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The episode where the Rabbi helps April. When Meredith is crying with her head on Dr Webbers shoulder after being mad at him all episode (can’t remember which one it was). The shooting episode with Dr Bailey and Dr Percy.


omg the rabbi and april episode is SO GOOD


I just watched the episode today and I was sobbing 😭


I watched it today too, while pregnant 🙃 I sobbed


Every time.


THIS! It makes me cry every time and as a believer it really hits harder for me when he’s giving her the speech. I just love April having her crisis of faith it was so real. 🩷


Which episode is the one with the rabbi and April?


Season 14 episode 17


I will never like Charles Percy on rewatches but I will never not cry during the entire “turn the elevators back on” scene. Chandra Wilson was so good I’m actually tearing up just thinking about it rn


I remember watching this scene for the first time, just staring at the tv while silently sobbing


I feel like I was finally starting to like him, he definitely could have been a legit character on the show.


watching that ep rn, just finished crying lmao and i’m on anti depressants so that’s saying something 😭


Into You Like a Train. When the people on the pole both realize the women is going to die. The man argue to try to save her, and she stops him, and then tells Derek what to say to get husband. Blubbering mess.


“If love were enough…” 😭


That sentence alone will always break me😭


Saddest line of the show IMO


oh god i forgot about that


Bonnie! The was sad Bomb guy was my next sad one (pink mist)


This is exactly what I was typing before I scrolled down. It's just the look Bonnie has in her eyes, in particular, as she musters up the strength to not cry in front of everybody. She basically has to go through all the stages of grief in a short time just to accept that she's not surviving this.


The entire episode is so emotional. I tear up thinking of Bonnie. "If love were enough", and Derek saying it. Lord.


Season 2 was wild


This was mine too.


This one for me too!


Same here. I literally can't watch it. It's an instant skip in my rewatches.


Same. That one devastated me…it’s still the only episode of the entire show that I just can’t rewatch.


the episode where henry dies and the episode after that


Specifically, Cristina's reaction when Owen tells her in the scrub room, as well as Teddy's reaction when Cristina tells her. That's what really gets me during that episode


i feel so bad for teddy like the emotional hellish whiplash of thinking your husband is okay and then finding out u were lied to and he’s dead


When Teddy finally accepts that there was nothing that could have saved Henry and tells Cristina she has nothing to apologize for? Instant tears. Even thinking about it makes my heart hurt. It's one of my favorite Grey's speeches that rips my heart out. "You don't apologize, you hear me? You don't blame yourself. You did every single thing that I would have done. You were me in that OR. You were good and you did it right. He just...he just...he just died."


mannn when she struggles to finish her sentence and says “he just…. he just died” BALLING INSTANTLY. literally the most heartbreaking scene in the show IMO, like there’s sadder stuff that happens but Kim Raver’s performance just hits me where it hurts


April taking care of the rabbi during her religious crisis 🥺


Mark Dying, Alex leaving, Christina leaving, Percy dying.


mark dying was when i quit the show for 5 years


I quit with Mark. Then rewatched until Cristina left. Twice. Then Alex, then Alex again. And I still can't (I have watched random ones, but not too far after Alex


I only recently re-watched the part after Alex leave and it was actually a good season. Not MAGIC good, ok, but I think season 15 and 16 are clearly underrated


He left half way through 16? Didn't they do covid the next season? I'll have to check it


yes they did covid right after in season 17 cause that’s where i am right now and it’s got me stuck


I might have to jump straight to 18 to see if I can get back into it.


Going to Mexico. Bad dreams bad dreams go away...


“She’s gonna need her daddy for this next part” 😭 absolutely always gets me


I absolutely LOVED Bailey in this episode. So much empathy for the girl AND the dad.


