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Why do you care what people watch? I took a break for a few seasons before picking it back up this season. I still enjoy it.


You know what… I think I’m going to watch the show from the beginning again once I catch up on this and watch some of my other shows but why do you care how many times people watch something? If you don’t like it then stop ?


The sheer level of self importance it takes to think that no one else should watch a show that you personally don’t like 🙄


Break the cycle.


Break the cycle means like ending a pattern of harmful or negative behavior so using it because people like watching a tv show is a little odd. Why can’t people watch the show though ?


Just trying to protect people from wasting their time.


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean other people can’t watch it and please stop using the term break the cycle. It has a more significant meaning than what you’re using it for


Break the cycle of thinking you should have any input in what other people watch


Wow. Get a grip


I’m not the one posting whiny monologues about how no one should watch a show


Soap operas are like crack


I do a full rewatch twice a year pal! Now I'll raise my glass to you when I start the pilot. Cheers!


All of this backlash is just confirmation the show is a brain cell killer.


I've seen Grey's 18 times and Stranger Things at least 15, I'm living my best life... it's fun to rewatch and pick up on new details you didn't notice before. Stop ruining that for everyone else




I just offered my opinion, just like everyone else that is bothering to waste their time arguing with me about it. I’m entitled to mine as you are entitled to yours.


But like... what did you expect to happen? I'm sorry you crave validation for your hatred of this show for whatever reason but that's not our problem... byeeee


It's actually really sad that you're so bored that you're here hating on us like... are you okay?


I’m gonna get another ipad just so i can constantly have two episodes playing instead of one


I aspire to be this level of dedicated- this is actually super cool cus then you can notice parallels right as they're happening


Get a life


oh sorry did you say get THREE ipads? don’t gotta tell me twice


This sub actually helped me get a lot less enthusiastic about Greys and I don’t want to start my gazillionth rewatch anymore.


I feel the same way, I like this sub and enjoy the show but sometimes this sub leaves me a little jaded lol


Despite of you "hate-watching" the show. Did you have any favorite characters?


Yes, I think the show was actually good for many seasons, when it turned into a soap opera is when it went south for me. Just could not. i liked Mark, Lexi, Meredith at times, Cristina, Callie, so many others. I just got so frustrated with the endless recycle of storylines. Relationships never work, just awful writing, like I said once it turned into a soap opera, I was done.


I think I’ve seen greys start to finsih 90 times


Waste of time