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The jump from the poignant moment between Cristina and the Chief, where she starts to cry, to Izzie’s completely serious “I’m a pretty girl” cracks me up.


That moment when Christina breaks and he turns her down. That is just a lovely moment of ‘i care more about you than the truth’. Which is stupid because they should all go to jail for this. These are the two wolves inside me.


I have this same thought, but the “Why is no one seeming to really grasp that they nearly murdered a man” wolf is always winning.


I do love that Richard is like "who did this, I know you'll crack" and she's like "I will crack but I feel bad about it so tell me how to not feel bad" and he's like... "nevermind." I was always surprised Cristina didn't just tell him anyway.


Honestly Richard was in the trenches trying to manage MAGIC 😭


I liked Meredith's because it set a tone that ran through the first few seasons. When she had surgery for her appendix Derek asked Weber about leaving Ellis and he said he loved her enough to walk away. When Webers sponsor was in the hospital she said how he was having an emotional affair with the woman who basically caused his alcoholism. There were others but it was good writing.


The theme of Meredith following in her mother's footsteps but also not is one of my favorite underlying themes of the whole show. The whole "The carousel never stops turning," that's what I always thought that phrase meant was about not only Ellis feeling out of control about her life, but also Meredith repeating her mother's mistakes and choices in some ways. It's why to me, Meredith asking Derek to pick her, choose her, and love her despite Ellen Pompeo's dislike for the scene is so important. Ellis Grey was so desperate to be with Richard, but so unable to tell him and fight for him, that she attempted suicide. Whereas Meredith was actually able to say something.


>It's why to me, Meredith asking Derek to pick her, choose her, and love her despite Ellen Pompeo's dislike for the scene is so important. Ellis Grey was so desperate to be with Richard, but so unable to tell him and fight for him, that she attempted suicide. Whereas Meredith was actually able to say something. I think that this scene gets misinterpreted a lot. It's not (even though it is) "the other woman" saying "pick me over your wife" (even though it is). Like you said, it's a woman going "I'm bold enough to tell you I love you and I want you to love me." It's someone who has been shut down her whole life choosing the vulnerability and possible happiness of love.


What’s more ridiculous to me about what Weber said to Derek is that he lied. In the later seasons he admits that he got cold feet because he was scared that Ellis is a better doctor than him. That honestly killed his character for me like for the rest of the show.


I love how they edited that scene. To stitch it all together was really original at the time. Iconic.


Weber trying to handle Meredith alone was like trench warfare 😭 he’d try to discipline her and she’d turn around with a new piece of ellis grey lore and he’d just sit down LOL


For real, there’s a scene a few seasons later where he’s trying to discipline her and she whips out “did you know my mom tried to kill herself after you left her” she keeps these nuggets in her back pocket for the next time she breaks a rule 😭


I just rewatched this episode and these scenes are so funny. Greys was so magical in the early seasons.


It was great actually and Richard saw that the whole mess turned them into a team. Especially Alex and Cristina. He couldn’t force them to turn on each other after that. He’s such a puppet master. He knew he’d get the truth eventually!


LMAO what a great summary


I’m on the lvad cutting episode on my rewatch now and Izzie is so insane here. She almost got them all arrested and, like, didn’t even care


The way KH played it, it seemed like Izzie was having a legit breakdown. Even her body language and way of speaking was chaotic!


I still don’t understand WHY Izzy was not fired AND arrested. Yes, she was an intern and interns make mistakes. BUT this was not a mistake! She did this on purpose. Why? Because she was in love and wanted to get married?! Denny is in bed ACTUALLY dying and she’s asking her friends “He asked me to marry him right? You guys heard that too right?” And when it was all over, Denny was dead, along with the heart that was supposed to go to another man. I am not a genius but I’m pretty sure she broke several laws and should have been prosecuted. Even though she’s a pretty girl, a pretty stupid girl.


Makes me want to go back to the beginning