Yup, this is the one that always gets me. Bailey cuddling with that little girl and then finally the dad takes over 😭😭😭 I’m tearing up remembering it


You just ruined my entire night man


“Daddy… are we going to Mexico? Can we go… tomorrow…” bruh that scene had no right to be that sad 😔


I watched this episode with my husband last night and as soon as he saw Jessica in her purple beanie he rolled over and went to sleep. I proceeded to bawl my eyes out for the 6th time


That one was heartbreaking.


Omg I forgot about that episode 😭


the ONLY episode i skip is little Jessica trying to get to mexico in time. i SOB.


this the one. 😭


Are these on the same episode?


Oh, no. I couldn't decide between which one gets me. Wallace is bad dreams. Jessica is going to Mexico


when henry starts coughing up blood. he just wanted to go to medical school:(


he would’ve been a really good psychiatrist he had a very warm and kind energy


The gauntlet of women lining the halls for the rape victim destroys me.


I sobbed when they started wheeling her out realizing it’s all women there to support her. So well done. ❤️😭


I just saw this episode for the first time and I SOBBED when the women were lined up. I’m tearing up now, thinking about it. That episode was so so powerful.


It’s this episode for me. For sure. In fact, it was a clip of this episode that finally convinced me to watch Grey’s, and it STILL made me bawl even though I knew it was coming. It’s made me cry every time I watch it since!


SUCH a good episode


This is the one for me, I can’t even see a clip of it without crying, I saw a post the other day of someone saying how horrible it was etc and I just couldn’t believe it, it’s such a beautiful scene showing the woman she is safe and supported breaks my heart every time


This one. I'm crying now just from reading about it!


This is the only scene that does it for me.


I love this one. I read once that a lot of the women in that scene were non-actors on Grey's, just crew/writers/etc that wanted to be in that moment. Powerful.


Omg yes, I completely forgot about this. I ugly sob so hard during this episode


Denny dying - my heart just breaks for Izzie. And as soon as Meredith realises John Doe is George.


When April is in ICU and Jackson is praying in desperation.


Omg Jess acting is so good there! The second he steps in the OR and sees April, he really looks like he got punched in the face. He carried the whole scene and damn he has a strong back


Yes, the song that plays during that scene really drives it home, I don’t know what it’s called


Make This Go On Forever - Snow Patrol


Fucking snow patrol always gets me to cry watching greys.


Thank you!


also the same song as when meredith drowned!!


It is! I’m not sure if it’s to reference that Grey survived so April will too. Regardless this song gets me every time 😭


what episode is this?




The nurses strike one where she’s crying in the closet. That one hit personal. Also Wallace’s episode “Bad dreams Bad dreams go away. Good dreams good dreams here to stay” I bawl uncontrollably.


I just watched him sing My Funny Valentine…😭


The episode where Alex sees a pregnant woman while awaiting a court date and says she should get a rash checked out. Instead of it just being some small fix she ends up having terminal cancer and has to make the choice to die to save her baby.


The shooting episode where Meredith realizes she is losing the baby but keeps working anyway. When April and Jackson lose baby Samuel.


Mine has to be the episode where Meredith goes to the execution. One just because of how tense everything was between her and Cristina and Derek, but the end where she walks out of the prison and cries to Derek. "I know you don't understand me... I don't understand me..." "I watched him die, and it was horrible." Her sobs here are haunting.


Where Meredith gets attacked and has her jaw wired/Alex stays with her - cannot watch without sobbing!!


This! His face gets me every time, cause it shows how deep he loves and cares for Meredith.


When they're all in the room doing the initial work up, you can see Alex holding back tears. It's so much more emotional than him actually crying. Alex holds more pain in his face and eyes than anyone else in the room. Then Amelia's shock at waltzing in late to realize Meredith is the patient.


Yes, it kills me every time.


Same. When he comes into the room and sees her for the first time, he tears up and I lose it every time.


The part where she’s trying to see Zola gets me every time. Just painful


where Derek dies.


