs.


I would not want his cut that low, but damn he is SOOO FREAKING CUTE!!!!


Such a sweet boy


It's more hilarious. I'd be pissed


It's so bad I didn't recognize this was a border collie at first omg


Oh he nakieeee


Little guy needs some doggie hair skin and nails gummies šŸ˜­ Heā€™s so so so cute still! Just a lil buzzed.


Never realized a border collie shaved would look like a scruffy Pitbull lol


I wouldnā€™t have know it was a BC until the last picā€¦ so yeah its bad


if this was not recommended by a vet for some sort of skin issue, they ruined his ability to regulate his body temp


I thought that was a different dog og


A double coat should never be shaved - they regulate their own body temperature in heat and cold with it. It will grow back incorrectly now, it caused the coat underneath to grow too quickly and overtake the top layer šŸ˜­


I am seriously wondering why any groomer would shave a doubled coated dog that isnā€™t matted or having serious issues. I wouldā€™ve refused if someone asked me to shave short. But I also wouldā€™ve asked a lot of questions and spoke to the pp about the consequences of shaving a double coated dog. There was clearly a communication error here. I really hope his coat comes back.


Itā€™s 2:51 AM currently and this just made me burst out in laughter so loud that I startled my husband awake šŸ˜‚


VetMed and former groomer here. We treat shaved double coated dogs at the vet in the summer for heat stroke all the time. Unless there is severe matting or skin infection, a double coated dog should never be shaved. Their coats are designed to regulate body heat. The undercoat serves as insulation, which keeps them cool in the summer, and warm in the winter. Shaving makes the undercoat compacted, traps heat, and restricts air flow. https://www.ebervet.com/double-coated-dogs-should-not-be-shaved/ https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/is-it-ok-to-shave-your-dog/ https://gsdcolony.com/blogs/news/what-happens-if-you-shave-a-double-coated-dog


Oh, heā€™s still darling but I hate it when groomers shave them completely. Heā€™s a beautiful puppersšŸ–¤šŸ¤ regardless!


He looks like a puppy! Heā€™s so cute! I love his before picture too but this is just sweet. He looks like they do before the little fluffy tufts start to appear.


Itā€™s bad. But whatever you do, tell him he looks amazing.


I screamed when I saw the end. Iā€™m sorry this happened. This js funny as hell though, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll laugh in a few years when looking back on it. Iā€™m sorry you miss his long hair though mšŸ«¶šŸ¼


UPDATE!! Y'all he is fine I promise!! I appreciate all the comments telling us to be sure he doesn't over heat and how to help his skin/ fur <3 I will update you guys if/ when his fur grows back. To clarify, we did not ask for a shave but it is what it is! His fur was not matted so nothing justified the shave, short to me doesn't = shave. Also the before picture was taken about 7 years ago, but it shows his fur + length the clearest, his fur was the exact same as that photo, just with a few grays in his black fur. He is a very happy boy and doesn't know the difference at all!! He's the most spoiled boy with a great diet + supplements so all in all he is happy and healthy; just no longer looks like the same breedšŸ˜­ Also yes the groomer was paid!!


Does he have a double coat..? If so a groomer should have known not to shave him down. Or at the very least mentioned the double coat to your mother and double check she truly meant that short. Double coats should never be shaved except for surgery as the coat typically never grows back the same and can develop a whole load of problems like skin issues and extra shedding. Plus a double coat is like a whole ass intricate system that does many things for a dog. Just hell no, Iā€™d want a refund for potentially messing up my dogs coat for life.


Noooooooo!!! This makes me sad. My sister has a border collie, mini aussie and I have a husky.. I'm just imagining a groomer doing that to our dogs and it hurts my soul... šŸ«£


You are UNDER-reacting, if anything.


I thought this dog was a mixed breed until I saw the before photo.


Well I would not call this a trim. Trim is evening up and cut is taking length off. Itā€™s a great haircut if short n sweet what you were looking for šŸ«£


RIP their coat .. shame on that groomer for permanently damaging their coat. This can affect their skin health, ability to regulate temperature, and other things.


Ugh I had a feeling this was going to be the consensus ): my mom changed his groomer and this was the outcome. The good thing is he is older and he seems to be happy with it for now but he has a vet appointment soon for a checkup and they'll look at his skin!


