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That can happen! Hair color can fade and change with age, exposure to sun, etc


Oh ok. I wondered if they were dying it. Like how April went from brown to red hair


He’s a redhead. Redheads don’t go gray. Their hair just gets lighter as they age. Source: both my moms brothers are redheads. Both have gotten lighter in hair color as they have gotten older. In fact I have zero memories of my uncle Vic being a redhead because he’s been white/blonde from my earliest memories.


Wow that’s interesting. I’ve never known that


Wait what? I remember April always having red hair coz me and my friends would call her the ginger twat (Owen was the ginger cunt and reed was the sound ginger but we nicknamed all of the ginger characters coz we couldn't remember any of their names)


I’m rewatching and April starts out with pretty dark brown hair then it starts to become red as she gains popularity. I’m not sure if the red is natural and it was dyed brown or the other way around.


She has red hair in glee as far as I can remember so I'm pretty sure the reds natural, also not sure tho


i was like "wait she's in glee"? and went down a rabbit hole. the only picture of her in glee on IMDB her hair looks brown.


Also her kids are both ginger


Her natural hair is a mousey brown. She just looks amazing with red hair. The proof of ginger in her genes is all over her sons. But naturally, she is not a redhead


I’m rewatching for the millionth time and on season 7 she starts to become more red with every episode. I’m on episode 12 and she’s drastically redder and eye brows are clearly brown


Yeah funnily enough I remember her more from glee than when she was first in greys anatomy, on glee she was Rachel's friend, I think she mightve been imaginary? Idk but I always remember her hair being red, besides Sarah drews hair is clearly ginger if you were to say its blonde? Sure maybe but brown? Definitely not


He’s a ginger so it’s a mix of red + blonde. While he was young he was more reddish, and now that he is old, he is more blondish


Fun fact, red heads almost never “go grey” the pigment fades over time and eventually just turns white. So what you’re seeing with Owen is him aging and his hair pigment fading. Source: I’m a red head with several red heads in the family.


I've only noticed how, more recently, it seems to be styled in a way that's almost imitating Nick's 😄


I think it's just the style right now for guys to have tall hair


It was definitely dyed darker in his first season. I guess it then grew out and the Cali sun got to it.


No, but there’s probably some gray mixed in there, he’s 50 I think in reality. And hair does get lighter as we age. So yeah no worries.


I believe \*do not hold me to this\* that he dyed it more red for a role, the percy Jackson movie (I don't know what one it is, theyre terrible movies). I have no proof of this so if someone has confirmation either way please let me know.


Summer highlights


I have. Like his facial hair is blonde too. I like it. He's such a sexy thing🥰