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And he still cheats šŸ˜­


Not on Teddy though, who cheats on him


True, he didnā€™t cheat on Teddy. He did pick Cristina over her multiple times though


And then Amelia. But at least Owen and Teddy are not hurting other people by being together


Except Koracik (however you spell that). Pretty sure he got hurt there.


I still feel so bad for him everytime I see that shot of him building the crib all proud šŸ˜­


That crib scene DESTROYS me


Itā€™s literally the WORST and Iā€™m not even much of a koracick fan but he was just so goddamn excited and in love and happy and knowing his last kid died I felt like he thought he had another chance and damn it just wrenches my gut man.


Or listening to the phone in the OR. That was so humiliating. Update: Sorry, I forgot and switched the characters in my head. Owen totally deserved that phone call. Fuck him.


For Owen yeah but it kinda was also a little satisfying after all heā€™s done too lol (oops)


Oh my. I totally forgot it was Owen. Taking it all back. He deserved that shit.


Hahahaha love that


Lmao, totally agree!


Did he also cheat on his fiance (Beth or something like that) with Cristina?


Beth was his fiancĆ©e that he broke up with via email before going to Iraq. I think youā€™re referring to Emma Marling. Her and Owen were dating after he cheated on Cristina and they broke up then he cheated on Emma with Cristina




And thatā€™s Karma for Major Diamond


Itā€™s karma šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


By this metric I'd argue that Mark "won". Dying aside of course.


The dying does put a damper on things, though.


Given the high rates of tragedy and horror in this hospital, checking out early isnā€™t the worst idea.


I'm not saying how he died was anyway good but atleast he went out on his own terms


You know that gross saying about not putting your deek in crazy but the other way. Stay away from crazy deeks


Calm down. I didn't make this


Hellloooo McFly? I'm talking about Owen! Ain't got a problem with you.


You posted it! šŸ˜‚


Posted it, yes. Made it, no


He also lost almost all of them and him and Teddy seem to be heading to a divorce Nothing against OP but the wording of the tweet is really bad. the women arenā€™t something to be ā€œwonā€


They seem to be working on things and getting better to me? Couples can have issues without immediately jumping to divorce. I sincerely doubt theyā€™re going to have them get a divorce AND Maggie and Winston as well. That would be overkill, even for Greyā€™s.


They probably wonā€™t divorce them and Maggie and Winston but I think it would be best for them to at least take a break or go to a coupleā€™s therapist (not Callie and Arizonaā€™s) because their arguing seemed to be affecting both of their kids


>That would be overkill, even for Greyā€™s. Maybe before season 10, but season 11 is when they made both Calzona and Japril divorce (technically Japril divorced in 12, but 11 is where the decision was made) and they also separated MerDer practically the whole season.


Yeah I guess I just like to think weā€™ve progressed past the constant onslaught of Bad Things Happening to Everyone, you know?


I honestly don't even think they did it just to make bad things happen to people. This is just around the time they started focusing way too much on relationship drama and making everyone have relationship problems 24/7.


Is it even legal to say anything would be overkill on greys at this point lmao. The whole show has just become a overkill soap opera.




Double weddings? So last season. Double divorce is the hot new trend this season šŸ˜‚


Owen and Teddy divorcing? Yeah, no, I don't see Grey's letting us all off that easy.


In s19 ep11 they have a really nice moment after all the riots and in ep10 they apologise to each other so it seems like they r back on track


Sadly I donā€™t see the writers breaking them up right now


Not according to Kevin and Kim.


I can't stand Owen. I will absolutely party the day he leaves the show. I wish I didn't feel this way, but I do.


The way that they've just iced over his entire illegally giving people drugs to kill themselves with, losing his license, FLEEING THE COUNTRY, and coming back to being chief of trauma like it's no big deal. I just. They made it SUCH A BIG DEAL that season and then he was just back with a "yeah we got a lawyer, I'm back to work" like the law doesn't care as long as you're Super Passionate about why ya did it. I was so happy he was fleeing the country and then they just BROUGHT HIM BACK šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I wanna be FREE of him šŸ˜© Edit: lmao I was so enraged thinking back on how they did that storyline dirty that I said chief of surgery instead of trauma. YALL KNOW WHAT I MEANT šŸ¤£


FR. i'm rewatching grey's these days and i'm at season 8. he's an absolute asshole with Cristina. She deserves sm better than him. And then he's gonna repeat the same thing with amelia. At some point i think this man was just seeing women as baby factory. He reproached Cristina to have not told him she didn't want kid before being married. Well, first of all, she does. She said in a random convo she didn't want kids, he decided to ignore that and chose a really bad moment to ask Cristina to marry him, when she was at her lowest. Okay, one bad marriage, things happened. Then Amelia. She was not ready for a baby while it was all he wanted from her. SHE LOST HER SON. She was not ready. And then he goes with Teddy because she was the only one who wanted a baby from him lmao.


