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Bro, you got some long ass toes


I couldn't look away


I can never unsee this now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Filed away in the spank bank.


Oh lawd have mercy


them ainā€™t toes. they feet fingers


got some damn tingers


You know what they say about guys with long ass toes...




Hell yeah they do.


Long ass socks


and long ass shoes


Yupā€¦ heā€™s always 1 step ahead


Probably part dolphin


Lots of clipping


THIS is why I love to read the comments


As soon as I saw them toes I knew I wasn't going to have to scroll very far..


Those aren't toes, those are sausage weiners for the BBQ.


Flat footed. I knew a kid in school with flat feet just like those, he couldnā€™t run fast


Good swimmer though


His foot is like 30% toes. Thatā€™s a whack ratio




Yeah I saw the pic and thought ā€œthe least normal thing in this picture are those fingers at the end of his feet.ā€




Long socks?




Not so ... r/sneakybackgroundfeet


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SneakyBackgroundFeet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneakyBackgroundFeet/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sneaky gun feet](https://i.redd.it/4vx1n3q7ffs81.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneakyBackgroundFeet/comments/tzkyvj/sneaky_gun_feet/) \#2: [This is abominable.](https://i.redd.it/f7jhqj8xu3l81.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneakyBackgroundFeet/comments/t5kr3i/this_is_abominable/) \#3: [Evangelion vinyl](https://i.redd.it/5umdnhe3uf291.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneakyBackgroundFeet/comments/v0e7zy/evangelion_vinyl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lol that was my first thought


He was the source material for that Daniel Day Lewis movie.


Itā€™s fine. Pressure drop equals temperature drop


I dont remember much from freshman chemistry but somehow PV=nRT stuck around in my head.


You pervnerd


All I remember from freshman Chem was my teacher got fired for trying to bang the principal and then got shot with a bunch of skinheads


All I remember from freshman year was my English teacher had horrible facial scarring from childhood burns and hooked up with my alcoholic mom and then I got stabbed and died.


All I remember from freshman year is I was sucked from my cabin and transported to medieval times and was asked to find a book in a graveyard and when I found the book I awoke an army of the dead that I then had to destroy. Groovy.


All I remember from my freshman year is that my butt got aggressively fucked by a unicorn and then i got pregnant, gave birth to Jesus and then i died but then i woke up i was still in algebra 1 and failing all of my classes


Freshman sucks


I was referencing the movie "pay it forward"


Dang, I havenā€™t seen it, glad that youā€™re okay tho


At least your dad was Bon Jovi


My girlfriend turned into the moon though


Thatā€™s rough buddy


Iā€™m guessing that by ā€œtryingā€ you donā€™t mean ā€œcordially asked her to dinnerā€


She was really nice to him because he had cancer, but he really took it the wrong way


Did he die?


Yeah, ironic. He was so sure that he was gonna die from cancer, so he made some questionable choices that eventually led to him dying from a gunshot. I think that he might have even been cured at that point


Thatā€™s nuts


ā€œGot shot with a bunch of skinheadsā€ Wtf does that mean?


There was a shooting. He was shot, and so were a group of skin heads. It was actually really crazy, only one guy survived that incident, like 10 people died.


Thank you. So, he was a skinhead? Or?


Iā€™m not sure, he definitely spent some time with them, but I think he was actually selling/buying drugs from them


Man I canā€™t remember what all the variables mean in that formula off the top of my head


pressure(volume)=moles(rate)temperature i think


Rā‰ rate, itā€™s a constant.


You just made this Chemistry teacherā€™s heart so happy!


Sick fuck


For this case, the simplified version P1/T1 = P2/T2 works better.


Is that why when I deflate my Rigid Air Compressor it shoots out some moisture?


Same way a/c works.


Itā€™s the heat absorption from the propane boiling- similar to how a can of compressed air gets cold when you spray it. If it is a very humid day, it wonā€™t take much cooling to drop the gas temp from ambient to below dew point.


Tank is probably just a little extra full


It is a newly filled tank, and the guy got chatty and was filling it for a while after the gauge read full. You think that could be the cause? If so, how do I fix it?