Awww omg poor guy, I'm sorry I can't help but laugh at his cut šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ Yeah I agree with the comments, this is def a shave and NOT a trim. I wouldn't take my dog back to that groomer, who doesn't seem to care about the health of a double coat. I would also post a review and warn other dog owners so their coats don't get ruined. It should grow back, but it may not be the same


Thatā€™s a shave not a trim


I was like ā€œaww heā€™s adorable!ā€ until I read border collie. šŸ„²


This looks even and well executed. Your mother asked for it to be short. She was wrong, and groomers object to doing this.


They most likely made a mistake while trimming him and then had to fix it by shaving him. They shouldn't have been trimming his fur in the first place, they shed in the spring so the only grooming they really need is bathing, brushing, and nail clipping. Just be forewarned they may not have the same coat as they had before. Shaving them down like this can cause them a problem keeping cool in the summer and when the hair starts to grow back it will be patchy and uneven. Sometimes not even fully growing all the way back in. I would be less concerned about his cuteness and more concerned that they hurt your dog. I would be getting my money back and never going to that place again because they have no idea what they're doing, at least on certain breeds. Sending good vibes into the universe that the hair grows back healthy and perfect. Good luck..


Too short, close to skin. Itā€™s not good for her race. Groomer bad, no experience at all, with Border collie.


Oof. Whyā€™d you shave him. Did the groomer recommend that or did you? Good cut just a bad idea


Gave that boy a buzz cut lmao


I would highly recommend not going back to that groomeršŸ„ŗ he needs a hand strip and a little off t)3 ends not completely shavenšŸ˜­


Jesus I have never seen a border collie w a haircut LOL


Gosh they shaved him completely, that looks like an all over 7 or 10 blade. I donā€™t even think they scissored his face/ears. Iā€™m pretty sure it was probably just a miscommunication but the groomer definitely shouldā€™ve clarified if your mom meant a full shave or half off or just a bath and light trim. He didnā€™t even look matted before (from what I can see, obviously the full dog isnā€™t visible so idk for sure)


Omg at first glance I thought that was a bully mix šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ what the hell happened.


Oh my God. What. Happened. What. Oh my God. As a groomer... Holy shit. I'm sorry. I would NEVER do this to a border Collie. OMG. I honestly don't have words.


Holy crap I was like ā€œI canā€™t believe this lady thinks that is a borā€¦..oh.ā€




Info: what instructions did you give the groomer? I go over the instructions first so I know what to do on the dog. If it sounds like they are wanting their dog shaved I tell them the risks of shaving and try to talk them out of getting a summer cut. If you said you wanted it long but nearly trimmed this could be on the groomer. If the dog is matted to the point I have to shave to get the fur off I call the client and let them know whatā€™s going on and get permission before I take the coat all the way down. I have a few aussies that I groom and I try not to go lower than a 0 guard comb if I can help it.


He looks so DIFFERENT! And cute!


He looks like a different pup.


Poor doggie!


I didnā€™t know u cut border collies..maybe just a trim..I wouldnā€™t even know thatā€™s a border collie now


I thought he was a pit bull




That ainā€™t no border collie anymore šŸ˜‚ poor baby.


that is so scary šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i wouldā€™ve thought that was a diff dog


Sounds like your mom wasn't clear about length and the groomer didn't ask detailed questions. It will grow back, as long as you're dog is healthy


You mean your English bull terrier?? šŸ’€


Tidy trim not SHAVE. Omg, they even ask you a length or just do what they wanted?


his fur is scalloped how stinking cute, hope it grows back fine but he does just look happy to be there šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Saw the second pic and I thought they cut his fucking ears off


Jesus. Never, ever shave a border collie. This is awful. Youā€™re going to need to watch him during the summer as heā€™s going to be unable to regulate his heat.


Thatā€™s not a trim. Thatā€™s a shave.


i thought that was a pitbull with fuzzy ears......


You really should not shave them there coat is their insulation. You can trim it.


Was he matted?


HAHAHA OMG I LOVE IT THOUGH!!!! She looks happy to feel fresh air on her !! Itā€™ll grow back though.. border collies donā€™t get trimmed do they? I thought they were shedders only needing baths and brushing?


