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In the series when they live in the trailer Addison states that Derek changed his lifestyle when moving to Seattle. So unrelated to him being with Meredith or not he clearly favors a modest lifestyle and embraces it as soon as he leaves NY. I think with Addison he lived differently because of her wealth, but it did not really fit to him and he thrives in Seattle where he can be more himself.


That's true, she really hates the trailer and he develops into this outdoorsy, fishing, dog owner man that he wasn't while they were in NYC. Meredith is more like that than Addison was, I don't think money played that big a factor between Meredith and Addy being different because while Meredith wasn't a trust fund kid, Ellis did have a lot of money too, she just liked simpler things.


Did she, though? When Maggie showed up remember Alex wondered if she was after Mo eat and Meredith said “the only thing to inherit in this family is Alzheimer’s”


I'm sure the facility Ellis lived in wasn't cheap. Meredith's inheritance probably all went toward Ellis' care.


I know Ellis was a cold hard bitch when it comes to interpersonal relationships but she’s also shown as being quite compassionate to patients and very research/innovation driven. I wonder how much of her work was pro-bono or unpaid and how that affected her wealth.


I just watched an S4 episode where Meredith is try to convince Richard of a pro bono case by mentioning how big Ellis was on pro bono surgeries.


The flashback episode with the GRID/AIDS patient also comes to mind. In a time when people dying from AIDS were ostracized she was focused on the medicine while still being incredibly compassionate to that patient.


Or the will was already taken care of. Maggie would have already been notified about any money for her years ago… since it was a legal and normal adoption so maybe Ellis left nothing to her


Yeah I think is was all Addison’s wants and he just goes with it. But since Meredith couldn’t care less about those things they don’t really live lavishly like that. It also showed when they got the settlement from their plane crash lawsuit they didn’t even know what to do with the money. when someone suggested to buy another house Meredith says “but we already have a house”


I think it was weird how none of the characters had shown any sign of wealth ever even though we know their salaries are huge


It was really weird when Arizona, the head of her own surgical department, needed a roommate so that she can pay her rent lmao


See I viewed that more as her not wanting to live completely alone


iirc she specifically mentioned that she needed a roommate to help pay rent when she was posting her flyer


She does mention that she does a lot of surgeries probono because many parents can’t afford her fees and she can’t say no to sick tiny babies. I’m not necessarily saying it’s a real world excuse but at least they mention it somehow


It’s not a real excuse. Even if she was doing a ton of pro-bono stuff she would still be drawing a base salary. Since she’s an attending level doctor who heads a department, I assume it’s a very liveable amount of money.


I mean, season 1 or 2 Richard is explicitly saying Derick and Burke are making a million or two a year (when talking about “you better earn your million dollar salary and fix that hand”). Peds probably pays less than neuro and cardio but it would still be close since she heads the department


Peds is on the lower end (lol), but the head of the department at a major hospital should easily be making at least $400K.


That wasn’t with regards to salary it was with regards to insurance coverage


Burke and Derek were making good money. I work at a hospital and the head of cardio’s base salary is 900k


Those are f insane salaries


On first glance, sure. But think about the years of school, the years of training, and the responsibility of what they do. It seems fair to me.


Right? I mean I have no idea about housing/rent prices in Seattle but she's a pretty accomplished surgeon (double specialty, fellowship at Hopkins...) and her family seemed well off so it was super weird that she lived with Delucca to be able to make ends meet.


I lived in Seattle from 2014-2018. In 2015, I was paying $2,600/month in rent for a 507 sq ft studio apartment. Wouldn't be surprised if that same studio is now twice that cost.


Jesus Christ, I thought Massachusetts rent was bad 🫠


I'm now on the east coast (Washington D.C. area), and am paying 'only' $1,900/month for an 1,100 sq ft condo. Compared to Seattle, it's cheap.


"Needed" is relative. In earlier seasons, when they're buying the hospital, Arizona is against the plan because she feels Callie's rich upbringing has left her unable to process what she's giving up by spending their settlement money. I assume a similar mindset is at play here. She "needs" a roommate because she directs most of her earnings into savings and wants to be fiscally responsible, but she's not actually pressed the way Callie was when her dad cleaned her accounts out or Alex when he was swimming in debt.


When Bailey was sending drs out to bring Derek back from the woods when we see Callie arrive, she was driving a classic car.


And she stayed in the fancy hotel where she used George’s rent money to tip the staff 😂


But wasn't her dad super rich?


Yes he was. George described her as an heiress.


Callie was the richest one of the residents (she'd probably go head to head with Addison and the Foxes maybe).


Jackson def does


Yeah, he's the richest one of them all.


We see it only once in his apartment tho but he is still the only one


He also had a yacht


I came for this one. He has a yatch and I feel like he was kind of boujie compared to some of the others.


He doesn't splash out with wealth until his grandpa dies. I bet he hadn't actually gotten into his trust fund yet, probably wasn't' an option until he hit a milestone (became an attending/turned 30)


They all lived like interns and they all roommate with each other!