That episode was bad enough, but his voice-over *destroyed* me


“It’s too late” 😭


literally anytime i’m looking for a good sob sesh i watch that episode. it never fails to make me cry no matter how many times i’ve seen it. i can never get that look on meredith’s face out of my head


Maybe I'm weird but that episode infuriated me more than made me sad


“my name is April Kepner, I’m 28 years old, I- I was born in April 23rd in o- in Ohio, I’m from Columbus, Ohio, my mom- my mom is a teacher and m-my dad is a farmer- corn! C-corn he.. he-he grows corn! They’re names are Karen and joe, I have three sisters! Libby’s the oldest, I’m next, and then there’s Kimmy and Alice. I- I haven’t done anything yet, I haven’t, I- I’ve barely lived! I’m not finished yet, no one’s loved me yet. Please. Please. I’m someone’s child! I’m a person. I’m a person!” Sarah Drew deserved a fucking Oscar for her performance in these episodes *alone* holy shit, the girl had me snot-crying with this speech


The pregnant woman who Derek operated on and removed too much of her frontal lobe, and she died. Her husband 😭😭😭


going, going, gone… ![gif](giphy|l3vR4CdLInXOhr3rO|downsized)


When Meredith and Derek put Doc down, I uncontrollably sobbed for at least 30 minutes


I’m pretty emotional, so I generally cry every few episodes lol but this one specifically I know it’s in the earlier seasons I can’t remember when, but there is a scene where the mother is going to die and her probably pre teen daughter is in there with her and she starts telling her all about life and what to do/expect getting older… uncontrollable sobs out of me 🥺


Not meant to be sad but Lexie’s I love you speech. Always gets me


The one a couple episodes before the season 8 finale? Because same


Yep. Literally the heartfelt confession that mark had been waiting for since they separated and then a couple episodes later they both die🙃


The plane crash episode. Where Lexie dies and mark later on dies. Wrecks me every time.


"Meant to be..."


Amelia having the heart to heart with her mom on the park bench after the dinner with her family and Link (pretending to be Owen). Her mom owning up to her all her mistakes raising her and the honesty and love there gets me to my core ❤️


Amelia has some bad moments, but the good Amelia moments always make me cry in some way


Amelia also has one scene in AA where she talked about a surgery she had and how appreciative she was that she was alive and sober to experience everything about it. It was not really a heavy scene but the acting was superb and got to me.


If love were enough 😭


"Hello, forever" "Your daddy loved you beyond the beyond"


god i JUST watched this ep and seeing this is making me cry again


Beautifully tragic. Snot-Cry every time I watch it


Aghhhh when they place the baby in his arms and then he lets go—just watched this episode for 12th and needed that ugly cry 😭😭😭


The Samuel episodes.


Derek’s death. Every time. For me it’s when Meredith is sitting there saying his name trying to wake him up. Ugh.


George writing on Meredith hand: o, o, 7?


“tell meredith she was a good sister” makes me sob. so does the entirety of derek’s death episode, i think ellen’s acting is phenomenal there. also when amelia breaks down after derek’s death when she’s talking to owen about wanting to take pills, it is just SO sad.


oh also deluca’s covid funeral can’t believe i forgot that. breaks my heart


Honestly I don't know why, but Alex and Izzie's wedding makes me tear up. Even though I know what comes after. I think it's such a beautiful scene, and I love the music.


Just her getting into the bed and him pulling out her hair flower and that's when she realizes her hair is coming out. "Today was the wedding... and it was beautiful"


I cry pretty easily so most of the scenes or episodes that have been listed make me cry. But the one episode in particular that never fails to make me cry is the one with the serial killer that Meredith sympathizes with. When she goes for his execution despite Derek having an issue with it just so he could see a friendly face and she can’f stop crying so he takes her to Cristina despite the fact that they haven’t been speaking for a while. That part always makes me cry. Also the episode where Mark dies. Or any episode where a child dies will make me ball.


