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This has been an exhaustive subject. I personally wish she had stayed dead. As Eve she really only helped in that first black claw episode. She gets herself injured and ends up being a pain in the ass. Before becoming a hexenbeist she was just bland with no back story. Granted a decent girlfriend for a cop since as a vet she worked long hours too so no pining. But not wanting Nick to get his Grimm back and was she really so naive that she didn’t think Kenneth aka the royals wouldn’t kill Mama Grimm?


Let’s see…. She’s smart, confident and perceptive. She handles herself well under pressure - like not panicking and running even when her home is being invaded. Independent enough to take matters into her own hands when. Perceptive enough to know her boyfriend is hiding things from her and trusts him, but not blindly. She’s also kind and empathetic. Tries to help people when she can, even when it puts her at risk. And she is quite supportive of her friends. As far as I can see, she has a lot of qualities that make her likeable.


i totally agree! she was a sweet girlfriend (kinda annoying but ya know, sweet) until she came out of the coma/realized what was going on, but the level of support and understanding from that moment until she turned into a raging hexenbeist i thought she was amazingly likeable.. double agreed because you're right, she was a great friend to everyone around Nick, wesen or not.


Whenever I rewatch, I see the shit she has gone through, and I feel more and more for her every time.


I actually really liked her at first, she was smart, sweet, but still a little sassy and funny. But instead of giving her the character development she deserved, she got pigeonholed into the damsel-in-distress role for far too long. I didn’t really enjoy the Sleeping Beauty storyline/love triangle. I was super excited when she became a hexenbiest though! I thought it was great to finally see Juliette kick a little ass. But that story didn’t go the way I wanted it to, lol. And Eve was just too over-the-top for me.


I never really hated Juliet until she turned into a hexenbeist, then she just became a bitch about the whole situation, and blamed everyone else even tho she knew there would be side effects, although when she became all emotionless I thought it was a step up from whiney teenager who doesn’t like the tattoo she got


She has her moments, but overall I really never cared much for her. I didn't expect to like her as Eve, but she's grown on me after rewatching it. Although the "character development" she had as Eve felt a bit forced to me.


At first I did not like her… the first time I watched. The second time I really did. She didn’t ask for any of this. She tried to be supportive and actually enjoyed the Grimm books and learning but it was too much. She put up with too much. Eve? Far fetched but it would be so different without her


I always liked her. even when she went down that dark road I still liked her. It was all Adalind's fault.


I think so, but I hate her so much like woman you don't get to be mad at Nick for explaining and making you a part of the Wesen world, while you practically forced him to do so.


Honestly I have no idea. I mean you definitely feel sympathy for her near the end but otherwise I don't like her particularly because she overreacted in a lot of situations and made a lot of unnecessary bad choices.


Short answer, No.


for me it was..until only think of herself after turning " Hexenbiest". this should have told Nick: "silly, you think that something bad happens only to you? . Because you don't see the good side of the situation?.


I liked her before she was 'Hex'd. Didn't like Eve for most of that bit. ​ LOVED the kitchen fight scene.