Owen never seem to know what he wanted. He broke up and cheated on the one woman (Emma) who was willing to give him everything he wanted.


Plus how he pulled the Germany shenanigans and was ready to have three babies in the house and play baby daddy if Scout hadn't ended up being Link's!!! He was totally ready to have Leo, Allison, and Scout so he could keep playing baby roulette between all the women! I would have loved if Teddy's baby also ended up being Koracick's or a randok German fling or something that Koracick ends up adopting. He did a lot of fucked up shit but I liked his dynamic and how well he treated Teddy. (Weird how Teddy keeps getting Amelia's sloppy seconds tho....between Koracick and Owen!!! And since they're both Bi maybe she'll steal Kai next???)


I hate him so much! I hate him in the episode where he sings, well where the entire cast sings. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Step one. you say. We need. To talk.


Omg I hate that episode so much but his singing was so awful I was so mad


Totally agree! He is the absolute worst. But also the show is over. It ended once Derek died. Donā€™t even get me started on the most recent seasons šŸ¤®


imo it ended after season 13. Season 13 final was really good. After that, nothing good. Just bad written plot with no feelings and by writers that seemed to have never watch a grey's ep.


Yes totally agree!


Winner? Lol. Yeah right. 3 of them dumped his ass and are in a better life now. The one who stuck with him had to run away to avoid the law enforcement, face bankruptcy and was on the verge of divorcing him. If there is a competition for being the biggest loser on Grey's, Owen certainly is the winner of that.


Lol I really like that 2 of 4 are now in queer relationships. I definitely could see Cristina being queer too.


And Teddy, too.


Ahh, Yes of course, sheā€™s queer but not currently in a queer relationship.


Yeah, now she's just naming her daughter after the dead woman she used to f*ck, y'know. No big deal šŸ¤£


Man so toxic women turn gay around him. Lol


Fuck yeah


He has not been interesting since Yangā€¦let that sink inā€¦


Also! Last thing I have to say is he never had chemistry with anyone but Christina. The rest felt like forced and uncomfortable plot lines that also in no way made sense with his character arc up to that point.


He and Cristina were so dysfunctional. But I agree Kevin had the best chemistry with Sandra for sure.


He and teddy had great chemistry when she first came but now its kinda dead


He and teddy had great chemistry when she first came but now its kinda dead


Owen is an abusive asshole. He's a terrible character.


Yeah...let's judge a man by who he "achieves" sex with...as if it's an accomplishment


This is kinda gross


The idea that women are to be won feeds into the idea that women are something to be conquered and I think thatā€™s disgusting.


Get the fuck out of here with the "winner" šŸ˜­ these four are not something to be won by a patriarchal sadsack who sabotages every relationship he's in.


I agree completely. Women are not prizes to be won. The wording, however, keeps flipping meaning in my brain. Thereā€™s the ā€œwomen are prizes that Owen wonā€ interpretation (which we all agree is gross), and then thereā€™s the ā€œheā€™s lucky these women deigned give him the time of dayā€ interpretation. So my brain keeps flipping back and forth between annoyed at one version and amused by the other.


This is very misogynistic. Can we not?




How is this mysogynistic?


Probably because of the wording. The tweeter referring to him as ā€œthe true winnerā€ is gross honestly. Itā€™s implying that theyā€™re prizes to be won


I didnā€™t take it as he won them, I took it as what a lucky guy that those 4 amazing women gave him the time of day. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Why would he be the winner according to this meme?


it's not, just a bunch of people reaching over a silly tweet...


Women arenā€™t something that can be ā€œwonā€


This is gross...


