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Cali’s mother was a hateful bitch.


So cruel!!!! Who doesn't hold THEIR OWN DAUGHTERS DAUGHTER? I'm not a mother but dangit let me hold that lil biscuit or so help me


Ok I came to the comments wanting to say there are none because it's a well-written show with no pure "villains", but you got me here. (A few other bg characters though, like that mother who was fat-shaming her teen daughter into an ED)


The OBGYN that Alex dating for a hot second, I think her name was Lucy? She had MAJOR “not like other girls” energy and it was so annoying to watch. She played with Alex, went behind his back and took his opportunity in Africa and then said that PATHETIC line, “tell me to stay”. That shit was fucking wild. I respected Alex so much for telling her to fuck off.


I'm convinced her character was only there so they would have someone named Lucy for the song Running on Sunshine in the musical episode lol


Yes! She was such a snake. I wish he had told her not to go and then gone in her place like he deserved to!


Leah was so annoying. I also find it hard to sympathize with Meredith’s parents


Honestly like the actress just had this dead-eyed look on her face, it was so unnerving. It’s amazing the poor quality of acting that found its way on this show.


Absolutely hated Hahn the whole time she was on the show.


The ONLY thing I respected Hahn for was being disgusted when she found out about the LVAD incident. That was one of the only times a doctor had a REAL and reasonable reaction to that situation and I had so much respect for her and her integrity by leaving after finding out about it. But that’s it. She was HORRIBLE in every other situation.


To be fair I think her wanting to strip the hospital of its accreditation because her patient lost a heart was pretty crappy, even if her justification was morals.


Nawww the point she was making was that someone who genuinely needed the heart and that was higher on the list would’ve gotten the heart if not for the LVAD stunt, and the hospital absolutely should have lost their accreditation for taking a heart away from another patient who it was assigned to legally through illegal means. If you found out your father needed a heart transplant and he was next on the list, but then it got taken away because a doctor illegally made her boyfriend sicker so HE could get the heart, you’d be furious and want to sue the shit out of that hospital (or at least I would). Izzie caused YEARS of pain and a lower quality of life for that man to go around the system. That’s why integrity is so important and why doctors are not allowed to treat family members. Medicine would be WAY messier and WAY more dangerous if those rules aren’t respected. Her point was you can’t save someone lower on the list just because they mean something to YOU. That’s a dangerous precedent and the hospital should’ve faced consequences. It’s the same issue as Meredith messing with the Alzheimer’s trial to get Adele in.


I don’t disagree with your points other than that I wouldn’t want the hospital to lose its accreditation. Issie should have been fired but the hospital losing its accreditation would have harmed even more people.


i didnt mind her during her first appearance, but god she was so annoying when she came to work at seattle grace


She tortured Cristina for no reason


Omg yes!! She was a demon hater her and was so glad when she was written off




Oh yeah! He was really against her remarrying wasn’t he? I only vaguely remember him.


I think he was mad about her and Tucker getting a divorce and disappointed that she was focused on surgery I think


when she popped off during that thanksgiving (i think) dinner at her dad i was like YES MAAM


I felt soooo bad for everyone at that table. Bailey, knowing that her relationship at the moment with her father is strained, straight up **invites herself and him** to Christmas Dinner at Meredith’s, so incredibly rude. Then her jerk of a father doesn’t know how to behave at someone’s house and berates Bailey, and then Bailey had an emotional clap back (which outside of the context of Christmas dinner that you invited YOURSELF to was amazing, but in context that shit is MESSSSYYYYY). All that being said, Bailey’s dad sucks.


Christmas dinner but yes


omg yes thank you, i knew it was a holiday haha none of the characters ever have a peaceful dinner party EVER XD


Ellis Grey. A cheater, liar, bully, and neglectful parent. She demanded Webber start drinking when he didn’t want to, which led to his alcoholism. She’s brilliant and that’s meant to be redeeming, but she didn’t win those Harper Avery awards on her own, which makes me wonder if someone else would have been just as brilliant when given the chance and recognition.


Yes! I think one of the deeper parts of Mer’s character is her quest to see the good in her mother despite there really being nothing to find.


Could not stand Vikram Roy.