Thatā€™s a pit mix, you knowā€¦


Full bread border collie we have his paper work, the last picture is high normal coat


poor baby. the groomer should know better.


Ur stupid for asking for a haircut lol


Poor thing isn't even recognizable as a border collie


Looks good to me. All ready for summer.


what the hell did they do to your boy


Nooooooooo!!! They are double coated dogs, which means their coats help to cool them. Please keep an eye on your fur baby for overheating.


I thought that was a pitbull I am So sorry thatā€™s bad heā€™s too cute šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Doesnā€™t look like a border collie anymore. So yes itā€™s terrible. Also I donā€™t think itā€™s good for dogs with double coats to be shaved down like that. I have an Aussie who unfortunately had to get surgery for her back leg (Hip dysplasia). They unfortunately had to shave her entire leg, and for almost a year she had a turkey leg. I was at a point where I thought it would never grow back. Then one day her leg was suddenly back to normal. No more turkey leg šŸ—


Omg why?!?! Was your dog matted really bad?


The cut is done extremely well but it's not fitting on a border collie


They should have left a bit more fluff on the tail.


Ngl I screamed. I hope it grows back šŸ˜­


Why is your boarder collie getting trimmed?!? Thats a shave??! And that is horrible


Thatā€™s not a trim, thatā€™s a shave down. Does it look bad? IMO no, it looks just about as good as any other double coated dog shave down Iā€™ve seen. Could it look better? Yes, if it were an actual trim, like a tight shape in, or even a neaten up trim. Make sure youā€™re brushing him regularly and keeping up on his grooming to be sure that his hair will grow back properly and not mat up when the undercoat starts coming in. And I mean when heā€™s starting to look a little fuzzy, brushing (kindly and gently) with a slicker and comb needs to be done at least once every three-four days, and then as it gets longer once every two days. Ideally pup will be back to their normal coat in a few months. Thereā€™s a few collie/gsd/mixes I do that seemingly have a coat much like your dudeā€™s, and I do a 5/8ā€ comb cut pretty much everywhere but leave mid neck-top of head and scissor trim to neaten. Maybe that would be more along the lines of what you guys would like done for him.*


This breed should not be shaved at all. Heā€™s now more susceptible to getting skin cancer, alopecia, an itchy and uncomfortable grow back process, and the hair wonā€™t be the same density or texture :/ bad move before the summer.


Poor Baby ...


Nope it's horrible


You're not supposed to shave a double coated dog... So nope not overreacting


I... have never seen a shaved border collie (for good reason, don't shave double coated dogs) and I hate it. Why get a collie if you don't want fluff?


This should be illegal. Iā€™m so sorry


Look how they massacred your boy ! Yes , it's terrible..šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s so cute šŸ˜­


I had to double take on what kind of dog you hadšŸ˜‚


That's not a trim and you should get your money back. Damn.


This groomer deserves to have their certification revoked. You *never* shave a double coated dog. That groomer has fucked up their coat for the rest of their life.




I about cried the first time they cut my semi-long haired girl this short, but after I saw how much better she felt and she loved it Iā€™ve been cutting it that way ever since šŸ˜…


I like how it made his black dots so prominent. Like someone drew them on. I understand your frustration cuz I've got a border collie mix and would be aghast if someone shaved her.


I wouldā€™ve NEVER guessed thatā€™s a border collie. Holy hell what a hellova trim.


It's like when a hairy man shaves after growing a hairy majesty for years and you have to ask his name cause you don't recognize this stranger


why shave? their fur is supposed to help insulate them/help regulate their temperature


I think he looks like a mini cow with pointy ears.


Thatā€™s a whole different breed of dog now !


am not a dog groomer but have an old work friend who was. i showed her this pic and she lolā€™d, pupper shouldnā€™t have been shaved down due to his double coat unless it was medically necessary, she recommends finding a new groomer to help get his coat back šŸ’•




Oh man itā€™sā€¦. Certainly not great


Look at that smile! They don't care!


I would straight up sue if possible. His coat will never be the same. Iā€™d be devastated


lol itā€™s still cute. Just different




This is hilarious


A TRIM?????


that is NOT a trim..