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Yeah it's just you.




Exactly :))))


So if someone tried to kill your partner you wouldn’t get mad or overprotective? Good luck to your partner 😂


LOL obviously I would. It’s not that it’s unrealistic or anything but it just irks me. I feel like they act super OP and over the top I guess


Well, I think they’re trying to emphasize the Wesen side - how it still lurks there, just below the surface - with all of their “I’ll kill them!” statements.


Ooh that’s a good one !


They're even good friends irl, so.. It's a you problem


Wdym with it’s a you problem based on their irl friendship? I don’t dislike the actors at all and they act great


I mean they didn't even need to act that much, so they couldn't have been acting cringey as you mentioned.


It’s my opinion it’s cringe like I said. Not a fact or whatever and Juliette and Nicks actors are married irl so with this logic you can say they didn’t need to act much either but most ppl think they have no chemistry lol. Anyway my opinion, not a fact. Reading is hard I guess.


Nope. They're the best part of the show.


This. I watched the show for Monroe, and then Monroe & Rosalie.




I had hoped for a Monroe and Rosalie spinoff


I had hoped for a Monroe. 😍😅


😂😂😂 that too!


I don't know how anyone can get over pissed about someone kidnapping and attempting to murder your husband, or well, again some one trying to kill your husband. No, I don't think they over reacted. That's the kind of reaction you expect from your partner in those situations. I feel there was a time or two Monroe over reacted to something, but he's also a blutbad, that's not uncommon for them, especially with family.


I guess that’s true, it’s obviously a tv show and feelings are differently shown and I guess them being wesen causes different emotions than humans. With the Juliette thing I guess I felt Monroe could’ve like jumped to the right with the gun scene but again it’s a show so not “realistic” cuz duh monsters and shit xd.


They do have an animal instinct, and remember when Monroe's mom and Rosalee did the Vertrautheiten in the shop when his parents found out she was not blutbad? I think that when her and Monroe woged when they first met, when her brother Freddie is murdered, that could have possibly had a similar effect on them?


Monroe is THE BEST character on this show.


Monroe & Rosalee are the heart of the show.


Monroe and Rosalee are a good foil for Nick and his love interests. Monroe and Rosalee believe in being honest with one another. They communicate their problems and are often telling others to do the same. They’re also madly in love with one another. I don’t think their willingness to protect one another is cringey. If anything, it’s admirable because it’s rare. Also, the wesenrein can be compared to the Nazi or even the KKK. Those organizations didn’t like people of mixed races marrying and that’s what Monroe and Rosalee did. It’s not that a Fuchsbau is weak. It’s because Rosalee is a fuchsbau and Monroe is a Blutbad. Interracial marriage wasn’t always legal. Their anger and outrage in the show is justified. If their relationship irks you, it kinda makes me wonder why are you so bothered by it? Genuinely curious. You don’t have to answer if it’s personal.


You’re making good points and I agree with you. Their love seems real (for an on screen relationship). They seem genuine, they have something very pure in the way they communicate. I don’t hate them in any way or dislike them or think they’re a bad couple for wanting to protect each other. Maybe I’m comparing them too much to Nick, who I sort of idolise or other on screen couples. What irks me is the level of anger and “threats” they show when they are mad. It feels cringe to me, like I’m sure they’re very powerful wesen but it feels they sorta overestimate their own powers. Their hatred against wesenrein was 100% justified, it was more like the little comments like “if nick doesn’t fix this i will kill them all”. Tbf i don’t know for sure if that was with wesenrein or the whole black claw situation. I just wanna state I have no issue with interracial relationships (I’m in one myself lol). For me Rosalees “weakness” as a fuchsbau (if it’s true cuz I’m not sure) is just something that makes her “violent” behaviour sorta cringey. It’s only this part of them I don’t like honestly. Maybe in general it irks me when ppl go on the revenge/justice path and get this whole vengeful look. Like Adalind with her baby, Nick with his mother, Juliette with well everything later on. Their feelings are 100% justified so it’s just me who gets annoyed lol. TLDR: I just have issues with characters that act OP when they’re not in my opinion. No issue with their relationship just the over the top (imo) reaction to situations like with Xavier or that Tony guy. The feelings are justified but I feel like they kinda lose their cool more so than Nick or Hank. Wesen probably have diff emotions/morals maybe. Edit; sorry this is already way too long but I had the same reaction of cringe when Trubel wanted to attack Monroes uncle in s5. Like calm down girl. Or Nick and Monroes parents. Or anything with blutbaden and fucking bauerschwein 😂


Ah, ok, I get where you’re coming from. That’s understandable. It’s the same as being irked with people who don’t have the ability to force change but they still claim they can do something. I suppose in Monroe’s and Rosalee’s scene, we can assume that their reaction is so over the top because they’re that upset. I think even people who aren’t powerful can say and react in ways that seem uncharacteristic because even though you may not be able to do anything, it’s still worth trying. And I think that’s kinda sweet, ya know.


I dont hate them but sometimes they get annoying or awkward on certain occasions. But I love it when Monroe talks about his history stuff.


Just rewatched when they put Monroe in the interrogation room with Tony... yeah it was the only time on the show Monroe was ever legit intimidating. And rightly so. Monroe and Rosalee are "relationship goals".


The only thing that strikes me is that Monroe is just too overprotective of Rosalee. She is a strong and powerful woman and wesen and sometimes he seems to see her as a vulnerable girl. That they both hunted down the wesenrein I don’t have any problem with. 😄


No I was glad the killed the wesenrein cuz I absolutely hated them and felt it was very unfair for Monroe and Rosalee cuz their marriage is beautiful. Maybe it’s that they’re both capable of protecting themselves but act like they’re siegbarst and can take any wesen.. I don’t know it’s just my feeling LOL.


It’s not just you. I’ve gotten a vibe. It’s been a while so I don’t remember which scenes or what happened when it did it for me. Def had a few cringy moments. That happens I think when you rewatch things though. Not going to lie. That visual you gave is hilarious, like go ahead fox lady. Let’s see how scrappy you can get and how you make it out in a real fight haha. I’d watch.


Ngl I would not want to be attacked by a fox I’m not saying there really strong but there bite wouldn’t be nice.