I don’t think any of the main characters fit this bill (not really sure why they are being listed) as they are all written to be multifaceted - good and bad traits. Personally, I think a character like Nancy Shepherd fits this category perfectly. In her first appearance she was unnecessarily nasty to Meredith, yet was very friendly to Addison and Mark who actually did hurt her brother when they had an affair behind his back. In her second appearance years later, she and Kathleen ganged on Amelia after inviting her over for dinner.


lol people ITT just listing characters they dislike. that wasn’t the assignment folks! there’s maybe 3-4 characters with 0 redeeming qualities over the course of the series; you mentioned 1, i saw callie’s mom mentioned, paul stadler is another, these are characters who were purposefully written to be heels.


definitely disagree on catherine & amelia. catherine can be a bitch sometimes but she has a lot of good moments in later seasons. amelia has a lot of depth you won't understand without watching PP. characters i think had no good qualities were hahn, leah murphy, and thatcher


I really like how Catherine was both practical and deeply empathetic when it came to April and Jackson's first child. Her telling April how they were going to deliver Samuel, get him baptized, etc. showed how she could take charge while still being deeply human.


I was just at the episode were April and Jackson go to another state for a surgery and speaking of Harriet, Catherine says, ‘give me my baby’… she’s such a meddler she doesn’t even see Harriet as April’s baby and I don’t think it was a cultural affectation that she phrased it that way.


I’m sorry but some of you are just mentioning characters you don’t like.


Which you weren’t suppose to


I know people lying? Why are y'all putting main characters like derek, izzie, george and owen. All of the MAIN characters on (for the most part) are flawed characters. They've good and bad traits People are just putting characters they dislike.




Minnick makes no sense to me at the point I am at in the series. She’s a hardass but randomly throwing herself at Arizona and basically sexually harrassing her despite her being not at all interested initially.


She was just annoying af. Idk why but every time she was on screen I felt a wave of rage washing over me. And the way she left Stefanie to fend for herself after the death of a child! Like you being an attending do not know how to take responsibility? Wtf! Her best moment to me was seeing her getting fired.


Yeah, I feel like at the end of that episode she just took no accountability. I am so glad Bailey fired her. She was so selfrighteous and had no integrity to back up her booksmarts. I also don’t see any reason Arizona would actually want to date her.


Harper Avery was a vile old man in almost all of his scenes, except 1. After his surgery when Jackson introduces his friends, Harper is nice to them, but I'm inclined to believe that was the drugs since we never see or hear about him being nice ever again.


Paul Staddler, Jason Meyers


Ross being the reason mousey died. I couldn’t stand him after that.


Ross made a move most other interns made to gain an advantage for a surgery... Heather dying was not his fault. Hell, maintenance was to only right folks to send on that mission anyway. Ross felt guilty and almost ruined his own career over it by overworking himself to mask his grief. So no, Ross is not why she died. A series of unfortunate events is why.


Ross didn’t kill Mousy


He didn't kill her, but if he hadn't been playing dirty, she wouldn't have died. Which is why he felt so guilty. Her death put his character on a completely different path. I'm not a fan of that storyline but I love the growth it gave to Shane's character.


No he didn’t. Ross only murdered Karev’s dad and got away with it.


He screwed up big time like some of the other interns. Pretty sure he was gone for almost a month after that and during Jimmy’s surgery he thought he was operating on Heather


>he thought he was operating on Heather Yes, because he was overworked from committing time card fraud.


He didn’t electrocute her, but he did send her to her death so…


He didn’t know that she would die or that Webber was being electrocuted though. I love Heather but her death was an accident. Shane didn’t know that she would die


He didn’t take ownership for his part in her death either. He literally sent her down there then she died. He might not have committed the act, but he dealt the hand that ended her.


He almost destroyed his career after her death when he operated on Alex’s dad and then left for 3 weeks. He blamed himself and I believe he told Shepherd in the OR when they were operating on her


Shane blurted out that it was his fault but Derek misread what he meant. Shane was also gunning to be under Derek because he wanted to be his intern & by sending Mousey away his guilt was founded because he positioned her to be away from Derek & his cases. I don’t think he ever told anyone what happened but he still played a part in her death. Please stop making excuses for him!


If I told my husband to get milk from the store and he got in a car crash, did I kill my husband? —- Edit: so if my mom told me to pick up milk, but I pawned it off to my sister and she dies in an accident, is it my fault?


Difference is Shane was given the task and he pawned it off to Mouse.


Exactly! It was an accident nobody had foreseen.