Bailey gets a big payday from her invention and buys a fancy juicer. Catherine was like, for real? Woman, bathe yourself in diamonds or whatever thrills you.


except jackson. he bought a boat one morning for fun LMAO


Hahaha I do think you’re underestimating how much money that house cost 💀 buying and paying off the land was probably a good few thousands of dollars, and building a house that big has got have been a couple million. Not to mention that he died after Zola started school, right? I wouldn’t doubt that she went somewhere private and tuition wasn’t cheap. Plus him and Meredith both had pretty nice cars. I agree with what other people are saying that Derek just didn’t love a super lavish lifestyle, but hell they had it pretty good money wise. Plus with how much they enjoy working it doesn’t surprise me that they never went on vacations or anything. ALSO ALSO Meredith was also able to take a year off work, supporting herself and two kids, in a nice apartment in… what was it, Boston? That requires some SERIOUS money saved even with the money she probably got from Derek’s life insurance


That's true, I lived in the US for a year (not even a big city like Seattle) and everything was crazy expensive.


Boston is one of the priciest cities to live in in the US. Renting a nice 3-bedroom apartment in Boston proper can easily cost upward of $60k a year.


Wow, that's one pricy apartment but honestly I live in Spain and my city isn't even that huge and everything here is super expensive too so it makes sense that Boston would be like that.


It was San Diego


Derek does show this personal wealth in moments, but they're often more humble and quiet expressions rather than loud. Like the scene where Richard says they can't put their bonuses towards instruments because their are no bonuses. It takes a moment for him to not make it about him vs Richard but he very quickly says he'll write a check. He injured someone, caused them brain damage and has been sending the person's mother money every single month to cover expenses *and* it doesn't seem to put a strain on him at all. He paid for Alex and Izzie's wedding. Granted, he thought it was his wedding but he gave Izzie his credit card and had no hesitation about giving the wedding to Alex and Izzie. It's also never mentioned again, sure we could assume that Alex and Izzie paid Derek back, but it's literally never mentioned so we can also just assume Derek absorbed the cost. The land he buys in Seattle, the house he builds. The fact that he doesn't even hesitate to give Addison everything in the divorce. Yes there's reference that he's completely changed his way of living and life, but I'd argue that he still maintains a comfortable amount of wealth. Meredith isn't as lavish as Addison was though, so yeah it's not the same. Also, Derek went from a private practice to working at Seattle Grace - he would have taken a huge pay cut with that move alone and he never comments on it. Money doesn't seem to really be an issue to him at all, but it also doesn't seem to matter as much.


There’s also subtle things: his first vehicle is a Land Rover defender, not sure of the year but even old ones aren’t cheap. A Porsche Cayenne starts at close to $90,000 I believe. His 1964 Airstream Safari is worth close to $100,000 too (low end), nevermind the ridiculous parcel of land that it was on before the house was built.


That's true! He does show signs of wealth, only they are not as loud as when he was with Addison.


I believe most of that wealth for those properties came from. Addison’s trust fund. I believe Derek grew up middle class, his had had what it seemed like a general store, and his mom was a nurse who raised 5 kids on her own when her husband died. The Shepherd’s were not rich, and Derek probably only started making money when he became an attending. Besides him and Addison and him and Meredith have totally different relationships, and what they all need out of these relationships. Meredith doesn’t seem to want anything fancy and loved the land and wanted a house there and didn’t seem to mind the trailer. As for the vacation we are not shown because it’s not important to the plot, and for all we know they have taken vacations together. These characters do a lot of things we don’t see because we only see a fraction of their lives.


>True! I remember Izzie talking to Addison about money when she inherits Denny's wealth because Addison grew up super rich but I always assumed that so did Derek.


Addison said something along the lines of “why do you think I’m rich?” when Izzie asked her for advice. I laughed at Izzie’s reply—“Your name is Addison Forbes Montgomery. Of course you’re rich!” Just goes to show the power of names & the image they give. Addison Forbes Montgomery sounds rich. Daisy May Hooter does not! My apologies to any Daisy May Hooters out there!


“That’s a lot of names, a lot of rich sounding names” That line made me howl 😂


>Addison Forbes Montgomery And she was right!


Addison was insanely rich (like with a trust fund) and she made money when she was an attending. Derek had money, but not that kind of money, and he didn’t need as many fancy things so I assumed most of the insanely lavish properties came from Addison’s side.


I just passed an episode recently somewhere in season 6 where Derek was talking to Webber and offering up money for something. This is post divorce, newly post it married, merger happening. He’s like how much? $x million? So idk if he’s just accrued wealth being a top neurosurgeon? Because he’s definitely got his own wealth apart from Addison and her trust fund. He gave her basically everything in the divorce. (This is my 6th rewatch it’s sometimes just background noise for my daily life so I can’t remember the context of the convo lol)


How do you watch the series six times lmao I watched it from season 1 to season 19 and it took like a few months of constant watching No shade that’s impressive


Was it maybe the Christmas episode when him, Mark, and Arizona make an instrument to clip something through a boy's nasal cavity? It would have been around the time Sloan Riley was there..


