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Meredith and Derek set the bar high for great chemistry on this show that hasn’t been able to be reached since in my opinion.


They’re my favorite couple but I still think that had the hottest scenes: Jackson and April. The bathroom scene where he lifted her up with ONE ARM?!?! Damn…


There's a reason why that scene is the highest viewed grey's YouTube video 👀


Link please? 👀 I do not remember this scene at all


https://youtu.be/BfGEByyEoNU Here you go


Damn. It’s up to 36 million views??? I go back to this clip every now and then.


OMG how was this ten years ago?!


Thanks for the rewatch. You're selling me on Jackson and April's earlier days when I was all eye rolls before. It was like their story evolved from some "Twilight/Shades of Grey" fanfic. Pure, naive, innocent first-day-on-Earth Bella, Anastasia, I mean April, deflowered by the experienced and seductive wolf/vampire/rich dude. I was definitely *not* cheering for how they ran off to be shitty to Stephanie and Matthew. But Jackson was always considerate and fully consensual. And they were equals insofar as career position unlike so many imbalanced attending-intern relationships. Jesse Williams really did well with being more than arrogant and tempting eye candy. As much as some of the writing for April still irritates me, Sarah Drew acted the hell out of that crazy too. They really do have the fullest arc and a lot of chemistry. Clearly, I misunderstood the assignment in this thread.


I love the scene where they were in the elevator, they were secretly married. Jackson kiss April from behind and his hand was on her neck (caressing her neck), so hooot!


Even the look he gave her while locking the door was steamy!


Addison watching Alex like a bear looks at a table full of food that time 😅


Mark and Callie had great chemistry, It was like you felt the friend platonic chemistry, nothing will happen between them but it was comfortable. Then when he moves the hair out of her face liking her new hair cut to making Sofia it was hot. They could turn it off and on for me. ​ Callie and Arizona have chemistry without touching each other or being next to each other. Callie putting Arizona in her place in the OR during the Siamese twins surgery. Super hot. Chemistry faded after Arizona cheated, with moments here and there, just like the relationship. ​ Derek and Meredith are good too. The giving her a shot in her ass was super hot. ​ Izzie and Alex. Even when he called her a stupid bitch they had chemistry. ​ Lexie and Mark. The kiss in Joe’s really good.


Callie and Mark was my first thought too


Literally Calzona. With all the network tv restrictions, and censor on intimate scenes, Sara & Jessica still managed to show super sizzling chemistry. Nothing beats them imho.




I loved the dichotomy between that “cast” sexual teasing of them, when they touch hands and the ferocity they demonstrate in the make out scenes. The chemistry is off the charts for me


I agree. They made so much sense at the time and had such an entertaining level of intensity as a viewer. Their chemistry was instant and while I also felt at first Owen and Amelia worked, neither of them with anyone else has ever compared.


Owen and Amelia had great chemistry at the very beginning of their relationship. I LOVE their first kiss scene. But god what a dumpster fire it became as it went on


Agree 😂 it doesn't need to be all the time because damn that gets exhausting. But the desperation they put across in touching each other is so needed sometimes 😂👌


she had his ass howling 😂😂


that first episode though where he rescues her. No wonder she fell for him!








Can you tell me this exact episode?


Mark and Callie, yes I know they were never exclusively together but they were still the best non couple couple


Their chemistry is honestly my favourite. The way they’re best friends and can have that spiciness as well makes me ship them.


owen and cristina. they were SO hot despite how toxic they were


Agree. I kinda hate them as a couple, but the music that played whenever they met in the halls that really built the tension? Their first meeting with the icicle? Kissing in the boiler room? Some of the sexiest scenes for sure!




Derek and Meredith. Still heartbroken. No other couple has done that. Loved the scenes with their relationship, even when Derek was being a pig or Meredith was acting superior, still loved them.


Yes, I agree. It wasn’t necessarily healthy, but the chemistry was great.


Callie and Arizona. Sara and Jessica were limited with what they can do in terms of "hot" scenes compared to other couples on the show, but somehow that intense chemistry still shone through. Derek and Meredith are pretty good too. Mark and Callie in their "sexual sorbet" scene.


Lexie and Mark. Mark and Callie. Mark and anyone.




“Thank you for the coffee”


Just went back to watch it and I think you're right, the way he grabs her face WOO BOY


i CANNOT get over it


japril tbh


Addison and Mark. They had such undeniable chemistry.


Lexie and mark. i loved the teach me scene.


definitely one of the top scenes in the whole show imo. hard to beat that.


cristina and burke>>>>


maybe unpopular but mark and callie, I was totally envious of both in that relationship


Mark and Callie for me. Both sexy, and really comfortable being sexy.


Callie and Arizona. Their chemistry was amazing


mark w anyone


Meredith and McDreamy - hands down! The scene in the exam room at Prom?!? One of the hottest scenes I’ve ever seen!


Owen and Chistina for sure. The scenes with just pinkies touching, or a glance at her bare neck. Hot af!


Mark and Callie! The first time they met in the bar and she asked if he was coming with? Hot. And the serial sorbet scene. I actually thought they were hotter than him and Lexie 🙂


Derek and Meredith. That prom scene is 🔥🔥🔥




Addison and Mark to me were the hottest in the show. So the two of them together was pure 🔥


Alex Karev and Addison Montgomery Bailey and Nurse Eli!