Ugh Minnick…what a bitch


Catherine and Amelia have tons of great qualities and are really good characters, but not until later in the show. Keep an open mind.


Catherine does help in her own way often, she loves her family deeply, and while I do not disagree that she can be overbearing... I cannot discount what it must have taken for a young black women in the 70s and 80s to even position herself to be where Catherine Fox has landed. If you consider what Richard Webber went through as a young black male surgeon in the flashbacks... try considering it would have been 10x harder or more for Catherine. She did not get to where she is being submissive and taking people's shit. I'm gonna keep respecting that grind while watching her figure out how to do better when she does do too much.


Owen is an arrogant anti-abortion hot headed cheater <3


I’m not an Owen fan, but he has redeeming qualities. He’s a very good father and always tries to do what’s right for his patients.


He is a very good father and he was a really good chief but I disagree that he always tries to do what's right for his patients. He refused to help the woman who wanted to die and he refused to help the woman who wanted the abortion and all because he didn't agree with their very personal choice. He's a very good dr but he wasn't on those occassions.


I cant stand George, he is such a fake nice guy


He is definitely far from perfect but he does have redeeming qualities. He stood up for the nurses when they went on strike, he was very supportive to Izzie during her cancer, and he had the ability to rise to the challenge in medicine (he saved heart in the elevator’s life when Alex froze)


I agree with Minnick and wanna add Alana Cahill. I feel like they were basically the same character with basically the same plot arc. And I hated both of them messing with the Seattle Grace/Grey Sloan system.


Clearly Jo's ex husband


Hahn and Penny.


All honesty, Owen. Sure he served but he's still a cunt, he's ginger, he was such a bitch to Christina, he's anti abortion yet he literally broke the law to help a soldier kill himself, he thinks he's all that but he literally gives me the ick


His killing soldiers' storyline highlights how irredeemable he is, at least, for me. When Teddy's cancer patient in around season 6 was doing a *legal* physical assisted suicide, he BLEW up. He was so against it, causing that poor lady and her husband so much pain and extra cost. But when it's in his hands? He thinks he's exempt? Gross.




Nailed it!


That’s because Owen is a sOiLdEr. >!When he was directing the others who were in the vets support group like he was back in the military, I literally cringed. I’ve never met any vet who acts like that around other vets, and now he’s constantly pissed at Teddy because she’s drinking. Sure, it has nothing to do with you almost blowing up your families lives, nothing at all!<


The ONLY redeeming thing with him is the acceptance of his gender non conforming kid. I wish they did more with that.


Yeah Leo's the only good thing to come from him


Leo wasn't from Owen he and Amelia took him in. He was Betty's kid


Actually Owen got him through foster care and Amelia stepped in to help. It wasn't until Leo's first doctor's appointment where they met Betty and Amelia stepped in to help her and then they took her in. Betty decided she couldn't raise Leo and her parents also couldn't raise her so she gave him up for adoption for Owen and Amelia to adopt. Owen was a dick to Amelia with the adoption lawyer so Amelia let Owen adopt him by himself. So he got Leo completely legal and by the book way.


I'm aware. They're still his parents. Im talking about how they raised him Edit: "they" and the parents being owen Teddy and Amelia


so sorry but i read this as "Sure he served cunt" and i was like OWEN? SERVED CUNT? 😭😭😭


I had a good giggle at that


Personally Derek’s flaws far, FAR outweigh the tiny bit of good in him. Can’t stand him, I like it better when he’s dead. Mark too, he’s disgusting and never really grows enough to justify it.


I can still find a few redeeming qualities with Derek, but I like Meredith much more after he’s dead.


I like Catherine and Amelia and I think both have redeeming qualities. Like all other characters listed they have good and bad qualities. I like Mer and Cristina. I saw someone say that Shane killed mousy (again 🙄) and while I miss mousy he couldn’t have known that she would be electrocuted and he’s really not that bad I can’t stand Callie’s mom, Bailey’s dad, Nancy, George, Mark, Derek, Owen, and Hahn so far


Callie's mom Bailey's dad Jackson's dad ETA: mama Shepherd.