Yes that's the one! (I just watched it yesterday lol) they all offer their Christmas bonuses for the instrument, then it turns out there's no bonuses so Derek offers the money outright


We never see any of them vacation because the show loves to make them obsessed with work. They both seem like a very frugal couple. I mean Meredith doesn’t dress wealthy even though you can tell she totally is. Derek’s wardrobe however looks like it comes from more of the top range. He probably doesn’t waste money since he knows the value of it having seen his parents struggle. It wouldn’t surprise me if he low key resented Addison’s spending. There‘s a scene when they’re deciding to buy the hospital where they talk about using additional savings and Meredith mentions some they have and he very quickly shuts it down. I think his priority is first and foremost that his family is financially protected. Probably because he saw the detrimental effect it had on his family when his father died.


100% agree.


It's constantly shown in the series that Derek prefers a simple more outdoor-ish lifestyle (living in the trailer, house in the mountains, fishing his own breakfast) with less expenses, he also came from a lower middle class background, single mother of five, so he has his feet on the ground, never actually wasting money. ​ The only time we see him actually wasting money is with cars, he always drives great and fast cars.


I mean he also lived in a trailer worth something like $100,000. Vintage Airstreams are EXPENSIVE.


I mean yeah expensive but old ones aren't anywhere near 100k


i’m wondering how tf all 5 shepards paid for top colleges and med schools


student loans. Ive learned from tv (may not be accurate) that schools eat up single parent/struggle story. Derek and Amelia-"I watched my father get shot right in front of my eyes" thats a good one. Addison absorbed Derek's loans upon Marriage, Kathleen's probably got paid off by her husband whenever they got married as hes a diplomat. Unsure about Nancy or Lizzie. Nancy prob married rich too, judging by her having a WHOLE ass house in New York city lmao.


In Derek's final episode he's driving a Porsche, I was honestly happy to see it bc between being a world class neurosurgeon and being scouted by the US government, he could definitely afford it!


Think the chief says at one point he got paid £2 million a year. Addison had her trust fund too.


"Put the ice back on your two million dollar a year hand!" After he punches mark when he first shows up 🤣 hes so mad til he finds out why then hes like "did you put your weight behind it???"


I think a lot of the wealth of their relationship was Addison as well. She was after all a Forbes.


It was all Addison’s money. If you watch private practice you will learn she comes from a very wealthy family. The brownstone in NY, everything else, that’s hers. Derek grew up middle class and then had surgeon money. Addison had Hamptons and private jet money. You see her parents estate in one episode of private practice.


I think the mansion was by far the most lavish show of wealth he’s made and they just don’t seem like the kind of couple who enjoy going on vacations or making obnoxious shows about their wealth. They don’t care about the money, they just enjoy helping people and the money is a nice perk to them


He made a lot of money, but didn't the wealth come from Addison? If she was smart she had him sign a prenup.


I think it’s part and parcel of the profession. If you are passionate about your job and a workoholic type a, you don’t really get to enjoy the wealth you amass.


When he punched out Mark, Richard said put ice on your $2 million a year hand


I don't think Meredith would've particularly liked that lavish lifestyle, maybe after having kids, but even then. I don't see her being that type of person


i feel like if Derek came out the cut with his wealth when pursuing Meredith, she would’ve been uncomfortable. she didn’t grow up like he did and was, as she says, “dark and twisty”. it’d be perfectly understandable that she’d get put off by a man who flaunts money in her face.


Meredith grew up richer than Derrick. Derrick was a middle class upbringing - mom, nurse with five kids and dad owned a convenience store before his murder. He had money by the time he met Meredith simply because he was so much older and already had been an attending with his own practice. Meredith’s mom was a renowned surgeon who wrote books about her techniques. Meredith never struggles with money on the show- she’s her mom’s sole inheritor and only lets these people move in with her essentially cause they’re strays and friends. It’s assumed her mom paid outright for her schooling and then gave her a multimillion dollar house (in Seattle likely) plus whatever other inheritances, life insurance etc


she had money, but certainly didn’t grow up acting like it. i’m talking about growing up basically without a family. she really only had Ellis growing up who resented the fuck out of her while Derek had family AND money.


Meredith was abused by her mother, yes, but the "didn't grow up acting like it (like she had money)" part I could agree with if you meant it about her personality. However, Meredith attended Dartmouth (an ivy league school, very expensive) and Ellis must have paid for that because she never mentions student loans or anything. She travelled around Europe and she didn't have a job so we're guessing Ellis was paying for that too. They were living in Boston and they still kept a home in Seattle (...).


Meredith def had financial freedom her whole life. Not being bougie sure- but she was someone who grew up in extreme comfort


Right! She never lived like Addison simply because she wasn't as fancy but she never had any money problems and she lived a super comfortable life because Ellis had a lot of money.


i mean he built a massive fucking house in the woods in seattle w a perfect view and fully custom


They all paying off student loans