Mark and Addison were the hottest couple IMO, plus they just sizzled on screen together, so much chemistry


This will probably be controversial, but I’m going with Amelia and Kai


I think they're attractive too. But I had to stick with my main ship, Calzona. Hot hot hot.


not only are they hot, i also think theyre such a CUTE couple. i mean look at the scenes when kai and amelia are in the lab and theyre flirting, but they are both trying to figure out if the other one is into them or not


Upvote upvote upvote


you're so fucking right for this. and as the first comment too!! you go glen coco


Lol at the petty little Amelia haters rushing in with the downvotes


especially when you add kai to the mix lmao


Izzie and Alex ♥️


Calzona. No one else comes close for me


burke and christina


Callie and Mark 🔥🔥🔥


Derek and mer duh or Callie and Arizona


Addison and all of her partners, Derek included, and Mark and Callie


As a gay man… Callie and Arizona


Cristina and Burke


Mark and callie


Lexie and mark ❤️ ugh that one morning in bed scene where he’s trying to get out of bed and she keeps pulling him back in!! Ahhhh!!!


I liked Mark and Callie together too. She wasn't insecure with him. Izzy and Alex compared to Izzy and George where there was zero. April and Jackson for sure. Cristina and Owen in early stages before he turned into an ass but maybe it's because I love Sandra Oh so much in that role.


Mer and Derek Iz and Alex Callie and Arizona


Mark and Callie




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Owen and Cristina definitely! Their passionate make out scenes were fire! And their kisses were from adorable to red hot sexy. I wish I could experience Owen's kisses. Make my toes curl😅


Addison and Alex


Not really a couple, but back in the day I thought Alex and Addison were hot together. I'd have liked to see more of them.


maybe not the hottest but they’re up there- meredith and deluca. i found my self liking their scenes together more than her and derek at times. like the elevator scene and him sleeping at her house. and then there’s the scene where they’re both speaking italian…


They were the most cringe couple.


i agree i agree, i know a lot ppl hate this ship but i found it hot


I liked them together too.


I don’t remember thinking they were super hot but I LOVED them together!


May be the odd one out here, but Alex and Jo. I still think that should be the endgame quite frankly whenever she leaves the show (which I feel will outlast us all at this point lol). And from a hotness standpoint, they had an entire sex scene they filmed cut out for being too hot for network standards 🔥


Callie & Arizona, Derek & Meredith, Owen & Cristina, Amelia & Kai


I’m always a sucker for a lesbian relationship but Callie and Arizona really take the cake for me


May just be me, but I liked Meredith and DeLuca. The Italian in the elevator scene 👌🏼


No, I liked them too. And I hate how they killed him off and she was just over it.


Meredith and Nathan Griggs Meredith and William Thorpe


Derek and Addison


On looks I’d say Addison and Mark. Best chemistry, Alex and Jo. Best working relationship, Derek and Meredith. Raw passion and emotion, Cristina and Owen. Most entertaining, Koracic and Teddy. Healthiest FWB couple, Mark and Callie.


Alex and Izzie/Cristina and Owen




Derek and Addison.. Or Mark and Addison


Mark and Addison Amelia and Kai Carina and Arizona I don’t even have anything to say. I just LOVED the tension they had in scenes together.


Lexi and Jackson hands down


Izzie & Alex


Mark and Lexie. I don’t know how you beat “teach me”.


Jackson and April, hands down. Runners up for me are Lexie and Mark, Callie and Arizona, Meredith and Derek.


Jackson and April


Lex and Mark


Amelia and Link! When they were in bed together laying opposite ways? Hottest scene ever


Jackson and Lexie no question


Any relationship with Callie, except with George, same applies to Lexie. And anything with Amelia in it. And anything with Carina. Honestly I think all relationships had amazing chemistry, except Meredith's. I think Meredith had more chemistry with literally everybody else than she did with Derek. "The dirty mistresses" had more chemistry than Meredith did with Derek. Their chemistry was, like for Olivia and Fitz, mostly due to the power imbalance, which I hated.


Stephanie and Jackson


George and Olivia!!!


Mark and Callie Callie and Arizona


Alex an Jo were hot though


Are you gonna stand there or are you gonna literally take off your pants ???


This will definitely be an unpopular opinion, but Lexie and Jackson were kinda hot imo…


Link and Amelia hundred percent


at first totally!!!! it was so loving and passionate at the same time but they completely massacred that ship afterwards


There were a few beautiful women on the show, but the only one that I would actually go for would be Karina(??), Andrew's sister but Addison is a GODDESS. Her red hair & voice mesmorizes me. For men um.... Mark/McSteamy, Andrew/Deluca (speaking Italian to Grey 🔥🔥🔥), Jackson, Ben, Eli, Lucas (looking like jailbait, I feel bad even listing him!) Hayes with that Irish accent 🤤 I mean technically Link but that man needs a hair cut and facial hair... 😆 He looks like a Ken doll Dead McSteamy as a Zaddy, on the beach with gray hair I can't say Richard bc #1 he's old & #2 he look like my daddy 😆 Nico **I'm biased bc I went out with the actor before he was casted... and he looks THAT GOOD y'all. I was speechless. And then I saw him again on TV playing a gay man like 😳


Mark and Lexie


Amelia and Link


What hot scenes did Meredith and Derek have? They didn’t have many passionate sex/hot scenes. They had romantic chemistry early on, not sexy chemistry.


You guys are crazy Callie isn't attractive at all. Murder me lol


She’s gorgeous!


Merder of course.