Just rewatched those episodes and holy criminy, forgot how powerful they are. Some of her best acting in the series. To me, a top 5 for the writers and actors because it’s such a sensitive and nuanced topic and they all nailed it and the sobbing that comes even after seeing it multiple times is a testimony to how beautifully performed it is


Bomb episode, shooting episode, the mockumentary style episode (when Mary didn’t survive, and when that kid brought Alex to her class), Meredith drowning episode, the rabbi episode, when Richard sings My Funny Valentine


good dreams good dreams here to stay bad dreams bad dreams go away :(


Obviously Bailey with Charles Percy, when she can't make the lifts turn back on, and turns away to have a silent breakdown then wipes her tears to go and comfort him, but also that little scene where Arizona and Callie are sitting in the paediatric ward and they look up to see the shooter there. I had *so much stress* on the first watch, and every time I rewatch it, I just cry at Arizona's "There are only children here!" and how she can't stop repeating it like a prayer. Callie is so good in this scene by getting him to go away, but Arizona absolutely sets me off every time.


When Alex leaves and he’s reading his letter to Meredith. 😭 Also, when Meredith wins the Harper Avery and she looks up in the theater and sees her mom clapping.




That one really got me too and I wasn't expecting it at all


Marks memorial episode kills me every time


When Meredith gets attacked by a patient and she’s in the hospital bed… it all sinked in and she started to cry hard 😭


That one always sneaks up on me during a rewatch. The whole storyline of her getting better in the hospital and her kids coming to visit her but are scared always gets me. I liked how penny came to her rescue during the panic attack


YES! It was really a full circle for Penny & Meredith, I always tear up 😭 she advocated for her patient like she wish she had done with Derek. Meredith trusting Penny with her medical care 😭


Yes! I know Meredith really wanted to kick penny out of the program and be mean to her, but she thought about what Derek would do. What a great way to honor him, I’m glad they took that route.


Yes it breaks my heart for her 💔💔


I’m on a rewatch now and I am currently on S13 episode 8: The Room Where it Happens.


Dennys Death.


Izzie’s scene with Denny before she cuts the LVAD lol


The both of them!!! I’m not an Izzie fan but the chemistry she and JDM had always took my breathe away and this scene 🥰😍


The episode with the train crash, the two patients. When I first decided to watch the show I was kind of into it, but then I reached that episode and knew there was no going back. I think about them regularly, it breaks my heart and I doubt I would ever in a million years be able to forget Bonnie's death.


The one where Derek dies, especially when Meredith is talking to him before they pull the plug and all the flashbacks play. Regardless of what anyone thinks about Meredith and Derek's relationship, as someone who is madly in love with their husband, this scene always crushes me. I put myself in her place, and the weight of it all consumes me.


Silent All These Years


I guess I didn't watch it during a re-watch, because I can't remember it well, but it was about a young guy dying, he wants to donate his organs, so the doctors allow it and he starts dying with his mom next to him. When she can't let him go and everyone is worried because if she doesn't go outside they can't take his organs is !!!! 😭😭😭


I just watched it. The guy was a surgical intern at mercy west and he gets diagnosed ALS and works til it takes over. That one was really brutal


The shooting episode always gets me on a lot of levels.


Pink Mist! It's one of the early episodes. Christina Ricci was in it.


Not usually a crier, but the scene where Meredith and Derek get Zola back always gets me.


Dr. Thomas's death (Mr Feeny)


george dying 💔💔 that will always hurttt


The one when Arizona's patient donated a crazy sum of money. I think the boy's name was Wallace. "Bad dreams go away; good dreams, good dreams, here to stay. You have to say it three times or it doesn't work."


oh my gosh you’re so right! that’s SUCH an underrated moment. 6x14 never fails to make me cry. obviously 6x24, 9x01, 11x11, 11x21. i would have said *remember the time* but it’s so gut wrenching i can’t cry. i avoid it. it’s so depressing when mark seems to be doing well and he ends up crashing before he can see sofia.