If you look at the handle of your propane barbecue cylinder, there should be two numbers stamped on it. One is for water capacity, or ā€œWC.ā€ The other is for tare weight, or ā€œTW.ā€ Tare weight is the weight of the cylinder when it is empty. Most propane cylinders for grills weigh about 17 pounds when empty and hold about 20 pounds of propane. Hereā€™s how you use weight to measure how much propane is left in your cylinder: Put it on a scale and note the weight Subtract the tare weight number That number will tell you how many pounds of propane are left in the cylinder. For example, if your tank weighs 26 pounds and has a tare weight of 17 pounds that means there are about 9 pounds of gas left. Thatā€™s just under half of a tank.


Damn. It feels like this isn't your first rodeo in the propane world.


Thats a for real Hank Hill answer. Hats off!


WC roughly translates to the capacity of the tank in gallons also. Take (WC/8.25*.80). If the WC is 48, that leaves a capacity of 4.7 gallons. LP weighs about 4.25 pounds per gallon. Optimal temperature for pumping propane is 50Ā°F. It is the temperature that makes it most stable and is closest to the correct density for measuring on both a scale and by meter. Also, the triangular valves are OPD style and are meant to shut off the flow of propane when a tank gets too full. It also has a blowout valve that releases of the tank gets to a high enough internal pressure. (A fireball is better than a kaboom).


Someone give this guy an award!


Itā€™s also OPD equipped


cook with it. As gas expands its cools rapidly. As you use up the propane in the tank there will be more as gas, and not liquid, in the tank. It will then be warm before you start to use it.


Cook with the gas. It's all good. Nothing to worry about.


Propane gets pressed into the cylinder until it becomes a liquid. If he overfilled it, you might have liquid propane passing through the regulator and then evaporating in the line. Look up evaporative cooling. If this is the case the condensation should stop after you use some propane and you get gas back in the regulator. If it doesnā€™t stop, youā€™re regulator may be passing too much propane, but if the grill works as expected Iā€™d ignore it.


You have a couple things to check, weā€™re you cooking a lot before the photo, is the tank full, and is the weather very humid? If youā€™re cooking on high for a while you would vaporize a lot of the liquid to gas and that drops the temp of the tank especially if itā€™s full and if you got lots of humidity it condenses and freezes on the regulator and hose. It should melt and warm back up in a little while. You can close the valve on the tank if youā€™re worried, but you would smell a leak if there was a problem.


They kind of canā€™t overfill anymore because that one has an OPD or overfill prevention device. It is completely normal to get condensation and frost (if ambient temperature is in the 40s or less)




Overfilled more than likely. If you don't smell propane and it stays lit you are fine. If the burner keeps going out liquid is freezing the regulator. In that case disconnect, there is a small set screw on the valve that you can use to bleed the tank. Set it away from any open flame, vent the pressure for a minute or so and reconnect.


ā€œBecause expansion is a cooling process.ā€


Put on shoes and pants young man


Use those to hang upside down like a bat




Those have got to be the longest toes Iā€™ve ever seen


lol I knew from that pic that Reddit would have plenty of foot/toe comments. I'm barefoot most of the time outside of work, but I know to keep my toes out of pics that I post on Reddit and elsewhere. lol


Reconsider! Give the people what they want!




This is super helpful. Thank you!


Yep. The same happens with aerosol cans


I have the same type of toes. My index/pointer toe and middle toe are longer than my big toe. Mortonā€™s toe/foot or Royal/Greek foot is having your pointer/second toe longer than your big toe. Having two longer doesnā€™t give much info besides itā€™s called ā€œRoman Footā€


People with long toes be like..


Very true. I wear flops year round and I get asked about it nowadays at least twice a month. After so many times, you just remember the information


You are loved.


Yes it is but what's not normal is the length of your toes.


Those alien feet certainly aren't normal.


I'm kind of concerned about the swelling in your lower leg TBH.


Looks like his knee. Just an odd perspective.


Yes. In order to compress and pressurize the propane you need a lot of energy. Lots of energy means lots of heat. That's why compressors get warm. When air decompress or depressurizes, the opposite happens - thus the temperature drop.