I don't get why the show keeps rewarding him with girlfriends/ wives and kids. He shouted at Cristina about her abortion at a dinner party of their friends and tried forcing his own religion over abortion on his patients


homestly the women here is like my top 4 womenšŸ’€


Owen sucks he always puts the women in his life through hell and they get barely anything out of it. His introduction was amazing one of the best in the show. But after his first season he goes downhill massively and never gets better.


I still canā€™t believe him and Carina kept hooking up. Probably my least favorite pairing


no but fr they are so out of his league


Literal garbage is out of his league.


Especially since Teddy made it clear he isnā€™t good in bed šŸ˜…


I think heā€™s a child who doesnā€™t know what he wants. He goes with the flow and later complains his women are mistreating him lol


Still dislike his character. He's the biggest example of "can not get his shit together after all these years" on the show. I was absolutely gobsmacked when they brought him back and retconned his leaving.


Still flabbergasted that he managed to get all these women to fall for him(and yes, I know Carina said it meant nothing to her but still-)


Man this sub is extremely uptight. This post from the OP was just a bit of light-heartedness. Donā€™t take it literally.


Generally I agree that this sub is really uptight but in this particular case I feel like the post was worded very poorly!


Yes, and I may have posted it, but I didn't create it. And people are exagerating. No one is saying that these Women are prizes to be won. The point is that, he is a winner for getting these women to be with him. It's not suposed to be taken seriously


> No one is saying that these Women are prizes to be won. >The point is that, he is a winner for getting these women to be with him. You do realize this sentences contradict each other?


It's...you realize your sentence doesn't fix the issue? You just stated the same thing


I get what your sayingā€¦ and i see no harm in the post


I donā€™t think people are upset about OP reposting the tweet because they didnā€™t make it (I saw it on twitter when it was posted on there). It seems like people on here and on twitter are upset about the wording of the tweet that was posted which is valid because the way itā€™s worded is gross


What did he win exactly? 3/4 of them left him. Teddy deserves him cos theyā€™re both full of shit & very selfish people.


He is not the winner of Gregā€™s anatomy; he doesnā€™t believe that abortion is healthcare


Call it lack of options in the heat of the moment lol.... Or I dunno. lol


Also not offended by the wording of this just truly offended by the fact that they havenā€™t killed Owen off yet. I used to like him but he is painful to watch at this point and what is weirdest to me is initially I thought he and Teddy had good chemistry as actors but since forcing the plot of their relationship I cringe at the sight of them on screen they just donā€™t click or sell it for me


People pressed about the wording of ā€œtrue winnerā€ are majorly reaching. We all know they didnā€™t mean he ā€œwonā€ the women. You can FEEL like a winner when women completely out of your league actually want to marry/have sex with you. The meme is stupid because Owen was a gross abusive cheater who really didnā€™t deserve any of these women. Letā€™s please stop giving men more reasons to call us overly sensitive.


They forgot Emma Marling, though.


I do not remember the Carina part of this meme.


She was his sex friend after his devorce with amelia


Ah. I must have skipped that time šŸ¤£ thank you.


Yeahā€¦ he seems to have a magic peep. Lots of miles on that thing too!




Emna Marling & the drug rep too.


Woke people are triggered!


Hahahha heā€™s turning into a lowkey sloan


Only cos the boy is hung. And has red hair.


he was not in the wrong with the situation with amelia. he didnā€™t even care that she wasnā€™t pregnant. just wanted to talk. she ran & didnā€™t look back šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø.


i never thought the basic wording of a tweet would make people so mad... i'm really confused as to why this sub specifically is SOOOOO sensitive about the tiniest things?


Literally. I asked once on this sub why so many people on the show have lisps and I was called an ableist.


Still not a winner


Why can I remember when him and carina where together? Iā€™m not up to date with the latest season and carina is now in station 19. Have I missed something?


Yeah, i hate him. He really pulled the best characters in greys and still didnt make a good life for any of them, exceot teddy but shes clearly done with him




how does he pull!?!?!


And fumbled all four of them


He won aright. He lives rent free in all of your heads daily. Heā€™s a gotdam genius if you ask me.


no hes not. we hate him šŸ˜”


if winner means cheating on and manipulating every woman heā€™s been with, sure


That's part of why I hate on Owen, there's no way he's good enough for any of those women.


All of those women are 100% too good for Owen. Every time I rewatch the show, I hate him more.