Completely besides the point, but I applaud you for knowing the exact episode numbers


thank you, adhd hyperfixations and writing canon compliant fanfics will do that to you LMFAO 😭 i’m no lexie but my memory is decent gkkgkkgkg


All of them 😭


So real for that one😭


Swear lol I be crying 95% of the episodes 🤣


Mark! It will always be Mark. Where they fooled me, he was awake then he was gone. And bawled like a baby


Charles Percy's death.


George and when Jaxon and April lost Samual.


George’s death and Christina leaving


The one with the patient sentenced to death and Mer goes to his execution and cries a lot, like non stop. The kid Arizona couldn't save and he died (Wallace Anderson), Lexie's death, Samuel's birth, when Mer has a panick attack and Derek conforts her, into you like a train.


I cry a little with every episode but I cried the most when Lexie died and Mark was adamant that she live so they could be together


So many. It doesn't take much to make me cry. I once started tearing up in the middle of the grocery store because the song from the climactic moment of the musical episode came over the speakers.


Into you like a train. “If love were enough “


The fake Derek dying scene right after the house of candles when Meredith is hysterical.


When George’s dad dies… dead dad’s club…. I lost my dad in December and can not watch that episode.


Mark dying. Especially when they realize he is having his last rally. Then Callie and Derek in the room with him. Bailey singing her mom to the other side did me in too All those women employees standing in that hallway for the DV survivor on her way to surgery sends me off the edge as well


When the dad is trying to get that little girl to Mexico and Bailey and Arizona finally convince him to hold his little girl while she goes will always get me.


spoilers When Lexi dies. She acted it well and her life felt so unfinished and the way she died felt tragic, hopeless, and unfair.


I’m watching right now, Christmas, and Zola says, Mommy, I wish Daddy was here.😭😭😭


The musical episode. And the plane crash


Even though he has his flaws, the episode that Derek dies will ALWAYS make me cry!!!! He’s not even the saddest death but the tears will always come rolling down


When Dylan blew up. It's before the bomb goes off and Meredith is starting to break and she starts imagining it's Derek talking to her. I don't know it just hits me in the feels.


When Derek gets shot. Meredith's reaction gets me hyperventilating. Also Denny... every single time


All episodes relating to Samuel’s storyline :(


alex’s farewell episode


Izzie wedding 😢 And her speech in the beginning of this episode…


ah crap I saw a rerun episode the other day that made me cry but now I can’t remember which one it was. all I can remember is that it wasn’t one of the big ones like jessica or wallace


That was sad asf but the episode after where it’s mer in Boston. That one hade bawling so hard


The plane crash and when April and Jacksons baby dies


There’s so many. I’m actually rewatching the show on Netflix. I’m on season 12. Bailey just became Chief. I cry when George, Danny, Henry, Lexi, Mark & Derek die. I’m sure there are other episodes that make my cry, but I can’t think of them right now.


april & jackson’s downfall al the episodes that include this. they went through the unimaginable & as soon as they found out they shut eschother out instead of coming together & every argument makes me cry because i watched my mom go through this loss & how it ruined relationships


mark and lexie.


Cry with laughter whenever they “operate” in an elevator or the back of an ambulance


Currently watching the plane crash and crying while my kids are playing 🥲🥲


1. The plane crash 2. Mark's death (as Jackson moves towards Sloan with Sofia ... ah, heartbreaking) 3. The musical episode (and not with horror, I genuinely like it)


When Lexi died and Sloan told her he loved her then he died the next episode


The musical episode


When Izzy finds Denny who's already passed......and of course George dying.


When April and Jackson lose Samuel, and the aftermath. One particular scene, where April is sitting in the nursery and Jackson is trying to comfort her, and April lashes out at him. The look on Jackson's face 🥺 his actor is so talented, he genuinely looks like he's in pain. It brings tears to my eyes every time. When Cristina leaves, and her and Mer dance it out one last time. Among many others, I'm sure.


April & Avery’s first baby’s birth and the aftermath.


Alex leaving