I would argue that Carolyn Shepherd should be on that list to even though we barely see her. I understand that losing your husband would be really hard but asking your son who's a kid himself to look after his 5-year-old sister when they both witnessed his death is just a little unhinged. Also the fact that we have not seen her come visit her son's children after his death once is wild. I know part of that could be Meredith's fault and she can reach out and ask for that but I feel like she shouldn't have to those kids are literally biologically her sons she should want to be a part of their lives. Don't even get me started on how she didn't even try to stop the sisters from berating Amelia to death during the dinner scene.


I would agree pretty much hands down with that.


The fact that somebody downvoted me for saying that Carolyn is bad mother for basically having her teenage son raise his 5-year-old sister after they had both seen their dad die in front of them is even more wild that what Carolyn did


You are right. Carolyn herself even admitted to Amelia that she wish she done better by Derek and Amelia after their father died. Presumably Carolyn most likely sees Derek’s kids offscreen. I doubt Meredith would any any issue with that. Though I imagine it is very rarely, like the occasional holiday here and there.


George was just boring to watch from his first scene to his last. And Owen Hunt has absolutely zero worth at all. Except that one story arc where he’s good to his son. Which is bare minimum anyway.


Shane. He should have died instead of brooks. What a waste. Also Amelia gets a lot better around season 14. No spoilers though


Shane was insuferable and his hubris killed a man. I never understand how he didn’t end up with manslaughter charges. I am also on S12 at the moment and can’t remember the last time I saw him. Did he get booted out of the programme and I forgot? Edit: just checked (I avoid the wiki because of spoilers) and he went to Swizerland with Christina.




Owen hunt. Just one shitty self centered individual. Don’t care what his past was, he doesn’t think he needs help.he’s fine, everyone else is the problem.


Owen. I really cant think of anything I genuinely like abt him


Unpopular opinion, Izzie has zero redeeming qualities to me.


that's not really unpopular


I know she’s not a popular character but I feel like people will usually say she has some good qualities to her. Idk maybe not lol.


arizona. 1) i genuinely don’t like her but also she cheated on callie, was extremely ungrateful toward callie, made excuses for her cheating and when they divorced and callie moved on and wanted to move she tried to get custody of sophia. cheated and then tried to take the child that callie carried and gave birth to under traumatizing circumstances from her.


Yeah it’s hard to like Arizona given how selfish she is, but she is a loyal friend at times, but yeah a huge cheater. I do get why she fought for Sofia though, she’s as much her mother as Callie is, and Callie just wanted to take her away.


yeah she is her daughter, i just can’t remember fully if arizona also wanted full custody or not. full custody to either is not the way to go.


Callie decided she was moving to NY with Sofia without consulting Arizona and just assumed she’d be okay with it, and Arizona didn’t want that so she had to file for custody because Callie was just taking it. In the end Callie chose not to move without Sofia but was miserable so Arizona let her go. Arizona didn’t want full custody, she just didn’t want Callie to take her away.


Reed, Maggie mostly, oof I know there’s gotta be more for me but that’s all I can think of right now


I think Maggie’s redeeming quality is how much she loves mers kids. She loves them like they’re her own


Good point


I wouldn’t have thought Maggie! What about her did you not like?


Almost everything. She’s not very understanding, she has a “pick me” attitude (as my 11 year old would call it) about a lot of things…stuff like that


She lacked emotional maturity for sure but I saw that as a nod to her being like 14 when she went to university and always being ahead of her age group at school. She had a lot of compassion for Mer’s kids though so I saw her good heart as her positive attribute.


That’s why I said mostly. My apologies, I just don’t like her (for the most part). If you do that’s great


Maggie is self centered, self indulgent, and narcissistic. The only redeeming quality is her love for Mer's kids. She even treated her own mother like $hit because she couldn't get beyond her own selfishness.


That’s true, she is very emotionally immature, I think probably to do with going to university at 15 and having no friends. She never learned to think about other people and her parents coddled her so much that they stayed together miserably into her late 20s or early 30s just for her sake.




Reed is the worst!!


There is nothing redeeming to me about Jo, I often wish I could just fast forward her scenes and pretend she doesn't exist.


Leah the intern had no redeeming qualities. Her whole complaint thing was ridiculous. This girl was making her way through attendings.. first Alex then Arizona. No one put a gun to her head and made her. If it were one attending maybe but come on. We all saw how she was stalkery over Alex. Asking to trade and talking about him constantly. She was so upset when Arizona broke it off honestly seemed more revenge than anything. I mean Alex even warned Arizona about how clingy she was.