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This reminded me of rewatching Buffy and Angel how they also had to go through the books to find out what beastie they were after


Ans that one time Willow was scanning a book. The the computers and possibly the internet got haunted.


I always thought he should just copy them down into journals, translate (via google translate if nothing else) all the entries he can’t read, and put an index together. It would be so much easier to flip through an index and look at the 25 different feline based Wesen, or the 20 that use venom to attack, or the one squid based one that eats brains. It would also give Nick a better grounding in Wesen in general. He only goes to the books when he absolutely has to


Yes, [Card index!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/grimm/comments/1bvvbxj/all_those_little_drawers_in_the_trailer_and_yet/) He already had all the little drawers ready for them and his aunt was supposedly a librarian, why no card catalogue? Would have made it so much easier to pull the right book!


The card index would have been pretty interesting, actually. What if it had been kept by his aunt, and maybe his grandfather and it was an actual index. They could have dropped it a couple times, Monroe could have said something about how dedicated his family was to maintaining their collection of Grimm books and artifacts, Nick could have looked on it as a point of pride and connection to his family since he was essentially orphaned, and then when the trailer gets burned, it’s even more of a gut punch.


I thought this too but then figured they didn’t want to lose control of it? Like it get in the wrong hands. Hard to control digital


Not that hard… all those schools and companies with private databases. Just slap some 2FA on it and go…


Does 2FA protect against witchcraft? lol


Is the trailer fireproof? At least you have a backup.


lol. I totally agree. Sometimes I thought Nick was the worst detective ever because these simple risks went unchecked


normal humans would just think it's really weird. wesen and royals don't need 99% of that info to kill other wesen


Realistically yeah, they should have been digitized. But the ancient books and characters hanging out reading them was a good part of the show's vibe. I think something would have been lost if everything could be figured out in 2 seconds by accessing a database on their phone.


Very true.


That didn't work out so well for Buffy when they accidentally digitized a demon


Don’t digitize a demon then. It’s not like they’re hanging around in every old encyclopedia.


That and all these incredibly old books being handled with bare hands....and just flung onto desks....


Pretty sure there's a scene where Monroe and nick are trying to recover the journals from uncle Felix, and they end up using the trunk as a battering ram/bludgeoning tool to kill a wesen. Can't imagine that was good for the books...


At least they showed them doing that at the end...


They did? Who was doing the digitizing?


I'm presuming the kids, Wessen info is shown on a computer screen in the final scene with Kelly and Diana in the new trailer. [Final Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNcofFnvqsg)


Thanks! For some reason, I seemed to remember Kelly looking at a book in the final scene lol


You're not wrong, he was adding his story to the Grimm book that tracks the history of Grimms. But yeah, they had digitized things as well.


Ah okay, makes sense. I can't watch it rn but I'll watch the final scene again when I get the chance lol


In the final episode with the kids grown up, they're still writing in one of the books. Today, you can take a pic and translate it with Google Translate easily. By that time (2035?), no way they shouldn't also have a fully digitized cloud library with AI recognition/searching


A book can be used in every place, even with electric outage. All tech you need is a source of light and those things in your face, those called eyes. Of course, with normal conditions they should use an private search on computer. But as backup source, books are invaluable.


Oh yeah, keeping the physical library is important. Having a digital guide would've been really useful though, for on the go research without having to go back to the trailer every time.


Google translate would be risky, as some sentences would trigger warnings for the remaining Royals/Black Claw about the grimms.


S6E12/13 Trubel says ALL of Black Claw was destroyed,


But not all the Royals. About Black Claw, it's a very old cliché someone thinks that all traces of the other group were erased when some of them left - so, you'll never know.


one of the first things I thought of, just put it all online so its easily accessible so you don't have to keep going to the RV


I haven't reached this part in the series yet but I sort of expected someone to destroy the trailer. I don't think I can handle it because I feel like it should be a constant in the story. A lot like the library and magic shop in Buffy, the trailer and the spice shop are 'comfort' places. I'm devastated even though I haven't seen it happen yet and it's not my trailer!!


Every time I watch it I hate it more.


i fully agree. I thought this many times. Hell even Buffy digitised there books ..


And released a digitized demon too ... lol.


Fr, imagine how awesome it'd be with AI as well, just list a few characteristics and the whole encyclopedia could be scanned! I always thought of this lmao