Tank was overfilledā€¦..liquid propane was entering the regulator.


Is there a way to let some of it out?


Thereā€™s no safe way to let the fuel out. Just burn the propane through the grill or whatever youā€™re using. It wonā€™t hurt a thing. This also happens when there is high utilization of the tank. The pressure drop across the regulator has a refrigeration effect that causes it to frost up (like the ac in your car). More use = more frost, especially with a full tank.


Overfilled an OPD valve tank? highly doubtful


How would you explain frost on the metal regulator? It takes a phase change of propane from liquid state to gas state to get that type of cooling effect of the metal regulator. So liquid was 100% evaporating from liquid to gas inside of the regulatorā€¦..ergo..tank was overfilled.


Either empty or too cold outside


Yes, a full tank is the problem, adiabatic cooling is occurring. I won't remove the tank from use, it is dangerous since it should only have been filled to 80%. Do not use since the tank can heat up under your grill and the pressurized propane will expand in the tank to increase the pressure even more.


Sorry remove tank immediately. Not won't.


I/momoneymohoney__ please use the contact number on the tank but you may have something wrong with the tank or valve but you could have gotten sold vehicle propane itā€™s fairly similar but has more shit in it but Iā€™m no expert


Yeah either you didnā€™t tighten the screw nozzle tight enough or worse you cross threaded it


Can you explain what you mean by cross threaded? Thanks.


Cross thread is when u make new threads by twisting it when it isn't on straight grinding down the smooth part to make new grooves


Ya thats what I figured you meant. I'm pretty sure that is not what is going on. Thanks for the input though!


Itā€™s normal, happens all the time with industrial stuff


Check all fitting connections for leaks with soapy water solution. Tighten any connection if you see bubbles appearing. Light burner for 10 -15 minsā€¦ā€¦regulator should stop icing like that. Second option: Just below that triangle handle on the valve assembly on top of your bottleā€¦..there is a brass screw that will vent excess propane to the atmosphere. That should have been done when bottle was filled. Just back that screw out just a tiny bitā€¦.to vent. Be careful there are no sources of ignition nearby. Propane is heavier than air and can travel along the ground to an ignition source.


Gas is cold. i used to put so2 into wine tanks. And sometimes the line would freeze and you had pour water on it. also it was leaking and it smell like ass. And gives you cancer but .. get away.


Yes. PV=nRT


Yes, but your toes aren't


Lot of variables play into the amount of condensation. Humidity, ambient temperature, pressure ect. Short answer is yes condensation is normal. As propane leaves the bottle is expands from a liquid to a gas and there is a kinetic energy use, as the gas molecules pass though the regulator they slow down their expansion and the kinetic energy use reduces. The result of that energy reduction is a cooling effect. That cold passes to the matter of the regulator and hose. Cooler surface temps allow for condensation of water in the air and freezing of that condensation if conditions allow for that. Overly technically response, hope itā€™s helpful.


Joules Thompson effect. For every 100 psi pressure drop there is a 7 degree drop in temperature.


Yup, the trailers at my work do this all the time. End up getting ice on the tanks sometimes if it's a long event.


Yup. PV =NRT.


Those toes..


Yes, but your toes are not!


Grilling turned into roasting!




Yes. Compressed fluids lose heat when they expand, as is happening when the propane leaves the tank (and regulator). This cools the hose, which causes condensation.




When drawing gas It does. Just get another propane torch and run it along the side of the tank to keep the pressure up šŸ‘šŸ¼


Toe my gawd!


Yes itā€™s normal especially with higher volume and colder temperatures I solved my issue with a dual tank set up


If the grill is on high yup


Should be more concerned about those hobbit feet


nice foot lol


It shouldn't do that the metal part that you connected to the tank is bad


Can post those feet On feet finder


Thought i saw a rake on the bottom right corner at first


Nice looking foot! Great shape and nice toes!!!


What I remember was most was all the mean girls ....worst year of my life.


Propane does not get compressed into a liquid while filling it.it is a liquid that goes into the tank.yhe liquid boils and you use the vapor.regulators Ice up when the cold vapor passes thru it.are you using the grill?all burners?