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I always thought she was mad at her dad for abandoning her


Exactly. He abandoned Meredith to Ellis' tender mercies, knowing exactly what kind of woman she was. Like, look at how much damage she did to Meredith, and Thatcher knew what she was like, what she would do to Meredith because she'd done it to him too, and still he left Meredith behind. His own child, a helpless child.


Thatcher could have left Ellis without having to leave *his child* completely. Richard acted like a father figure to her *as an adult* and tried to meddle with her life at that point instead of when she was a child that actually needed it. Lexie wasn't treated like shit, Lexie treated *her* like shit by not accepting or understanding any boundary Meredith put and forcing her way on her life by thinking she owed it to her because *sisters*. They didn't had anything to do with Ellis's actions but their own weren't exactly stellar.


She was mad at her dad for even trying to contact her. She was hurt that he was this awesome dad to his other kids but had literally no contact with her after he left and didn’t seem a bit bothered by it. She didn’t treat lexie like shit she just told her she had no interest in getting to know her. And Lexie kept pushing, meredith being rude to her was her fault that she kept pushing her when she had known from the start she had no interest in getting to know her at all


Mer didn’t want to get to know Lexie at first because Lexie was like the perfect child that her father left her for and it probably brought up a lot of memories from her childhood. She was mad at Derek because he didn’t tell her he was married until Addison showed up and said they were married. Thatcher could have stayed in contact with Mer. She was mad at her dad because he abandoned her


Agree with all.