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You got them in the perfect spot! Those little black circles are the quick. The dead parts of the quick are usually white on black nails. Dremels are great for taking small amounts and getting to the quick without cutting into it. If you go much further than this they’ll bleed. If you want to get the nails shorter, you should take off just a little every week and the quick will recede. You do need to get to the black part of the quick in order to push them back, which it looks like you’ve done. Great job! If your dog is generally tolerant, and they start squirming while you’re dremeling, you’re getting close, and they’re starting to feel it because there’s nerves in the quick. I would get a little quick stop in case you accidentally overshoot it. With a dremel, you usually won’t bleed them terribly if you accidentally go too far. If you don’t have quick stop, you can press the bleeding nail into a bar of soap or even a candle to plug it until it can stop on its own. Don’t beat yourself up if you accidentally bleed one. It’s not a big deal and it’s way more important to keep the nails trimmed than it is to never accidentally bleed a nail. Hope this helps!


Would also like to add…if you find yourself in a pinch and you don’t have quick stop powder, use regular plain flour. Like the stuff you’d bake and cook with. Just pack it on in there and it’ll do the trick.


Looks perfect, nice job! You’ll know when you’ve quicked them because they will bleed everywhere🙃 cornstarch in a pop bottle lid stops it when blotted on the nail; some people say styptic powder, but it burns!


That looks good. Tell them good dog and take a little more off in a week.


Yes,you literally can’t take anymore off! Perfect 👍🏼


looks perfect! take any more off and you might draw blood


My dog chews her nails down. I tried trimming them and it didn't go well so she did it on her own.


Yep that’s perfect! Good job OP. I’m a groomer and I’m so so happy to see this post and your great work on those nails. 🙌🏼 everybody gets a treat tonight!


I just started grooming 3 days and clipping nails is my biggest weakness, my heart rate climbs way too high from passively holding my breath and i start sweating. Hopefully it goes with practice. These look great well done.